
narto sex history fanfiction :V

A bunch of random sex stories set in the Naruto universe (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters

minmix · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
40 Chs

Secrets of the Hidden Leaf

By : Sessakag

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.


Lush and plentiful…

Milky, mouth watering tits spilling so far into that deep v-shaped neckline that he could see-

Blood flowed south, filling his groin with carnal heat.

A slightly darker shade of coral…that's what color the very edge of his bestfriend's girlfriend areola were. His gaze dropped despite himself, tracing a cinched in waist, caressing impressively wide hips that made his fingers ache to grip, plush thighs he knew would cradle-

"Shit," his ex-teammate muttered, body flickering from front door to his fainting girlfriend, sweeping her nonchalantly from her feet as he called over his shoulder, "gimme a sec, Sasuke, let me go lay her down."

Lay her down…


Not exactly the verbiage he needed to hear. Sucking in a harsh but near silent breath, Sasuke ran a hand through his hair, willing his aching loins to deflate. It was a losing battle. His half hardened cock had spent nearly a year unhappily gripped between the hot clutch of his wife's pussy, straining for completion, only to leave time and again, frustrated and unsatisfied. Commanding his body to calm was as fruitless as initiating sex with the pinkette to begin with.

He was too wound up, far too backed up to pretend he wasn't stirred by what he had walked in on.

Hinata Hyuuga…

Ever since their chance encounter in the woods Sasuke had been distantly aware there was more to the shy heiress of Konoha's most prominent Clan…

Sexually speaking…

The knowledge had sat dormant in his head, untouched, unvisited but there none the less, and yet still, his mind was reeling, as though those books hadn't been proof enough.

It was one thing to be made aware through an accidental collision while wandering Konoha's forested parameter, that Hinata-prim-proper-easily-embarrassed-Hyuuga harbored…interesting fetishes, fairly harmless to subtly tease her over lascivious book titles not even a blind monk could misinterpret. It was another thing entirely to witness that raw sexuality personality, to see first hand what one could expect from the timid female behind closed doors; unrestrained, unhindered by her staunch upbringing and eunuch level inhibitions.

When she no longer feared reproach for her lascivious desires.

Shifting, Sasuke stepped back into his shoe, inconspicuously adjusting his cloak as footsteps from the hallway headed in his direction.

Hardly a solution, but…

"Sorry about that," Naruto chuckled, padding forward with a bashful rub to his nape, "after what happened with Sakura-chan and the guys, kinda slipped my mind that we had a thing tonight, ya know."

How that blonde dolt could have forgotten his significant other was waiting for him at home clad in a sexy getup barely clinging to her sinful body, wordlessly begging to be 'laid down' in a way that had nothing to do with fainting, Sasuke would never know.

"A thing…"

"Yeah, we're a little creative in the sack, dattebayo. You're married, you know how it is."

An understatement if he ever heard one and no, he wouldn't know.

His mouth opened.

"Take a seat," Naruto urged, cutting him off mid excuse, "don't even try and use this as an excuse to go running back to the woods for the night. You're not interrupting our plans or keeping me from 'em. She fainted, and if she's embarrassed enough to faint, then that's it. Gates of paradise are officially closed for the night. Hinata's not gonna wanna do anything whether you're here or not, 'ttebayo. I'm not gettin' any thanks to you, least you can do is make my sacrifice worthwhile."

He hesitated.

"Come on man," the whisker faced jonin continued, throwing a careless arm over the former rogue's shoulders, teasing blonde brow arched as he needled, "you're already here, you might as well crash tonight and runaway in the morning."

Scowling as he shrugged back out of his shoe, Sasuke brushed aside the heavy arm, "hardly running away, a normal human response would be to excuse one's self from a situation that was clearly intended to be private."

"Well like I told, ya, nothing 'private' is gonna happen tonight, so you're fine," hands on hips, Naruto exhaled exasperation through his lips, "situation's already over. Sit down, Hinata always makes dinner when she comes over, I'll heat it up. Got something to talk about anyway."

Giving a noncommittal hum, Sasuke made his way to the living room, throwing a cursory glance down the darkened hallway, he found a spot on the couch and sat as Naruto divested his own shoes at the genkan. He listened silently to Naruto's mundane chatter, allowing the blonde's muted energy zipping around the kitchen to provide a much needed distraction while his pounding pulse puttered to a slow pump.

By dinner time, his ardor had cooled and voracious hunger reared its head.

In all the time he'd interacted with Hinata, Sasuke had never eaten a meal she cooked that tasted anything less than delicious, tonight's curry and rice was no less stellar. Flavor caressed his taste buds, stocking his pleasure receptors and sending his senses on gratifying journey writhe with complex textures, balanced seasons he'd never experienced and succulent chunks of tender chicken that made him want to slow down and savor. Hinata was an excellent cook, and while his own wife had become more than adequate over time, there was a massive gap in culinary skill between both women.

"So listen, we got a mission tomorrow," Naruto informed him, his tone tentative, "you're probably not gonna like it but- fuck, I know you're not gonna like it but just…let's just get through it, alright? It's gonna piss you off for sure, but you can't turn it down. They're-"

"Testing me."

Naruto sighed heavily, "yeah. They want you to fail, they're trying to get you to give up, Kakashi-sensei told me they were gonna try that."

"It's fine," he replied with a careless shrug, he had expected nothing less, "what's the mission?"

Setting his plate down, Naruto exhaled, snared his bestfriend's gaze and said, "they want you to capture the remaining members of Taka; Suigetsu Hōzuki, Jūgo and Karin."

His jaw tightened.


Naruto sighed, "they escaped from prison in the Land of Iron and-"


Not what he was asking and he knew it. Simply capturing his friends wasn't enough to goad the ex-rogue into giving up his pursuit of absolution, even if his former group had to serve time in jail; there was something else going on.

There had to be.

The Council was looking for a reason, anything that could maim his fractured soul, that could cripple, shake and topple his rocky foundation and impede his permanency in Konoha, clemency for his crimes and sins.

The blonde was quiet a beat before shaking his head, "I don't know. They wouldn't tell me, I just know it's probably not anything good, 'ttebayo…look, I know they're important to you, they're your friends and I promise we won't leave them hanging. Whatever they're trying to pull, we'll put a stop to it."

Taking a moment to shovel in a few bites, Naruto glared at his nearly empty plate, chewing more aggressively than necessary. Sasuke resumed his own eating with more tact and calm.

"Depending on how you perform," he continued, "they'll either count this as point in your favor or a strike against you. They're giving you five missions to complete, if they you fail, if you refuse them, if you even spit wrong, the consensus will be that your loyalty to Konoha is questionable, and a lot of our leverage is gonna get flushed down the drain. Period. No wiggle room. This our only shot to avoid that."

A small ache took residence in his temples.

"No pressure huh?" Naruto quipped sarcastically.


"When did they decide this?"

"The day I had the meeting and told you they were adding you back to the roster and before you get upset that I didn't say anything, I was told not to. Kakashi-sensei was trying to get them to reconsider, dattebayo. If he got them to back the fuck off then it was better you didn't know just how low those bureaucratic assholes were willing to go. He told me that he'd send me a message if he got through to those jerks but if no message comes, to 'proceed as order' and meet our informant. He's still gonna work in the background, but, we're out of time. If we don't meet the informant, they're gonna count this a refusal and-"

"It's fine, I'll do it."

He hadn't spoken to his former teammates in years. After the war ended, he went from unraveling the Infinite Tsukuyomi to a prison restraints and a cell. Now he was expected to hunt them down and bring them to face 'justice', hardly the reunion he wanted.

"You good?"

Sasuke grunted, returning to his unfinished meal.

Naruto huffed, "I'll take that as a no."

"It is what it is, Naruto."

"Doesn't have to be what it is, Sasuke," the blonde grumbled.

"It does when you're not the one in control."

"Would you quit talking like that? I don't know why you have be so damn-"


"Pessimistic," Uzumaki corrected, tossing his eatery down on his empty plate, "wouldn't kill ya to be more optimistic."

Hope and optimism were dangerous, harboring either one could lead to a world of hurt and judging by his current mission, he was headed straight for pain whether he allowed one or the other to cloud his mind or not.

He and Naruto just…saw the world differently. Naruto lived in light, Sasuke in darkness. He couldn't be as blissfully optimistic as Konoha's Jinchuuriki, it wasn't in him and probably never would be, happy-go-lucky faith aside, he wasn't ready to simply roll over and accept whatever fate the Council planned for him. He might not believe in hope and miracles, but he believed in forging one's own path, he believed in fighting for what he what he wanted in life.

"You done?" Naruto asked, empty plate in hand. 

"Thanks," he said, handing the Jinchuuriki his own cleared plate, gratitude extending beyond the meal, as always, far beyond the meal.

"Wait here, I'll get you a blanket and a pillow-"

"I'll be fine," he said abruptly, "whatever the Council is planning, it's nothing we can't handle."

After the war, he had resolved to change himself for the better, set a new standard for the Uchiha. He would play by the rules, jump through hoops, do whatever he had to do to for citizenship, for trust and absolution. If a loud-mouth, prank pulling Jinchuuriki could do it, what was stopping him?

Certainly not the Council.

"Damn straight," Naruto grinned, holding out a fist, "we got this."

Sasuke returned the gesture, absorbing his best friend's hopeful energy.

He made himself comfortable on the couch, lying on his back as he pulled a cheerfully quilted blanket up to his chin. It smelled faintly of strawberries, identifying its owner. His closed, his mind calmed, he breathed in again, allowing the feminine scent to lull his troubled mind to sleep…


"No…Naruto-kun…he'll hear us…"

He opened his eyes to a darkened ceiling, those whimpered words resounding in his drowsy brain.

It took him a moment to make a connection, to sort through connotations and inflections, the significance of what heard…the way he heard it.

Gates of paradise are officially closed for the night. Hinata's not gonna wanna do anything whether you're here or not,'ttebayo. I'm not gettin' any thanks to you, least you can do is make my sacrifice worthwhile.

Having seen Hinata's literary collection, Sasuke should have assigned more skepticism to that statement. Naruto was a horny bastard, even if he knew his words to be true, it wouldn't stop him from pushing his luck. Had that meeting in the woods with her never happened, had he not seen her waiting for his bestfriend in a negligee that was down right wicked, Sasuke would have assumed his sexual drought was again coloring his mind, chastised his lascivious thoughts and went right back to sleep.


That revelation in the woods had happened, and he had seen her in blazing red silk scraps with her nipples playing peek-a-boo.

Flesh hitting flesh echoed quietly, barely reaching his ears yet undeniable in the hushed apartment, irrefutable to the trained ears of a shinobi. He tuned his ears towards the sounds despite himself, listened for another 'clap' that wasn't a clap. He knew what was going on in the bedroom beyond the living room, he could hear the subtle rocking of the bed and if he held his breath, if he focused his senses, he could even amplify the harsh slap of not so gentle sex.

He lay in darkness and indecision, wondering what his next move should be.

He had three options…

Go home and argue with his wife, spend the night in the woods with the haunting memories of his past…or cool his heels at his bestfriend's apartment and pretend said bestfriend wasn't fucking his girlfriend in the room down the hall.

Another smack reverberated, stoking his ardor.

A muffled moan floated to his ears followed by the low rumble of a masculine voice.

He listened, cock hardened painfully, muscles pulled taunt with forbidden lust; embarrassed as he indulged this guilty pleasure, throbbing anew with every muted strike, each breathless moan that whispered down the hall.

He had never been in a situation remotely close to the one he was in now and yet if he had ever imagined himself in such a scenario, he would never have thought he'd feel the raging lust tightening his abdomen. It was shameful, his body's reaction, but how could he not be turned on by the sounds of passion he himself desired. The slap of a palm against a woman's rear end, her subsequent enjoyment of the stinging pain. That forbidden edge to lovemaking that was missing in his own sex life.

He touched himself listening to her muffled cries, stroked his length over his clothes as the squeaking grew a touch frantic, and gritted his teeth when the sounds of passion stopped before he could decide whether or not he would succumb to his base urges, reach into his boxer and stroke himself to completion.

He blew a quiet breath through his lips, his throbbing sex forcing a grimace to his face, wondering briefly if he was truly some sort of pervert.

He frown in the dark, closing his eyes as he willed his body to calm.


Not a pervert, he was simply a sexually frustrated, red blooded man that hadn't had relief in a very long time.

Way too fucking long.


"I promise he's not gonna tease you about last night," Naruto assured his blushing girlfriend, "the whole book thing was harmless fun, this is more…sensitive, 'ttebayo. He likes to push people's buttons sometimes but he knows when to press and when to pretend shit didn't happen. This is one of those times. Trust me, its fine."

His cherry cheeked, shame faced, incredibly adorable girlfriend wasn't at all convinced. She lay tucked beneath their sheets, fingers clenched and unclenching its hem as though debating whether or not to pull it over her head and hide for the rest of the day.

"E-even if he doesn't t-tease me, I c-can't face him so soon after…and w-what if he h-heard us…last night…" she whispered her worry as though the man in question were in the room with them.

The kinky blonde mentally shrugged.

Naruto didn't mind being watched or heard, if he did, he would have yanked Kiba through that little peephole he watched them through months ago. Attention was something he had always craved and that desire carried over into other aspects of his life. He didn't think he qualified as an exhibitionist, but he was without a doubt aroused by an audience, and to be honest, he didn't think he was alone in his perversion. Touching Hinata in public yesterday had turned her own, despite the relatively low risk of discovery in the back alley.

Last night as well…

He hadn't lied to Sasuke.

When Hinata was embarrassed, truly shamed, her sex drive regressed to what you'd exact of a nun and no amount of coaxing could draw an ounce of moisture from her body. Sure enough, when he called it a night and joined her in bed, his poor baby had been wide awake, dressed in a modest night gown and so humiliated she could barely look him in the eyes. He spent thirty minutes comforting, kissing and assuring her it was alright, accidents happened and apologizing for letting their love session slip his mind.

Then he spent another few minutes caressing soft skin as he told her how sexy she had looked in her getup, devouring her lips in between compliments, how proud of her he was that she was dressed and ready to serve him like he told her to. Passion flared between them, his hands had started to roam, and his sweet comforting whispers became filthy.

Some heavy petting and hot tonguing followed, and as he spread her legs and lifted her gown, her threadbare, "No…Naruto-kun…he'll hear us…" had sealed her fate.

She had no idea how she sounded, how breathless, lustful and lewd her words truly were. Her mouth was telling him no, but the hot liquid on his fingers, the eager thrust of her hips told him something else.

Hinata's arousal never lied, her sexual appetite was as straightforward as his was.

Not a single protest left her lips when he flipped her, pushed her night dress up and gave both wiggling cheeks a hard clap.

He didn't misunderstand her muffled moan, nor her arching backside, and when he leaned over and commanded in her ear, "keep your voice down.", her plump bottom had bumped his hard groin in supplication, enunciating her need voicelessly.

Her violent orgasm hadn't lied either.

Now, with sunlight streaming and Sasuke no doubt already awake, getting her to show her face around the Uchiha any time soon was a fight he knew he wasn't going to win. At least not in the next twenty-four hours. As titillating as the sex was last night, as arousing as feeling her up in public had been for both of them, facing the music after she returned to her senses was a harder struggle for his partially prude lover.

He loved that about her, he loved the challenge of unraveling her 'dry panties' upbringing, he relished the thrill of discovering just how much of a freak she truly was beneath her blushing denials. He enjoyed pushing her boundaries, he knew she liked it too, but he also had to know when they had stretched as far as they could go at one time.

Too much too fast could ruin a good thing.

Relenting, he kissed her worried mouth.

"He probably would have left if he heard," he chuckled, "or punched me in the gut when I turned the coffee machine on this morning. None of that happened, so don't worry, alright? You don't have to face him yet if you don't want to, dattebayo. Relax, get some rest. We're gonna grab breakfast and get outta your hair, okay? Did you pick out candles yesterday?"

Her cheeks pinked.

Yep, she did.

"Lemme see," he urged with a pat to her thigh.

She turned, reached inside his bedside table and produced the heart shaped item, its vivid blue not lost on him.

Hinata adored his oceanic eyes.

"I-Ino-chan says this what doesn't burn as hot but…she wouldn't tell me what that means or what it does."

Her voice held question, her doe eyes asking him for an explanation. She truly had no clue what so ever that sex play could involve candles, no inkling what he planned to do with her and that candle.

He grinned, excited to further corrupt her purity, "we'll talk about it tonight, baby."

He stood, swiped his mesh shirt from the closet and pulled it over his head. He reached for his black coat next then returned to her side, taking a seat at her hip and tugging the sheet from her hands. Bobbing breasts snared his gaze, her pebbled nipples lured his pinching fingers. He savored her sharp inhalation, her whimper of his name as he rolled the hard buds then tugged.

"No spanking this morning," he hummed, "sorry baby, I promise I'll give you an extra hard one tonight."

His lips curled as her eyes lit with carnal anticipation, so at odds with the cherry colored shame dusting her skin. Another attribute he loved about his girlfriend, she liked pain and punishment, she liked servitude and being manhandled, she liked to fuck nasty and lewd and was embarrassed that she did.

It was cute.

"Okay…" she murmured, biting her lip when he tightened the pressure on her sensitive peaks.

"Kiss," he prompted, "then I gotta go."

She rose awkwardly, her delicate balance thrown off by the grip he had on her pointed tips. She was shy but eager, aroused and hungry as she fused their lips, offering her open mouth for his rough plundering, submitting with a soft, happy sigh beneath his driving tongue and groping hands.


Cheerful sunlight flooded the room, annoying the strawberry haired woman slouched across the living room couch. She rose gingerly, grimacing as her neck protested, her back reluctantly unfurled from its strange angle, and a headache scream in her temples.

Cotton mouthed and irritated, Sakura gave her throbbing eyes a tired rub.

She didn't even have to check, she already knew without a doubt her husband hadn't returned considering she'd sat throwing back glasses of wine until the very early morning hours. She couldn't have been asleep more than a handful of hours and it goddamn felt like it. Her muscles felt stiff as a board, exhaustion a heavy blanket on her shoulders, dizziness coaxing her turbulent belly to eject its meager contents.

Ino would kick her ass if she knew what a mess she made of herself last night indulging her sorrows, raving like an angry mad woman and getting absolutely hammered all by herself.

God forbid she empty a bottle or two by herself every blue moon.

After the night she had, she deserved it.

Having spent hours fumbling over a hot stove, carefully constructing a meal that was more than adequate, hopefully; taking even more care concocting an apology for their argument that morning only for her husband

Who the fuck could argue she didn't deserve a night of pity?

She sighed.

A spunky Yamanaka traumatized by her cousin's previous alcoholism, that's who.

Ino wouldn't give a shit why she overindulged, just that she had, even more so considering she had just scolded her about drinking yesterday. Sakura understood fully, she appreciated her concern, but she wasn't using alcohol as a crutch.

She just…wanted to unwind, to not think about her crumbling marriage.

Or her distant husband and his Clan related woes.

Or her…affair and Lee's offered love and silent heartbreak.

She rose gingerly, clearing her tired face of messy pink strands as she did, nose scrunched in distaste when bitter saliva rose in her mouth. She needed a bath, a toothbrush and another appointment with Ms. Isako Yamanaka.


Just as he promised, her lover and his best friend scarfed down a quick breakfast and left right after, leaving her with a heavy silence and even heavier thoughts. She grabbed a steaming cup of coffee and took a seat at the kitchen table, last night's surprise meeting rising unbidden to her mind's eye as she stirred creamer around her mug.

The ceramic couldn't be hotter than her face.

Absolutely no way.

Doing her best impression of a ripened tomato, Hinata dropped her steaming face into the comfort of her hands.


Sasuke catching her wearing last night's lingerie choice was bad, but the possibility that the former rogue had heard their romp last night was even worse. At the time, getting swept away by her blonde's whirlwind was exciting, thrilling, much like his public fondling, the danger of discovery, the inappropriate groping had shamed and…aroused her.

Hinata had tried to keep her volume to a minimum since the very beginning of their relationship; she was a screamer and Naruto loved it, he always did his absolute best to make sure she was loud enough to deafen their neighbors, but this time…he'd done the opposite. Covering her mouth with his big, calloused hand, whispering how she had to be quiet in one breath, then describing in detail how good her pussy felt the next.

Groaning as he describe how wet she was…chuckling in that sexy baritone she loved about knowing it was the fact that they were fucking with someone nearby that had her pussy 'gushing like a waterfall'.

Her legs crossed beneath the table.

It was so embarrassing to think about, so titillating because…it was the truth.

He was right.

What they did last night was so…naughty…

So perverted and dirty, so contrary to her nature and upbringing she could scarcely believe it had happened, that she had gone along with it, that shame alone had not stopped her from cumming hard enough to see stars. That even now her pussy tingled thinking about the alley, about last night.

Good Lord, what did that say about her?

What kind of person did that make her?