
Naruto! The Martial Guardian!

Bang a Martial Arts Master gets reincarnated in Naruto and Awaken in the leaf Village with a mission. What does the future hold for the genius Hero who was infamous for his ferocity in his youth

one_punch_op · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Chapter 2 : Knowledge and past

{First of all thank you all for your time, now this fanfic is not a normal isekai... Bang didn't pop into existence out of nowhere in Naruto world he has a background that he didn't remember, some of you will hate what I did some will appreciate the deeper plot and backstory behind them, giving them a deeper significance in the ninja world. So tell me in the comments what you think.}


One of the most important aspects of life...

Bang had gathered a lot of knowledge in his youth and his old age but now he must gather more for the sake of Naruto and his students.

He would go to the library every day after training his students and putting Naruto to sleep at 11 am and finish one book every day, he didn't notice it at first but his mind felt more fluid and quick when it came to learning, better than his previous life, he didn't know how this was possible but it didn't matter.

He started with history and slowly learned of the era the world had gone through he would find books hidden in the dusty crevices of the village Library, and he would study geography, mathematics, biology, Basic Academy Taijutsu beginner Manual, the Academy three, Chakra Control Exercises, Genjutsu (basic knowledge available for the civilians), and Bukijutsu.

After studying all these subjects his routine went back to 100 percent concentration on his students, he changed their routine exercises a bit in ways that would help them develop a strong foundation with the Academy Taijutsu, stronger foundation would help them learn faster since the Academy Taijutsu complemented his Martial arts.

He made targets for them to practice Bukijutsu and asked them any questions they had that were left unanswered.

All of these changes happened within 3 months...

5 am

(Bang - Pov)

I was out in the village it seemed like the talks of the 'competition' I had with the leader of the village had spread like wildfire making the respect I had gained increase, making my life easier, to say the least, since I was passing to four of my main students for free I decided to do some side hustle as a construction worker which may sound ridiculous but the people agreed without any Hassel.

I bought a few packets of uncooked rice and went back to the Dojo finding a... Lone child? At the door, I approached him to ask if he needed anything.

"Can I help you with something?" I calmly asked him if he wanted something or was just looking around.

"Eeh! Umm excuse me but m-my friend said that a sensei in this Dojo taught how to get better at what the academy teaches, so I wanted to join if I am allowed." A nervous-looking child who appeared to be 5 years old asked.

"Well of course you are welcome, I happen to be the Sensei your friend was talking about." I spoke softly and gave the child a calm smile to make him comfortable to talk.

The child's face brightened up as he was unable to contain his excitement, it felt like he'd jump in excitement at any moment.

"Thank you!" We walked inside the Dojo where four of my students were already working out on an empty stomach which I encouraged them to do, To gain control over their hunger or at least learn to resist hunger.

Shiori looked at us returning and smiled, she took the rice and washed it while preparing to cook I assisted her while the rest started to socialize.

It seemed that Shiori was already familiar with the child since she introduced me to him, his name was Kaito, a very kind and peaceful child.

Within 2 hours breakfast was made and we all were together while the kids asked some questions to the new kid.

"So how long has it been since you joined the academy?" Most civilian students would join at the age of 7, and most clan students would join at 6 but rare cases like 5 are also present in the village but as I said they're rare.

"I will join next year" the kid happily said as everyone treated him kindly he had warmed up quickly.

"What's your age? And did you ask your parents?" I was curious why the kid's parents didn't come if they permitted him to join or maybe they didn't.

"I-I don't have p-parents." He said looking down a little.

"No need to worry I'll teach everything you need to become the best in the academy, if you work hard that is." I said erasing the sad attitude with great optimism.

After finishing breakfast we quickly went back to training with a new student, it seems I need a job now.

(Third Hokage - Pov)

I have been wondering constantly about Bang's identity, I asked Shikaku to investigate him before. Let's call him to find out the progress.

"Call for Shukaku," I ordered an Anbu to call Shukaku.

5 minutes later...

"Lord Hokage, you need something?" Shikaku asked in his usual lazy tone though I can sense a hidden seriousness.

"Indeed I asked you to investigate Bang's identity and background information." I didn't know why but I had a feeling the news wouldn't be good.

Shikaku's face changed to serious as he heard my inquiry and sighed..., "YES Hokage-sama... The news isn't good but I am confused myself." he took out four bingo books from his back pocket and handed them to me.

[Name: Bang

Moniker: Wind of Blood

Age: (Unknown)

Threat Level: S-Rank


Bang, known by the ominous moniker "Wind of Blood," is a feared and infamous figure in the Land of Water. Born from the shadows of chaos and strife, his name has become synonymous with destruction and havoc.

In his youth, Bang rampaged across the Land of Water, challenging the strongest clans and leaving a trail of devastation in his wake. His unparalleled combat skills and ferocious determination earned him a fearsome reputation, striking fear into the hearts of his adversaries.

Despite numerous attempts to quell his rampage, Bang proved to be an unstoppable force, his thirst for battle and conquest driving him ever onward. His name became a forbidden whisper in the Land of Water, spoken only in hushed tones by those who dare to recall the tales of his reign of terror.

Bang's legacy as the "Wind of Blood" serves as a chilling reminder of the depths of darkness that lurk within the shinobi world. His story serves as a cautionary tale of unchecked power and the consequences of succumbing to the allure of violence and chaos.

Beware, for the Wind of Blood still whispers on the winds, a specter of dread that haunts the Land of Water and serves as a grim reminder of the price of unchecked ambition and unfettered strength.]

What in the hell is this??!! Is this a bingo book or a fan-written description?!!

"Would you explain to me what in the hell this is?!" I asked in an angry tone and couldn't help but feel concerned about the future of my village.

"This edition of the bingo book was written in Kirigakure, but there's more." Shikaku said in a calm tone or at least he tried.

[Name: Bang

Age: Unknown (Elderly)

Moniker: Silver Fang

Threat Level: SS-Rank

Description: Bang, known by his moniker "Silver Fang," is a legendary martial artist whose name strikes fear into the hearts of his adversaries. In his youth, he honed his skills under the tutelage of renowned masters, mastering various martial arts disciplines and earning countless accolades in combat tournaments across the shinobi world.

As he aged, Bang's reputation only grew, earning him titles such as "The Unyielding Fist" and "The Indomitable Protector." His mastery of Taijutsu is unparalleled, with his devastating techniques capable of incapacitating even the most formidable opponents with a single blow.

In his old age, Bang remains a force to be reckoned with, continuing to serve as a guardian of peace and justice. His achievements include single-handedly thwarting multiple coup attempts, defeating notorious criminal organizations, and safeguarding villages from rogue ninja attacks.

Despite his advanced years, Bang's skills show no signs of diminishing. His lightning-fast reflexes, ironclad defense, and peerless combat prowess make him an above-S-rank threat, capable of taking on entire armies of enemy shinobi single-handedly.

With his unwavering determination and unyielding spirit, Bang stands as a beacon of hope in a world plagued by chaos and turmoil. Cross paths with him at your own peril, for those who dare to challenge the Silver Fang will face the wrath of a true martial arts master.]

I was truly for the first time in my long life flabbergasted by what I was reading... This is blasphemy!

"This version of the bingo book was found in Iwagakure and kumogakure." I needed to calm down, it's not fitting for the Hokage to act like this. I continued reading as Shikaku was waiting for me.

[Name: Bang

Moniker: Silver Fang

Age: (Unknown)

Threat Level: Unknown


A shadowy figure shrouded in mystery, Bang, known by the alias "Silver Fang," is a formidable martial artist with a past veiled in secrecy. While little is known of his origins, rumors abound of his legendary prowess on the battlefield.

Whispers among the ninja underworld speak of Bang and his enigmatic brother as a formidable force who once stood against the combined might of three hidden villages. Their valor and skill turned the tide of battle, driving back the forces of their adversaries and leaving a trail of awe and fear in their wake.

Among their greatest feats, tales persist of their heroism in saving Uzushiogakure from annihilation at the brink of the Third Great Ninja War. With unwavering determination and unmatched martial prowess, they thwarted the invasion, securing the survival of their homeland and cementing their legend in the annals of history.

Despite his advanced age, Bang's agility and strength remain unmatched, his swift movements reminiscent of a predator stalking its prey. His motives and allegiances remain a mystery, but tales of his exploits serve as a warning to those who dare to challenge him.

Approach with caution, for beneath the calm exterior lies a warrior of unparalleled skill, his true potential yet to be revealed.]

Sigh... This level of ridiculousness is beyond my mind to comprehend... But it seems I made a mistake when approaching him without knowledge about him... This is the reason why he is helping Naruto... But why like this?... He seems to have a greater status in Uzushiogakure...

"He is a very respected and revered figure in Uzu, due to their circumstances but why did we not know about it." Is there a conspiracy behind this or what?... No... The bingo book is available everywhere it can't be, maybe we were just too busy with our own problems...

"Our relationship with the Uzumaki clan is not what it used to be... There's a possibility of them hiding his identity but it's not easy to do that with multiple countries writing his name on the bingo book, so they might have written some false information about him such as his youth, replace it with the version kiri has and some things come to place by themselves." Shikaku mada a convincing argument, it seems I was too incompetent.

"He has not done anything for me to take drastic actions against him but we need to do some surveillance on him, he is a Martial artist, not a ninja but still I want Jonin Anbu on the duty." This was a difficult situation I have found myself in...


(Third - Pov)

The Third Hokage and Shikaku contemplated the contents of the bingo books.

The Anbus keeping an eye on Naruto were called for a report on what they observed.

Within a few hours, a report by Anbu observing Bang and his Dojo made a report of their observation.

With full concentration the Third Hokage read the files of the report, Bang's attitude, his interest, his interaction with his students and the civilians, how he treated others if they found any falseness, his activities, and his daily lifestyle.

From what he could perceive of it he truly was what the bingo book described him as mysterious they could not gauge his strength without fighting him personally but they saw him guide all the students and he is an experienced Martial artist without a doubt, his teachings were helping the students no doubt.

The report detailed how he read all the books that related to the ninja academy even subjects like Mathematics, Science and Biology... 'Maybe he could... I should ask him face to face.' the Third Hokage's mind was running fast but one thought rang in his mind at the possibility of him building a connection with Bang by making him the teacher at the Academy... Maybe he was going senile but regardless.

He got up from his chair and exited the Hokage office making his way towards the Fist of Water Stream Leaf Dojo to make Bang an Offer.

He went his way with an approachable smile waving his hand at the greetings he received on the way, captivating the public, it was an important part of the Hokage as well as a relieving activity for him.

As he closed in on the Dojo people greeted him to ask why he was there.

"I have some business with Master Bang if he is available." He talked about what he came here to do and the people seemed surprised, they showed him the way to Bang as he was currently working at house fixing the fences.

The children of the house helped him in his work and brought him food and water, while Bang accepted their kindness.

"Thank you very much for your kindness." He expressed his gratitude, children filled him with warmth, they had the potential to be the light for this dark world and Bang had the goal of teaching them the ways to live like a true hero.

"Oh please don't mention it, this is basic decency honestly, you shouldn't even be working on something like this." The mother of the children spoke flustered at that.

"Don't worry, I am used to labor." As he finished his job and took the job fee, he made towards the Dojo only to see the Hokage coming towards him with someone pointing towards him.

That could not be a mere coincidence, the Hokage was here for some business since he should be a busy man.

He approached the Hokage with both of his hands behind his back with a smile.

"It's been some time Hokage-sama... did you need me for something?" Bang said as he played with his magnificently thick mustache.

"Yes I did, I have something important to discuss with you... Mind if we discussed it in the Dojo privately?" His more like a statement than a question, Hiruzen looked around and made his way towards the Dojo.


Fist of the Water Stream Leaf Dojo...

They sat in a private room sipping on herbal tea as they started discussing the subject at hand.

"I want to make an offer."

"I have open ears." Bang stated in a calm voice as he sipped some tea.

Hiruzen nodded "I want you to teach the students in the academy, you have said before that you want to guide the youth, and I have the same motive but our positions are different, mine don't allow me the freedom." He calmly gauged Bang's expression waiting for his answer.

"I don't mind but... What would I get by helping you in training ninjas?" Bang wasn't a fool but this offer felt like something he could get around.

"You would receive a monthly salary and books limited only to Genin, and Chunin... If you show results I might have a reason to welcome you to our ranks as well as officially give you the guardianship of Naruto if you prove yourself trustworthy... As your rank increases more knowledge would be made available to you some for free, some for currency, and some for merit... If you want I can make your Taijutsu style the official Academy Taijutsu Style that children would learn." Hiruzen unloaded everything he could offer even those that might be close to impossible due to his friends and other clan heads.

"You make a tempting offer... Hmm, I need some time to think this through." Bang didn't agree but he knew this offer was too difficult to refuse and time would only make him accept this offer with less hesitance.

"As you wish... I'll visit you in 3 days, I would also like to see how Naruto is doing." Hiruzen smiled as he already had his answer looking at Bang's expressions, he felt elated.

"He is talented for sure everything I have been teaching concerning Taijutsu and Bukijutsu he would do it with little trouble and his aim is getting better and better every day, he shows improvement in his Martial arts faster than any of the students here, I have been preparing him for the academy and it seems that he would make great progress once he grows-up a bit." Bang smiled at his students' achievement, it pleased him to no end to watch Naruto smile and live a happy life, eat healthy food, and sleep comfortably.

"I also wanted to show you something..." Hiruzen pulled out the bingo books with Bang's serious picture on the pages with his Martial arts stance.

Bang surprised by this, read the contents raising his eyebrows before handing it back.

"I didn't know I had so many eyes on me, but I do live in the ninja world so it's not surprising, hehe." Bang laughed at his memory, while Hiruzen observed before smiling.

"Truly... It's about time for me to return, think about my offer carefully." He said his goodbyes after seeing Naruto training diligently with his newfound friend.

3 pm...

Fist of the Water Stream Leaf Dojo...

Shiori and the rest returned to the Dojo after the academy, this place was like their second home and their parents didn't mind so they were relieved.

After freshening up and changing their attire they came and sat with Naruto and Kaito.

"Sensei? I noticed that although the exercises you told us to do before and now are benefitting us in getting better results and making us stronger, but when will we be able to do those cool stances and use chakra like you?" Shiori asked curiosity striking her constantly.

"I have been wondering that too! Sensei!" Naruto chimed in on the question raising his hands high enthusiastically.

"Hmm... Currently, I am training you to build a solid foundation... You are young and smart... But you are not ready for it... The Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist requires one to have immense endurance and self-restraint, control over emotions and their power, which you currently haven't learned." Calmly explained to them, fortunately, they weren't discouraged instead it motivated them.

"We are already at the top of our class and have been getting praised by our teacher, imagine what we would be able to do if we were to learn the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist!" Yuta exclaimed expectantly to the rest.

"Un... Indeed as for me using chakra, what I use is not just chakra." Bang nodded and got up, it was time for him to demonstrate his impressive ability to his young students again.

He slowly released a subtle amount of aura from the edges of his palm, finger, and his feet... He slowly demonstrated his fluid motion of movement and a few moves before stopping, before looking at the sparkling eyes of his student healing his heart and filling it with with warmth.

"This is called Martial Aura and indeed you use chakra to emit it but you can only learn Martial Aura by practicing a certain grade of Martial arts, most ninjas dedicate their lives to hundreds of skills to become proficient but fail to master any and those who do, don't have the Martial arts of that required grade or complete to have an Aura, I made Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist a complete Martial arts when I was 26, I have Master it within 5 years and still learn something new every day, but to keep mind just because I mastered it so quickly doesn't mean it's an easy feat... I was hailed as the Strongest Prodigy in my generation and have not lost a single battle aside from losing a match to my Onii-san." Bang after showing his students how cool he was gave them a long speech... which they took in with even more admiration and reverence.

"Explaining the concept of Martial Aura is very difficult... For one to have a Martial Aura they have to learn a complete and complex Martial arts and Master it to the limit... Then the Martial Aura comes to you naturally, for me, when I had reached complete Mastery my chakra flowed with the flow of my movements and gave me dozens of benefits including the elimination of the need to use ninjutsu, since I incorporated ninjutsu in my Martial arts it's not necessarily for me to learn ninjutsu as well as achieve immunity to genjutsu, you can then pass your teachings to whomever you want and they would be able to execute it with fewer struggles than you... At least that's how it has been for me, once a student of yours achieves either complete mastery or partial mastery they can learn new and even incomplete styles and use Martial Aura... Sigh... But the path of Martial Aura is a completely different path than Martial arts, it's a path of power on its own, and mastering it leads to undefeatable power, but the struggles faced are very difficult." Bang was having trouble explaining his journey, the world he was born in and trained in was completely different than what his students lived in and he didn't know if it was even possible for them to learn it but if he could still use it so could they.

Bang's students looked at him with total confusion but he knew that they would understand as time went on and as they journeyed the path of Martial arts and Martial Aura.

9 am...

The kids were asleep in the Dojo...

With only Bang awake in meditation...

But he felt something in his mind trapped... Something he didn't perceive previously but after the Third Hokage showed him the bingo books he decided he needed to check what was going on and how the echoes of his existence appeared in the history of the ninja world.


Through a few hours of meditation, he found them... Trapped memories hidden in the deepest crevices of his mind.

As he approached them to inquire about his past in this world like a whirlpool in the ocean memories arrived.

3 am...

Bang opened his eyes... But there was something different... His eyes felt sharper... His body released steam and a cracking sound was made throughout his body.

Over 9 decades of memory in the ninja world awakened within his mind, memories of his past achievements, his findings, his improvements, his breakthroughs, the knowledge he gathered, the ninja world, his influence on it, his power, and the echoes of his fame.

He couldn't believe it but it was true...

He was a Martial artist in the Warring States Era in the Village of Uzushiogakure he was a half-Uzumaki just like Naruto but he was not of a peaceful kind.

Just like in his past life he chose the path of strength and lost his way terrorizing the Mist and the Clans, whether it was civilians or the giant Clans of the Mist no one was safe from him, he constantly defeated ninjas challenging them to grow stronger and he proved them weak with his brute strength.


His brother once again stopped his rampage and made him reconsider his life path.

He isolated himself and created the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist...

Mastering not only his Martial arts but also his Martial Aura.

After that he traveled around the world and stopped the devastation ninjas caused until the new age arrived and hidden villages began to spring up, he traveled to the land of Demon a land filled with mystery, and hunted monsters for the lord of that time.

before the arrival of the Third World War, his homeland was attacked by the hidden villages of Kiri, Kumo, and Iwa.

With the joint assault of three, Uzushiogakure was on the brink of destruction but with the news of an attack on Uzushiogakure spreading Bang and Bomb returned and devastated the battlefield with their Mastery over Martial arts and Fuinjutsu, giving them the monikers, Silver Fang Bang and whirlwind fist Bomb, fear led the enemy forces to retreat and the Uzushiogakure still lives on and ever-growing.

After that incident both brothers obtained legendary status in the heart of the Uzumaki clan, they became the most feared duo after Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, and after that, no one dared to challenge Uzushiogakure or the Martial brothers.

They took in disciples and trained them to the pinnacle of their abilities under their tutelage but... One of them surpassed all of them...


Mastering Bang's current Martial arts, and secretly studying his previous Martial arts he went on a rampage with the moniker of Ninja Hunter he hunted down ninjas of Iwagakure instilling fear in them until Bang and his brother put an end to his rampage, but Garou having a Monstrous talent returned after Mastering his Brothers Martial arts and defeating tens more Martial arts Dojo continued his rampage with renewed strength until he was defeated with the combined strength of both Bang and his Brother proving that the path he chose was wrong.

Currently, the status of both Bomb and Garou is Unknown as they just like him went to silently live their lives, but Bomb is more likely to be training students in Uzushiogakure.

But who knows when the echoes of their legend might ring again.

Thank you for reading, share your thoughts in the comments, I like op characters but appreciate good writing more. So please give me some constructive criticism, if you think you should go with this back story tell me in the comments, I can still make changes right now, it would become Impossible further into the future.

one_punch_opcreators' thoughts