
Naruto: My Ninja Way

TURKISH_WOMAN · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Training with Minato

Hokage office

Akira, who came to the Hokage's office right after class, told the Hokage what happened to Shouta and waited for the 3rd Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen to give an answer. Sarutobi Hiruzen, on the other hand, was quite surprised by what he heard and was equally pleased. Having such a mindset at such a young age was not to be taken lightly. After thinking for a while, Hiruzen turned to Akira after taking a breath on his pipe.

"Shadow of the Hokage, is quite an interesting dream. Make sure you follow this little Akira, if he's both talented and smart that's good for Konoha. Masamune Shouta seems like a good seed, maybe he could be one of Konoha's pillars in the future."

Akira nodded solemnly and left the room with Hiruzen's permission. After staring at the door for a while, Hiruzen got up and walked to the window behind him. He looked out the window while it folded its arms behind its back. There was a small glint in his brown eyes as he had a small smile on his face.

"Masamune Shouta, you are a very interesting boy. I'm curious what future you will have. I will follow your path with interest."


As Shouta gave Minato the chakra paper in his hand, he began telling his friend as he had previously been told.

"Come on, now you need to transfer your chakra into it. When the paper catches fire and turns to ash, you have an affinity for fire. When it splits open, you have wind. When it soaks, you have water. When it crumpled, you have Lightning and when it scatters like dirt you have an affinity for earth."

Minato nodded and transferred his chakra into the paper. The paper was first cut in half and then one of the pieces was crumpled. Shouta smiled and spoke again.

"It seems that you have an affinity for wind and lightning. Wind being your prime affinity. So we both have the same aptitude. While learning ninjutsu, we can both learn the same jutsu. So how is your chakra control?"

Minato was quite pleased that he had an aptitude for the two elements. A smile formed on his face as he answered Shouta's question.

"Actually, I'm not so sure, I can't say I've used my chakra many times. Even though I use it in my taijutsu training, it's limited to that."

"Okay, then let's start with chakra control. Since last week I have also started chakra control. Chakra control is actually pretty important, you can guess why. The better your control, the less chakra you waste. For example, think of two people in the same situation. Its strength, speed, and even chakra capacity are the same. The one with the better chakra control of the two has a much higher chance of winning."

Shouta continued as he handed Minato some tree leaves.

"Take these leaves and try to stick them to your body with your chakra. But start by trying to stick one of these on your forehead. Raise the leaves as you capture the point. And if you can stick ten of them on your body for an hour, you get to the second level."

Minato nodded as he picked up the sheets. After sitting cross-legged on the floor, he began his workout. Shouta took one last look at Minato and stepped into the small bay next to him. In a week he had glued the leaves to his body, climbed the trees and walked on the water. Although he didn't have much talent before, a hundredfold talent had put him on the talent lane of Minato, Kakashi, and Itachi. He could do all three exercises in one week. Now it was time for the next phase. He sat down on the ground at the edge of the stream. While dipping one finger in the water, he tried to cover his finger with chakra so it wouldn't get wet. Then the other fingers will enter in turn.

An hour later he was already able to protect all his fingers from the water. Thinking that the chakra control work was enough for today, he got up and approached Minato again. Looking at Minato, he noticed that he had already taped ten sheets of paper onto his body. He smiled at this situation and waited for him to finish his education. About ten minutes later, when he opened his eyes, the leaves that were stuck to his body started falling off his body.

"I see you've completed the first step. You did it faster than me, it took me two hours. Level two for you, you will climb the tree."

As Shouta walked towards a tree, watchete Minato curious what his friend would do. After reaching the tree, Shouta climbed the tree as if walking on a straight road. Once at the top, it was the same way down.

"As you can see, at this stage, focus your chakra on the soles of your feet and tape your feet to the tree. The amount of chakra is important here, if you apply too much you will be knocked off the tree, if you apply too little your feet will not stick and you will slip. Therefore, you should always transfer a constant amount to your feet."

Minato nodded in agreement, eyes shining, as he approached the tree and began his training. Shouta took a deep breath after smiling at his friend. He began training in the arts of Grandmaster Taijutsu, which he had been learning since last week. This information also included the necessary sequence of actions to prepare the body for this taijutsu. It was a sequence of 36 movements. However, all the muscles of the body work and the body becomes flexible and agile and also gains physical strength. He made the movements quickly while assuming the position. After all 36 moves were completed, he was back to square one. But finishing even just one sentence was quite challenging. He spent the next two hours on it. As he finished his last move, he fell to the ground. He was lying on the floor, breathing heavily, when he realized someone was sitting next to him. Turning his head, he noticed Minato taking a deep breath as well.

Minato took a deep breath, but turned to Shouta curiously.

"Shouta, what were those movements you made? They looked very different. It also looked like a very fast series of martial arts."

"I developed these movements myself to get my body used to them before learning my own Taijutsu. These movements work and develop all the muscles in the body. But they also help my joints gain flexibility and my muscles don't get stiff and remain flexible. Therefore, my body is both strong and flexible. It will also be agile. My taijutsu style will suit this. I can teach you if you want. I see that you also have a fighting style that is based on speed and agility based. Wait a minute!"

When Shouta got up and went home, Minato continued to sit confused. After Shouta went home and took two bottles of water, he transcribed his taijutsu and 36 series of movements in detail into a notebook through the system and returned to Minato. Arriving next to him, he gave a bottle of water and a notebook to his friend, who looked at him curiously, and then sat down next to him again.

"Everything is written in this notebook, you can train your body by following it. But I have to warn you, finishing a set isn't as easy as it seems."

After studying the notebook for a while, Minato developed a special respect and admiration for Shouta. Because everything was written in such detail that it was very easy to understand. In addition, everything was explained down to the last detail, such as which body muscles are trained with which movement and what effects they have.

"Thanks, this is going to be great for my taijutsu. Uh, it's starting to get dark, I'm going home now, see you tomorrow at the academy."

When Minato said goodbye, Shouta got up and sent him away. After saying goodbye at his door, Shouta entered the house again. He got his things ready and quickly went to the bathroom and took a good bath. After the shower, he went back to his room, got dressed and watched his two clones draw manga in his room. Yes, his clones have been writing novels and drawing manga for a week. He finished the novel in 3 days. Now they drew the manga. They had already finished 8 volumes in the manga. Bleach has 74 volumes in all, so if they could keep up at this rate it would have been done in two months. But of course he was able to offer the first eight volumes for sale. Luckily his father was in all aspects of the business, so he also had a press office. They also had bookstores, but they could have opened them if they hadn't, it wouldn't have been a problem. When his father came, it was enough for him to bring it to him. After thinking about what to do for a while, he felt tired and decided to get some sleep.


3 months later

Three months had passed since her first training session with Minato. A lot had happened since then. Initially, both his novel Avatar and his manga Bleach were commercialized and became hugely popular, exceeding Shouta's expectations. Almost all in Konoha hahave read both Avatar and Bleach. Bleach was more popular with young people. There were hardly any kids who didn't know and that led to Shouta becoming quite famous. In fact, sales weren't limited to Konoha, but spread throughout the Fire Nation. And in just 3 months he had made millions. That meant tens of thousands of system points. He wasn't accumulating or spending points now, and he didn't need anything else just yet.

Aside from that, he and Minato trained together every day after the academy. Both had fully completed their Chakra Control Training. They had near perfect chakra control. Both of their bodies had become quite strong and their taijutsu had evolved a lot as well. With just taijutsu, they had become strong enough to defeat any genin with ease. In the past few weeks, they had begun elemental control and cultivation. Shouta started with Lightning and Minato with Wind. In fact, both had already completed the first stage.

Otherwise his days were normal. In the morning to the academy, then back home and training. Around this time, Shouta became friends with Shikaku, Inoichi, Choza, Shibi, Hizashi, Hiashi, Tsume, and Mikoto. They had formed their own group at school and helped each other in any way they could. After the first month at the academy, face-to-face training began. They had started with shuriken and kunai throwing exercises, taijutsu fights and the first ninjutsu. And since then, Shouta has always been first and Minato second. Because of this, both had a fan club and both found it annoying.

At the moment the group was sitting in Shouta's restaurant eating. At this point, Inoichi turned to Shouta and curiously asked a question.

"Shouta when is the new volume of bleach coming out? I'm pretty excited to see what's going to happen. Ichigo lost to Renji in the end, I'm really excited for the sequel. I also wonder if he can save Rukia!"

Inoichi spoke rather excitedly, which made Shouta smile. Others turned to Shouta curious about Inoichi's question.

"I'm also quite curious about Ichigo and Renji's fight!"

As Tsume commented out loud, people at the table smiled at her. After that, Shouta answered with a smile.

"You know, a tape comes out once a week, so at the beginning of each week. So a new volume comes out two days later and you get to know what happens from there. But I can say I've finished Bleach, so it's all set for home release. There are a total of 74 volumes. So they have a lot left to read. In fact, I've already started working on a new manga, I hope you guys enjoy it as well."

This time it was Minato who spoke up as those at the table stood up to what Shouta had said.

"A new manga? Will you start releasing it after bleach is over or right away? And what will this time be about?!"

"What exactly will it be about, will it be like Bleach?"

After Minato and Inoichi's words, all eyes turned to Shouta again. After thinking for a moment, Shouta replied with a slight smile.

"After drawing a few volumes, I will start publishing immediately. As for the theme, it will be different from Bleach. I will name my manga Shingeki no Kyojin. The story is about the struggle of mankind, who had to seek protection against the giants behind huge walls.

"What do you mean by giant?"

Shouta turned to Shikaku who had asked the question and thought for a few seconds before answering.

"In this world I've created, humans don't have power like the civilians we have here. That means they are simple people. These giants are creatures that reach gigantic proportions, as their name suggests. They are 7, 15 or even 50 meters tall, very similar in appearance to humans, and they feed on humans but have no intelligence. People try to survive by living behind the 50 meter high walls they built. Of course, they are also looking for giants to fight against. I'll tell you that much first, you'll read the rest when my manga comes out."

"Hmm, the plot is quite intriguing, I think the story behind these giants is the most important thing in the plot that makes up your manga. I'm really excited to see how you're going to link it."

His smile widened a little at what Shikaku was saying, as he became more and more amazed at his intelligence. From a few things he said, he could pull together the most important parts as if he had pulled them out with tweezers, and he came to a conclusion immediately.

"Let's wait and see!"

Thereafter they finished their meal while they continued talking. Then everyone started to disperse to their homes while Minato and Shouta were the only ones left.

As they both left the restaurant together, they went to Shouta's house. Shouta returned to Minato with whatever came to mind and spoke with a serious expression.

"Minato, I want to do something, but I also want your opinion."

Minato turned to his best friend and turned to Shouta curiously when he saw the serious expression on his face.

"What is the problem?"

"The thing is, I'm interested in fuinjutsu. As you know, the Uzumakis are the best experts in fuinjutsu in the shinobi world. So I would like to ask Mito-sama to learn Fuinjutsu. We both have very similar mindsets and interests. You're one of the smartest people I know, so I thought Fuinjutsu might interest you. I'll see Mito-sama tomorrow, would you like to come too?"

Minato was slightly surprised by what he heard while looking at Shouta in confusion. After a few seconds he replied in surprise.

"Of course I want to come! I also want to learn Fuinjutsu. I've already started studying calligraphy. I think I'm pretty good too."

Shouta was a bit surprised by what he heard, not knowing that Minato had become interested in fuinjutsu so early. However, in the manga, they didn't show many things in such detail. But he still smiled happily.

"You know, over time I'm beginning to believe we're blood related. I mean if I didn't know I'd say you're my twin who disappeared years ago or so it seems. Pretty weird that we're both so alike!"

Minato started giggling as his smile grew with what Shouta was saying.

"I would think so too, if I didn't know."

Both chose to remain silent as they walked home laughing. Then they started their daily training.


Shouta and Minato stared at each other for a moment as they stood in front of the Senju clan's entrance. Swallowed deeply and nodded to each other, then stepped forward. Heading towards the guard at the entrance, they had been moving forward resolutely when the two men noticed their presence.

"Wait, how can we help you?"

The two looked at each other again and turned back to the man who spoke to them. Shouta was the first to speak.

"Hello, we came to talk to Mito-sama. We want to ask her something, can we come in?"

The two men at the door then looked at each other, then turned back to the two children.

"Would you wait a bit with that, we have to ask Mito-sama about it. If she lets you in, you can come in and talk to her. Wait here."

While Shouta and Minato were nodding, the other guard left them and went to ask Mito. The remaining guard turned to them and asked curiously.

"What would you like to ask Mito-sama?"

"We want to ask her if she can teach us Fuinjutsu, we are both very interested in Fuinjutsu. And it's obvious that the Uzumakis are the ones who know fuinjutsu best. So we wanted to give it a try, after all we don't lose anything by asking, right?"

It was Minato who answered the guard's question. The guard, on the other hand, smiled understandingly after hearing what Minato said.

"I understand, of course you won't lose anything. But don't get your hopes up too high, Mito-sama hasn't accepted any students yet. To be honest, I don't think she will accept it, but I still get you. After all, everyone wants to learn from the master."

Both nodded and waited in silence. As he waited, Shouta mentally began talking to his system.

"Kage, if you buy me a good fuinjutsu skill, I think my own skill is good too. After all, I used to be a programmer. Fuinjutsu is also quite similar to programming, but I still prefer more dexterity. Besides, I might have a better chance of convincing Mito. I also think Fuinjutsu is much more than what is shown in the series. I'm pretty sure it's one of the strongest. The better I am at Fuinjutsu, the better.'

[Well, master, you have ultimate fuinjutsu skill at 160,000 points, and you can learn all the basics at 10,000 points if you want?]

'Uh, that's almost half the points I have right now. But I think it will be worth it.'

After thinking for a while, Shouta decided to take both. Immediately afterwards, he felt how much information entered his head. After a few minutes he had absorbed and processed all the information. But the more he has the information in seevaluated in his head, the more he realized that the Fuinjutsu basics was more than just the basics. With that, he had a perfect foundation and also understood the essence of Fuinjutsu. Fuinjutsu was actually very similar to programming in his old world. Fuinjutsu also had algorithms, codes, and variables. He continued to wait, smiling happily at what he had learned. A few minutes later they saw the guard come back. As they both looked at the man curiously, the guard began to speak with a small smile.

"Mito-sama said she will take you, follow me, I will bring you to her."

Shouta and Minato looked at each other and smiled excitedly, then agreed with the guard and followed him. Just then, the other guard waiting with them called behind them.

"Much luck!"

"Thanks very much!"

Shouta and Minato answered simultaneously and waved at the man. After walking for a few minutes, they stopped in front of a large family home. The house was large and quite magnificent. After the guard stepped forward and knocked on the door, he took a few steps back. A few seconds later the door opened and a blond, brown-eyed girl of about 16 stared at her curiously. Shouta was quite surprised to see the girl, but he didn't let it show on his face. The person in front of him was Senju Tsunade. Tsunade stared at the two small children for a moment before speaking with a small smile.

"So it's you guys who want to see my grandma. Come on, grandma is waiting for you in the garden. You can also go back, Naoki-san."

Naoki nodded and walked away. Shouta and Minato, on the other hand, looked at each other and then stepped through the door and followed Tsunade. After looking at both children, Tsunade continued, not wiping the smile from her face.

"What's your name and what would you like to ask my grandma?"

It was Shouta who answered her question.

"My name is Masamune Shouta and my friend is Namikaze Minato. We're both interested in Fuinjutsu, so we came to ask if Mito-sama could teach us something."

Tsunade nodded, thinking Shouta's name sounded familiar. After thinking for a few seconds, she realized why it sounded familiar and turned to Shouta in shock.

"Are you Masamune Shouta, the artist of Bleach?"

Shouta nodded with a small smile and never thought Tsunade would be able to read his manga. As it made him happy, Tsunade's smile widened and she continued to speak.

"My brother is a big fan of yours and thanks to him I started reading your manga and I really liked it. We look forward to the next volume. Nawaki will be very happy to meet you!"

They smiled at the two and then they were finally outside in the garden. The garden was quite big. Immediately in the central part of the field was a large pond. And in the middle of the pond, on a small island, a beautiful structure was built. The white gazebo offered a beautiful view. Three people sat on the seats of this pavilion. One was an adult, the other two were children. The adult had blood red hair tied in a bun, fair skin, and gray eyes. Although it was obvious from her posture that she was quite mature and old, she hardly looked 40. And despite her age, she was quite a beautiful woman who exuded an authoritarian and powerful aura.

One of the children was a sweet 6 year old boy with brown hair and brown eyes. The other was a cute fair skinned girl like Mito with long red hair and gray eyes. Shouta's eyes widened slightly when he saw the red-haired girl, but he went back to normal in an instant. But seeing Uzumaki Kushina here reminded him that World War II was very close. Also, the Uzumaki would soon be destroyed and Mito would die soon as well. This was her last chance to learn from her.

As all three reached the pavilion, people at the table began to look at them curiously. But before anyone could say anything, Tsunade turned to her younger brother and spoke with a smile.

"Nawaki, do you know who that is?!"

Nawaki looked at the person she was pointing at while looking at his sister in surprise. Realizing that he didn't recognize him, he shook his head and answered.

"No, I don't know, nee-san, who is that?"

Tsunade's smile widened as she answered her brother immediately.

"He's the one you're a big fan of, the mangaka from Bleach, Masamune Shouta!"

Nawaki's eyes widened at the name he heard and he turned to Shouta excitedly. With his eyes sparkling with admiration, he took the manga from his hand and excitedly spoke.

"I'm your biggest fan ever. Would you give me an autograph, please?"

Shouta answered sincerely and genuinely smiled at Nawaki's reaction.

"I'm glad you like Bleach and of course I can give you an autograph. Do you have a pen? Or a brush and ink?"

Even happier with the answer he got, Nawaki excitedly turned to his grandmother. Before Nawaki could turn to her, the old woman pulled out her brush and ink and handed them to him. When Nawaki picked them up and handed them to Shouta, Shouta approached the table and took Nawaki's manga and brush. He opened the manga's cover and placed the first white page in front of him. Dipping his brush in the ink, he began to write in perfect handwriting.

"For my biggest fan, Senju Nawaki,

Masamune Shouta"

Shouta handed the manga to Nawaki as he put the brush down.

"Here you go."

Nawaki excitedly took the manga from Shouta's hand, admiring his writing and handwriting.

"Thank you very much, I'll keep this until I die!"

Mito, who had been watching all of this in silence, finally spoke when Shouta smiled at him.

"So you're the one who wants to talk to me, tell me what do you want to ask me?"

Shouta and Minato got serious about Mito's speech. After taking a deep breath, they both introduced themselves. Then Shouta continued speaking.

"Mito-sama, Minato and I are very interested in fuinjutsu. And it's well known that the Uzumaki are the best at it. So we came to ask you if you could teach us Fuinjutsu. Can you teach us Fuinjutsu?"