
Naruto: Hanma Yujiro's Legacy

The infamous Hanma Yujiro, the Ogre, was sent into the tumultuous shinobi realm during the era of legendary figures such as Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara in his latter years with a younger body. Naruto, "Dattebayo!" Sasuke, "Hn!" Madara, "Let's dance, Yujiro!" Kurama, "I, Kyuubi, declared you as the Tailless Tailed Beast!" Hashirama, "Senpo: Mokuton: Shin Susenju!" Kaguya, "All chakra…belongs to me and once again, all chakra shall become one!" Yujiro, "Ehuk, ehuk, RaHAhAHahA!” ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at 11 p.m, my local time GMT+8. Dis cord: https://dis cord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
54 Chs

Training with the Ogre

A/N: This is an extra chapter as we've reached 3k in collections! Hooray! Hahaha, this is also the last chapter of this volume. The next volume will take us to many fights as we will wage war!

So stay tuned and thanks for the ones who keep on reading this 'filler' stuff hahaha, Now Let's move on the last chap for this volume! 

\( ̄︶ ̄*\))


Yujiro's quest for perfection didn't stop at his existing abilities. He was determined to refine and enhance his Nintaijutsu, the Demonic Ogre Manual, even further.

It had always been a potent and devastating technique, but he knew it could become even deadlier with a few strategic tweaks.

As he stood on the coast, the sun casting long shadows across the sand, he began to contemplate the improvements.

The Demonic Ogre Manual was his signature move, and it was known for its devastating punches. "It's also because I like punching the most!"

He took a deep breath, inhaling the salty sea air, and assumed his neutral stance. From this position, he could fluidly transition into any attack.

Yujiro's obsession with perfection was palpable as he delved into the intricacies of his fighting techniques.

His goal was to do more than simply master these deadly moves; he aimed to incorporate them seamlessly into his normal punches.

He envisioned a battlefield where his adversaries wouldn't discern the calamity he was about to unleash until it was far too late.

With his chakra coursing through him, he closed his eyes and began to visualize the process.

The key was to mold his chakra with extreme precision and control, channeling it to the specific part of his body he wanted to enhance.

With a deep breath, he embarked on the intricate process of chakra manipulation. The chakra flowed within his arm, coaxed and controlled with surgical precision.

He had devised a method to strain his already formidable muscles further, enabling him to strike with unparalleled speed and precision, a human hurricane of brutality.

The result was nothing short of extraordinary. As he unleashed this barrage of straight jabs, it was as if he were delivering a single punch.

To an unsuspecting observer, it would appear as though Yujiro had thrown one devastating punch, but the resulting impact was cataclysmic.

However, what met the eye was a carefully concealed maelstrom of delayed shockwaves, each punch striking its intended target in a relentless succession.

It was an assault that could overwhelm even the most skilled opponents in an instant.

This technique was as brutal as it was efficient, its potency growing exponentially with each additional hit.

Yujiro's thoughts swirled with excitement as he honed this technique to perfection.

He envisioned employing it in future battles, the prospect of his adversaries realizing the devastation that awaited them only when it was too late.

The idea thrilled him to the core, motivating him to push the boundaries of his combat abilities even further.

As he executed these strikes, the sands beneath his feet shifted and churned from the sheer force he exerted.

The sea breeze carried the echoes of his power, a testament to the potency of his modified Demonic Ogre Manual.

Yujiro opened his eyes, a glint of satisfaction in his gaze.

He knew that his signature technique had just evolved into something even deadlier. The combination of precision and power was a force to be reckoned with.

He contemplated how this improvement would elevate his already fearsome combat abilities and that thought only fueled his relentless pursuit of strength.

Yujiro's pursuit of perfection was unrelenting then he wanted to trained his other abilities. His mastery of martial arts and combat techniques extended to his glaivemanship, the Naraka Glaive Method.

Although he preferred hand-to-hand combat, he recognized the need to expand his arsenal. Still, his approach to creating new techniques was anything but typical.

He began to envision defensive techniques, something he rarely explored. However, his motivation was not rooted in a desire for personal safety.

Instead, it was the prospect of having some lighthearted fun on the battlefield that enticed him.

The thought of his adversaries' faces contorting with horror as they realized their attacks were utterly ineffective brought a mischievous grin to his lips.

With the Naraka Glaive in hand, he executed a series of strikes, spins, and parries that formed the basis of his new defensive techniques.

Each movement was meticulously designed to thwart an opponent's attack, using the glaive to redirect, counter, and neutralize incoming strikes.

He didn't want his adversaries to simply fail to harm him; he wanted them to feel their frustration and desperation as they realized that their efforts were futile. The very idea of it delighted him.

As he honed these defensive techniques, the sands of the coast were scattered by his swift and precise movements.

The Glaive's metallic rings resonated through the air, a testament to the power and control he had over his weapon.

In his mind, he could already envision the battles to come, the moment when an opponent, believing themselves to be on the cusp of victory, would face the crushing reality of their helplessness.

And it was that very moment he relished!

In the end, the Naraka Glaive Method wasn't just about defending himself; it was about creating a spectacle, a twisted form of entertainment, and a way to leave a lasting impression on those who dared to challenge him.

The look of hopelessness and defeat in their eyes would be the greatest reward of all.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in rich hues of orange and purple, Yujiro concluded his day of relentless training.

His body, honed to perfection, glistened with a sheen of sweat from hours of exertion. He had pushed his limits and refined his skills, each movement flowing with a graceful yet deadly precision.

With a sense of accomplishment, he decided it was time to stow his Desolate Demon Glaive.

Unlike some warriors who would sheathe their weapons in conventional scabbards, Yujiro had devised a more unique solution.

He approached the edge of the coast, standing in the serene twilight.

With practiced ease, he unbuttoned the top of his attire, revealing a hideous, tattooed demon-like ogre etched at the apex of his shoulder. It was his unique Fuinjutsu powered up by his blood.

The demon's eyes seemed to hold a malevolence that mirrored Yujiro's own intense spirit.

With a focused intention, Yujiro channeled his chakra, and the tattoo began to pulsate with an eerie, crimson glow.

Slowly, the demon's mouth opened wide, and it seemed as if it were devouring the Desolate Demon Glaive.

The weapon's length disappeared into the tattoo, and for a moment, it looked as if the glaive had been absorbed into the demon's gaping maw.

The tattoo continued to shimmer with an otherworldly light before returning to its dormant state, leaving Yujiro with no visible sign of the glaive.

It was a method he had devised, not only for practical reasons but for the sheer dramatic effect.

He didn't want to carry the weapon on his back like a common warrior; instead, he opted for something more unique and fitting to his liking.

With his glaive securely stored, he adjusted his attire and allowed himself a moment of respite.

The world seemed to be painted in twilight's soothing embrace, and the tranquil sound of the ocean waves was the perfect accompaniment to his contemplative mood.

The night was young, and he felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that his training had brought him one step closer to his ever-elusive goal of ultimate strength.


As Yujiro returned to the luxurious confines of his mansion, the welcoming embrace of Orihime was a warm and affectionate gesture.

Her affectionate kisses, given freely and without reservation, conveyed her genuine fondness for him.

Their relationship had grown closer, the bonds of trust and intimacy strengthening with each passing day.

Orihime's kind and nurturing nature had endeared her to Yujiro, and her innocence was a charming contrast to the often harsh world they navigated.

He couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of her panic and naivety during their first night together, a stark juxtaposition to the powerful warrior she showed during the bandit slaughter.

With Orihime by his side, her hand gently holding his arm, Yujiro leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"Orihime, would you be so kind as to let Raikou and Yuko know that I wanted to enjoy a relaxing bath together at the hot spring?"

Orihime's eyes sparkled with delight as she nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, Yujiro! I'll go tell them right away. A bath with you sounds wonderful!"

With that, Orihime hurried off to find Raikou and Yuko, her heart filled with excitement at the prospect of a shared bath with the man she loved.

Meanwhile, Yujiro looked forward to this private moment of relaxation and connection, knowing that in the warmth of the hot spring, their bond would grow even stronger.

Yujiro made his way toward the inviting hot springs. The steam rising from the water hinted at the relaxing warmth that awaited him.

With each step, the tension of the day seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of serene contentment.

He gracefully dipped into the soothing waters, the heat immediately seeping into his tired muscles and rejuvenating his spirit.

The tranquil ambiance was soon graced by melodious laughter, like the sweetest of melodies to his ears.

Raikou, with her radiant smile, was the first to come into the hot spring while holding a tray with a bottle of sake.

Yuko followed, a platter of delectable refreshments in her hands.

Orihime, with her cheerful and carefree spirit, hopped merrily behind them, her laughter like the tinkling of a thousand bells. The joy in her eyes was infectious, and it was impossible not to feel lighter in her presence.

They were both breathtaking, their devilish figures evoking a sense of desire and admiration that never failed to ensnare Yujiro's attention.

He whistled in admiration, an expression of his approval and desire for their captivating forms. His women simply chuckled, their self-assured confidence evident.

With the sake flowing, their laughter resonated in the tranquil night. In the warm embrace of the hot springs, they shared stories, dreams, and desires.

It was a moment of connection, a celebration of their bonds, and a testament to the love that united them.

Then, during their conversation and fun activity in the hot spring, Yuko expressed her desire to become stronger, at least enough to fight the bandit.

Yuko's heartfelt desire to become stronger hung in the air like a palpable force, and her sister-wives, Raikou and Orihime, regarded her with empathy and understanding.

Among Yujiro's women, Yuko was the only one who hadn't embraced the path of a warrior; instead, she had made her mark as a skilled merchant.

Her desire to protect herself and her loved ones was the driving force behind her wish to gain strength.

Raikou, with the indomitable spirit of the Moryo bloodline, and Orihime, hailing from the secluded Obake Clan with their unique powers, recognized Yuko's determination and silently supported her.

Yuko's request hung in the air, a plea to Yujiro to help train them and unlock their hidden potential.

She was not alone in her request; Raikou and Orihime had silently joined their sister-wife in her quest for strength.

Yujiro gazed at his three beloved women, their earnestness evident in their expressions. With a nonchalant nod and a subtle grin, he agreed to their request.

Standing up from the hot spring, he made it clear that their training would begin tonight.

"Then, get ready," he said in a voice that brooked no argument. "Your journey to strength begins now, hehehe."

The hot springs, once a haven of relaxation, now promised to be the crucible where the flames of their determination would be forged into strength.

In the heart of the Hanma Clan compound, the training area was a haven for pushing physical boundaries and mastering the art of combat.

The ground beneath their feet was well-worn from the countless hours Yujiro and his women had spent in relentless training.

Yujiro stood in the center, his imposing figure radiating power and experience.

As the training session continued, Yujiro watched his women closely, their individual progress and struggles becoming more apparent with each passing moment.

Yuko, with her unique background, had to overcome her physical limitations while embracing her resourcefulness and quick thinking.

She recognized that her progress might be slower, but her determination remained unwavering. With each exercise, she pushed herself a bit further, enduring more than she had thought possible.

Raikou, who had recently given birth, found herself navigating the delicate balance of recovering her strength. Yujiro tailored her training, focusing on building her stamina and ensuring her body healed correctly.

Orihime, the enthusiastic and resilient member of the group, proved to be a natural warrior. Her ability to recover quickly from bouts of exhaustion was uncanny. Despite fainting multiple times, she never wavered in her efforts.

Yujiro's guidance was unwavering, and his commitment to honing their abilities was evident. He adapted his training methods to each woman's unique circumstances, helping them overcome their individual challenges.

As the training session pressed on, the air was thick with determination. It was clear that these women were not just Yujiro's women but also an individual who also driven by their own pursuit of strength. 

Yuko's dedication to her training was commendable. Despite the weariness that came with her advanced pregnancy, she was determined to strengthen herself.

She gritted her teeth and furrowed her brows in concentration, her chakra flowing steadily.

It was clear that her motivations were driven by her impending motherhood and the desire to protect her child.

As Yujiro watched Yuko's chakra refinement, he couldn't help but notice the peculiar transformation in her eyes.

The turquoise color began to shift, subtly but undeniably, to a deep shade of red. It was a phenomenon that piqued his curiosity.

He knew that Yuko's bloodline seems changing after they spent the night together and she pregnant with his child, and it seemed that Yuko's chakra refinement was causing a further awakening of sorts.

The prospect of his presence influencing these transformations was an intriguing one.

Considering Raikou's enhanced Moryo bloodline following their night together, it seemed that his semen or the child they bore who had the Hanma Bloodline had the power to made a change in their bloodline within these remarkable women.

With a smirk and a self-assured chuckle, he quipped, "I know my semen potency is unmatched, after all."

His comment, delivered with a hint of playful arrogance, hinted at the deeper connection he had with his women and the profound impact he had on their lives.

Meanwhile, Raikou, distinct in her corner of the training area, was engaged in a set of exercises designed to facilitate her body's recovery and enhance her overall physical condition.

The experience of childbirth had left her somewhat weaker, and Yujiro had thoughtfully structured her training regimen to address this.

The exercises were tailored to help her heal and steadily rebuild her stamina.

As she diligently went through her routine, Raikou couldn't help but cast sidelong glances in Yujiro's direction.

The admiration and love she felt for him were evident in her eyes. Her deep connection with her demon spirit, her Moryo bloodline, had seemingly intensified her feelings since that passionate night they had shared.

Inwardly, Raikou couldn't help but wonder about the nature of her bond with Yujiro.

She pondered, "Is it possible that his demonic bloodline is akin to that of a demon emperor, and that's why my very essence yearns to be close to him?"

With a hint of wistfulness, she sighed to herself, "Perhaps we may never truly know the depths of our connection."

This contemplation only fueled her determination to emerge from her training even stronger, not just for her own sake but for her child and the man who had become the central pillar of her life.

And also due to her feelings for Yujiro were a driving force, pushing her to become the strongest version of herself.

While Orihime's intense training under the night sky painted a vivid picture of dedication and power.

The moon's gentle glow bathed her in an ethereal light as her figure moved gracefully through a complex series of strikes and defenses.

The sound of the whip-like arms slicing through the air was like a haunting melody, punctuated by the occasional cracking sound as they hit their targets.

Her movements were precise and fluid, a testament to her dedication to mastering this unique combat style.

As she trained, Yujiro observed her progress with a discerning eye. His presence seemed to amplify her determination, and her focus was unwavering.

With each movement, she sought perfection, driven by a desire to become stronger and prove herself to the man who had entered her life like a whirlwind.

Yujiro watched her for a moment before speaking. "Orihime, you have the potential to become a formidable warrior, and your Obake Bloodline gives you an advantage that few possess.

Keep on this training and maybe you and I can have a spar someday."

She paused, her chest heaving as she turned to face him. Her eyes met his. "T-Thank you, Yujiro. I want to become someone who can stand by your side, someone who can help you in battle and a-also in the future healing department."

His voice held a reassuring tone as he responded, "You're well on your way. But remember, strength is not just about power; it's also about strategy and control.

Your mastery of your technique is impressive, but the true test is how you apply it in a battle.

Practice your healing abilities using Raikou and Yuko, it's a rare ability that most people don't have, so don't waste it."

Orihime nodded, her fiery enthusiasm undiminished. "I understand. I'll keep training and improving. I-I want to be someone you can rely on, Yujiro."

Yujiro smiled, a rare display of warmth that had become more frequent since their passionate night together. "I have no doubt that you will. Now, move that ass!"

With that, Orihime returned to her training, her mind filled with a new resolve. She was driven to harness the full extent of her Obake Bloodline, not only for her sake but also to stand by Yujiro's side as a formidable force.

As the moon continued to cast its silvery light upon the training grounds, her whip-like arms cracked through the night and snapping noise was heard as the sound barrier broke.

Yujiro observed the dedication of his three women as they pushed themselves through their training.

However, he also noticed their fatigue and the undeniable stench of sweat that clung to them. With a smirk, he called for a halt to their exercises.

"All right, that's all for now. You've all worked hard, and it's time to wash up; I won't lie, you guys stink now," he remarked.

Raikou, Yuko, and Orihime turned to him with a collective glare, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and annoyance. They harrumphed in unison and walked off towards the direction of the hot spring.

Yujiro chuckled, thoroughly amused by their synchronized irritation.

As they walked away, he watched them sway their hips back and forth, a glint of mischief in his eyes, their perturbed demeanor adding an amusing touch to the evening.

As they departed, Yujiro couldn't help but let his thoughts wander. "Maybe," he mused, "we'll have another kind of training in the hot spring."

With a mischievous grin, he followed them towards the hot spring, his kimono flowing behind him.

In one hand, he held his huge pipe, a source of relaxation and rare herbs, and in the other, he carried a sense of anticipation for what the night might hold.

With a deft hand, he packed the pipe bowl with fragrant tobacco, an aroma that filled the air as he pressed it down with a practiced touch.

He struck a wooden match, its tip flaring to life with a subtle hiss. The small flame danced before him, a flickering beacon of warmth in the encroaching darkness.

With measured grace, he applied the flame to the tobacco, drawing in a slow, steady breath.

The tobacco smoldered, igniting with a soft crackle. As the first tendrils of smoke began to curl upwards, Yujiro inhaled deeply, the rich flavor enveloping his senses.

The night, though still young, held the weight of countless thoughts. And so, as the fragrant tendrils of smoke rose into the air, Yujiro's mind drifted into the depths of contemplation.

"What would Hashirama and Madara do if they knew I wanted to go to war just to satisfy my ever-increasing greed? Fufufu, maybe with that, they'll go at me seriously."

As the night deepened and the stars began to twinkle overhead, Yujiro's gaze remained fixed on the horizon.

His thoughts, often as tumultuous as the ocean waves crashing against his homeland, now flowed like a calm river.

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