
Naruto: Lightning Incarnate

Dying and drifting in space as a formless soul, I didn’t know what would become of me. That was until I met an eldritch god and granted me lightning powers! Although…did he have to poke me with his tentacles? —- As always the art is not mine because I’m a talentless trash at drawing T_T Naruto and One Piece are works of gods like Kishimoto and Oda so please don’t sue me. I don’t have a beta/proofreader. Constructive criticisms are welcome.

CheeseWiz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 004

Sasuke landed silently on a balcony without alerting the guards patrolling the large mansion. He sneered. Guards. More like drunk hooligans. They were so deep into their cups that they would drink anything he handed to them, even goat piss. At least he easily dispatched the pathetic thugs. Sasuke wiped his kunai on a piece of cloth. Looking down, he was at least three stories up. Being able to travel in the air was a handy skill to have.

He opened the latch to the door and silently slipped through the hallways, his Sharingan and Observation Haki on full alert for any movement. Two thugs with swords were about to turn a corner and Sasuke let himself be seen. As soon as they looked at his eyes they fainted and Sasuke quickly slit their throats. Pulling out an empty scroll he stuffed them inside and went on his way. His goal was to silently eliminate every thug inside the mansion. Easy enough, he thought. Even though that bastard Kakashi told them that it was their suggestion so they should do it themselves and that he would only supervise from the shadows. Sasuke smirked as he slit another thug's throat, blood splashing on the expensive carpet and walls. He didn't need help.


Meanwhile, Naruto swiftly stored everything he saw in his scrolls, also dispatching thugs along the way. His goal? It was to ransack everything in this mansion. Carpets, tapestries, expensive vases. Nothing was left behind. He even took the chandeliers. Naruto snickered as he punched a hired samurai in the face knocking him out.

He eventually arrived at the very top of the mansion where two large ornate double doors were being protected by thugs. They were not ordinary thugs though as they were also missing nin.

"Stop! What are yo…urk!" From the end of the hallway, Naruto almost teleported to their position and his fist sunk in one of the guards' gut, his eyes rolling in the back of his head.

"Jiro! You little brat! You'll pay for that." The other one pulled out a rusty sword from its scabbard and slashed Naruto's back…or not. Naruto vanished from his spot.

The thug gasped as a sword went through his torso.

"How are you…so fast. Ugh."

Naruto wiped his sword on the clothes of the downed mercenary. He really hated killing but he's learned to accept it. He steeled his heart. These people were preying on innocent civilians. He couldn't waver now.

"Hey! What's happening out there? I'm trying to sleep, dammit! Do you know how much I'm paying you to guard the damn door?!"

The large and expensive looking door slammed open and out marched a short and squat looking man. This was Gato? Naruto frowned.

"You! Who are you?! Do you know who I am?" The squat man demanded.

"Gato, of Gato Transport. Suspected of transporting illegal contraband and countless acts of terrorism."

"A nin..ninja…Konoha?! But how? I thought that incompetent Zabuza already took you out!" Gato gulped as he saw Naruto's forehead protector with a stylised leaf on it.

"So it really was you who hired him." Naruto unsheathed his sword and slowly walked towards him.

"Wa…wait! We can talk this out! I can pay you! What do you want? I have money, more than that village can ever give you. That's right…hehehe. Let me hire you instead." Gato smirked confidently his fear slowly diminishing as he saw the blonde boy stop and sheathe his sword back.

"…Sorry. I don't deal with crooks."

Gato saw a fist flying towards his head and he knew no more.

Naruto stared at the criminal who has been causing much suffering to the people of Wave. He was such a weak person preying on helpless people. Naruto shook his head. He still had a job to do.

Entering the large and lavish room, he tried to look for anything that looked like somewhere Gato would hide his money even as he stashed everything in his scrolls.

After storing an expensive-looking couch, the last one left was a huge painting. It was a huge portrait of Gato. Naruto shook his head. Taking off the portrait his eyes widened and he grinned.

"Found it!"

It was a huge metal door locked to the gills. Naruto smirked.

"Heh. This is nothing."

He breathed deeply and concentrated.



The metal folded under his red-black fist like wet paper. Naruto grinned and pried away the door. What he saw inside dumbfounded him.

"So much money!" Stacks or Ryo, jewels, precious stones, and weapons reached up to the ceiling.

He got to work.


Shikamaru shook his head wryly at the other two who freaking flew in the air and left him behind. How much more can those two get stronger? Sighing he dodged a rusty sword and punched the bastard in the face. He was currently circling the mansion, fighting his way through numerous opponents. Even though he volunteered, did the thugs have to be so many? He was almost skewered when he heard a thud and the thug fell down. He glared at Kakashi-sensei who was idly sitting on the wall that surrounded the mansion, twirling a kunai between his fingers.

"You shouldn't be so distracted, Shikamaru."

The bastard smiled an eye-smile and Shikamaru grunted in annoyance as he punched his opponent in the face. His role in this mission was to subdue the thugs patrolling the grounds while Naruto and Sasuke took care of the inside. Kakashi though only interfered in a pinch but otherwise just sat on the damn wall. Sigh. This was such a drag. He wasn't cut out for such long drawn-out battles like this. It's going to be a long night.


Hundreds of villagers gathered in the square the next day. Confused murmurs could be heard from the people.

"Why are we here?"

"Hey did you notice? Gato's thugs are gone."

"Mom, I'm hungry."

"Hey, isn't that Tazuna-san?"

Tazuna stepped up a wooden platform so everyone could see him. He nodded at Naruto and the blonde boy shoved a person tied up in ropes in front of the crowd.

"Gato!" Everyone gasped.

"Is it really him?"

"Gato you bastard!"

People shouted at the short man who was half naked and had an incredible black-eye.

Tazuna began speaking and the crowd quieted to hear him.

"People of Wave! For a long time Gato has blockaded our island and exploited all our hard work for his own gain. He hired thugs and immoral mercenaries to torment us. To harm and kill us! To take advantage of our women and children! Money were extorted from us in the guise of protection taxes while these scoundrels themselves were the ones who harassed us. But no more! In front of you is none other than Gato himself. I hired these Konoha ninjas to protect me against Gato's men until I finished with the bridge, the bridge which was our only hope. However, they did more than that! They captured Gato for us and eliminated his men at their own risk."

Tazuna dragged Naruto and Sasuke to the front who were embarrassed at all the attention they were getting. The crowds cheered and Naruto smiled slightly as he saw the relieved and thankful faces of the villagers. Sasuke just stood there like a robot. Akito smiled at the two of them.

"From this day on, there will only be healing. Let us do our best to make the Land of Waves a home we can all be proud of!"

With Tazuna's words, the people celebrated. Naruto, of course, handed all the money and and the pilfered things from Gato's mansion to the old bridge-builder. Tazuna hugged Naruto in gratitude.

During the following days, everyone was in high spirits. Men and women helped out in finishing the bridge earlier and to renovate the ramshackle houses in the village.

The Konoha shinobi were welcomed warmly by the villagers and treated them as honored guests. You would think that civilians would be more wary of ninjas but Akito guessed taking out Gato and distributing the money helped a lot in removing their wariness. Speaking of the former tycoon/terrorist, the villagers took justice into their own hands and fed him to the sharks…literally. It was a bloody sight.

Right now, it was nearing sun down and Akito was guarding the bridge together with his team. Naruto produced hundreds of shadow clones to help out as well, to the gratitude and amazement of the workers. Inari, Tsunami's son, has also had a change of heart and was now always pestering Naruto to help him get stronger. Akito smiled at the peaceful scene…alas it was not to last.

He frowned as he sensed a dozen presences landing on the other side of the island. They were relatively competent, ranging from chuunin to jounin levels. Among them there was one who exuded Jounin level strength, probably the leader. He could sense their malicious intents.

"Naruto! Sasuke! Warn everyone! There are hostiles on the island!" Both boys looked at him and grimly nodded and began ushering the workers towards Tazuna's home where several protective barrier seals had been placed earlier. Naruto's blonde clones also scattered trying to warn and direct everyone to the house.

Akito produced a solid lightning clone. His clone was unusual as it literally separated from him.

"Warn Kakashi-sensei and the others. Tell them I'm going to intercept them." The clone nodded and flashed away towards the others, crackling sounds following it.

"Akito, what's happening? Are there really intruders?" Tazuna and Inari approached and he frowned.

"Yes, they're on the other side of the island. I thought Naruto already told you to get back to the house. What are you both still doing here?" Akito asked.

"But what about the bridge. Will it get destroyed?" Tazuna asked worriedly. They were almost done, it can't get destroyed now!

"Don't worry. I'll make sure no one harms it. Now go. You'll be safe back at the house." He patted Tazuna and Inari on the shoulder in assurance. Grandfather and grandson closed their eyes at the bright light. With a lightning crackle, the black-haired boy was gone.


"Hmmm. How quaint." A tall white-haired woman landed on the shore and surveyed her surroundings. She was beautiful, no doubt. Her golden eyes complemented her hair greatly, making her look exotic. Her red lips shone like rubies and would entrance any man. She wore a white long-sleeved Yukata with elaborate golden dragons etched on the hems. It definitely took a lot of effort and money to make it. Her geta sandals framed her lovely feet but didn't sink into the sand even a centimeter. She was proficient in chakra.

"Lady Ai! What are your orders?" Her subordinate, a tall muscular man, knelt in front of her as the others moored the vessel they used to travel here.

"This island. I want it. This will be where my kingdom will flourish." Her silky voice sent shivers down the tall man's spine making him gulp.

"As you wish!" He bowed his head respectfully.

"Oh, and confirm if that scoundrel Gato had really hit the bucket, will you? If he's still alive…I trust I don't need to tell you what to do?" Lady Ai looked down on her kneeling subordinate. Her golden eyes held great promise of pain if her wishes were not fulfilled.

"Y…yes, my Lady!"

"Gato's dead."

Immediately all eleven of Lady Ai's men surrounded her protecting her from any threat.

"Ara…? And who might you be?" Ai narrowed her eyes at the figure who suddenly appeared a few meters in front of them. She didn't even hear him! She was wary but she pasted on an sweet smile.

"Gato's dead. We fed him to the sharks."

It was a boy! Ai was surprised. What a handsome young man! Dark wavy hair and eyes, so dark that they contrasted greatly against his pale but healthy skin. Pouty pink lips smiled with innocence, showing off even white teeth and adorable dimples. His black clothes couldn't hide his lean but toned body, making her quiver with desire. She couldn't help but lick her lips. What a fine specimen! She will have a fine time destroying that innocent smile. She stepped past her subordinates and walked towards him, swaying her hips seductively.

"Lady Ai!" She looked menacingly at the foolish man who dare stop her, and he immediately cowered. The others bowed their head in subservience.

"My name is, Ai. May I know your name, handsome?" Ai asked sweetly at the young boy, stopping a few feet in front of him.

"Oh. I'm Akito. What are you doing here?" The boy cocked his head cutely. She shivered in delight.

"Akito. What a fine name. Akito-kun, can you tell me how you know Gato is dead?" She asked.

"Don't you know, big sister? It's all over the village! He died a few days ago when the villagers caught him in his mansion." Akito-kun's eyes lit up in boyish excitement.

"You dare talk to Lady Ai so casually, peasant?! Don't you know who you're speaking to?!" A subordinate was about to unsheath his sword but…


The man held his reddening cheek and looked up at the furious expression of his boss. He quickly knelt and lowered his head on the sand.

"Is he okay? Why'd you slap him?" Akito looked concernedly at the man.

"Don't worry about him." She said dismissively. "Anyway that's great news, isn't it? Gato was a bad man after all." She nodded sympathetically.

"Yeah! So big sister Ai, what are you doing here? The villagers are really busy trying to finish the bridge and constructing houses right now." He grinned enthusiastically seemingly forgetting about the man being slapped.

"Ah. Well you see, Akito-kun. This big sister really needs a guide towards the island. I and my…friends here are a little lost and we really want to explore the Land of Waves. Can you help me out?" Ai put on a convincingly sad and helpless face.

"Okay! I'll help you out big sister! Just follow me!" As soon as Akito turned around Ai smiled viciously and took out a kunai from her sleeves, aiming it at the boys neck.


"Wha…what is this? What the hell are you?!" Ai grunted as her hands shook in effort, her kunai unable to penetrate the delicate looking skin. Akito's hand reached back and held the kunai by its blade.


Shocked, Ai leaped back behind her goons and some of her men immediately surrounded the boy.

"That was not nice big sister. Why would you do that? I thought we were friends." Akito let go of the deformed weapon and it landed on the white sand with a thud. The dark-haired boy at first chuckled but it turned quickly into a deranged laugh, creeping out those who were watching. The maniacal laugh abruptly stopped.


"Hey, big sister. Will you play with me?" Shivers went down Ai's spine as she heard a whisper behind her. She quickly turned and slashed but all she hit was air.

Looking around she looked for the crazy boy but when she turned to her subordinates all them were laying on the soft sand, letting out gurgling sounds as all their throats were slit open.

"Fuck! Show yourself!" She frantically looked everywhere trying to find the boy. When she gets her hands on him, she'll…

"Don't you like me anymore, big sister? I thought you found me handsome?"

"You!…Gasp!" When Ai turned to the voice she looked aghast at the horrible sight.

It was almost dark but that little light the setting sun illuminated on was the stuff of nightmares.




Her subordinates were moving and ambling towards her. But…they weren't alive. Black blood congealed on their clothes as flesh rotted and bones poked out of their sockets. Some of them didn't even have their head but was still steadily gaining on her. Looking at the ground she saw her right-hand man crawling on the sand just with his arms. What once were legs were now just stumps, leaving a trail of blackish blood.

"Ge…get away! Nooooo! Please!" Scared out of her whits she didn't notice someone behind her.

"Big sister Ai. I'm lonely. Will you come with me?"

Ai turned around and she shivered in disgust at Akito's appearance. What once was a handsome face, the boy's skull was now completely devoid of flesh and worms wiggled around his eye sockets. Tufts of greasy hair hung limply on his head. His clothes were in tatters, ribs and sharp bones poking out of the holes. Akito's skeletal hand reached out for her and the boy opened his mouth showing off his sharp serrated teeth the tips red with glistening blood. A low distorted voice came out of his mouth like a demon from the depths of hell and the monster lunged for her.


"Get away! Kyahhh!"

A sharp chop at the back of her neck and Ai fell down unconscious.

"Don't you think you've scared her enough?"

The zombies stopped and pouted. With a huff they dispelled into lightning leaving Akito who also removed his glamour, his skeletal appearance once again an innocent looking boy.

"I was having fun, Kakashi-sensei." Akito pouted.

"Man, that was so damn hilarious!" Naruto burst out from his hiding place behind the bushes and laughed out loud, pointing at the unconscious and tied, but still alive subordinates of Lady Ai.

"Speak for yourself. I was about to piss my pants." Choji shivered and the rest of the gang emerged one by one from the forest. Ino, Shikamaru, and Sasuke looked disturbed as well.

"Your Transformation Jutsu was insane. It looked so real." Shikamaru said.

"Was that really necessary, Akito-kun? I'm going to have nightmares after this." Ino hugged herself as images of zombies chasing her flashed in her mind. She shivered.

"Was she really the strongest of them? She looked pathetic." Sasuke sneered.

"You guys are no fun! Sigh. What are we going to do with them, though? We can't carry all of them back to Konoha." Akito gestured at the tied up men and their lady boss.

"We'll deposit them at one of the outposts. The shinobi stationed there will handle it." Kakashi shrugged and hefted the unconscious woman.


"I know, Kakashi-sensei. Multiple Shadow Clone Justu!" With a crossed-hand seal Naruto produced just enough clones for each captive and all of them trudged back towards Tazuna's place.

"I can't wait to tell Asuma-sensei!" Naruto grinned.


Akito waved goodbye to the jubilant villagers as the bridge was finally finished and the island took its first steps in recovering from Gato's tyranny.

'The Bridge of Hope.'

What an apt name. Looking back one last time he noticed the two presences hiding behind the trees.

"Come, Haku. It's time to leave this place."

"Of course, Zabuza-sama."

Akito heard them as if they were just talking beside him and he smiled as the two presences quickly left the island.

"Come on, Akito! Let's go!" Naruto waved at him and Akito quickly followed.


"…and we left Ai and her followers at one of the Leaf Outposts to be interrogated. She was confirmed to be dabbling in the slave trade. A report is confirmed to arrive soon from the outpost for your perusal, Hokage-sama." Kakashi finished his verbal report.

"Woah. A slave trader? How scary. Good thing I wasn't kidnapped." Akito widened his eyes and pouted innocently. Everyone deadpanned at him.

'Scared my ass.' Was what everyone thought even the hidden Anbu.

"Ahem. Well. I have to say. Excellent work all of you. You've done well to protect the client and even freed the Land of Waves from a tyrant. If Gato had been left to his devices I would have had dispatched a team eventually to eliminate him seeing as Wave is so close to our borders. This will mark as an A-Rank on your record and you will be compensated accordingly. You may go. Kakashi and Asuma, stay." The Hokage smiled at the genin proudly and they bowed respectfully.


"I got you now, Old Man! Now give me that hat!" A little boy barged in just as they were leaving. He had a strange head gear and a long scarf. Brandishing his kunai clumsily he ran towards the Hokage but tripped on his scarf and face-planted.

"….who's this weird, kid?" Naruto raised his brows.

"Owww. You! You tripped me!" The kid stood up and pointed accusingly at Naruto, who looked on amusingly.

"Wait! Honorable Grandson, you can't just barge into the Hokage's office!" A tall man with round sunglasses and turtleneck ran into the room panting.

"Gasp! Lord Hokage! Please forgive us for disturbing your meeting!" The man grabbed the kid's head and forced him to bow with him, much to the boy's protest.

"Ebisu, it's alright. We were just done. Konohamaru, are you here to see your dear grandpa?" The Hokage smiled fondly at his grandson.

"Eh? Old Man, he's your grandson?" Naruto asked.

"Indeed. Everyone, this is Sarutobi Konohamaru." The old man chuckled. The boy huffed and turned up his nose.

"Honorable Grandson, you should greet them properly." Ebisu reprimanded him.

"Don't call me that! And you! I challenge you to a duel!" Konohamaru pointed at Naruto.

"Heh. What can a little kid like you do anyway?" Naruto childishly blew the kid a raspberry.

"I'm not a kid! Fight me!" Konohamaru attempted to stab Naruto with his kunai but tripped again on his scarf.

"Owww. You tripped me! You'll pay for this!" Everyone sweatdropped as the little boy ran away swearing vengeance against the blonde genin.

"Honorable Grandson, wait! Excuse me Hokage-sama. Honorable Grandson!" Ebisu bowed hurriedly and ran after his charge.

"What was that about?" Naruto said.

"Sigh. You must forgive him. His parents died when he was just little. It's been especially hard on Konohamaru." The old man smiled sadly.

"Oh." Naruto looked thoughtful at that.


All six genin just got out of the tower and were walking leisurely.

"What do you think the Hokage wants with our sensei?" Choji asked.

"Sigh. It's probably because we still continued even when the client lied about the mission details. Asuma-sensei almost died, too." Shikamaru mumbled.

"But! It's not right just to leave Tazuna and his family after all they've gone through! Besides, all ends that…all is well ends…gaah!!!" Naruto ruffled his head in frustration and Akito chuckled.

"The saying goes 'All is well that ends well'. And yeah, you're probably right. Asuma-sensei might just get a light scolding. The Hokage's probably just worried for his son." Akito shrugged and the others nodded.

"Hey, we're gonna celebrate at Yakiniku Q! Do you guys wanna come?" Choji asked.

"You bet! Right Akito? Sasuke?" Naruto said.

"We'd love to. Right, Sasuke?" Akito smiled sweetly at the Uchiha who looked like he was about to decline but nodded quickly when he heard the tell-tale sounds of lightning crackles.

"Great! Let's go!" Akito merrily lead the way.

"Your teammate is one scary guy sometimes. You know that right?" Ino smiled nervously.

"Yeah." Naruto and Sasuke shuddered.


"What is lightning? For you to know what lightning-natured chakra truly is you have to understand that everything is made of opposite energies, even chakra. Yin and Yang. Spiritual and Physical. Negative and positive. When you separate these two this creates an imbalance and they will attempt to regain their balanced state. This is also how lightning in the world is created. Negative energy in the clouds gather and are attracted to the positive energies in the ground. These two will release energies and they create lightning." Akito tried and…partially succeeded in explaining how lightning occurs. How do you even explain protons and electrons? He thought exasperatedly. He looked at Sasuke who was thoughtful and Naruto who just blankly stared, almost drooling. He huffed. This was so freaking hard.

"Anyway, maybe explaining isn't the best thing right now. A practical demonstration perhaps would be more suitable. Sasuke, come here." The Uchiha boy stood up from the log stump he was sitting on. All three of them and Kakashi-sensei were currently in Training Ground 3 and the silver-haired man allowed Akito to teach Sasuke lightning-natured chakra. Even Kakashi was listening interestedly. As the expert in lightning chakra, he wanted Sasuke learn it as he had an affinity for it.

"Alright, it isn't really complicated. Chakra is actually amazing as whatever you visualise, you just have to command it and it will happen. Naruto when you trained your wind release, you imagined wind to be sharp, right?"

"Yeah! That's right." Naruto nodded, glad to contribute to the discussion.

"Right. Wind can cut but can also blow away stuff. It can create a vacuum when you take away air which can be devastating for humans. Storms are formed when cold and warm air interact. Think about that for a bit Naruto. And Sasuke, what about your fire? What did you imagine it to be when you first started training it."

"…hot." Sasuke dryly said.

Naruto snickered and Akito sighed. Kakashi looked on amusedly.

'Oh, Great One, give me patience.' Akito prayed.

"We know that, Sasuke. Fine, I'll just say it. Fire needs three things for it to burn: air, heat, and fuel. Take out at least one of them and there's no fire. Fire cannot exist in vacuum because there's no air. Remember that one, Naruto. Without heat the fire will not burn. Without fuel, the fire cannot start. Now, lightning is a little different. Lightning is hot. Really hot and it can cause untold amount of devastation."

Akito held out his hand and it glowed a bright white light. Everyone felt the searing heat coming from it, the air around it almost boiling. Alarmed everyone backed away. The white glow eventually died but the air still felt stifling.

"It's even hotter than the surface of the sun. Also lightning made of chakra also has piercing qualities, like so."

Akito pointed his finger at a boulder and a bolt of white lanced off of it impacting the hard surface.


A huge hole was left in the giant boulder, the edges molten and red from the searing heat.

"The Raikage of Kumogakure is said to be a master of lightning release. He coats his whole body in lightning and supposedly only the Fourth Hokage surpassed him in speed. Now, with all that I've told you, Sasuke, I want you to start with this. Imagine the positive and negative energies separating to create an imbalance. Imagine them attempting to recreate that equilibrium and redirect the energy released to this."

Akito handed Sasuke a lightbulb and the boy started practicing. It will be a long month yet before he could successfully produce lightning even with his natural affinity.


Sasuke looked at his bedside table where a picture frame of his parents sat. He sighed as he sat up on his comfy bed. Uchiha Fugaku had been an uncaring, almost cold, father to him. Fugaku always favoured his older brother, Itachi. In fact, almost all of the clan had the highest expectations heaped upon Itachi's shoulders. He had been their prodigy, the one who would finally bring recognition and glory to the proud Uchiha. Sasuke though, he was forgotten. Disappointed looks were the only things he got because try as he might he just wasn't as talented as his older brother. The only one who didn't look at him any differently was his mother, Mikoto. Sasuke was most devasted about her. He missed when she sung him lullabies as he cried when his brother couldn't give him the time of day. He missed her tending to his bruises after a gruesome training session with Fugaku. He remembered their last moments, bleeding on the floor with a sword wound through their backs and Itachi standing over them his sword dripping red.

Shaking his head he stood up and prepared for the day. After taking a shower and putting on some comfy clothes he went to the back of the mansion where his tomato garden was. Sasuke looked on proudly as red plump tomatoes was starting to mature and ready for harvesting. He smiled as he remembered Akito giving him some seeds and Naruto some fertilisers. After watering the plants he went back inside to prepare an early lunch. It was chicken katsu today and he chopped up some cabbages and tomatoes as he heated up the frying pan. He knew jack about making it from scratch though and the chicken cutlets had been prepared by Akito and frozen in the fridge.

After some time the katsu was done frying and Sasuke poured a generous amount of ketchup and mayonnaise and teriyaki sauce. His eyes gleamed in anticipation. It looked obscene but ketchup, mayonnaise and teriyaki sauce are the best inventions in the world. Taking a bite of the chicken he almost moaned at the flavors dancing on his tongue. His plate quickly emptied and Sasuke sighed in satisfaction.

After lunch he changed into his training attire. On the way out of his room he looked at the picture frame hanging on his wall. It was a picture of Team 7, the day they officially became a team. Sasuke looked at the happy faces of his teammates and sensei. Even his picture self smiled a little bit at the camera. That's right. He had a family now. Even though they weren't blood related, he felt closer to them than he'd been with the Uchiha clan. Everyday he thanked Kami that he approached Akito and Naruto that day almost two years and a half ago asking them to train him. He vowed to protect Naruto and Akito, even Kakashi, from anyone that dared harm them. He promised he would get so strong that not even his older brother would be able to torment his sleep anymore.

With one last look the last Uchiha left his house and the desolate Uchiha compound. It was time to train.


Naruto walked through the busy crowds of the market. Some people glared at him but mostly they just looked on with indifference. The blonde-haired boy ignored the stares and continued on his stroll. He didn't really need to buy anything, Akito took care of all the groceries, though sometimes Naruto would shop for the both of them. It was a remarkable experience for him when he went out using the transformation jutsu. People were kind to him and they didn't throw him out of the shops. It was…amazing yet sad at the same time. Years ago he would have done everything to get the approval of the villagers but now he learned that it's more important to keep those who really cared close to his heart and just ignore the haters. It had been his dream one day to become the most respected and loved person in the whole village. Becoming Hokage, he thought that he would finally get the recognition he craved but as the years went on, the villagers seemed to only get worse and tried their best to cast him out. It hurt for a while, he admitted. But Akito changed all that. Naruto smiled at the thought of his older brother. He was the best brother in the whole world!

After a while he noticed that he was being followed. He didn't look but just changed his path towards a deserted alley and promptly jumped on the roof. Naruto snickered as the three kids who had been following him looked around confused.

"Huh? Where'd he go?" Konohamaru exclaimed.

"Is it really alright to do this, Konohamaru? What if we get caught." A snotty nosed kid wiped at his nose.

"Yeah, Konohamaru. Udon is right. What if he gets angry?" Moegi, a girl with big twin pony tails, asked worriedly.

"Fancy seeing you guys here."

The three screamed in fright and jumped back as Naruto spoke up behind them.

"You scared me!" Konohamaru clutched at his chest but grinned. "Guys, let's do it!"

The youngsters lined up with Konohamaru in the middle and the other two flanking him.

"I'm Sarutobi Konohamaru!"

"My name's Udon. Sniff."

"And I'm Moegi. Hehe."

"Together, we're the Konohamaru Squad!" Naruto looked on in amusement as all three exclaimed with matching poses.

"Huh. And why were you following me?"

"How did you do that? You just disappeared! From now on I'm gonna call you Boss! Please teach me!"

"Please teach us!" All three bowed in unison and Naruto raised his brows and caressed his non-existent beard.

"Boss. I like the sound of that. Tell you what. Follow me and if you're good, you just might learn something. Hehehe."

The kids looked excited and followed him enthusiastically. That day, Naruto gained his own students.


It was a few days after Akito started teaching Sasuke how to produce lightning. The Uchiha boy really was a prodigy as he could already produce a few sparks. Elemental training could take a long time but the boy's determination was impressive.

Team 7's training for the day had already ended but Akito told the others that he would stay for a bit. When Kakashi finally left he flashed far away and arrived in the middle of a humungous forest with equally humungous predators. It was Training Ground 44, also known as the Forest of Death. He was currently sitting atop a boulder in the middle of a clearing. He appeared laidback and as he languidly sat cross-legged. The habitants of the forest could sense a great danger from the seemingly harmless boy and entirely avoided the area. The boy in question waited.

After several minutes he heard the rustle of leaves as the people he had been sensing since morning finally appeared. They may have escaped the still developing Haki sensing of Sasuke and Naruto but his Observation Haki could sense even miles underground. Nothing in the village can escape him.

He blinked lazily as a man stepped out of the trees. The man was an elderly, seemingly crippled, with bandages covering his right arm and the right half of his face. A huge scar could be scene on his chin shaped like a large 'X'. The old man walked gingerly using his cane and stopped just a few meters in front of the boulder. He internally snickered as the man started monologuing.

"Inazuma Akito. A recent graduate and part of Hatake Kakashi's team. But…you're not just an ordinary genin, are you? Reports say you have a strong affinity for lightning release, so strong that you don't even need to perform hand seals. People have also seen you use unaided flight, an entirely different method from the one your teammates use. At a young age you have already developed your own set of taijutsu techniques called the Yonshiki, even getting the approval of the Hokage and Might Guy. So many achievements and so much potential. You truly are an asset that the village cannot lose." The old man stopped finally stopped talking. Geez.

"…ummm. Sorry, do I know you?" Akito blinked seemingly in confusion. The old man apparently didn't like being unrecognised and narrowed his exposed eye.

"I am Shimura Danzo, an esteemed Elder of the village. Tell me Inazuma Akito, your talent is being wasted by being put on your current team. Hiruzen didn't want to listen to me so I had to ask you myself. Would you like to hear my proposition?"

"Oh?" The black-haired boy had a bored look on his face but gestured for the man to talk.

"I run an organisation that is essential for the village. Due to stringent requirements we are only few in number but despite that we take on the hardest missions, missions that even ordinary Jounin would balk at, missions that cannot be brought to light and must remain in the sark. Assassination, espionage, counter intelligence, and many more all for the sake of our noble Konoha Village. We need someone like you and I feel that you would be a perfect candidate. We are called Root, the shadow that nourishes the great tree known as Konoha. What do you say, Inazuma Akito?"

"Is that why you also approached Sasuke earlier yesterday?" Akito tilted his head in curiousity.

"Indeed. Uchiha Sasuke is indeed also has one of the best potentials in this village. Sadly, he declined. I am now offering this opportunity to you." Danzo said magnanimously as if he was doing him a favour. He almost snorted.

"I see. Well, I also have to decline. I like being on Team 7 but I thank you for recognising my talents enough to offer me a position in your organisation." No one could fault him for being impolite.

"Ah. You misunderstood, Inazuma-kun. Uchiha Sasuke had the liberty to decline my offer because he had too many eyes on him. The last Uchiha is too protected. However, a clanless genin like you, although talented, has no support and backing. You see, you never had a choice to begin with. You will come with me to become a Root shinobi whether you like it or not. Seize him."

Shadows flitted out of the surrounding forest and dozens of masked ninja surrounded him. They wore masks similar to the Anbu although one great distinction separated them. Akito couldn't sense any emotions, only indifference and apathy, like they were puppets on a string. A root ninja unsheathed his sword and tried to skewer him. Akito remained languidly sitting and didn't move from his spot.


The sword passed through the young boy like he wasn't even there but white hot lightning still lanced through the sword frying the masked ninja from the inside out. There was a thud and a charred black corpse lay on the grass.

The others looked up and saw Akito's upper half bisected, separated from his lower torso although no innards spilled and the body seemed to float in mid air. Tendrils of lightning from both halves reached out to each other and the boy seemingly reattached himself with no effort. Akito stood up and yawned.

"Incredible. You can even transform your body into lightning like the Hozuki Clan from Mist Village could transform entirely into water." Danzo was amazed at the spectacle in front of him, uncaring of his dead subordinate.

"It was fortunate that Sasuke declined your offer because I would have hunted you down otherwise. But still, you targeted one of those I care deeply about. For that you have to pay with your life."


A tremendous and heavy aura covered a radius ten miles making those weak willed feel weak or outright faint. Some even died from heart attack. Predators who ruled the forest fled in terror and others burrowed under the ground trying to escape the horrifying presence. The boulder he was standing on cracked and crumbled, tree splintered and creaked, the earth split and the sky rumbled ominously. Some of the root shinobi fainted, even Danzo was not unaffected as he leaned on his cane and panted in exertion.


"Come out my Celestial Hounds."

Akito's hands glowed white and lightning lanced off his hands forming into large glowing wolves. It was a technique that he had developed sometime ago but hadn't had the opportunity to use it. The lightning hounds are vicious creatures and will never let a prey go. They stood as tall as a grown adult and had ethereal glowing white fur. Their eyes, teeth, and claws sparked with unleashed power ready to tear anyone he pointed his finger at.

Akito didn't let up his Conqueror's Haki and watched apathetically as his wolves tore the throats of the prone root ninjas. No one was spared even Danzo, the old fool. As the last root ninja died, his stomach torn viciously open, the large canines blurred into white streaks and flashed over to the still kneeling Root Leader. The old cripple tried to dodge but screamed in agony as lightning coursed through his body and his stomach, limbs, throat, and spine were torn apart by sharp teeth and claws. Light left the single remaining eye as blood stained the forest floor. Akito sighed and released his Haki. The forest quietened and he was about to dispel the wolves but tilted his head to the side as an invisible ball of air pierced the space where his head was a second ago.

Looking back Akito saw Danzo healthy and hale. The bandages covering his arm and eyes had been undone, however, and revealed several red eyes with three tomoes each. His right arm was white and had the texture of tree bark. A hideous and pale face protruded out of his shoulder. On his previously covered right eye spun a red glowing eyeball.

"Sharingan." Akito murmured in shock. This…this monster!

"Yes. Fascinating aren't they? The Sharingan. Truthfully, it had been wasted on the Uchiha Clan, the arrogant fools. Although, it is quite interesting that try as I might genjutsu doesn't work on you. You are still full of surprises, Inazuma Akito. I am even more determined to 'recruit' you." Danzo made some hand signs and unsheathed his Katana blowing on it and coating it in wind-natured chakra. On the other hand, Akito didn't stay idle and ordered his wolves to attack while his bracers melted and formed into a long tri-pronged spear.

Using his Sharingan eye, Danzo anticipated the moment the wolves tried to bite him and that's when he attacked. Even if the vicious creatures were as fast as lightning, his sword danced and summarily beheaded them one by one, the wind coating protecting his sword and him from being electrocuted. He couldn't anticipate however the spear embedding into his throat from the back. Danzo gurgled as blood filled his esophagus and lungs. His body fell and lay immobile.

Akito twisted and blocked the sword slash towards his back. Looking back down the dead body was gone and in front of him was again an unharmed Danzo.

"Interesting. Every time you die, one of your eyes close. I wonder how long you can keep it up?" Danzo gritted his teeth as he relentlessly attacked with his sword but every time the insolent brat dodged effortlessly. Akito parried and swerved as if dancing, his several-ton spear created graceful arcs and sharp thrusts that Danzo was hard-pressed to repel. The black-haired boy avoided a horizontal slash and jumped in the air staying afloat. He pointed his spear down towards his opponent.

"100 Million Volt: Lightning Discharge"


White light lanced off the spear and pierced through Danzo, unable to dodge, and his body fell once more this time charred black to the bone.

"That's three."

Akito landed and a presence appeared behind him but he bashed the old man's head in unceremoniously, caving his skull. The corpse puffed into smoke and was replaced with a log. Sensing a presence behind him he turned around just in time to witness Danzo make his last hand seal.

"Wood Style: Exploding Tree Spear!"

Great tree roots erupted from below Akito and attempted to skewer him. The black-haired boy was surprised. This bastard even stole the First Hokage's moves. Akito dodged gracefully in the air pumping his legs and kicking on air at great speeds. Danzo followed the boy's moves with his Sharingan but he only looked like a black blur. He extended his arm and wooden spikes shot out from his wooden arm.

Akito grinned, exhilarated as he twisted his body in the air. He kicked the air and tilted his head back and as if in slow motion he saw one of the sharp wood projectiles pass in front of his face just centimetres from the tip of his nose. He was like an acrobat as he twisted, twirled, and bent in impossible angles to avoid the barrage of wooden spikes. Those of which that had almost hit him he just slapped away with his hand, further infuriating his opponent. With one last twist he raised his spear and threw with all his might.


His throw was so great that it created a sonic boom that made Danzo flinch and couldn't dodge the sharp spear coming for him.


He gurgled, blood coming out of his mouth in dribbles as he looked down at the long spear coming out of his cheat where his heart was.

"Bullseye! That's four." Akito pumped his fist childishly.

"Insolent whelp! Arghhh!" This time Akito took initiative and flashed behind the old man who had appeared several meters to his right. Danzo couldn't even begin making hand signs before he once again was pierced through his spine by a bluish-black hand. He chocked as he felt his spine being torn from his body. It was a gruesome sight but Akito didn't care. This old man deserved all the pain in the world for what he'd done to Sasuke's family.


Akito threw the spine away and kicked the body. When it landed on the ground it had already disappeared. Looking up ahead he sensed someone fleeing. He grinned. Too slow.

"Five. Oh? Where are you going? It's bad manners to abandon a game, you know."

Danzo cursed as he fled from the little monster. This was a disaster. His root shinobi had been decimated earlier with little effort and already five of his Sharingan that he had painstakingly harvested (read: gouged from dead Uchiha skulls) were now unusable. He saw movement from the corner of his eyes but failed to dodge as he was bisected in half.

"You can run, but you can't hide. Six."

The bisected body disappeared and Akito smirked as he sensed his prey suddenly appear hundreds of meters from his left. He flashed over and he saw Danzo making several hand seals. The old man gritted his teeth and slammed his hand on the ground.

"Wood Style: Root Explosive Entombment!"

Once again humungous tree roots and branches erupted all around Akito but this time he remained in his spot and patiently watched what would happen. The old man was confused by this but thought the little brat was getting arrogant. He grinned menacingly as the young genin in front of him was completely engulfed in roots and branches. If one looked closely, hundreds of explosive tags were attached to the wooden limbs.



Danzo watched the massive explosion, great flames erupted and vicious winds picked up dust and debris making him close his eyes for a second. When he opened them he was shocked that the boy was unharmed and even laughed, like everything was funny to him.

"Have you already forgotten? Are your advanced years catching up? I can turn my body intangible, remember. You really should look after your health more."


The old man gasped as a spear's steel shaft connected with his torso and the impact almost folded him in half.


His mangled body impacted a giant tree trunk several meters away and slumped there like a wet sack of potatoes.


"Wind Style: Vacuum Sphere!"

Danzo spit out several wind bullets that would have riddled the black-haired boy's body with holes.


Multiple sharp sounds of metal ringing could be heard as Akito intercepted the wind bullets with his staff. The boy's hands and the steel shaft had gained a bluish-black glow. Danzo kept seeing it earlier but didn't know what that meant. Maybe a defensive jutsu? Seeing his attack having no effect the old man blew on a shuriken and it turned into a huge spinning buzz saw. The metal star grew a few feet in radius and his withered hands threw several shurikens towards the boy, sharp buzzing sounds like angry wasps could be heard coming from them. In less then a second the wind-coated spinning projectiles neared their target.


Danzo widened his eyes as his shurikens were repelled flying away and felling the trees unfortunate enough to block its path.

"Impossible! Wind-chakra could easily cut even metal!"

"Aw, don't cry old man. You could always try again!"



His body convulsed uncontrollably and Danzo felt electricity frying him from the inside for the nth time. Honestly, he lost count. Akito beheaded the stubborn bastard.

"Eight. Come out, come out! You know what I think of you? You're like a cockroach that just won't be squished no matter how much I stomp on you."

Akito threw his heavy spear towards his right and he heard a wet squelch as it found its target hiding underground. The ground cratered as the heavy weapon impacted and an old man's body lay lifelessly in the center.


He flashed towards his weapon and pulled it out of the ground.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Baku!"

Behind him a great elephant-like beast appeared in a huge plume of smoke. Hoh? A summon beast. It's the first time he's seen one. It's four limbs looked like it came from a tiger's, sharp claws tearing through the earth like it was soft sand. It was huge, although it didn't breach the abnormally tall Hashirama trees, the huge vegetation standing at hundreds of meters tall. The elephant-chimera opened its maw, its sharp fangs glinting in the dim light of the forest, and everything started being sucked inside it. Akito watched as loose soil, boulders, and small trees were uprooted and were sucked in the vacuum-like mouth. He smirked as he let himself be dragged. When he was close to the mouth he flashed above the summon's head and morphed his spear into huge mallet with a '10 Tonne' marker on it. Akito heaved it up and brought down on its skull with a resounding crack.


The creature's eyes almost bulged out of its sockets as it cried out in pain. Its body couldn't handle the weight and impacted the earth, great boulders flying and shaking the whole forest.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Serial Waves!"

A dozen wind blades stacked against each other shot from Danzo's mouth as he tilted his head from different angles. Akito dodged at the last moment utilising his inhuman speed. The Baku struggled to stand up and Akito was impressed by its tenacity. It roared in defiance and swung its massive trunk at him like a club. He let go of his weapon and grabbed the thick appendage and squeezed, his arms coated with haki. Baku screamed in agony and thrashed with all its might, trying to dislodge him but his arms were like vices. Using chakra to keep his feet on the earth, he heaved and the elephant lifted from the ground and threw the summons right at the gaping Danzo.


The ground shook and Danzo was still alive but his legs were crushed to paste as the elephant chimera lay on top of him seemingly dizzy and confused.

"Let's see how durable you really are, Mr. Elephant. 200 Million Volt: Majestic Thunderbird!"


As Danzo lay on the ground not feeling anything below his torso, he saw an ethereal white bird the same size as Baku poke its head from the dark rumbling clouds above the forest. Its mysterious blue eyes judged everything below it with indifference and apathy. As it emerged from dark curtain of clouds, he saw lightning lance off its whole body as it flapped its equally humongous wings. It was the last thing he saw as the thunderbird dived down towards his and the Baku's location with a single flap of its wide wings. Danzo screamed in agony and his body was engulfed in white light.


Akito watched, his eyes held the same indifference as the thunderbird. The light from his attack illuminating his face making him look more otherworldly. After a several seconds all was left was a huge red glowing crater. The summons probably went back to wherever summoned beasts lived and Danzo's remains were nowhere to be seen. Sensing a presence behind him, he smirked.

"Ten. Aw, you only have one left. It breaks my heart to see you go but sadly…everything has an ending. Even stubborn cockroaches like you." Akito mocked at the panting old man who appeared in the middle of the clearing. If anyone looked they would see this part of the forest decimated. Craters littered the ground and mysterious charred earth marred the ground and trees, still glowing red from the tremendous heat. The abnormally tall trees of the Forest of Death had chunks torn off them and fire erupted here and there, threatening to consume the forest. Akito needed to finish this as he sensed several presences coming towards this place.

"Monster! Pant. Pant. I can't believe a brat like you reduced me to this state."

"Oh, don't worry, Danzo. It really was very easy to beat you. Don't take it too hard." Akito yawned and removed imaginary dirt from his nails.

Danzo shuddered as he remembered the monstrous bird but gritted his teeth. His chakra was almost depleted but he still had one last card up his sleeve. His right eye morphed and turned into curved four-bladed shuriken.


Akito stilled and dropped his staff. Danzo smirked as his ultimate genjutsu worked. Kotoamatsukami was the ability of Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan, the final evolution of the Uchiha's Doujutsu. It had the power to completely warp the mind of the target making them do whatever the user wants. It was so powerful that the drawback was equally harsh. He could only use it once every few days and now he had used it on Inazuma Akito. Normally the eye's ability could only be used once every decade or so but because his arm was made of Senju Hashirama's cells, he had gained a considerable boost to his healing factor. Danzo watched as his new soldier knelt in front him and he laughed maniacally. With Akito under his command, he would finally achieve his life long dream of being the Hokage!

"Hahahahaha!" He threw his head back laughed uproariously. At the end, it was he who was the victor!


Danzo abruptly stopped as he heard someone laughing along with him.

"Oh, why'd you stop laughing? I thought we were sharing a joke? My bad."

Danzo gaped as the supposedly mind-controlled genin stood up and dusted off his pants.

"How? Impossible! How can you dispel the ultimate mind-control genjutsu?" He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Oh, it was strong but let's just say that I'm special. It was fun while it lasted, Danzo. Unfortunately I have to end it here. 100 Million Volt: Lightning Discharge!" Akito watched the man get electrocuted and fall down flat-faced on the ground. He walked over and plucked the last Sharingan eye from his skull and stored it into a bottle with preserving liquid. He conveniently always had one of those as sometimes a client would want body parts of the target preserved, like some sick trophy, from his bounty hunts.

Akito looked up as he sensed several presences finally nearing, including the Hokage. He waited for them. He wasn't worried as he had nothing to hide. This old man's corpse however had a lot of secrets and would shock even the Hokage. The black-haired boy sighed and he leaned on his trusty spear. He didn't lie earlier. He felt elated when he used his new moves against Danzo but it got boring too fast as his opponent was just too…weak. Is he getting too overpowered? That's a good thing right? Akito slapped his cheeks. He couldn't think like that. What if in the future he faced a foe more powerful than him? He had yet to encounter the true monsters of this world. Pain, Madara, Kaguya, the Ootsutsuki Clan, Jinchuuriki. So many. He shouldn't feel complacent now just because he beat an old man already past his prime. Yes, that's right. He had to keep getting stronger, if not for his sake, then for those he cared about. Also that genjutsu earlier, Kotoamatsukami was it, if it hadn't been for his unique constitution he would have already been a mindless zombie like those root ninjas earlier. It truly was an invasive technique. He had felt the genjutsu slither in his mind like a worm burrowing into his psyche but it couldn't find anything as he truly was made of lightning. His body automatically flushed the foreign invader out and fried it into oblivion. He was also pleasantly surprised that he wasn't affected by any genjutsu at all. Akito clasped his hands and knelt.

"Oh, Great Being, you are the most benevolent of all. Your thousands of eyes shine light upon my very being and your magnificent and long tentacles caress my immortal soul. Oh, Great One, you will be forever cherished in my heart. This battle I won in your name. Banzai! Glory be to the Great One!"


Hiruzen Sarutobi landed in the clearing in complete battle regalia ready for an attack but only saw the devastation. He traveled here as fast as he could when he saw the giant glowing bird from the sky earlier thinking the village was being attacked. Looking at the scene, a great battle had just occurred here as he observed the huge craters and red glowing melted earth and trees. Fires sprung up from sporadically as leaves and branches burned from the intense heat. The white bird wasn't anywhere to be seen. His eyes widened as he saw twisted roots and branches protruding from the earth. Wood Release! Impossible! There's only one person he currently knew who could use Wood Style and he's part of his Anbu.

In the middle of the clearing he saw something…weird. He recognised Akito-kun kneeling over a corpse and was shouting and raising his hands to the sky like he was praying. A long metal spear was embedded into the ground beside his kneeling form. The Great One? Who was that? Maybe he meant Kami-sama? His Anbu subordinates also looked at the scene askance and glanced at each other in bewilderment. Hiruzen cleared his throat and walked towards the boy. When he neared he got a clear look at the corpse. Hiruzen widened his eyes. Danzo!

"Genin Inazuma. Report!"

He saw Akito-kun stand up and salute him and the boy began his report. As the words flowed out of the boy's mouth his eyes continued to widen in response. By the end of the incredible story he only felt weariness and heartache. Danzo, how could you have done this. Harvesting Sharingan? The First Hokage's DNA? Root? It was absurd but the evidence lay in front of him as his Anbu opened the slits on Danzo's arm. Red eyes of the Sharingan. However, they looked dull and cloudy, a thin white film covering the retinas. From the report Akito-kun gave him, every time Danzo 'resurrected' an eye would go blind and close. Maybe a forbidden jutsu? He doesn't know much about the powers of the Uchiha Doujutsu. Only the Uchiha themselves might be able to answer. Sadly, that was now impossible.

"And that huge bird summons from earlier was yours?"

"Yes, sir."

"Sigh. Very well. Anbu Otter, seal away the corpse and bring it to our forensic team. All the others secure this clearing and find the Root ninjas. I want a report on my desk as soon as possible. As for you Akito-kun. I must apologise. I know you are probably tired but we need a Yamanaka to examine your memories. After that you will also write a report of what happened here. You are just a genin but think of it as practice for when you get promoted. Alright?" Hiruzen looked at the marvelous boy in front of him. He was sad that his old friend perished but it was eclipsed by his anger for what Danzo had done. As for the boy in front of him he only felt gratitude and a sense of wonder. So much talent! If it hadn't been for Akito, he wouldn't have discovered and had his eyes opened to Danzo's shady dealings until it was too late. He patted the boy's shoulder.

"Go with Otter, Akito-kun. One of our med-nin will check you out for any injuries. Also, this will be an S-Rank on your file. I want to personally thank you for what you have done here. You have this old man's gratitude. Now go."

Hiruzen watched as the genin bowed respectfully and was lead by Otter. He smiled. Maybe he had found his successor? It was about time he retired his old bones. He shook his head. That was for another time. For now he had to deal with the remaining Root forces.


Once Akito was cleared of injuries from the Konoha hospital, a Yamanaka examined him next. He couldn't help it but it was funny as every time Yamanaka Inoichi, the Yamanaka patriarch, entered his mind he would get zapped. The blonde man blew on his fingers.

"I'm sorry, Inoichi-san. I'm not doing it on purpose." He said apologetically.

"It's alright, Akito-kun. In fact this is an advantage as no enemy village could get any information from you. Sadly, this complicates things as my report to the Hokage will not be as detailed. Anyway, that's not for you to worry about. Why don't you tell me exactly what happened?" The blonde man smiled at him and took out a recording device. As he told the man what he told the Hokage earlier, Akito's thoughts wandered. The technology in this world was…weird. Some were as advanced as the technology in his old world like the MRI and CT scans in the hospital, cable tv, refrigerator, toaster, and many others but they also don't have cars or airplanes. They were still using wooden caravans and horse-drawn carriages. They don't have landlines or cellphones and roads weren't paved. It was interesting. He finally finished his retelling and Inoichi nodded.

"We're done here, Akito-kun. You may go now. Don't forget to write your report, alright?"

Akito waved goodbye and exited the Hokage's tower. It was already getting dark and he needed to give the Sharingan eye back to Sasuke. The Hokage gave him permission to return it to the Uchiha boy, which he was glad for.

He finally arrived at the Uchiha compound and he sensed two presences inside. Oh? Flashing over to where the presences were he saw his friends.

"Sasuke! Naruto! What are guys doing?"

"We were waiting for you, big bro! You said we were just going to eat at Ichiraku's but I waited and you were taking too long. I couldn't find you at the training ground or anywhere!" Naruto pouted.

"Oh. Sorry, Naruto. Something came up. Let's go inside your room Sasuke."

The three boys went inside Sasuke's mansion. It really was a big place. He guessed it was one of the perks being the clan head's house. All three boys went inside Sasuke's room and Akito told Naruto to set up some wards. The boy didn't complain and when the room was secured he finally told them what happened.

Understandably both boys were shaken. Akito gave the bottle containing the Sharingan to Sasuke. The boy clasped the glass tightly to his chest.

"Thank you." The Uchiha boy said silently.

"I couldn't just let the bastard go after what he'd done. When I saw those eyes in his arms, his life was already forfeit."

Both boys nodded. Sasuke's only regret was he wasn't the one to kill the old fool who dared desecrate his clan's eyes.

"Also, what I told you is a village secret. The Hokage declared it an S-Rank. I shouldn't have to tell you that we'll all get in trouble if the Hokage knew I told you."

"You can count on us, big bro! Right, Sasuke?"


"Also, it's just speculation but if an elder was involved in the Uchiha massacre the others might have also been involved…even the Hokage." Akito said grimly.

"What?! The Old man? But…you can't mean that!"

"I'm sorry, Naruto. I can't trust the Hokage right now but you don't have to change how you treat him. As I said, it's just speculation at best. I believe only Uchiha Itachi could identify who else had been truly involved in the death of your clan, Sasuke."

Sasuke breathed deeply and clenched his fist around the bottle containing the Sharingan. That bastard old man had the audacity to recruit him to his organisation while secretly wearing several of his clansmen's eyes like ghastly jewellery? He shook his head.

"My objective hasn't changed. I'll get stronger and then force out the answers from my older brother. Once I know, I'll deal with everyone who'd had a hand in my clan's demise. That's all there is to it."

"We'll help, too. We're the strongest team in Konoha. Right?"

"Yeah, we'll whoop Itachi's ass and beat the snot out of him!" Naruto pumped his fist.

Sasuke nodded and smiled.

"Good. Now I'm famished. Who's up for some ramen?"

Naruto cheered and Sasuke smiled. The Uchiha boy was eternally grateful for his friends and he vowed to return the favour back.
