
Naruto: Maelstrom

This is an AU starring Uzumaki Naruto as a Jedi Padawan. It starts around the time of Episode I: The Phantom Menace and will continue from there.

Thayerblue1 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

The Youngling

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars


This chapter is mainly character development so the pace is a little slower. Here is Chapter 17. Enjoy!

{ } Signifies an alien language

Last time:

Year 21 BBY

Core Worlds, Planet Coruscant, Grand Jedi Temple

Jedi Master Uzumaki was supervising the two fallen Jedi's transfer to the Medical Wing of the Grand Jedi Temple. Barriss was keeping a watchful eye on things as well. She noticed Yoda coming and bowed to him before tugging on Naruto's robes to get his attention.

"Hang on Barris; Smoky and Baby-face are in in a pretty delicate state." said the blonde.

The Mirialan lost it and exploded into laughter. "Baby-face and Smoky? Oh my gawd! Bwahahaha!"

Yoda started laughing as well. "Setting such a terrible example for your padawan; you are! Ohohoho!"

The armless Tol Skorr stared at Naruto exhausted and said, "I hate you. I really do. I'm a laughing stock in hell."

Chapter 17

Year 21 BBY

Core Worlds, Planet Coruscant, Grand Jedi Temple, Jedi Creche

Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee was down in the Jedi Creche watching the younglings play and practice using the Force through games only Jedi children were capable of. As she watched she saw Natasi Roche playing games for much older children than that age group.

The padawan was about to talk to Jedi Master Ruta who was the caretaker over the group of children when Barris sensed Master Yoda coming down the hall. He smiled at her and said, "Wonderous, children are. So honest and yet so mischievous." He cocked his head to the side and said, "Questions in your eyes, young Offee. Walk with me, come."

The pair was soon sitting on meditation cushions and the Grandmaster said, "Worry and confusion I sense on your mind, young one. What bothers you so?"

"There is a particular youngling that I've been concerned about." said Barriss.

Yoda smiled and pointed beside Barris, "That one perhaps?"

The Mirialan looked beside her and saw Natasi looking at her. She nearly jumped in shock. Natasi gave her a mischievous smile and looked over at Yoda.

The Grandmaster chuckled. "Like a wraith in the Force she is. Hidden in plain sight. He tapped his walking stick to get Natasi's attention. He said Natasi, Barriss Offee this one is. You like this one, yes?"

The lilac haired girl giggled and blurted out, "Oppee!" as she pointed at Barriss.

"Hohoho! Oppee it is then." said the Grandmaster.

Barriss sweat dropped but couldn't help but smile at the whisker faced little girl. Then she turned to Yoda and said in earnest, Grandmaster Yoda, this child, she is Renatasian, is she not?"

"Hmmm, pieced it all together, have you?" asked Yoda. Seeing Barriss was frozen in place he said, "Wise you are. Your Master's daughter, she is."

The Miralan padawan wanted to faint. "Does Master know?"

"Soon he will." said Yoda. "Powers she has that we Jedi cannot control, like a raging storm. Control this, only with Master Uzumaki's help."

Barris asked, "Why was Master Naruto not told?"

"Forming familial bonds, difficult for a Jedi. Worry about his daughter constantly, he would."

"Master Ki-Adi-Mundi has several wives and he sits on the Jedi Council." said Barriss with a frown. "That seems hypocritical to me."

Yoda sighed. "Feel the same way, others do. An exceptional case he is."

Natasi hugged the padawan and said, "Oppee mad?"

Barriss cleared her mind and said, "I am alright Natasi." The little one grinned at her and the Mirialan ran her fingers through the child's soft hair. "What about the Mother?"

Yoda frowned and shook his head slightly, "Know that I do not. Overrun by the Confederacy, Renatasia is. Found by Master Shaak Ti; Natasi was. Did not know of the connection to Naruto at the time."

"Master Uzumaki deserves to know." declared Barris.

That's when Natasi started shaking badly and started to cry. Master Ruta came in and said, "She's having another attack! It the worst I've seen!"

Yoda's eyes grew wide and he said to Barris, "Fetch your Master NOW, young Barriss!"

Master Naruto Uzumaki's Quarters

Jedi Master Naruto Uzumaki felt an explosion of chakra released nearby and sensed the shockwave reverberate through his very core. Standing up, he used his sensor abilities to track the chakra source and found it was down several levels below him.

He was about to go search for the source when his padawan practically broke his door down and said, "Master! We must get to the Jedi creche immediately! Master Yoda is waiting."

Naruto was a bit shocked and said as they got on the elevator, "Tell me what's going on Barriss."

Barriss swallowed hard and said, "There's a youngling that needs your help! She's your-" That's when the elevator opened and Naruto felt the chakra increase. He took off towards the Jedi Creche like a bat out of hell with his padawan chasing after him.

The blonde rounded a corner and there he found a lilac haired little girl crying and afraid. She was curled up in a ball and glowing like star with blue chakra. The other younglings were afraid of the raw power pouring out of the child. The elderly Grandmaster saw Naruto and said, "Go to her Master Uzumaki. Calm the storm within her, you can."

Naruto gently kneeled down in front of the four-and-a-half-year-old toddler and took her tiny hands in his larger ones. She stopped crying and instinctively followed Naruto's example of calming her wild chakra. Then her little blue eyes sparked with power just as his did.

"That's better little one." said Naruto kindly. "There's no need to fear it. Just let it flow through your body naturally."

He looked over his shoulder at the caretaker and asked, "Master Ruta; what is this little one's name?"

"Her name is Natasi Roche; Master Uzumaki." said Ruta to the blonde. The toddler got up and hugged Naruto. She was basking in the feeling of his powerful chakra soothing hers.

"Natasi Roche…" Naruto's heart suddenly came to a screeching halt and he asked, "Did you say Natasi Roche caretaker Ruta?"

Ruta smiled and nodded. "Are you familiar with that surname? She is of Renatasian decent as well."

The little girl gave him a big smile through her tears and held up her arms. "Up!" she said, "Natasi go up!"

The blonde delicately picked up Natasi and saw she looked like a miniature Grissa with his eyes and whisker marks. He reached out through the Force and confirmed what his ancestress Zannah told him. "The Force runs strong in our family Naruto. You will see when you have your own child."

Barriss blurted out, "Master, Natasi is your daughter!"

Naruto looked into Natasi's eyes and saw the same power that he saw in the mirror and in his ancestress' Zannah's eyes. He hugged the child and she settled into his warmth before dozing off peacefully now that her chakra had fully calmed down.

Naruto he slumped from a kneeling position into the lotus position on the floor and said quietly, "Barriss; how long have you known?"

His padawan felt like she was facing something frightful and said, "I didn't know until a few minutes ago but I had suspicions that she was somehow related to you before our last mission."

"How long has Natasi been here Master Ruta?" asked the blonde.

"She's been here three and a half years Master Uzumaki." answered the caretaker. "Shaak Ti brought her to the Creche when Natasi was a year old."

Then Naruto asked, "That's the same age when I lost my parents. You knew all along didn't you?"

Ruta answered truthfully, "I was the one that identified her genetic markers but it is not my place to decide what is done after that. The Jedi Council of Reassignment*① is responsible for that. You know this Master Naruto."

He held Natasi close. "What Jedi Clan*② is she assigned to?"

Master Ruta said "When she turns Five in six months Natasi will join the Squall Clan*③ just as you did at that age."

The Renatasian Master said, "…And of course the Jedi Council decided I wasn't ready to know; didn't they Grandmaster Yoda?"

Yoda sighed, "A padawan you were at the time Master Naruto. It is true you were not ready. Now… changed have things. Powers like yours she has. Will you help her?"

Naruto glared back at the Grandmaster and said, "Of course I'll help her!"

The tenseness in the air seemed to lesson and Yoda said, "Work this out we will young Master Uzumaki. This I promise."

Naruto was boiling under the surface. He said, "We shall see."

Jedi High Council Chambers

Yoda explained the situation to the High Jedi Council. Most of them didn't know Naruto had a child, let alone what had transpired.

"It's only natural to want to love and protect one's family; especially the children." said Ki-Adi-Mundi. "Besides, she is strong in the force like her Father. To lose either of them is unacceptable. As long as Naruto keeps the Jedi Code in mind then I see no reason to keep them from seeing one another."

Mace Windu rubbed his chin. "It's true that the child was conceived when Naruto wasn't a member of the Jedi Order. We can't penalize him for his actions. As much of burden as it will be he will have to divide his attention between his daughter and his duty as a Jedi."

"What of his padawan?" asked Plo Koon. "Should she return to Master Luminara?"

Yoda shook his head. "A strong bond as Master and apprentice they share. Separating them; a bad idea."

"What of the child's Mother?" asked Mundi. "What are her circumstances?"

Yoda said, "Contact Master Shaaki Ti, we must."

Naruto's Quarters

In the meantime, Naruto beat the High Council to the punch and contacted Shaak Ti of his own accord. He was talking to her via hologram from Kamino. The Togruta Master said, "Natisi is your child Master Uzumaki? I truly was unaware of that. Discovering you have a daughter so suddenly must have been a shock for you."

He asked, "How did you find her?"

"Truthfully, I encountered her by accident." explained Shaak Ti. "I was explaining to the Renatasians that they were cut off from the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems was going to remain in control of the system for some time. One of their Resistance Leaders was a named Grissa Roche and she said they planned to fight the CIS as long as they could hold out."

"Then little Natasi came toddling in levitating a ball as she played." said the Togruta Jedi Master. "I felt the will of the Force at work when Grissa explained that her child had powers that were incomprehensible to her. I offered to take the youngling to be trained as a Jedi and Gissa Roche said it would be better than growing up in a war zone."

Naruto shed a single tear and said, "Grissa always was a stubborn woman."

"She seemed to possess the qualities of a great leader as well." said Shaak Ti. "I foresee young Natasi becoming a great Jedi someday."

"Thank you for putting my mind at ease Master Ti." said the blonde.

"Of course, Master Uzumaki." said the Togruta. "May the Force be with you."

"And you as well Master Ti." replied Naruto. He turned to Barriss who had quietly been holding Natasi in the back of the room. "It seems that I have a full plate my apprentice."

Natasi woke up about that time and said "Oppee…" tiredly. She rubbed her eyes with her chubby hands and toddled over to Naruto who picked her up.

"I'll take care of you little one." said Naruto. "Don't you worry. I do wonder why you have my whisker marks though."

'When I healed you body I made those facial marks part of you Naruto.' said Kurama. 'They make you practically invisible in the Force when combined with your chakra. Your daughter inherited that same ability and the whiskers.'

'Well, that explains some things.' thought Naruto back to his furry partner in crime. 'I wonder what else she got from me.'

'Time will tell.' answered the ancient Fox. 'It's one of the joys of parenthood.'

'Good joy or bad joy?' asked the blonde.

'…Both.' said Kurama.

Medical Center

Sora Bulq awoke and found his body was so ravaged that he could no longer access his Force abilities. He tried to Force heal himself and found he was totally cut off from the light. That's when he saw his former friend Mace Windu come into his field of vision. Bulq tried to look away but found it was too painful to move.

"I came to ask you some questions." said Mace grimly. "I want to know about Dooku."

Sora felt it was useless to resist and rasped out, "He mainly stays at his Palace on Planet Serenno. He's Darth Tyranus now, apprentice to Darth Sidious… and no, I don't know Sidious' true identity, all I know is he converted Dooku to the dark side."

They talked for some time about various things and finally Bulq wheezed; "I've answered all of your questions truthfully. Will you answer one of mine?"

Mace said, "I will if I can."

"That boy, Naruto… What was the light saber form he uses?" asked Sora in seeming awe. "He overwhelmed me and I was using Vapaad with the dark side."

The bald Master said, "Imagine something like Juyo*④ only using the light side only. It is the sheer love and thrill of testing yourself in battle. I've never seen anything like it. I can't duplicate it. That's all I can really say."

"It was like facing a supernova." coughed out Sora. "That boy could become a legend someday."

Master Windu nodded and said, "I'm sorry it had to end this way." Then he left Sora Bulq to his own thoughts...

Master Plo Koon had listened to Tol Skorr prattle on about coming back to the light and changing his ways. The Kel Dor*⑤ Jedi Master was rather offended at how weak willed and backstabbing Baby-face was.

The brown-haired human spilled his guts about everything that had happened while was Count Dooku's bodyguard. It filled in some gaps as to what Darth Tyranus had been up to but there was not much of use to the Jedi. It was painfully obvious that Dooku toyed with Skorr and that his sycophantic tendencies made the human completely untrustworthy.

"Master Plo!" said Skorr. "Please get me some new arms so I can serve in the Jedi Order again." he pleaded. "I've told you everything I know."

Plo Koon replied, "How you became a Jedi to begin with is beyond me. You are a traitor to both the Jedi and the Sith. Darkness is all you know."

"Awwww, give me a chance!" whined Tol as the Jedi Master left him to wallow in his own self-pity…

Outer Rim Territories, D'Astan Sector, Planet Serenno, Count Dooku's Palace

The Count of Serenno, Dooku, was concerned. Sora Bulq and Tol Skorr were rumored to have been utterly crushed by Naruto Uzumaki and his apprentice, Barriss Offee. Supposedly the two Jedi came out without a scratch. Now Tol Skorr wasn't that strong (and was expendable) but Sora Bulq was not weak in any sense of the word.

Worse still, Uzumaki was brutalized by the Sorcerers of Tund and should have been very vulnerable. 'What happened on board the Intrepid?' wondered the Sith Lord. 'I considered sending Asajj Ventress instead of Tol Skorr but decided against it. I suppose that was a mistake on my part.'

That was when his Master Darth Sidious called him via hologram. He kneeled and said, "My Lord, I'm afraid that the assassins sent after Uzumaki have failed."

Sidious said, "I'm well aware Lord Tyranus. Tol Skorr was and acceptable loss but Sora Bulq was not. I find it difficult to believe how powerful Uzumaki has become. I managed to obtain a video feed from the Intrepid and I'm sending it to you. Bulq should have had the skill necessary to defeat Naruto Uzumaki with his Vapaad but didn't."

As Dooku watched the video feed he saw that Barriss Offee was using a peculiar form of Soresu likes of which he'd never seen. Then he saw Naruto using an equally strange form of Juyo or the like. That's when a realization hit Dooku. "Master, those appear to be ancient Sith techniques!"

"My thoughts exactly." growled Sidious. "The boy disappeared for a few years to Renatasia and when he returned to the Jedi Order he had an entirely new form. He either found a Sith Master or a Sith Holocron. Either way he is a threat to the Rule of Two and is grooming his own apprentice. His act is flawless. The boy has even infiltrated the Jedi Order."

"If Uzumaki is actually as Sith then what should we do Master?" asked Dooku.

Sidious answered, "You must extend the hand of friendship to the boy. They obviously come from a different Sith order than we do."

Darth Tyranus said. "I've already crossed swords with him once. Now I see why he defeated me. I shall send an emissary to him to offer him an alliance. I just need to decide who."

"I will leave it in your capable hands then Lord Tyranus." replied Sidious as the hologram faded out...

Dooku thought aloud, "The question is just who to send…"

Core Worlds, Planet Coruscant, Grand Jedi Temple, Jedi Creche

Naruto was out of the war for the next six weeks to bond with his little daughter Natasi. Barriss was helping around the creche so she could learn about the strange power of chakra. As far as everyone was concerned, Naruto was training a fellow Renatasian and nothing was said about her being his daughter.

As for Naruto's padawan, when she wasn't watching over Natasi like a big sister, Naruto was tutoring her in the Jedi Temple Library about the Sith Wars around the time his ancestress Darth Zannah had been alive. He was also teaching her the ancient Sith tongue so she could decipher it. That was only done with the High Jedi Council's permission of course.

"Oppee, Naru play with Natasi!" said the little one. They were her favorite people now. Master Ruta watched over the father and daughter and felt the bond growing between them. The blonde explained that in ancient times Jedi had families and were free to love as they wished. He admitted that love could lead to the dark side but he felt it was balanced by a strong support system that would deter the darkness.

Master Ruta saw Natasi was learning by leaps and bounds under Naruto's playful but gentle care. The blonde Jedi Master was only there during the day when he was training Natasi but many of the children had taken a shine to Naruto and Barriss. Ruta was happy to have the extra adult hands around as well. She loved her job but younglings could be a real handful.

The elderly caretaker knew that it was going to be difficult for both Naruto and Natasi when he started taking missions again but the whiskered Jedi Master had duties to the Jedi Order that could not be avoided forever. That and he was considered a top-notch Jedi General.

…Naruto had some radical ideas about that too. "I believe if a Jedi is going to be a General that they needed to understand the military and the basics of strategy and tactics." said the blonde. "An unnecessary number of lives had been lost because of Jedi Generals not letting their military trained subordinates play a part in the planning."

The blonde added, "I am not trying to militarize the Jedi Order but if a Jedi is to be a General then they need to understand there is a time and a place when a ship's Captain or a Clone Commander knows what is best. We Jedi are not infallible as leaders or otherwise…"

Jedi High Council Chambers

The High Jedi Council had mixed feelings on the subject. Plo Koon was open minded about Naruto's ideas. "I'm of the opinion that Master Uzumaki is correct in his beliefs, some of our Jedi Generals excel in their positions but others clearly have not. Just because we have the Force does not equate to being a superb field commander. Let us not be arrogant but rather humble in our roles."

Yoda agreed, "Too arrogant some in the order have become, Young Master Uzumaki is unfortunately correct. Peacekeepers we are meant to be. Much training we need for war."

Mace Windu added, "There is great unrest in the Jedi Order as to whether we should be involved in this war at all. The decision has already been made that all Jedi knights have the right to not participate in the war effort. That does not mean they are any less in measure than those that have."

"…Perhaps General Uzumaki is a bit too arrogant himself. The war effort makes it a necessity for us to apply our abilities and lead others."

"…Yes, who is young Uzumaki to judge the order?"

Obi-wan Kenobi said, "As a new Member of the Council I will say this. Master Uzumaki is a veteran. It changes one's point of view."

"Like yours perhaps, Obi-wan..?" asked Yoda.

Kenobi nodded. "Precisely. I've had to change and grow in ways I'm not particularly fond of. Ordering others around and sacrificing lives is not something we Jedi were trained to do. I made some costly mistakes early in the war that I still regret. Some proper training could have prevented that."

Shaak Ti said, "A year has passed since the Clone Wars started at Geonosis and there is still no end in sight. As with all Jedi I have had to struggle with the ideals of the Jedi Order and whether it permits us to participate in this conflict. Keeping the Peace is one thing but taking up the positions of warriors is different. I am in agreement with Master Kenobi."

Jedi Master Uzumaki's Quarters

Naruto was packing his few belongings to deploy on the Intrepid once more. He didn't like the idea of leaving Natasi all alone but he'd promised to continue in his duties as a General…

He heard knocking and said, "Enter."

That was when Obi-wan Kenobi came in and asked, "Naruto, do have a moment?"

The blonde said, "Of course Master Obi-Wan." He grinned and quipped, "How is life on the High Jedi Council?"

Kenobi cringed. "Today we discussed your little idea of receiving some military training. I had to voice my support for the idea but there were many against it."

Naruto nodded. "I expected as much."

"You know, the question was asked as to who would be administering the training and that caused a ruckus in and of itself." said Obi-Wan. "I thought I would ask your opinion before you set out."

The blonde asked, "Where do you think the military learned it's tactics? History and veterans who fought in other wars. I learned a ton from my clone Captains and took courses from the Naval Academy. My padawan Barriss is in the process now. These Jedi who think war is glorious could learn a lot by reading the writings of the Harch*⑥ Admiral Trench*⑦ of the CIS."

"Trench was an arrogant monster." said Obi-wan.

"Assuming he's actually dead; Trench also was a brilliant naval tactician and strategist once you get past all of his self-aggrandizing and horrific personality." countered Naruto. "But yes, he was a monster."

Kenobi smiled. "At least we agree on that subject. I'll bring those points up tomorrow. Are you sure you wouldn't like to sit in? I'm sure several members of the Council would love to see what makes you tick."

Naruto grinned mischievously and said, "The Council can decide without little old me. May the Force be with you tomorrow Obi-wan."

The older Master laughed. "I hear you're shipping out on the Intrepid tomorrow. May the Force be with both of us…"

Outer Rim Territories, D'Astan Sector, Planet Serenno, Count Dooku's Palace

Count Dooku was speaking with one of his most powerful subordinates, Asajj Ventress. He said, "Ventress, I want you to find Jedi Master Naruto Uzumaki and invite him here to my Palace. Tell him it is an invitation of friendship from one Sith to another."

Asajj Ventress was many things, but she was not amused. "My Lord, I was unaware that Uzumaki was a Sith Lord." 'Is this some kind of joke?!' "He seems pure as fresh snow to me."

"Ah, and that's where he had us all fooled." said a smiling Dooku. "He is a Sith that is so brilliant at hiding that he was able to infiltrate the Jedi Order itself."

'Yep, the old man is off his rocker.' thought Asajj. "But what of the Sith Rule of Two?" asked the assassin.

"Clearly he is training his own Sith Apprentice in Barriss Offee." said Tyranus.

Ventress said, "You mean the straight and narrow Mirialan?"

"That's the one." replied Dooku. "Obviously they come from a different Sith Sect but are Sith nonetheless."

'Dooku is batshit insane. I need a new gig.' she thought. "I shall do as you command Master. What if he refuses?"

"I foresee you having success Ventress. Do whatever it takes." ordered the Apprentice Sith Lord.

"Thy will be done my Lord." said the kneeling Ventress. 'I've had it. I'm going back to flipping burgers on Dathomir.'


*①: Jedi Council of Reassignment - The Council of Reassignment is one of the four councils of the Jedi Order. It manages the Jedi younglings and organizes work for Jedi Younglings not chosen to become Padawans in the Jedi Service Corps.

*②: Jedi Clans -Jedi younglings are divided into several clans consisting of approximately twenty students. The youngling clans remain as one unit, living and training together, until the time comes to go their separate ways as Padawan learners.

*③: Squall Clan -The Squall Clan is one of the many clans that prospective young initiates are placed in when they first began to learn the ways of the Jedi Order. Members of this clan are chosen based on their agility and swiftness of foot.

*④: Juyo: -Juyo is described as the most vicious form of light saber combat and is said to be filled with both fury and 'malignant grace.' The form was given the title of the most difficult and demanding form in all of the light saber combat. It is also the most chaotic of the lightsaber forms. Skilled combatants with Juyo were said to be able to eviscerate a lone enemy.

*⑤: Kel Dors are a sentient species native to the planet Dorin. In order to survive oxygen -rich environments, they are required to wear specialized breath masks that cover their eyes and nostrils.

*⑥: Harch -Harches are an imposing humanoid, spider-like sentient species native to the planet Secundus Ando in the Mid Rim. They have six arms and six red eyes as well as a pair of chelicerae near their mouths. Harches have grey skin and are covered in brown or white hair.

*⑦: Admiral Trench was a Harch Naval Commander who survived a number of presumed deaths throughout his career. He acquitted himself well in engagements with the Galactic Republic, all the while savoring the terror he struck in his enemies.

And that's a good stopping point. What a shocker! Who would have thought Naruto and Barriss were Dark Lords of the Sith? Apparently Sidious and Tyranus do. What kind of hijinks will that lead to? See you next time. Blue out. 2/24/24