
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
277 Chs

Chapter 267: A Gift from Heaven! The Fourth Raikage personally arrives at Moby Dick!

"Fire Release: Super Great Fireball Jutsu!!!"

A massive fireball erupted from Sasuke's mouth.

Thanks to the two-tailed Matatabi being very cooperative, even though they had only known each other for a few days, it was willing to lend its chakra to Sasuke.

Moreover, this fireball was not an orange-red flame, but a dark blue, eerie flame.

The massive fireball skimmed over the sea and evaporated a large area of the water below.

This left Uchiha Izumi, who was standing nearby, utterly astounded. "The size of this Great Fireball Jutsu feels more outrageous than a Jonin's!"

Even if Uchiha Izumi used all her strength to perform a Great Fireball Jutsu, the size of the fireball would probably only be one-tenth of Sasuke's.

You should know that Uchiha Izumi, who has awakened the Three Tomoe Sharingan, is already considered a special Jonin.

She realized that if Sasuke could skillfully use the power of the tailed beast to the level of Naruto...

Perhaps by that time, she would no longer be a match for Sasuke.

Uchiha Izumi couldn't help but sigh. Neither Uchiha Itachi nor Uchiha Sasuke, none of these two brothers had simple talents.

Perhaps the future task of avenging the dead members of the Uchiha clan will truly be entrusted to Sasuke.

"This is the power of the tailed beast... I feel that I already have enough strength to kill that man with my own hands!"

Sasuke watched the massive fireball fly out hundreds of meters before disappearing. He felt that he was ready.

"Don't underestimate Itachi." Shisui's voice echoed leisurely from the other side. "And don't underestimate the Mangekyou Sharingan, the Mangekyou Sharingan is the nemesis of the tailed beast."

"If the tailed beast inside you is affected by the Genjutsu of the Mangekyou Sharingan... that tailed beast is very likely to be controlled. Sasuke, the power of the tailed beast is important, but your own strength is also important."

Shisui's timely reminder made Sasuke, who was getting carried away, rein in his inflated attitude a bit.

"Mangekyou Sharingan..." Sasuke's small fist clenched slightly, he asserted, "When I learn Observation Haki one day, I won't be afraid of his eyes!"

Sasuke believed that he possessed the power of the tailed beast, plus the heritage of the Uchiha clan, and a pair of double Tomoe Sharingan.

By the time he learns Observation Haki, wouldn't he be a match for Uchiha Itachi?

"Sasuke! Sasuke!" Suddenly, Naruto's voice came from a distance. "Let's practice using the power of the tailed beast!"

Naruto looked at Sasuke with great enthusiasm and rubbed his hands together. "This is part of the special training!"

Sasuke was a bit excited.

Every time he fought with Naruto before, he knew Naruto was holding back.

If Naruto went all out, he could probably take him down with just one hit.

But this time it was different. He had become a two-tailed Jinchuriki, and even if he wasn't as skilled as Naruto in using the power of the tailed beast.

The gap between them should have been narrowed significantly, right?

If he was lucky... maybe he could even win against Naruto.

Thinking of this, a confident smile appeared on Sasuke's face. "Hmph, if I defeat you, don't cry!"

A few minutes later...

The tailed beast chakra on Sasuke dissipated, and he lay listlessly on the deck, his dull face expressing some doubt about life.

"You're amazing, Sasuke!"

Naruto, standing in place, grinned. "Before this, you couldn't last a few seconds, but today you managed to hold on for three minutes. That's progress!"

Sasuke's mouth twitched. "..."

He wasn't even sure if Naruto was teasing him or being serious.


On the other side.

Kumogakure Village.

The Whitebeard Pirates' massive ship, Moby Dick, was sailing boldly on land, naturally attracting a lot of attention.

Among them... Kumogakure Village, the only ninja village in the Land of Thunder, also noticed.

"Knock! Knock, knock!"

The short and somewhat rhythmic knocking sound echoed at the door of the Raikage's office.

The Fourth Raikage "A" frowned and said in a deep voice, "Come in!"

A masked Anbu from Kumogakure Village walked in, and the Anbu ninja said respectfully, "Raikage-sama, our Anbu has discovered the traces of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

A's movements suddenly paused, and his bright tiger eyes stared straight at the Anbu ninja in front of him.

The Anbu ninja took out several photos and carefully placed them on the office desk, continuing, "Raikage-sama, this is the pirate group information discovered by our informants, all of which he photographed."

A picked up the photos on the desk, and when his gaze fell on the photos, he was taken aback.

"This is the Whitebeard Pirates? This is a ship?"

The photo that A saw was actually a huge ship sailing on land!

The pirate ship looked like a terrifying beast crawling out of the sea.

Wherever it passed, it left a mess behind, and even looking at this scene through the photo was quite surprising.

The Anbu ninja nodded and responded, "This is the trace of the Whitebeard Pirates found near a town in the southwest direction of the Land of Thunder. This strange pirate ship of the Whitebeard Pirates seems to be sailing straight west."

"With their sailing speed, perhaps they only need to go for another five days, and they will leave the Land of Thunder."

Leave the Land of Thunder?

How can this be!

A couldn't sit still, he gritted his teeth and said angrily, "After capturing so many people from our Kumogakure Village, even capturing two Jinchuriki, and killing our ninjas, they just want to escape like this?"

The bounty that A had issued before was not just for show, he, the Fourth Raikage, really wanted to capture all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Because the Whitebeard Pirates have been provoking him in his territory over and over again, how could he bear it?

"Call Mabui over!"

A suddenly stood up and issued an order to the Anbu ninja in front of him.


The Anbu ninja heard this name and immediately realized something, the eyes under the mask suddenly widened, "Raikage-sama, you... Raikage-sama, this is a very dangerous Ninjutsu, it..."

"Enough!" As soon as he thought of the ninjas from his village still suffering in the Whitebeard Pirates, A's anger could not be suppressed no matter what.

And he also knew that once the Whitebeard Pirates left the Land of Thunder, it would be too late.

This was the only chance to stop them.

It was also the only chance to rescue the two Jinchuriki.

If they missed this opportunity, who knows where in the ninja world the Whitebeard Pirates would appear next time?

"...Yes, Raikage-sama."

In a short while, a female ninja with a good figure rushed over.

Her dark skin didn't look very dark, but more like a healthy wheat color. One look at this skin color, and you would know that her parents were of mixed race.

"Raikage-sama, may I ask why you summoned me?" Mabui swallowed nervously. At only twenty years old, she was not yet the Fourth Raikage's secretary, but one of the candidates. 

After seeing Mabui, A brought out a map and placed it on the table.

First, he had the Anbu ninja point to an exact location on the map, then he said to Mabui, "Use your Heavenly Transfer Technique to teleport me to this location!"


Mabui was stunned, she hurriedly said, "But... but Raikage-sama, the Heavenly Transfer Technique is a Ninjutsu for transporting objects! If it's to teleport a living person, the human body can't withstand it!"

"This is my order!" A frowned and said loudly, "This is also the Raikage's order! Do you think that a mere Heavenly Transfer Technique can take my life?"

The oppressive aura of the Fourth Raikage was quite strong, which scared Mabui into not daring to say anything more.

Mabui had no choice but to nod hurriedly like a pecking chicken, she said, "Then... then please make sure you're prepared, Raikage-sama, because the Heavenly Transfer Technique is a high-speed teleportation, it's very easy for the muscles on your body to be dismembered by the high speed."

After saying this reminder, Mabui slowly took a deep breath, then her hands began to form seals.

Looking at the Fourth Raikage who was close at hand, Mabui's conflicted expression suddenly became serious, "Ninjutsu: Heavenly Transfer Technique!!!"

The next moment.

An astonishingly bright beam of light enveloped the entire Fourth Raikage, and a gust of wind blew through the Raikage's office, blowing all the documents in the office all over the place.

When the wind in the office finally subsided, the Fourth Raikage "A" who was originally standing here had disappeared.

"Huff... huff..."

Mabui was panting.

For the first time in her life, she teleported a living person, and this person was the Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure Village, which put a lot of pressure on her.

If Raikage-sama had an accident during the teleportation, would she be considered the murderer of Raikage-sama?

A question suddenly popped up in her mind, making Mabui swallow nervously.

"...You really did teleport Raikage-sama away, didn't you?" The voice of an Anbu ninja, full of helplessness, echoed from one side.

The Anbu ninja said with frustration, "If you had been a little more assertive in refusing, Raikage-sama wouldn't have made things difficult for you! Do you know what Raikage-sama wants to do? He wants to go alone to meet the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Mabui was stunned, "...Ah? Ah? Ah???"

She panicked, "But... but you didn't tell me in advance, I... how would I know what Raikage-sama wants to do?"

The Anbu ninja held his forehead in pain, "We must immediately notify Raikage-sama's direct subordinates and tell them about this. Remember, apart from Raikage-sama's direct subordinates, no one else can be told about what just happened!"

If the villagers, some of whom are not fond of Raikage-sama, or the Chunin clan, were to find out that Raikage-sama used the "Heavenly Transfer Technique" and disappeared, who knows what kind of chaos would erupt in the village!


"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!!!"

"Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique!!!"

"Fire Release..."

Sasuke, who once again lost to Naruto, quickly got up and continued his special training. He stood alone at the stern of Moby Dick, releasing one Fire Release Ninjutsu after another. He released ten different Fire Release Ninjutsu in one breath before Sasuke finally took a break.

"Tsk... Even though my strength has improved rapidly, I didn't expect that I still couldn't beat Naruto."

Sasuke's little joy and little pride, all vanished once again after losing to Naruto. Every time the sky cleared, the rain stopped, and Sasuke felt he was ready... Naruto would take practical action and give him a heavy "blow".

However, Sasuke was not discouraged by this. He believed that catching up with Naruto was only a matter of time. As long as he mastered the power of the Tailed Beast, he would be a formidable Jinchuriki!

Just as Sasuke was about to turn around and do some physical training, he turned around and saw a bright light appearing behind him. The sudden attack made Sasuke's pupils shrink. A pair of double Tomoe Sharingan also involuntarily opened.

In Sasuke's line of sight, he saw a burly man with dark skin suddenly appear on Moby Dick! This shocked Sasuke, who is this man?

How did he suddenly appear?

This guy looks very strange, he's definitely not a member of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Ouch..." At this moment, the Fourth Raikage A frowned. He was teleported by the Heavenly Transfer Technique, and he felt as if every inch of his muscles had been beaten.

The next second, A lowered his head and looked at Sasuke. Sasuke's pair of Sharingan were indeed very eye-catching.

"The Uchiha clan..."

A's gaze wandered around, and he found himself on the deck of a large ship. When he looked up at the sky behind him, he saw the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates fluttering in the wind.

A's eyes narrowed slightly, it seems that the "Heavenly Transfer Technique" of that little devil named Mabui really has some stuff. He was so accurately teleported to the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates.

A once again looked at the wary Sasuke and rudely shouted, "Hey! This Uchiha kid, you wouldn't happen to be a pirate of the Whitebeard Pirates, would you?"

Sasuke cautiously took a step back, "I'm not some Uchiha kid, I'm Uchiha Sasuke of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

So it is the Whitebeard Pirates!

A snorted coldly, "Are the two Jinchuriki of our village captured by you damn pirates? Where are they being held?"

As he questioned, he also reached out a hand, trying to capture Sasuke.

And his words made Sasuke immediately realize that the rough-looking man in front of him is an enemy! He is most likely a ninja from Kumogakure Village, and he came here to rescue their Jinchuriki!

Facing A's outstretched large palm, Sasuke decisively took out several Shuriken from his Ninja Tools bag.

And without hesitation, he threw them at A.


A paused his movements, and with a slight sidestep, he dodged all the shurikens.

Sasuke quickly distanced himself from A.

He tried to borrow chakra from the tailed beast and immediately formed seals with both hands.

"Fire Release: Super Great Fireball Jutsu!"



(End of Chapter)

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