
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
519 Chs

Chapter 39

Join my Patre@n at patreon.com/JoshRichie2 for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Training


The day quickly passed and the very next day, Shun decided to play a trick on the boys. He increased the gravity on and around the Mountain.

As soon as the boys attempt climbing up, they'd be hit with a gravity twice their body's strength. That was all there was to it though.

If they decide to give up midway then that's good and all, but as they're who they are, they won't give up easily at least Hashirama wouldn't.

In next to no time, Shun felt the two boys chakra signature rapidly arriving from two different areas and in next to no time, they were at the feet of the mountain.

"I see you came back Madara." Hashirama asked with a cheeky smile.

"Humph, of course I would. I wouldn't want you to be deceived by some old geezer." Madara snorted and turned his head away.

"Haha. That's good then. Did you notice anything different?" Hashirama spoke.

"Mm, I did remember falling unconscious after we were put through that hell yesterday only to wake up on my bed this morning. I asked around and they said I was found exhausted in the training ground. How I got there is still a mystery to me. How about you?" Madara narrated and then asked.

"Mm. The same thing happened to me. I was also found exhausted in one of our training grounds. Father even praised me for that. Said I was finally becoming a warrior." Hashirama said but looked downcast as he said the last part.

Madara saw this and was frowned before smiling and hitting Hashirama on the back. "We'd just have to train harder and then show them what we're made of. I don't know about you but I have to protect my brother from this war."

Hashirama looked up at Madara and saw his confident smile which was apparently contagious. With renewed determination, he clenched his fist.

"Un. Madara, let's become so strong that we'll stop all wars. GO!" He cheered and attempted climbing up the mountain only to be met with the weight of his body hitting him back.



Due to the suddenness of it all, he was knocked back to the ground while coughing violently.

Madara ran up to him and asked worriedly. "Hashirama what's wrong? Why did you trip?"

"Cough. Cough. Damn that hurt." Hashirama coughed and stood up. Wiping the saliva off of his mouth, he looked at the mountain seriously. "I didn't trip, Madara, there's something wrong with the mountain. I don't know how to explain it, why don't you give it a try, maybe you'll understand by then."

"Hmm? You didn't trip? Don't tell me you'v-"

"No Madara, I didn't forget how to use chakra. Try climbing up yourself." Hashirama simply said and then looked at Madara.

Madara looked at him and then the mountain and then back before snorting and moving towards the mountain. "I'll see what the deal with this mountain is."

As he said this, he took a step and ran up the mountain as usual, unfortunately, as soon as he took the second step, he experienced the weight of his entire body being doubled and similar to Hashirama, he was slammed down hard.


"Hehe... How's that?" Hashirama chuckled.

"Cough. Hashi... Cough, rama! You!"

"Haha." Hashirama continued laughing. "Ah, seriously though, what's that? It felt like I was hit by something as heavy as myself." Hashirama deduced.

"Hn. It was a strange feeling."

As they were thinking this, they suddenly heard. "That, my cute little students is your training for the day-"

"Training? How-" Madara interrupted.

"Shush now, Madara-chan. No interruptions or the training will be doubled."

"Humph." Madara snorted, folded his hands and looked away with a frown on his face.

"That's good. Now as I was saying, the heaviness you both felt as you stepped on this mountain was the weight of your body acting against itself times two, meaning that, if you currently weigh 45kg, the pressure that acted on you was 90." Shun said.

Hashirama and Madara, although they didn't fully understand still felt shiver run through their spine.

"Now your training for the day is to climb up here with the chakra control you learned yesterday while resisting the pressure. Whether you manage to accomplish it today or tomorrow or text year is up to you. The only thing I can tell you is that no matter what you do, you won't die. You may begin. Oh, at noon, your meals will be delivered to you so fear not and go all out." Shun finished.

Madara and Hashirama looked at eachother and then at the mountain top and then back at eachother again Before nodding their heads.

Despite the horror they felt from their so called training from yesterday, they still discovered that they had an easier time circulating their chakra this morning and it was triple the speed of before.

Without a moment of doubt, they concluded that it must be due to their training. Unlike their usual training that gave them minimum results over time, this one gave them maximum results in such a short period of time, hence their willingness to return.

Steeling their wills, they both placed their feet on the mountain slope before placing the other.

From both their experience, the pressure descended after they took the second step hence, they remained at the first. Looking at eachother again, Hashirama first spoke. "Race to reach the top."

Madara smirked. "You're on." And then they both took a step.


As soon as their feet landed, the pressure once more descended on them, but this time, they were ready and hurriedly steadied themselves while maintaining the chakra on their feet.

Shun looked impressed as they didn't fall the second time. Honestly, he had thought they'd take three to four attempts before they could withstand the pressure a little bit, but seeing this truly impressed him. "As expected." He muttered.

"Sebas-san." He called out.

"Hai. Shun-sama." From his shadow, a dignified middle aged man appeared and fell on one knee. His entire aura displayed an elegance that made Shun to always look at this special puppet in awe.

"I'll need you to accomplish a task for me between now and the next three years." Shun said.

"You will is my command, Shun-sama." Sebas responded stiffly but maintained his elegance.

"You're still a little bit stiff around me Sebas-san."

"You're my maker, Shun-sama, I could never be casual before you." Sebas answered humbly

Shun looked at him from the corner of his for some time. "Sigh, do whatever you want. I'll need you to go to four different places and find special people among the four clans. To the north, before reaching Rōran, find a clan that has good control over the sands there. When you find them, monitor them and find someone with a decent control over this ability between the age of 12 and 15. When you do, directly abduct him if you can't ask him to follow you."

"To the west, find someone who has a good amount of chakra and control over lightning, to the South find someone specifically from the Yuki clan and finally from the East find someone unique in the use of earth elements." Shun gave his order.

There was a moment of silence before Sebas said. "Permit me to ask, Shun-sama, but the last criteria is rather wide. Is there any specific quality you're looking for in the earth manipulation category?"

"Hmm... Well, someone who can change it to another form or something. Maybe lava, or crystal, just make sure they're unique some how. If you find more than one, directly abduct them both. If you face any resistance, deal with them using the carrot and stick technique I taught you." Shun said with a smile as he remembered a fond memory.

Some time ago, he had met with some Daimyos who had their head way up their assess.

He took this opportunity to educate his puppet staff by showing them what could happen If one is manhandled and then given a reward or benefit.

With their will broken due to the pain, any favourable outcome becomes desirable to them. That was Shun's description of the Carrot and Stick Technique.

"Understood, Shun-sama. I'll take my leave now." Sebas said and the vanished.

"Umu. This way I can train the first generation Kage into capable ones, hopefully, their successors would have a little of their might. The First Generation Kages should all have at least two types of Haki. Conquerors Haki and then either observation or armament Haki. Or maybe they can get all of them, it's all up to their disposition though. This will be the last batch of students I'll be taking. Subsequently, it'll be individuals that spark my interest. Ah... How I wish the numerous wars from the canon happen. I can't wait to excavate geniuses from there...." Shun mumbled to himself as he gazed into the skies with his ruby red eyes gleaming with sharp lights.


By the time it was noon, the two boy had only reached the one third of the Mountain which was something as the Mountain was over 400 meters in height.

{A/N: Kurama is said to be over 300 meters when on all fours and considering that he was at the same eye level as Minato from the day Naruto was born, I decided to make the mountain top 400 meters.}

That is to say that they were able to climb over a hundred meters in less than six hours of non stop efforts.

Shun had a smile as he brought out a token, poured his chakra inside causing it flicker in resplendent light. He then said. "Send me a nutritious food for twenty warriors in 30 minutes."

"Hai. Shun-sama." A female answer came from the token before Shun stopped supplying his chakra to the token and kept it back from wherever he brought it from.

"It's from my personal dimension." Shun said to no one in particular.

"Nah, I'm talking to you author-san." Shun said again, seemingly talking to someone called author, whoever that may be.

Shun shook his head and resumed watching the two boys struggle to continue climbing up before he said. "That's enough for today you two."

As soon as he said that, the pressure disappeared before the two could process what he said.

Due to the suddenness of it all, and coupled with the feeling of lightness they felt, their chakra control faltered and they fell back to the ground.

"Sigh, these kids. Do they love falling that much?" Shun said and waved his hand and floated them both to the top of the Mountain.

Looking at them, he saw that's they were passed out and were sleeping peacefully. He almost couldn't bear to wake them up but that thought was crushed as soon as it popped up and flaring his chakra a little rain began to fall on the two boys startling them awake.

Although they were awake, they were too weak to move and could only watch the rain fall on their faces.

"Good efforts today you two. Were currently taking a break from Training. When you both are able to move, walk over to the Cabin over there. Your food will be waiting for you in there. We can't have you too eating outside and under this rain can we?" Shun said and proceeded to walk towards the cabin.

Madara and Hashirama looked at Shun with hateful eyes which Shun found cute and disregarded. As far as they become strong, he would break them while healing them perfectly.

This was one of the major flaws of the Future Shinobi world, they practically neglected their physical training relying only on chakra . Shun was determined to make the first generation Kages a model for the future generations to follow, hopefully...

Pausing for a while, he remembered that he didn't have an in-depth knowledge on healing as compared to Ria and Hinami, then taking out his token once more, he said. "Ria-tan, Nami-chan, would you two be a dear and come to my location?"






"Sigh, Women." Shun said but forgot to stop supplying chakra into the token.

"Hmm? Did you hear something Nami-nee?" A slightly mature but playful voice asked.

"Seems like I wasn't the only one, huh?" Another mature voice said. "And Oh. If it isn't our dearest husband..."