
Naruto! The Martial Guardian!

Bang a Martial Arts Master gets reincarnated in Naruto and Awaken in the leaf Village with a mission. What does the future hold for the genius Hero who was infamous for his ferocity in his youth

one_punch_op · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 : New Life, New Decisions.

Hello everyone, first of all, thank you for the support, I said before in the note, my previous chapter got deleted and some future chapters as well but now here it is.

(Third - Pov)

Yuta, Shiori, Doku, Kaito, and Naruto were greeted with the sight of Bang meditating peacefully before he opened his eyes and smiled at them.

They were preparing to train before Bang told them to eat breakfast before the training.

They nodded surprised but happy since training before breakfast was an agony without a doubt they would much rather avoid it, since their Sensei was being lenient today they wouldn't look at a gift horse in its mouth.

 "Today's training is special... So you need to be filled before starting." Bang said mysteriously, although unnerving they didn't mind, they would face anything he threw at them to become the best.

They started doing their breakfast before starting to talk, with each other.

 "Sensei? What's so special about today's training that we are eating breakfast before it?..." Naruto the ever-curious child of the group politely asked about the training, which Bang didn't intend to hide.

 "Nothing to worry about... When a hero goes out to hunt monsters they eat they're filled before, it is a taxing experience for the inexperienced." said Bang igniting their curiosity and excitement.

 "Then are we going out to hunt monsters?!!!" Shiori asked in excitement before standing up with joy.

 "No... Nothing that dangerous but from now on you all will be sparring with one another which will help increase your experience." Bang quickly calmed them down and explained the new addition to their routine.

Unknowingly disappointed the kids looked down for a while but that quickly went away.

As they finished their breakfast, Bang asked them to line up close their eyes, and wait for him.

He went to the backyard from the wooden door and entered the backyard that was more like a garden... Child labor worked pretty well, the fields were filled with the everyday vegetables that they would eat three times a day.

There was a cage a little far away from here covered with cloth, and Bang brought it back inside.

 "Alright, Naruto bring your hands forward." he stood in front of the kids took something from the cage, and put it in Naruto's hand.

Naruto felt a small little ball of fuzz moving in his hand it felt precious and fragile It was bigger than his small hands but small regardless. 

He opened his small hand, to find a precious little white rabbit in his hand, his eyes glowed with curiosity and pure adoration for the little creature.

 "Thank you Sensei..." He said in a soft tone, carrying the creature with gentle care and hugging it while it sniffed on him.

Shiori getting a little impatient said, "Kaito move forward quickly the wait is killing me!" her words woke up Kaito, and moved forward, he got himself a little brown rabbit.

 "Thank you Sensei!" very excited he thanked Bang for the gift.

Yuta got a black rabbit, for Shiori it was black with white spots, and for Doku it was white with brown spots, making every rabbit have a distinct and recognizable feature.

 "Thank you Sensei!!!" All of them thanked Bang again and bowed, Naruto, Shiori, and Kaito being the most excited of all.

 "You're welcome, this is a gift for all of you and a test at the same time, these little creatures are small and fragile, you must learn to care for them and learn how to take responsibility without taking my help." Bang said explaining the purpose of the sudden gift given to them.

 "Keep in mind that these rabbits are 10 weeks old and can eat vegetables and special nutritional pellets, don't overfeed them, and don't let them stay hungry for too long, both can lead to life-threatening health Issues, play with them to make them comfortable and stay active." Bang explained in a quick succession which felt overwhelming to them all, not an unexpected outcome.

 "I know it is overwhelming for all of you, but this is how you will learn to be responsible." Bang observed their face and knew how confused they were but he would give them the time to learn slowly.

The kids went to the Backyard to find some fresh vegetables for their new friends while Bang was in deep thought.

(Bang - Pov)

Why are we here? Is there a deeper reason for this or am I looking to deep into this... Maybe I shouldn't find a deeper reason to live my life... It may lead to my disappointment... This might have been a coincidence...

What should I do about Hiruzen's offer, I already have what he is offering me and more, there is no need for me to accept it...

Half-Uzumaki?... So this is the reason for my young appearance... How are Brother and Garou doing?... Where are they?... Questions that time will answer...

For now, I must refuse his offer.

(Third - Pov)

Bang decided to start the kids' training.

5 minutes later...

Everyone gathered... Standing in front of Bang he said, "Yuta and Shiori, enter the ring." there was a ring made of rope for the sparring session.

 "Rules of the Match, none of you are allowed to use lethal force on the other, the winner will be decided when one is down and the other is still standing." Bang made the simple rule of not falling and non-lethal attacks.

Both Yuta and Shiori made the seal of confrontation and started by taking a stance, the taijutsu style they practiced was the Academy Taijutsu which was a diluted version of the Senju clan's taijutsu.

It complements most taijutsu styles out there, not a surprise since the Senju clan is renowned for its strong taijutsu techniques.

Shiori did a feint, which Yuta dodged but got hit by a punch on the right side of his face.

He took a few steps back but Shiori had already closed the gap, with a spinning motion she kicked Yuta in the head with great athleticism, hitting him square on the head Yuta fell to the ground and lost the match easily.

Bang was surprised at how easily she dealt with him, and Yuta was confused about what to do.

 "Good... Both of you since you have Won the Match Shiori, you will fight Doku next, you have 10 minutes to calm down and rest." with that Shiori rested for 10 minutes.

While Naruto and Kaito were just observing in excitement.

Shiori and Doku silently entered the circle and with the seal of confrontation, the match started.

Shiori as always steadfast made the first move and exchanged some clashes with her punch and kick both seemed to flow like water in this match on equal terms, their bodies took hits marking them red.

Doku gave a hard punch while Shiori seemed to be distracted by a feint, as the punch landed on her face but right then something akin to a miracle happened instead of falling back, moved with the momentum and punched at Doku, her fist released an unusual but calm aura similar to chakra, it landed hard on Doku's face, he fell miserably on the floor by that one move knocked out. 

Shiori herself seemed to be speechless by her feat, she was just trying to follow her teacher's guidance on flowing like water mid-battle, instead of forcing your punch to battle your opponent flow with your opponent's momentum and defeat the gracefully.

A satisfied smile came to Bang's face she had shown dedication surpassing both of them in training and her hard work showed its result they had never battled each other before even in the Academy, so after this battle there were going to be more additions to their training.

 'I never expected Shiori to show such potential in a spar like that...' This was an unexpected development even for Bang, Shiori had a greatly comprehensive mind, and for her to already show signs of Martial Aura is unheard of. 

 "You all did a great job, especially Doku, but Shiori I had no doubts about your victory, you have been working very hard and paying close attention to what I say." From others' perspective, Yuta should be the winner, because he is talented... Well, he is not as hardworking as Shiori.

Bang after that broke down the battles and their mistakes, what they could have done better, and what they should do to circumvent some problems they might be facing in their movements.

They now understood why they lost but it would take time since this wasn't the end of the world.

He showed them some full-body workouts that would help them improve their stamina and exertion.

He had maintained his body peak for 81 years in his previous life with full-body workouts, which would definitely benefit children filled with the power of youth.


After waiting for 3 days for the Hokage, Bang declined his offer.

 "Are you sure about that?..." The Third Hokage asked this question, confused at the sudden refusal.

"I accept this offer, I will promote you to the rank of a Leaf Jonin." The Third Hokage spoke in a serious tone that said 'Consider this offer carefully'. 

 "I have my reasons for this." Bang said in a plain tone calmly.

 "I see... Well, best of luck..." Hiruzen was a little disappointed but he knew the reason for Bang's refusal, it wasn't hard to figure out.

After the refusal, Bang started to train with a custom-made dummy enhanced with Fuinjutsu. 

He started with slow punches, finger pokes on the weak spots, elbow strikes, knee strikes, and kicks, and the dummy faced these moves without trouble and attacked with faster movement speed with each strike allowing Bang to demonstrate his Martial arts to the Audience. 

Within a few water-flowing strikes he destroyed the dummy. 

The dummy was made with re-attachable segments allowing for easy reassembly. 

All of this was observed by his five lucky students who were left speechless at the performance, unable to put into words how they felt, slack-jawed staring blankly at Bang and shifting site at the miserable Dummy. 

Their life continued in this manner for the coming 3 months... At the start of December...

1 December...

5: 00 am...

5 Children wearing an official Martial arts Dojo Gi, the name of the Dogo written on the right side of the chest area.

"Fist of the Water Stream Leaf Dojo" The symbol of the Dojo was reminiscent of a whirlpool. A Leaf Village symbol is on the left side of the arm 1 inch below the shoulder.

It was currently snowing and those five children were running around the village with a man in the front they were trying extremely hard to follow behind him and not be left behind.

They continued to run in this freakish weather, screaming for warmth while their throat was burning from the cold air, they were a sweating mess, their Gi seemed like it come loose and they would fall to the ground like a beggar.

The man stopped after 1 and a half hours and looked behind, to the mess... They could barely stand properly, with legs shaking like noddles, taking rapid breaths to fill their lungs while their lungs were on a metaphorical fire.

He nodded and took the kids back to the Dojo, since they couldn't continue their training in such conditions they were given a break.

They drank some water before meditating for about 10 minutes.

 "Sensei do we have to do this every day?!" Naruto asked dead tired after the workout he could still feel his feet burning in retaliation to the pain of running so much, the figure of their Sensei had somehow motivated them to work harder but it would be difficult to do this training every day.

 "Yes... It would be a waste of your time if you all didn't strive for better achievements from the start, if can perform with satisfactory results now then you can do this again tomorrow as well, not to mention you all are recovering from your usual training faster than before so you would be doing additional full-body workouts." Bang said in a matter-of-fact tone leaving no room for discussion he had seen how lacking Charanko was in his efforts to train, in the end, he got a beating from Garou and realized how much of a burden he was to him.

Bang won't let that happen to his new student he would ingrain the essence of hard work into their bones, so they remember its importance for life.

 "Awwww!!!" Everyone exclaimed everyone but Shiori... that wasn't enough to deter Bang from his resolute decision. 

They made some tea and took their time to enjoy the peaceful moment for the time it lasted, it had become a relaxing activity for the kids, and it helped to quell their burning throats.

After the peaceful tea-drinking session, they ate breakfast and started doing an agonizing full-body workout session.

Bang was proud that they did all of that without complaining, he had been giving special attention to Shiori... After the spar she had increased her efforts and attention by 10 it felt like nothing could stop her, Bang was happy and proud to see her improve but it also made him worried... He worried about her motivation and reasons, maybe he was too paranoid after what happened to Garou.

"Shiori... Come with me I have something to discuss about your training..." Bang called Shiori and they went to a different room for privacy.

"Shiori... You have been working very hard to get stronger... And I am happy with the progress." Bang said in a calm tone not revealing his thoughts to Shiori.

Shiori respectfully bowed to Bang, "Yes, Sensei... I have been working hard." Shiori smiled happy about the praise but she felt his tone being serious.

"Shiori... Although I am happy... I want to know why you are working so hard?... What is your goal?... Training hard is good but... What is driving you to work so hard?" Bang asked in a serious tone now his eyes concentrated on Shiori.

"Yes, Sensei... I... I want to get stronger... But as you said I also want to make you proud... With there being no other way than to work as hard as I could... Because... You have been taking care of me... You treat me more than just a student... And I also think of you as my father than a teacher... Because you are the only one who cared for an orphan who came to you for guidance... So I want to make you proud of me!!" Shiori said with resolution in her voice to make it clear to herself and her Sensei.

Bang stretched his hand and patted her head gently... they stayed that way for a few minutes... Before separating, "Don't ever think that I am not proud of you... great strength and big achievements are all great and all that but... I know that you are a very kind and an excellent child, you take care of every other student... You brought Kaito to the Dojo... You took my teachings to heart showed kindness to Naruto and took care of him like a little brother... Of course... I am proud of you there is no doubt about it!" Bang said in a serious tone, he could see tears in her eyes but she was trying to be strong and not cry her tears just slid down her cheeks and she hugged Bang again...

A few minutes later...

Shiori was happy that she had opened up to Bang and made herself clear.

"For now I want you to reduce your workouts... as from now on you will be practicing the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist!!" Bang exclaimed with passion he had decided to believe in her disciple and support her to achieve her dream of becoming the best Konoichi.

2 weeks later

The Fist of the Water Stream Leaf Dojo...

There was an unusual amount of crowd Gathering at the Dojo...

Bang started to interact with the parents who were there with their children, he found it unusual but now had the opportunity to teach more children, although it would be tiresome he had become happy.

Although he didn't ask for any fee, he decided to ask for a voluntary donation if they could afford to give any, and with that, he now had 15 new students to teach.

"Dear students, Today marks the beginning of a journey—a journey of self-discovery, growth, and mastery. As your sensei, I stand before you not only as a martial arts master but as a guide on the path to greatness. In our dojo, we will embark on a quest to unlock the true potential that lies within each and every one of you. Here, you will learn not only the physical techniques of combat but the deeper principles that govern the art of martial arts. First and foremost, we will cultivate discipline. Discipline is the foundation upon which all greatness is built. Through rigorous training and unwavering dedication, you will hone your body, mind, and spirit to become the ultimate shinobi. Next, we will embrace humility. True strength is not measured by the size of one's muscles or the power of one's jutsu but by the depth of one's character and the purity of one's heart. With humility comes respect—for oneself, for others, and the art of combat. We will also explore the power of resilience. In the face of adversity, you will learn to rise like a phoenix from the ashes, stronger and more determined than ever before. No obstacle will be too great, no challenge too daunting, for you will possess the indomitable spirit of a true warrior. But above all else, we will cherish the value of compassion. In a world torn apart by conflict and strife, it is our duty as shinobi to protect the innocent, to uphold justice, and to spread peace wherever we go. With compassion as our guiding light, we will strive to make the world a better place for all. So, my dear students, I ask you to join me on this noble quest—to become not only the strongest shinobi in the village but the finest individuals this world has ever seen. Together, we will forge a legacy that will endure for generations to come. Let us begin."

I had to rewrite this chapter, remove some segments move them forward, and redo some segments, but now the chapter is out.

please comment to let me know how everything is going in your opinion, if any of you read my first work then you will notice the improvement in my mental space.

thanks for reading...

one_punch_opcreators' thoughts