
Naruto (part 1) : The Second son

In a reality parallel to that of Naruto's story, the fact that Kushina is the first pregnant jinshuriki has brought consequences for her twin children who will impact the world in their own way . This story is a "what if" and I'm writing under some pretty special circumstances. English is not my first language so bear with me, sometimes the grammar will sting but the regulars of my stories certainly already know that. I hope you enjoy reading and thank you for your time

The3Entities · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Chapter 20 : Choice

Obito stood in front of Tsunade as palpable tension filled the atmosphere, Obito was particularly irritated and truly wanted to kill this woman.

Was he overestimating himself ? No, he had one of the three Sannin facing him and he was not going to try any superfluous combat with her, he was going to attack in order to kill as quickly as possible.

He knew Tsunade's abilities from the Bingo Book, her Taijutsu was good but not exceptional but what made her dangerous was her monstrous physical strength but Obito had Iraishin and then other defensive techniques so he just had to be on guard to strike at the right time.

 He immediately canceled his weights and performed mudras to perform an extremely delicate Jutsu that Tobirama had attempted to develop and that was the Shadow Body.

He immediately disappeared from his position by sheer speed which put Tsunade and the others on alert and thinking that the boy was going to attack from behind, Tsunade turned around ready to intercept him but Obito knew this and he didn't never intended to do so and attacked from the front.

 "Careful, Tsunade..." Shizune said in horror as Obito appeared at the front where Tsunade had her back turned and the Sanin didn't panic and sent a light kick to Obito for fear of destroying him if she put too much force into it and like the others before her, she underestimated it.

Tsunade's leg crossed Obito's body as if it was intengible while the point of contact between Tsunade's body and Obito was extremely black like a shadow.

With a murderous look while Tsunade still a little drunk was surprised by what had just happened, Obito jumped to hit her with his blade to stab Tsunade in the back and quickly imposed a seal on her.

 "Tsunade !!!!" Shizune screamed as she watched the woman get stabbed and Jiraiya immediately headed towards them, they had all underestimated Obito's determination when he said he wanted to kill her.

All these years of drinking, depression and gambling made Tsunade lose many of her reflexes and instincts in combat, she had seriously rusted and against Obito it was practically a doom. 

 Tsunade felt the blade pierce her and puncture her left lung turned around in anger to grab Obito who had already prepared a rasengan to attack him once again but as she was going to touch him considering him a serious enemy but she froze because of her hemophobia when she saw her own blood flowing.

Obito noticed this and wasted no time, thanks to Iraishin he appeared in the void behind her and aimed the back of Tsunade's head with the rasengan to kill her but Jiraiya was already there to intercept attacks him and pins Obito against the ground to subdue him.

 "That's enough brat..." Jiraiya said holding Obito down who didn't even panic or try to fidget while Tsunade had just realized everything that had just happened, she realized that the boy really wanted to kill her and above all, he already mastered Minato's techniques. The child was strong and horribly dangerous.

 "Don't get in the way of my fight, let me go and this is the last time I ask you..." Obito said coldly to Jiraiya as Shizune approached Tsunade to remove the blade and help her tending to her wounds while she looked at Obito in silence.

 "That's enough kid, you've done too much. You attacked her with the intention of killing her as you promised. That's enough...we'll stop there, you're mature enough to recognize a pointless fight." Jiraiya said grabbing him as Naruto moved closer.

 "Brother, it's okay. I think like pervy Sage , it's useless to continue and she must've understood how serious you were." Naruto said to Obito as the latter calmed down.

 Tsunade: I underestimated you kid, you're really scary. I apologize for my words earlier if that's what put you in such a murderous state. As I promised I-(interrupted)

 "I don't want to hear anything more from you, you're not worthy of the Senju name and the position of hokage that these idiots tried to give you, you'll never be my hokage. Sandaime-sama told me about your depression, do you think you're the only one who has lost people? The enemies you killed in the wars didn't have families waiting for them or people who loved them ? You're a hypocritically selfish person who has been spoiled too much by those around you. " Obito said getting up before brushing the dust off him and starting walking towards the direction of their inn .

 "He takes care to clean the main Senju house whenever he has time and makes offerings all the time to honor your grandfather and the Nidaime. My brother is stronger than me but has no ambition to become Hokage like me one day.

You're free to refuse to protect this heritage as well as protect the happiness of these inhabitants but at least respect what the title of hokage means. I, Naruto Uzumaki will show people like you what it means to be a hokage." Naruto said looking into her eyes with determination and Tsunade couldn't help but see Dan in his mindset and Nawaki in his appearance, Naruto was like the personification of their will after saying just a few words.

 He followed his brother as Jiraiya watched them leave while scratching his head, he told her he was going to stay for a few days in case she changed her mind and apologized for everything before leaving.

That evening, Jiraiya had realized to what extent Obito could be decisive but also particularly strong, the child really almost killed a Ninja of Tsunade's caliber who had taken him lightly.

He knew that Tsunade had terrifying healing abilities but a rasengan to the back of the head like Obito had aimed for meant assured death.

He spent his time thinking about what was going on, Tsunade was spitting on the position of hokage but seeing how seriously the boys took the future of the village, he decided that if in two days he hadn't convinced Tsunade so he will agree to be the Godaime.

 Obito and Naruto had opened his eyes through their frustration with Tsunade, the future of the village was at stake and he needed to stop throwing tantrums about his preferences for this position.

He thought of his old master, several times Hiruzen had offered him this role but he had refused so he was starting to have serious regrets.

 "Hey Obito, are you sleeping bro ?" In the boys' room, Naruto asked his brother who opened his eyes.

 "No, I'm training to move chakra more efficiently through my body." Obito replied calmly.

 Naruto: Considering the time you spend training, your strength doesn't even surprise me anymore. What was the technique you used earlier ? Tsunade's leg passed through you like you were a mirage and it was weird.

 "It's the shadow body, a technique that the Nidaime had started experimenting with but I ended up performing it. The procedure is terribly complex, I have to use my yang chakra to invert my body with my shadow to immunize myself from physical damage.

The enemy will only hit my shadow with my appearance while my real body will be flat on the ground with the appearance of my figure. It requires incredible chakra mastery and, above all, serious space-time concepts." He said smiling looking at Naruto, he was really passionate about Tobirama's techniques.

 Obito mastered this technique and wanted to simplify it as much as possible in order to later teach it to a friend, Shikamaru.

The basis of this technique and the shadow possession of the Nara clan that Tobirama had studied so he believes that it would be legitimate for the shadow body to be brought to them.

During the two days that followed, they stayed in this city, Naruto continued to train in rasengan to perfect his mastery and Obito for his part trained as usual in the manipulation of his chakra, it was basic and repetitive but it was incredibly useful for learning new, more reasonable techniques and the rasengan he mastered in a single night was proof of that.

 In the meantime, something had happened with Jiraiya. The day after the confrontation between Obito and Tsunade, he found the woman and took her for a drink to chat and try to convince her but Tsunade drugged him and abandoned him in this small bar before leaving the city with Shizune.

When he woke up, it was the boys who took him back to the inn and he renounced Tsunade to decide to take the position of hokage and take responsibility for the village.

 Now, they left the city to return to Konoha without seeking to see Tsunade again who had clearly expressed her reluctance to return to the village.

Jiraiya had been particularly frustrated with her and it even showed on her face, his silence during certain moments was an obvious indicator.

In the meantime, Obito had left a clone behind to continue making money. 

Three days after their departure, Tsunade as in the main reality, was approached by Orochimaru who came to ask her to heal his arms in exchange for the resurrection of her loved ones, Nawaki her little brother and Dan her late lover.

 Unlike the main reality, Tsunade accepted his proposal after a few days of consideration. Poor Shizune tried to reason with Tsunade but she ordered her not to get involved before sending her away, Shizune wanted to insist but what she got was a slap in the face.

Helpless, she tearfully watched as Tsunade left alongside Orochimaru and Kabuto. The poor young woman didn't even know what to do, her master had abandoned her and all she had left was Konoha.

She thought about the village, Jiraiya and the boys and thought it was urgent to inform them so they could do something but Orochimaru had planned this.

 While Shizune was running in the forest towards Konoha, she was intercepted by Kabuto whose mission was to kill her in order to prevent her from informing the village.

A fight started between the two and while Shizune wasn't weak to the point where even Kabuto recognized her strength, she wasn't on his level.

With his chakra scalpels, he was able to overpower her and immobilize her by surgically cutting her muscles but as he was about to finish the poor girl, a clone that Obito left behind suddenly appeared and with one punch, he sent Kabuto flying several meters away with a bloodied face.

 The clone's punch was so strong that Kabuto's glasses were broken and broken glass was embedded in his face, causing him to lose an eye.

The clone wasted no time and charged towards him while performing mudras to perform the "Katon: Dragon flame bomb" technique.

Obito took a deep breath before spitting out an immense jet of extremely hot flames which reached Kabuto as he barely got up from the punch to understand what had just happened. It was in pain that the flames reached his body but he had the reflex to perform a Shunshin to escape.

 That day Kabuto had truly escaped death, he had lost his eye now had severe horribly painful wounds on his body when he returned to his master later.

As for Shizune, Obito's clone teleported her via Iraishin to the main body already in Konoha. Upon her arrival there, she was taken care of by the medical staff and it was the clone who went to report on Tsunade's choice and the events that followed to Jiraiya who didn't even know that Obito had left one of his clones there.

 Obito had a monstrously powerful Physique and his current amount of chakra was equivalent to that of Isobu, the three-tailed beast .

A clone of him that had half his chakra was just terrifying and with chakra above low-kage level.

The prodigy Uzumaki knew the frightening potential of this technique, he only made one clone of himself at a time before recovering his chakra to make another one later that would still have half his full chakra.

This is why his clones were so durable and powerful.

 Tsunade's decision had pushed Jiraiya to definitively become Hokage to continue the legacy of his predecessors. If his two former comrades have sunk into darkness then he had to be the light for the village and its future.