
Naruto: Maelstrom

This is an AU starring Uzumaki Naruto as a Jedi Padawan. It starts around the time of Episode I: The Phantom Menace and will continue from there.

Thayerblue1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Sora Bulq

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars


Here is Chapter 16. Enjoy!

{ } Signifies an alien language

Last time:

Year 22 BBY

Outer Rim Territories, D'Astan Sector, Planet Serenno, Count Dooku's Palace

Count Dooku was speaking to his Master Darth Sidious via hologram. "While the loss of Gume Saam is inconsequential; the impediment of the Bank Deregulation Bill is not."

"Lot Dodd will present a new version of the bill next session." said Sidious. "I will see to it that it goes through legally this time. The rumors of corruption died with Senator Saam ."

The Sith apprentice asked, "How did Saam get caught in the first place? He was so good at covering his tracks."

Sidious hissed, "He was foiled by Jedi Master Naruto Uzumaki. I'm sure you remember him well."

"How could I forget that boy?" growled Dooku. "He is a monster and drove me off Planet Ambria and scarred for life."

"Young Uzumaki will be dealt with soon enough Lord Tyranus." said Sidious. "We must have patience."

The Count of Serenno bowed, "Of course my Master…"

Chapter 16

Year 21 BBY

Core Worlds, Planet Coruscant, Grand Jedi Temple, Dormitory

Padawan Barriss Offee came out of her room in the morning and was going to have breakfast when she thought she sensed her Master Naruto rapidly headed her way. That's when she saw a human youngling charging flat out down the hall towards her and caught the little girl before she ran down Offee herself.

The child was about four to five years old and had spiky, lilac hair and blue eyes. She gave a big smile to Barris and held up her arms. "Up!" said the little one wanting to be held.

The Mirialan padawan picked up the child and said, "Where is your caretaker little one?" The little girl giggled mischievously and shook her head 'no' playfully.

That's when the child took her chubby hands off her cheeks revealing whisker marks just like Master Naruto's. The child laughed at the shocked look on Barriss's face and chirped, "Natasi!"

An elderly human caretaker woman from the Jedi creche came around the corner and said, "Natasi Roche! Stay right where you are!"

The little girl started giggling again until the caretaker got ahold of her and said, "No!" with a force push that the elderly woman was obviously prepared for.

The caretaker said, "Thank you for catching her Padawan. Natasi is a slippery little one and very advanced for her age. She uses the Force to hide herself. Once she gets loose I usually have to chase her all over the temple."

Barriss had nearly been bowled over by the power behind the Force push and said, "She's so strong!"

The woman smiled and said, "Natasi will be a powerful Jedi one day." Then she looked at the lilac haired little girl and said, "Come along youngling. You've had enough chasing for one day."

Natasi looked back at Barriss and waved goodbye to the Mirialan. The padawan waved back at the youngling and wondered just who Natasi Roche was. "She has to be related to Master Naruto… but how exactly...?"

Naruto's Quarters

The blonde Jedi was meditating when he was visited by none other than Grandmaster Yoda. Naruto was surprised but hid it well enough. "Good morning Master, how can I help you today?" asked Naruto politely.

Yoda said, "Spoke to Master Jacosta Nu, I did. Agree with you that the Sith Academy on Ryloth is not the place for you right now."

Naruto sensed there was more to it and asked, "…And?"

The Grandmaster grinned and said, "Too valuable a General you have become, young Uzumaki. To Ryloth, another group will go." He held up a clawed hand before Naruto could protest and added, "To seal that place off, they are going. Not to explore."

The Renatasian Jedi relaxed a bit. "Thank you, Master; I was very concerned."

"Knew this I did." said the diminutive Grandmaster. "When peace has returned, to Ryloth you will go. Until then do not worry about that place."

Naruto nodded. "That seems like the best course of action."

Yoda patted Naruto's shoulder, "Making peace with Master Nu, you are… in tiny steps. Forgiveness is the best path; Master Jiraiya would agree."

"I am trying Master." said the blonde. "I truly am."

"Know this I do, Master Uzumaki." spoke Yoda. "Doing your best, you are…"

High Council Chambers

That afternoon, Mace Windu was speaking to Naruto and Barriss. "If you did not already know this, the Weequay*① Jedi Master Sora Bulq*② has fallen to the Dark Side and serves as one of Count Dooku's most powerful minions now. He disappeared after the Battle of Geonosis and when he resurfaced Sora was an agent of darkness."

Naruto's eyes widened. "Sora Bulq is celebrated as one of the greatest light saber duelists and Weapons Masters there is. For him to have fallen…"

"He was a friend of mine as well." said Mace. "I had to face off with him when he betrayed the Jedi Order."

"Why did he turn..?" asked Barriss in shock.

"We believe that it was the doing of Count Dooku." said Ki-Adi-Mundi. "Truthfully we don't know though."

"Already acting as an assassin, he is." said Yoda gravely. "Killed several Jedi, he has."

"You want us to stop him." said Naruto.

"We want you to be ready for him." replied Mace Windu. "He's targeting high profile Generals along with Asajj Ventress who you fought years ago Naruto."

Mundi added, "Sora Bulq has crossed swords with Master Windu among others in an attempt to discredit the Jedi Order. We believe he may attempt to kill you or drive you to the dark side Master Uzumaki. You and your padawan by extension are in grave danger."

"The same warnings we gave to Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano." explained Yoda. "In great danger you all are. Already clashed with Ventress several times, young Skywalker and Tano have."

"What are we to do if they attack us?" asked the Mirialan padawan.

The blonde pondered for a moment and said; "We face them together Barriss. Neither of them have faced your form of Soresu and Ventress has only had a glimpse of my Kyuubi form. Working together we'll drive them off."

Mace Windu nodded grimly and said, "May the Force be with you."

Grand Jedi Temple, Docking Bay 127

Naruto and Barriss were getting ready to board their shuttle and head back to the Intrepid when the Renatasian heard a welcome female voice. "Hey, Naruto!"

The blonde turned and saw his former Master Bultar Swan. He grinned and said, "Master Bultar! It is so good to see you." He turned to Barriss and said, "This is Master Bultar Swan, the Jedi who trained me into knighthood." He turned to Swan and said, "Master Bultar, this is Barriss Offee, my padawan learner. She is becoming a great and wise Jedi Knight despite my best efforts."

Bultar smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you Barriss. I've heard your Soresu form is second to none."

The Miralan blushed slightly at the praise and said, "I am learning. Master Naruto says you are a genius of the martial arts."

"Did he?" asked Bultar. "Ask him about the time I broke two knuckles on his face sometime."

The Renatasian said, "That hurt you know."

Master Swan ignored him. "Punching Naruto is like hitting a piece of durasteel. He's ridiculously solid."

Barris chuckled and said, "That would explain a few things Master Swan."

After Bultar bid them farewell, The two Jedi boarded the Night Mission and the Padawan asked, "So why did Master Swan punch you that hard?"

Naruto scratched the back of his neck nervously and said, "When I was a Padawan I kind of motorboated the Queen of Alderaan. Senator Organa still holds it against me."

The Mirialan asked, "And you became a Jedi Knight and Master how?"

"Eheheh… It was a long road…" said Naruto with a sweat drop.

Barris sweat dropped. "I don't know you." she said in a flat tone.

"Waaaah! Barriss doesn't love me anymore!" said the Jedi Master dramatically.

The Night Mission took off shortly thereafter…

Outer Rim Territories, Gaulus Sector, Planet Ryloth Orbit, Republic Starship Intrepid

Hours later; Commander Checker watched as the T-6 Shuttle Night Mission came in for a landing on the Intrepid. The Republic Star Destroyer was making preparations to leave the system and the two Jedi arrived just in time.

Checker saw Naruto and Barriss come off the shuttle and saluted. "Welcome back General Uzumaki; Commander Offee. We should head to the bridge. We've received orders to head to the Tund System*③ to resolve a hostage crisis as soon as you arrived on board."

As they came onto the bridge, Captain Franz saluted and said, "It's good to have you both back. I presume Commander Checker already informed you of our situation?"

The blonde Jedi Master nodded. "Make the jump as soon as you are ready Captain Franz."

The Republic ship jumped out of the Ryloth system seconds later…

Hyperspace, Republic Ship Intrepid

Naruto, Barriss and the others were sitting around a holo-table where officers from High Command were explaining the situation. The Officers briefing them were Republic Admiral Block and General Obi-wan Kenobi who were contacting them from the Venerator-Class Star Destroyer Negotiator.

Admiral Block explained, "In brief, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli was sent to try and negotiate a treaty with the Sorcerers of Tund*④ to prevent them from joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems."

Obi-wan added, "Supreme Chancellor Palpatine feared that the Sorcerers' Dark Side leanings would lead them to joining Count Dooku. Something went wrong and Master Unduli was taken hostage. The Sorcerers haven't made any demands other than they want a local the negotiate with them."

Naruto sweat dropped. "The Sorcerers of Tund are isolationists. They won't join the Confederacy or the Republic. I already know this because I'm from the Centrality Sector."

Kenobi nodded. "…And that's precisely why you are the Jedi going to do the negotiating local Master Uzumaki. Apparently, the Supreme Chancellor heard you are from Centrality as well and requested you specifically to head up this mission."

The blonde Jedi Master said, "I understand. I will secure Master Unduli's release and see what it is that the Sorcerers of Tund want."

Obi-wan said, "We are counting on you Master Naruto. May the Force be with you."

After the transmission ended, Naruto said, "Something is amiss here. I sense a trap." He turned to Barriss. "I know you care a great deal for Master Unduli but do not let anxiety get the better of you. This isn't something the Sorcerers of Tund are likely to do. Someone else is pulling the strings; I can just feel it."

Outer Rim Territories, Centrality Sector, Tund System

Shortly after the Intrepid jumped in from Ryloth, Naruto landed his Delta-7B Dragon Lady on the surface near the Sorcerers' encampment where Luminara Unduli was being held. One of the Sorcerers came out to meet the blonde and he said in broken basic, "You are from Centrality?"

The Renatasian spoke back to him in old Sith, {"I'm the one you want in the trap. Release the Mirialan Jedi and I will stay in her place. Who is behind this? It is not the Sorcerers of Tund; I know."}

The Sorcerer said, {"Come before our High Priest. He will tell you what you wish to know."}

Soon, Luminara Unduli saw Master Uzumaki coming towards her and the High Priest. They were all speaking Sith around her so she didn't understand what was being said. The High Priest seemed very concerned about an outside threat though. Unduli could feel that through the Force.

Naruto nodded at her and said to the High Priest {"I am Naruto Uzumaki. I have come alone and unarmed to spring the trap that others made you set. Release the Mirialan Jedi Master and I will cooperate with you."}

The High Priest was astounded that someone from off world spoke their language. He cocked his head and said in a raspy voice, {"You are indeed the one though I know not how you speak our tongue. We will talk once she is gone."} He turned to Luminara and said in basic, "He has bartered for your freedom. Go in peace Jedi." He said to his guards {"Release her. She is free to go."}

Luminara had her restraints removed and Naruto said, "Go to the Intrepid. I will complete the negotiations."

The Mirialan Master said, "Thank you Uzumaki. I will report in." A few minutes later she took off in her own Delta-7B and headed for the Intrepid.

The Priest said, {"I am Ozrak, High Priest of the Sorcerers of Tund. You are correct that this is not our will. One called Darth Tyranus told us to hold you and torture you with illusions for 48 hours before releasing you."}

{"Tyranus threatened to attack your system did he not?"} asked Naruto. The Priest nodded. {"Have your people cast your illusion so that I am being tortured and I will report to the Republic that the Tund System wishes to stay out of this war"}

{"And Tyranus?"} asked Ozrak.

Naruto's eyes lit up with chakra. {"He is a Fallen Jedi Master that aspires to be a Sith Lord, yet he does not understand the Sith tongue. He fought me once and fled. That is why he wants you to torture me so he can easily finish me off."}

The High Priest let out a raspy chuckle and said, {"Then let the torture begin!"}

…To all those watching through the Force it appeared that Naruto was undergoing excruciating mental torture. To the local Sorcerers Naruto was simply in a deep meditative state…

Core Worlds, Planet Coruscant, Galactic Senate Building, Supreme Chancellor's Quarters

Darth Sidious was having a wonderful day. The images cast through the Force of young Uzumaki was the delicious definition of torture and suffering. In fact, it was so awful he feared the boy might snap under the pressure. 'If he does break; I'll just have to pick up the pieces.'

Palpatine considered sending a rescue party led by Dooku to retrieve Naruto and bring him over to the dark side. Sidious knew that Dooku would sooner murder the boy as convert him though. 'It will be so much better to convert the boy on my own than rely on Lord Tyranus anyway.'

Outer Rim Territories, Centrality Sector, Tund System, Republic Ship Intrepid

…Two days later the mentally brutalized Naruto was released by his captors and fled back to the Intrepid to recuperate from the awful torture he had to go through. Oddly enough the effects of the torture were very short lived. 'What did those crazy Sorcerers do?' thought the blonde.

'They cast illusions that would have next to no effect on me.' said Kurama. 'Here I was taking a nice nap when you woke me up acting like you were screaming your head off. So, I just put you to sleep and cast my own genjutsu on everyone else that you were in horrible pain. The fact is you went through about ten minutes of torture tops which didn't even dent your mental defenses.'

Naruto mentally face faulted. 'You mean I could have tapped out at will and had you take over?'

'Pretty much.' said the fox sounding pleased with himself. 'I am an old god after all. I'm going back to sleep now. Next time just wake me up.'

Naruto chuckled, 'The cosmic joke is on you Tyranus.'

Jedi Master Luminara Unduli was wondering just what Naruto Uzumaki was made of…

Naruto waved his hands and said, "No, no. I am just fine. It was just about ten minutes of mental torture. After that I blacked out. I feel fine now."

Barriss said, "Master Naruto, you can't be just fine!"

Unduli smirked. "Your mental pain we felt through the Force was an illusion, wasn't it?"

The blonde said, "Ancient Renatasian magic." with a wink. His padawan's jaw hit the floor while Luminara laughed.

The Mirialan Jedi Master said, "Let us keep this little secret to ourselves Barriss. There are enemies that would like nothing more than to pounce on a defenseless Jedi." She bowed. "Master Naruto Uzumaki, I owe you a great debt that I can never repay. Thank you."

…Later that evening, Master Unduli departed in her fighter after bidding her former padawan a fond farewell. Shortly thereafter the Intrepid made a jump back towards the Core Worlds.

Hyperspace, Republic Ship Intrepid

Naruto was up on the bridge checking over reports when he sensed outside presences aboard the Intrepid.

Barriss walked onto the bridge and said "Master…"

"I sense them too." said the blonde. "We have guests aboard; let's not keep them waiting."

Sora Bulq and Tol Skorr*⑤ were creeping across the hanger deck of the Intrepid choosing to avoid rather than engage the multitude of clone troopers. They managed to sneak aboard the Republic ship just before it made the jump to hyperspace.

The pair crept across the observation deck in silence only for the ship's blast doors to close ahead of them suddenly. "It's a trap!" said Skorr as he turned around to see the blast doors close behind them.

Sora sat down in the meditative position and said, "Calm down Skorr; they will come to us soon enough."

Tol was pacing about like a rat in a cage as the fallen Weequay Master waited patiently. After what seemed like an eternity to Tol, the blast doors ahead of them opened revealing Naruto and Barriss.

As the blast doors closed again behind him, the blond said, "Welcome aboard Master Sora Bulq and… ummm… baby-faced guy. Sorry you had to wait."

Tol face faulted. "Baby-faced guy?! I'm Tol Skorr, the one that will send you and your little padawan to meet the force!"

Naruto shrugged. "Sorry but I've never heard of you."

Tol growled and Bulq said, "Calm yourself Skorr. He's goading you."

"I don't suppose you'd be willing to surrender would you?" asked the Renatasian. "Saber duels are so messy you know Master Bulq. That and you are really famous for your skill."

"We aren't surrendering to anybody!" declared Tol.

The Jedi Master said, "I was talking to Master Bolq; baby-faced guy. Got sit in the corner or something while the grownups talk."

Skorr activated his crimson light saber and charged with a roar. Barriss activated her short double ended green saber staff and took her Soresu stance. Tol used an Ataru*⑥ stance and attacked swiftly with more speed than power. The faster he moved the more deftly she spun her staff and deflected his blows away without blocking him.

"Strike, strike, strike, strike, strike!" he yelled as she effortlessly guided his blade away from her. 'What in the hell is this?' he thought. 'I have to move faster, faster, faster!'

Tol tried to run circles around her but Barriss simply pivoted without giving so much as a centimeter. She seemed to dance with her twirling blade turning into a humming green disc that directed his most fearsome blows away harmlessly.

The lithe Mirialan Jedi seemed content to simply stay on the defense all day long and Tol Skorr felt himself getting more and more enraged before he stopped and went for a straight thrust in total rage. She pivoted and thrust up and under his attack removing both of Tol Skorr's arms at the elbow.

He howled like the damned as she Force pushed him headfirst into a metal beam that knocked him unconscious…

That's when she noticed Sora Bulq was clapping at her politely. "What superb form of Soresu! I've never seen the like child. You have for too much potential to go wasted. Join me after I slay your Master."

Naruto was laying on the floor unconscious. Barris said, "Master Naruto!" in terror as Sora's blade came down on the blonde's unmoving form… which puffed into smoke.

Sora Bulq was dumbfounded. "What..?"

Naruto appeared between the shocked dark side master and the relieved Barris before activating his ghostfire lightsaber in near silence. The Mirialan girl saw her Master take his Kyuubi stance and move faster than she'd ever seen him move. Afterimages of Naruto were everywhere as the Weequay Master fought for his very life using Vaapad.

Sora emersed himself in the dark side to fully use his version of Mace Windu's technique and expected Naruto to do the same but instead found that the infuriating blonde was soaring in the light. Bulq reached out and attacked with Force lightning only for Naruto to deflect it back at him. He screamed in agony as the power of darkness from his own soul burned his body alive.

Naruto cut Bulq's light saber hand off sending the crimson blade flying. The blonde said, "You are beaten. Surrender!"

But the Weequay wouldn't quit. Mustering all the anger and fear he had in his soul the fallen Master lashed out with more bolts of Force lightning until he collapsed half dead and smoking from the damage reflected into his own body.

Naruto stared down at the smoldering wreck that was once a Jedi Master and said, "What a bloody waste…"

He let out a sigh of exhaustion as Barriss rushed to his side. "Are you alright Master Naruto?"

He grinned at her weakly and said, "Yeah, just really worn out. Are you okay Barriss?"

She smiled softly and replied, "I'm fine now. I just need to catch my breath. How did you-"

"Shadow clone." explained the blonde. "Another Ancient Renatasian magic."

She rolled her eyes and smirked. "I should have known."

After the blast doors were opened, the two maimed dark siders were hauled off by the medics and the two Jedi sat down to recover their strength. Both the Master and apprentice were worn out and signaled the High Jedi Council after they caught their breath.

Master Plo Koon, Grandmaster Yoda and Master Mace Windu were present among others. Naruto and Barris both stood and bowed before sitting again. "Forgive us Masters but we are exhausted and must sit." explained the Renatasian. "We would like to present our report regarding former Jedi Master Sora Bulq and Knight Tol Skorr."

Mace Windu said, "We felt a disturbance in the force and feared the worst had happened. What took place?"

"We defeated and captured them both in a two-on-two light saber duel aboard the Intrepid." replied the blonde. "We believe that Skorr will live but will require cybernetics to function."

"And Former Master Bulq?" asked Plo Koon.

"Sora Bulq is badly maimed. He may not survive." explained Barriss.

Yoda looked at the data on Tol Skorr and said, "Thought Skorr was dead over Korriban; we did."

Mace said, "Tol Skorr wasn't the most powerful Jedi, but he was capable. Sora Bulq was incredibly strong. How did you two go about defeating them both at once?"

"My padawan was forced to face off with Tol Skorr alone while I fended off Sora Bulq." Naruto turned to Barriss and said, "She performed flawlessly and defeated her opponent with great aplomb."

The young Mirialian woman blushed a tiny bit at all the praise. Then the blonde added, "I the meantime I was fighting Sora Bulq. I disarmed him and demanded that he surrender but then he started using Force lightning that I refracted back to him. He finally dropped from all the self-inflicted damage."

"And his condition now?" asked Yoda.

The Mirialan padawan said, "Aside of his right hand missing, his entire body was burned a ravaged by the force lightning. He looks like a husk more than a person now."

The members of the council all cringed slightly. The Grandmaster said, "Well you have done, both of you. Return the two traitors to Coruscant, you must."

Core Worlds, Planet Coruscant, Grand Jedi Temple

Jedi Master Uzumaki was supervising the two fallen Jedi's transfer to the Medical Wing of the Grand Jedi Temple. Barriss was keeping a watchful eye on things as well. She noticed Yoda coming and bowed to him before tugging on Naruto's robes to get his attention.

"Hang on Barris; Smoky and Baby-face are in in a pretty delicate state." said the blonde.

The Mirialan lost it and exploded into laughter. "Baby-face and Smoky? Oh my gawd! Bwahahaha!"

Yoda started laughing as well. "Setting such a terrible example for your padawan; you are! Ohohoho!"

The armless Tol Skorr stared at Naruto exhausted and said, "I hate you. I really do. I'm a laughing stock in hell."


*①: Weequays are a race of humanoids who came from the Outer Rim Planet of Sriluur near Hutt Space. Their home is a harsh desert planet, leading to the species' tanned skin tone and rough, sandy, wrinkled skin. Their eyes are dark and slightly recessed into their skulls. See Wookieepedia.

*②: Sora Bulq is Jedi Master from the Bulq Family on Ruul; one of the moons of Sriluur. He is renowned for his skill with a light saber and mastered every form of light saber combat known among the Jedi. He became one of their greatest instructors and Jedi Weapons Masters as a result.

*③: Tund System - Tund was a verdant terrestrial planet and potent Force Nexus situated upon the north-eastern borders of the Open Sea in the Centrality Sector. See Wookieepedia.

*④: The Sorcerers of Tund are a largely reclusive, secretive group of an ancient order of Sith Sorcerers notable for their concealing outfits. The Sorcerers were highly skilled in deception, illusions and shapeshifting. They rarely ventured off Tund and were known to be driven mad by their explorations of the Force.

*⑤: Tol Skorr is a human male Jedi. His starfighter was shot down in a dogfight over Korriban and he was nearly killed. As Skorr lay injured; he was rescued by Confederacy leader Count Dooku to whom Skorr eagerly pledged his life. Falling to the Dark side he became one of Dooku's loyal acolytes and acted as a bodyguard for his new Master. See Wookieepedia.

*⑥: Ataru: An acrobatic combat style, Ataru could be used to defend against incoming projectiles but was best suited for open spaces and attacking.

And another chapter finished. That winds down the first year of the Clone Wars (22 BBY). See you next time. Blue out. 2/17/24