
Naruto (part 1) : The Second son

In a reality parallel to that of Naruto's story, the fact that Kushina is the first pregnant jinshuriki has brought consequences for her twin children who will impact the world in their own way . This story is a "what if" and I'm writing under some pretty special circumstances. English is not my first language so bear with me, sometimes the grammar will sting but the regulars of my stories certainly already know that. I hope you enjoy reading and thank you for your time

The3Entities · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Chapter 30 : Shocking revelations

After a week, Karin and Yamato returned from the land of snow, or rather the land of spring. Obito's clone had brought Mayuri safe to her father before disappearing, all of his experience had gone to Obito's main body who knew everything that had happened there when he left.

 Apparently, the wealth of the Kazahana clan that Dotô spoke of was not what he imagined. Instead of finding gold or valuable resources in the Rainbow Glacier upon contact with the key, the glacier released a massive amount of natural chakra that completely altered the country's climate, causing it to go from a permanent winter to a gentle spring.

The country had become a true climatic and especially visual paradise, it was an incomprehensible phenomenon even for Obito who was also a kind of scholar because at that time, he still knew nothing about natural chakra or its secrets, he Heard Enma speak vaguely but that was all.

 The group spent an extra day there and even though Haku wanted them to stay longer, they had other things to do especially since Obito's main body left under emergency.

Under Obito's advice, a relationship for future good relations between the land of fire and that of spring was shared between Haku and Mayuri.

 Zabuza challenged the clone to a training fight three times and lost three times. Zabuza was far from weak, it was Obito who was a monster and if Kakashi hadn't been so rusty, he would have made kindling with Zabuza during their confrontation.

Koyuki, the former princess, didn't even know where to go anymore, she had immense regrets but it was too late to regret anything and she chose to stay with the cinema troupe to pursue what she had left, her acting career.

 Fortunately for everyone close to him, it had already been two days since Naruto woke up. If for him he had only spent about two hours with Hashirama and Asura, he had been unconscious for several days for the others.

He had talked about a lot of things and had learned a lot about himself from them but he hadn't said anything to Obito yet, he didn't even know how to explain to him that he had reincarnation even though Hashirama had guaranteed him that it didn't affect who he was all along.

 "We are you and you are us, we share the same soul and by chakra which will soon awaken in you. You're Naruto Uzumaki and this life is yours, only yours because it's who you are. Our consciences will be there for you, to support you and guide you, but only when you want to consult us." It was one of the things Hashirama had told him and even though his confidence in it was great, it still troubled him slightly so talking to his brother about it now was impossible.

 While the twins were having tea in front of the Uzumaki Pavilion with Teuchi and Ayame who had closed the restaurant since Naruto's coma to take care of him, they saw someone come running and it was Karin who was coming back from her mission to the land of spring with Yakumo walking behind her.

 "YOU FOOL…" She screamed as she rushed towards Naruto who Obito advised to run, followed by a sequence where Karin chased Naruto in the Senju domain before Obito stopped them.

It was in tears that she hugged Naruto because even if she was in love with Obito, she had a lot of affection for Naruto who was like a brother to her because the three remained close and united for years especially in training.

 Obito had asked them to cherish every remaining member of the clan and the loss of one of them would be a catastrophe so Karin's worry was not small when on the way Yakumo told her what had happened .

They all chatted together and talked about the funeral ceremony for Tsume Inuzuka that they had to attend today to support Kiba who had woken up a few days before Naruto just like Sakura.

 Likewise, they also discussed the matter regarding Sasuke and unlike that of the main reality, this Naruto wasn't in the immediate obsession of bringing Sasuke back.

As usual, Naruto listened to his brother who advised him to wait for him to show up himself to settle their scores.

Obito told him that he will be the one to kill Sasuke but Naruto asked him to leave things as they were, Sasuke was his rival and friend but had made his choice.

He wanted nothing more to do with him but if Sasuke attacks the village he 'll be merciless against his former teammate.

 Even though Asura's philosophy was within him, he was not guided by it and wanted to understand people first above all else. However, if the person threatened his life or that of his loved ones then Naruto will exchange his smile with a Kunai.

He sought peace like his predecessors and dreamed of a world where people understood each other but even at that age knew that this wasn't humanly possible and that peace was only made between those who had an interest in it.

 When Hashirama told him his story (slightly different from the main reality) he told him that he and Madara discovered their nature around the same time and the ideals they represented, they fought each other for those ideals by gradually detaching themselves from the conflicts of their clans for battles that have become personal.

They finally came to an agreement among themselves, to create a village together through which they will show the path to peace to others.

However according to Naruto, the two had made a serious mistake by appointing only one leader who would be Hashirama between the two. Naruto thought that the village would have been led by its two founders who would have met to make important decisions with each having a role defined according to their vision.

 He thought like Hashirama, he thought like Asura, he thought that mutual understanding was a path to peace but unlike them, he knew that the vision of peace depended on individuals and It was necessary to understand the vision of peace of others and to work with them instead of imposing one's own vision .

 Later in the afternoon, Tsume's funeral ceremony took place and like with Hiruzen, Obito was absent.

Specifically, he had sent one of his clones while the main body was currently sitting on a large tree branch while reading the other volume of Tobirama's Diaries with an expression filled with shock.

 « This war has lasted too long and must end, the blood of the shinobis of our village has been shed long enough even if we are in a superior position.

I can see the fear in the eyes of my team members despite their great determination. Hiruzen and Kagami are the geniuses of their respective clans and I can see the will of fire in each of them despite the terror of their first war, I fear for them because they are the future of the village.

 The tensions between Kumo and us are becoming more and more palpable as the general conflicts have subsided, they're afraid of us just like the others and this war will not stop as long as I, who represent a threat to them, am alive .

The peace that you dreamed of, big brother, I will resto ré it by my death to the satisfaction of other nations who'll no longer have to worry about this balance of powers. I'll join you in doing whatever it takes during my next patrol near the Land of Lightning.

 I may be ready to give up my life for peace, perhaps a temporary peace, but I trust the young people in whom I leave my hopes, we have trained them well.

However, despite all his hopes, my heart is in sadness at not being able to see my boys grow.

My two children have no idea who their father is and no one should know that I have descendants because our enemies are numerous and strong.

 I left Sakumo with his mother, a woman from the Hatake clan from the country of iron and as for little Jiraiya, the orphanage will take good care of him and Hiruzen who is the only one in the know will watch over his well-being. My heart bleeds from not being able to educate them myself, Jiraiya is the same age as Tsunade your granddaughter and he would know the warmth of his mother's love if this war had not taken her from me.

 I lived according to my convictions and I adopted yours while remaining myself when you left us big brother, I ensured that our clan shared our genes and our strength with the other clans in the village .

Over the years, Senjus will be rare, but the well-being of our clan is nothing compared to that of the village. Our blood and strength will flow through them, and the strength of Konoha will survive our demise.

I'm confident that thanks to this, future generations will be strong and solid, but now it's time to pass the torch. I wonder if they will talk about us, what we have done and brought to this magnificent village.

Will they carry the will of faire ? Will the Uchiha prove me wrong and will they also carry this will ? Kagami gives me this hope and I pray that Madara's spirit and our mistakes do not haunt them.

 You who found my memories and my thoughts, do you carry my will ? »

 Obito almost lost his balance reading these revelations as his hands shook. The reason for the Nidaime's death while he had Iraishin to escape from any ambush , but above all the fact that he left descendants. Jiraiya is his son and Kakashi is his grandson…

 He sat in silence to digest this information for several minutes, feeling moisture filling his eyes. Tobirama Senju gave up the privilege of having official offspring for their own safety.

 "Thank you for everything you have done for us, Nidaime-sama..." Obito said before leaving from there.

 During this month, Obito's main body remained in the village while he sent clones to carry out his missions.

One day, while he and Naruto were practicing meditation and breathing exercises, Kaori one of the women of the clan entered the room.

 "Sorry for disturbing you boys but several of your friends have come to see you and are waiting outside…" She said to them calmly as they came out of their meditation while looking at each other.

When they got out of there to go where they were expected, they saw the group of boys made up of Lee, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, Shino and Kiba who saw them arrive.

 "Lee ? Why are all these beautiful people here ?" Obito asked emotionlessly as Naruto rolled his eyes at his brother's behavior and asked him to let him speak instead.

 Naruto: Do ​​you guys need us ?

 "Sorry for showing up like that, Shikamaru and I usually come here alone but the others discussed important things with us which prompted us to come see you." Lee said solemnly.

 Shikamaru: We'll keep this short, we want to start a training program with you.

 The twins :…

 Obito looked at them without saying anything, he saw the determination in their eyes and especially those of Kiba who had hatred and a great thirst for revenge within him, he blamed his weakness for the death of his mother and wanted to kill Guren.

 "Go home, you won't find what you're looking for here for now . I'll let you sort this out bro..." Obito said as he left and Lee tried to hold him back but he teleported to appear at the window of the hokage's office where there was one of his beacons and when he looked at the inside the office, his gaze remained fixed because of what he saw.

 Yuko with her rosy cheeks was feeding Jiraiya who was smiling like an idiot, she had prepared a small lunch basket for him. They looked happy and it was clear that a romance was born between them.

 "I understand why I didn't sense your anbu bodyguard..." Obito said calmly and they jumped in surprise.

 Yuko: O…Obito-kun !!

 Jiraiya: Oh kid, you couldn't come in through the door like everyone else ?! This is the hokage's office.

 "You dare say that after fooling around in this same office ? How long have you two been together ? I hope it's serious but I came to talk to you about something important…" Obito said as he entered quietly.

Yuko said she was going to leave to let them be deprived, she looked at Obito meaningfully and he told her that it was none of his business so her relationship with Jiraiya will remain sealed in his mouth.

He told her that she'll talk about it herself with her daughter at the appropriate time and Yuko thanked him for his discretion before leaving but at the same time, Kakashi entered the office.

 "Godaime-sama, I'm-(stops looking at Obito in the room). Am I interrupting something ?" He asked as Obito told him that it was even perfect that he was there.

 "Hokage-sama, Kakashi-san I'll be quick and avoid wasting your time. You see, I've been living in the Senju estate for several years now where while cleaning the main mansion I discovered the memories of the Nidaime hokage, Tobirama Senju.

Books in which he collected his thoughts of hopes and worries and you can well imagine that certain revelations were there." Obito said calmly as the two men looked at him in shock.

 Kakashi: Memories of the Nidaime ?! 

 Jiraiya: How is it possible, he was writing diaries ? How did you find them where many couldn't ?

 "Why does it surprise you so much that Tobirama Senju wrote this kind of thing ? What do you know about him apart from the legacy he left to Konoha and even to the shinobi world ? I found the first journal while cleaning out the clan's abandoned mansion and discovered the rest in their secret laboratory mentioned in his writings." Obito said before taking out a storage scroll and after a few mudras, out came three volumes of Tobirama's diaries which they looked at in amazement.

 "I said I wasn't going to waste your time so I'm going to be blunt and the truth is I don't know how to really break it to you. (looks at Kakashi) Tobirama Senju is your paternal grandfather and you (looks at Jiraiya) he is your father." Obito announced directly to the two men who looked at him without saying anything while their brains understood what he had just told them.

 "Before you react in disbelief, ask yourself why it would be impossible ? What do you know about your father Godaime-sama ? If the Nidaime came to visit you at the orphanage and was so kind to you it was for a reason, there is always a reason for everything. As for you Kakashi-san, what do you know about your paternal family? I took the time to learn about you and the name of your clan comes from your grandmother, right ?"

 Kakashi : That's right, father told me that he was only raised by his mother because his father died during the first great Shinobi war.

 "My parents also died during the first great war according to my late sensei the Sandaime hokage ." Jiraiya said, lost in thought as Obito kept asking them to wonder why what he had just told them would be impossible and the two men remained silent.

 "Take them , they are rightfully yours and the proof of what I have just told you can be found in the end of the third journal (shows the diary). Despite everything he had done for this village, no one cared to know if this man had descendants." Obito gave them the diaries and told them that he would also give them other things later.

Before leaving, he told Jiraiya that he was going to begin his observation work for the project he had told him about and he disappeared leaving the two men looking at each other in silence.