
narto sex history fanfiction :V

A bunch of random sex stories set in the Naruto universe (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters

minmix · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Secrets of the Hidden Leaf

By : Sessakag

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

"This is the place."

Sasuke stopped, looking around this seemingly random spot, in a random forest, on the outskirts of a random town, to meet a random informant.

"The middle of nowhere," Sasuke said, dark brow raised.

"Hmmm," he looked around as though second guessing himself before grinning widely, "yep, this is the place. We got some time before the informant gets here though."

He grunted, taking up residence in a nearby tree with a single leap upwards. He could feel Naruto's concerned gaze, but knew the blonde would let him be for a time. Sasuke was a man of very few words, always had been, probably always would be, but even he realized his silence during their journey was one laden in darkness and a slow climbing aggression that only increased as the morning wore on.

He was irritated and agitated by any and everything.

The sun was too hot, the air stifling, bird chirped melodies a nuisance to his ears, Naruto seemed to sense his hostile mood and kept his normal chatter down to a minimum.

There wasn't much to say about their mission, they had already talked it to death.

Now, all Sasuke wanted was to get through this ring of Hell and prepare for the next. Short of recalling this farce mission talking wasn't going do a damn thing for him.

He sensed the man several minutes later, Sasuke didn't know who or…what he was.

Garbed in desert robes, head scarf and all, the tall humanoid looked lumpy beneath his fabric, unnaturally tall and maybe a bit segmented, the skin around his eyes leathery and beige.

"Uhhhh, you the informant?" Naruto asked, undisguised suspicion in his voice.


When all else failed, when she felt her sexual deviance deemed her the filthiest pervert to ever perv, there was only one person she could think of to ease her panicky concerns, bolster her flagging confidence and stoke her ever ready arousal.

"Good morning Hyuuga-channnn!" her blonde confident cooed from behind her register, beckoning the scarlet faced woman with a wink and a curl of her her dainty finger, "I see you have another pretty blush for me, come and tell me all about what naughty Naruto did with that candle last night."

"Ino-chan!" Hinata gasped, flush deepening, frightened eyes whipping around the flower shop.

"Relax, Hinata," she giggle, rounding the check-out and wrapping her arms around the shame faced woman, "nobody's up here. It's just you and lil ol' me. Don't be shy."

Gentle hands stroked her arms, Hinata would have found it soothing if not for the their proximity, and well…


They were breast to breast almost, barely a whisper of space between them. She wanted to look, she couldn't actually look but…she was sure she could feel Ino's hardened nipples lightly grazing her-

"You're so cute, Hinata," she smiled, her words throaty, her friendly hands drifting lower, "so pure and sweet, I really could just eat you up, ya know."

Her stomach dipped as Ino linked their arms and led her down an aisle lined with pretty flora.

"So, how was the candle, was it hot enough for ya?"

That was some kind of pun, double speak, she thought, but whatever that meant went right over her head.

"O-oh, ah, I-I'm not sure…w-we didn't get t-to use it we had a uhm…"

The blonde gave her a curious looked. Hinata gulped, fumbling for words and failing.

"You had a…?"

'A guest,' she answered silently, 'a guest that knows I read inappropriate books and dress inappropriate for Naruto-kun and if my luck has been as bad as it seems to be around him, then he also knows that I did things while he was in the house last night!'

She couldn't say that, not even to Ino!

"H-have y-you ever been…"


Startled, Hinata turned shocked lavender to twinkling blue, "y-you have?"


Her brow bunched. She hadn't even finished her question! There was no way Ino had entered her mind, no signs had been weaved, but…maybe she didn't need them anymore.

"Did you-"

"Didn't need to," she laughed, "considering you just started having sex less than a year ago, how you stayed a virgin that long I'll never know, but you're shy and just starting to explore the wonderful world of sex, kink and all that goes with it, I'm pretty confident that whatever you were about to ask, I've already done it tenfold."


When she put it that way…

"S-so you've…done…things when you were, um," she glanced around then whispered, "outside…o-or inside b-but doing…things when s-somebody might um…hear?"

"No idea how Naruto deals with you! So precious, no wonder he can't keep his hand off you," she teased, "Hinata, I'm unashamed exhibitionist and voyeur, an attention whore in every sense of the word, yes, my shy Hyuuga, I have done things outside, I've done things around, in front of, behind, perpendicular to, above, below-"

"I-I s-see," she replied, fighting the urge to fan her blazing cheeks.

"Not yet you haven't," Ino snarked, her teasing baby blues melding into something else entirely, something only Naruto showed her, "would you like too?"

Her jaw dropped.

Ino snorted then burst into laughter, "I'm just teasing, girl, relax."

Hinata blushed…

Somehow, she didn't really believe that, Ino was definitely coming on to her.

"Sooooo, public diddling, flashing the kitty in a no petting zone, huh? Come on Hyuuga, spill," she prompted, sitting them on a bench, "what happened."

Freeing her arm from her touchy-feely, friend, Hinata took up her age old stress reliever, "w-we had a guest over…last night," she began, bumping her forefingers, "I-I wasn't expecting anyone but Naruto-kun s-so I was…"

"In something naughty huh?"

She nodded, "N-Naruto-kun was a b-bit distracted yesterday and showed up w-with a guest and they…saw me…"

Gaze sharpening, the flower shop owner gave her an inquisitive look, "somebody you know?"

Finger bumping wasn't gonna cut it.

Hinata buried her hot face in both hands, a mortified whimper echoing through her palms.

"There there, it happens, nothing to be ashamed of. When you live a colorful sex life, things like this can happen," Ino soothed, stroking her spine, "I'm sure that person won't go around telling people about-"

She popped out of her safe haven and turned beseeching eyes to her friend.

"I-I know he won't t-tell a-anyone, that's not…t-that's not w-why I-I…I mean I w-was really embarrassed, so embarrassed that I fainted but h-he…" she swallowed, gathering her flagging courage, "o-our guest stayed o-over and…and…" she sucked in a breath, "m-meandNaruto-kundidthingswhilehewashewassleepinginthelivingroom!"

She covered her mouth, skin slapping skin resounding in the hush that followed her mushed mouth confession.

"Don't get so worked up about it, Hinata. It's not a sin to have sex when there's guests at your house, or even when people that you live with are home. The Hyuuga compound should have taught ya that," she joked, bumping shoulders, "you think any of your stuffy Clan members wait until the compound is empty to have sex?"

She shook her head. She knew for a fact they didn't, that's why one had to be careful with their bloodline trait, might see something you shouldn't or rather, see a obstruction barrier obscuring your Byakugan at a weird time…or in a um, weird place now that she thought about it.

Goodness, did she truly not know her Clan, had she really been this blind to its lascivious nature-

"I rest my case," she concluded cheerfully, "was it just fooling around or the full shebang?"

She turned scarlet, Ino chuckled.

"Did you cum?"

She felt faint…

"You did! Hinata Hyuuga!"

"I-I c-couldn't help it," she confessed shamefully, "I-I don't know why I…why it made me f-feel that way…and there was another t-time before…Naruto-kun t-touched me…i-in public…"

"Listen here Hyuuga, it's alright to take a walk on the wild side, to enjoy taking risks. There's just something about forbidden fruit that's exciting, kitty stimulating," she announced, wagging her blonde brows for emphasis, "and there is absolutely nothing wrong with dabbling in it, long as you don't get caught," she amended, winking, "just be careful, but really, that's advice you can apply to anything and I'm sure you already know what I'm gonna say. Talk to him, tell him how you feel, Naruto clearly doesn't mind sexing you up in public or around other people, but if you're not okay with it, you need to set that boundary for him. He won't be upset, you know how he is."

She did know how he was, her Jinchuuriki lover was all accepting and 'could give her anything she could handle' as he put it, he would never pressure her to engage in sexual activities she didn't feel comfortable trying, on that account, she wasn't concerned about that anymore.

It was her feelings that gave her pause.

She…wasn't sure if she was okay with it or not…

Her loudest, initial feelings were shame, rejection, same as when Naruto first started touching her, but when she remembered her pounding pulse as groped her buttocks in town, when she recalled his nasty words in her ear, his hand muffling her desperate cries…

Struggling not to clench her thighs together, Hinata truly wondered how far down the rabbit hole she would plummet before reaching her own personal bottom.

"Take it slow, Hinata. There's no need to rush into anything. Tell him you wanna dabble but keep it light."

A bell dinged; someone else had entered the flower shop, Ino stood.

"P-please don't tell anyone…" Hinata implored as she passed her by.

Karui was open about her exhibitionism and had been long before Hinata was let in on the secret, but she didn't want the rest of the girls knowing Hinata Hyuuga got wet at the idea of being seen or heard when she had sex…this was new information to her, she needed time to analyze, deny and pretend it wasn't true…at least until Naruto got his hands on her again…

Her face turned scarlet.

"Kunoichi's honor," Ino tittered before stepping back into the lobby to greet her customer.


"Here, leftover curry."

Sasuke reached for the container.

"Come over tomorrow," Naruto continued, "we'll plan our route and shit."


They bumped fists and parted ways.

Reluctantly, Sasuke headed home.

He strolled up his driveway sooner than he would have liked, stomach tight and heavy, fledging irritation slithering beneath his dermis. Jaw tightening, he tried his best to stifle the monster roaring in the pit of his stomach, the tension tightening his muscles. He took a breath, slowing his step as he shoved negative to one side and flooded his mind with calm, silent, emptiness.

It was better to think about nothing.

He didn't have many 'positive thoughts' to focus on, nor could he picture a brighter future at the end of his current strife, but what he could think about, what he could use as a counter weight to his stress was to clear his mind of anything and everything, good or bad.

This wasn't be the first time he had had to make a concerted effort not to enter his marital home like he was preparing for battle even if that's exactly what his homecoming devolved into most days. Sakura sensed underlying tension a mile away, or maybe his tension was unique to her, but if he showed himself after nearly two days away from home with a 'silent attitude problem' like he 'didn't really want to come home' as his wife defined his habit of bracing for clashes with her, they would find themselves embroiled in another furniture breaking blow up that Sasuke knew it wouldn't end the same.

His emotions were bubbling to the surface, his patience drained by today's mission and those to come; he was spoiling for a fight, for a target to vent his frustration and burgeoning anger.

He couldn't play their game tonight, the one that ended with him 'being the bigger person' between them.

Push came to shove, he might say some things he didn't mean…

Or even worse, things he did mean.

His emotions were raw, his frustration heightened having finished step on in a reunion he wanted but didn't want, with teammates that meant more to him than he was willing to admit.

He didn't have it in him to go through the motions of their relationship.

Not right now. Not tonight, and maybe not for a while.

No one was home, he sensed it before he reached his front door, there was a stillness, a quietness that not even sleeping occupants could replicate.

He wasn't sure if he was relieved or not. Sakura's absence could be a symptom of work, friends, and impromptu shopping trip or a indication that she was still pissed and the night he spent at Naruto's place had fueled that fire high enough for her to spend 'some time away from him' at a friend's house. Exhaling annoyance, he pushed open the door and stepped inside, hanging his coat in the hall closet as he passed. The remnants of their last fight had been cleared away, a new table placed in their dinning room, and atop it, a note.

He wasn't in the mood to read it, he knew her absence plus a note equaled a fucking headache.

He picked it up anyway.

'Guess you finally remembered you have a wife at home or maybe you just needed a place to stay for a while.

Don't worry about ignoring me while you're home, I'm staying with a friend for a few days. I scheduled us another appointment with the marriage counselor. I left a card on the refrigerator with the appointment date and time, feel free to show up for it or just avoid that responsibility too.

You know, whatever works for you.'

He stared at the catty message, noting it smelled faintly of alcohol.

Head throbbing with the beginning of a headache, he sent chakra blazing to his fingers tips, incinerating his wife's spiteful words to a crisp.

She had a special gift for pissing him off without even being in the goddamn house.


"I'm home!" he shut the door behind him, "alone this time, dattebayo!"

She was already blushing, peeking around the hallway as though expecting him not to be. Seeing it truly was just him, she left her safety cover, moving towards him with a happy flush and a breathy, "welcome home, Naruto-kun."

She was moderately dressed, a pretty pink spaghetti strapped sheathe that melded her step curves and lush peaks. He grabbed a handful of dark glistening hair, yanked her close and drank his fill of her soft mouth. She tasted faintly of sweetened lemon, he savored the flavor, sucking on her tongue before gathering it's delicious residue in a eager sweep around the wet cavity. He left her dazed and wanting, heavy lidded eyes baby blues rapt as she unzipped his mission jacket, shrugged it from his shoulders then waited patiently for him to step from his sandals.

He watched her backside all the way to the bedroom, indulged himself a squeeze or two before jumping in the shower.

She was sitting on the bed when he got out.

He crossed his bedroom, grabbing her candle as he passed.

"Alright, baby, lesson time," he grinned, finding her ridiculously adorable with her eyes curious and wide, her sweet lips slightly parted as he brought her pretty candle level to her speculative gaze, "what do you know about wax play?"

As suspected, those delicately arched brows crinkled.

What did she know about it?

Not a damn thing.

"It's a form of erotic sensation."

She blinked, surprise, curiosity lighting her beautiful face, a dark interest budding.

His cock twitched.

"You're a masochist, baby," he announced, his voice several octaves deeper in his own ears, "you're a pretty submissive that like a little bit of pain. Spankings, nipple clamps, hair pulling, there's different types of pain and I wanna know every type of pain that gets you wet, 'ttebayo."

Her lips parted, cheeks pinkening.

He gestured to the candle, "these are made special, like Ino told you, they're for beginners, they don't burn as hot, just enough to be uncomfortable. They're made out of oil from Mount Myōboku, a special blend with a few unique features. I can't really remember all the ingredients they use, but one of them protects your skin from out right scalding or burning. Like I said, this candle doesn't burn as hot, so you really wouldn't have to worry about that, but every candle made by my oil batches are the same. You get the burn without you know, an actual burn, no matter how intense they burn, and let me tell ya, these things can really get fuckin intense, dattebayo."

She swallowed at that.

He didn't think her desire for pain was that extreme, still, he wanted her to know his products were one hundred percent safe.

He turned it over, reading the small label beneath, "this one has a mild atmospheric aphrodisiac, permeating tingles and continuous warmth for up to an hour."

"I-I didn't know any of that…I-I thought it was just a candle."

He grinned, kissing her lips for being cute, "you know I never just do anything. If I have a hand in creating anything better believe it comes with a twist."

She smiled demurely, nodding in agreement.

"So, what do you say? Wanna get waxy?"

Instant finger bump and a deep crimson on her cheeks, those eyes floated away from his.

"Eyes," he snapped sharply, giving her nipple a none too gentle pinch through her dress.

He gorged himself on her pained grimace, stoking that dark hunger that lived in his abdominals.

"S-sorry," she breathed, pearly whites sinking into her bottom lip, lilac orbs showing him her own hunger.

He fed hers, and his, rolling her abused nub slowly, then yanking hard enough to arch her back. This new, deeper grimace was hotter than the last, those hungry lilac orbs melding to ravenous silver. He would never get tired of that look, that ecstasy painting her features when he talked to her like that, when he touched her like that.

"You don't have to try everything I want," he told her truthfully, giving her nipple a break to cup her chin, "I'm more than happy with what we have, dattebayo, so if you don't wanna try it, that's okay too, but you need to tell me that. Look at me and tell me what you want."

She hesitated, struggling to maintain his direct stare before nodding.

"Words, baby. Say, 'yes Naruto-kun, I want you to pour hot wax on my back'."

She wet her lips, then repeated, "Y-yes, Naruto-kun…I w-want you to…pour hot wax o-on my back."

"Very good," he praised, grinning widely, "let's wax it up, dattebayo."

"A-are you going too…use it too?"

He raised a brow at that.

"Not a masochist, baby," he chuckled, "I'm a sadist, don't get me wrong, I love feeling you scratch my back up when I'm fucking you senseless," she ducked her head at that, "it turns me on when you pull my hair when I'm sucking on your clit, but that's only because I'm making you feel good, not really the pain . That make sense?"

She nodded, staring at his chin.

"I-I k-know you're a um…s-sadistic…D-Dominant."

She looked ready to keel over admitting that, like it was a horrible secret she wasn't supposed to know. He however, was extremely pleased. He hadn't gotten to really explore his kink until Hinata but what he lacked in experience, he made up for in spades with his own…research. He knew the terms her books were teaching her and while he didn't mind teaching her, he actually loved teaching her, those books helped explain shit more elegantly than he did.

Talking about this stuff with her made him horny as all hell, hard to teach a lesson when had to stop and bend her over midway through.

"Then you know there's a shit ton of Dom and sub types, that some can overlap. What other types am I?" he rumbled his question, tracing her lips with his thumb as he waited, "what else do your books say about me, hmm?"

"S-Sensual sadist…caregiver…master…" her brow furrowed, "m-maybe others."

Sounded about right.

He was a blend of those, and others she'd learn later.

He gripped her delicate jaw, fingers digging in slightly as he ticked off what he saw in her submissive heart,"masochist, servant, devout, a little bit of brat," he chuckled, remembering her fake pout when he told her to drop the f-bomb, "and other's I can't wait to find out about, dattebayo."

He sensed several interesting kinks just waiting to be brought to the surface.

"Are we in it for sex or the lifestyle?" he asked suddenly.

He really wanted to know how deep her submissive heart beat. He knew what he wanted…but what did she want. She didn't duck her head, a response he fully expected considering he had really put her on the spot, happiness flushed her cheeks. Their eyes locked, and he knew what she was going to say, knew it like she had already said it.


His lips spread, his smile painfully wide, "yeah?"

Her own smile was luminous, "please…"

If perfection was ever made flesh in blood, he was looking at the results. He pulled her closer, sharing his joy in a series of gentle kisses.

"Ah, um…c-can I ask you s-something?" she asked when he gave her a chance to breathe.

"Of course, baby."

"Are…are you…um…an e-exhibitionist?"


Her pale hands went straight to her flaming cheeks, eyes wide as though he had grown a second head.

"Y-you a-are?"

He laughed, "probably not to the extent you're thinking, but technically speaking, yes, I am considered an exhibitionist. I don't go around showing my junk to random people, I'm not a streaker or flasher, I don't go out of my way to set it up either, I just don't mind being watched having sex. I like the attention," he admitted with a shrug, "probably has to do with how I grew up, dattebayo. I was a attention whore and I think my kink is an extension of that, really, that's why I say 'technically'."

"I…I see…"

"That bother you?"

She shook her head, "no. Not b-bother, I…I just…d-don't know I c-could…you know…d-do stuff knowing s-someone was watching…"

"Did you hate me touching you in public? Or when when had sex with Sasuke in the house?"

Her face colored.

Even he knew the answer to that, her pussy hadn't been gushing like a waterfall because she hated it.

He took her hand, running his calloused fingers over soft skin in soothing circles, "just like with our a Dom and sub titles, there's overlap and gray areas, sub-categories and shit. Levels, I guess you could call 'em. I might not mind being watched but fucking in front of a stadium full of people is overkill for me. Not my thing. Maybe it's the same for you. Certain situations get your juices flowing and other's turn you off. Nothing wrong with that. If you don't wanna explore anymore than what we have, that's okay. I don't have this burning desire to be watched, I can do without it just fine."

She was quiet for a time, her eyes straying off. He allowed it. This conversation was so outside her comfort zone he was surprised she was still conscious, truly a measure of how far she had come.

"I-I don't really know w-what I like…"

"I know, and we can figure that out if you want. Nothing crazy, little stuff like what we've been doing, just tell me if you're uncomfortable with something and want to stop, it's all up to you. Just don't ask me to set up a stadium."

Her eyes got wide, snapping to his, "I-I'd d-die if we ever-"

He snorted a laugh, "you and me both. Now, on to the flip side, live porn, watching people have sex-don't faint!" he chortled as she weaved, "It's not that bad, baby, relax! I'm actually kind of surprised you don't have secret voyeuristic tendencies. You've got x-ray vision, you're seriously gonna tell me that you never wanted to, ya know? Peep? Just because you could?"

A pin could have dropped and the neighbors would have heard it.

She got quiet.

"I knew it!" he hooted, shocked and pleased at the same time.

"N-no y-you've got it all w-wrong!" she gasped, "I-I d-don't- I've n-never-"

She lapsed into stony silence, burying her face in her hands. He took both, peeling them away from her scarlet features, ducking his head to find her eyes.

"Hinata, you don't have to be ashamed of having the desire to peep on-"

"You…" she whispered shamefully, "I-I only ever w-wanted t-to peep…on y-you…not…a-anybody else…"

"Then you definitely don't have shit to be ashamed of, 'ttebayo. You're no different than me. You know I like watching you," she flushed, no doubt remembering him what he was, but just in case, for clarity's sake, "turns me on, like that time I watched you play with your pussy with that vibrator. Found a new kink, though," he confessed at a near whisper, "I like watching you get fucked too, when my clone touches you, spanks you and fucks you, that turns me on, but you know that too don't you? I see you, watching me jerk off while I watch you and the clone. I know it turns you on too."

Her body, her responses, were clear as day.

His clone's memories were just as crystal.

"There's nothing wrong with watching or being watched, so if you wanna explore this kink of yours, I wouldn't mind helping you build confidence," he kissed her stunned lips, "How about it? You wanna watch me jack off, baby?"

She licked her lips, crimson darkening her cheeks, her answer was loud and voiceless.

"Get up, get naked and pin your hair up tight. Five minutes, then meet me in the living room."

Disoriented briefly by the swift change of subject, she hesitated a half second before moving to follow his directives.

He shed his own towel, popped two clones and started setting up.

She was ready with two minutes to spare, silken locks clipped high at her cranium, shoulders hunched as though she didn't have the body of a goddess, curiosity and embarrassment blushing her cheeks.

"N-Naruto-kun?" gaze roving around his contraption.

He tested his weight on it, pushing hard enough that any normal surface would have split immediately. It held firm, not even a creak, quality he expected from Ino Yamanaka. He turned to face his shy girlfriend, gesturing to the table, "this is a portable performance table, chakra controlled and multi-functional, real convenient for people that don't have an extra room or a basement to set up their own dungeon, dattebayo."

He really should look into getting a bigger place, or maybe even going the extra mile and buying an actual house with a basement. A room was nice and all, but he really wanted a playroom in the bowels of his home, it just felt right.

A dark place for dark desires.

"It's powered by chakra and only responds to the initial chakra signature that set it up, once you're in it, you won't be able to maneuver it or remove the restraints," he ran a hand over it's shiny surface, "it's fitted with a genjutsu feature, you'll learn about that at some point," he told her ominously as he tapped it, "it looks like a regular table but it can divide into sections, lifted up and down, tilt, spin, the works."

He moved back as he spoke, commanding the table as he did. Showing her how the long rectangle separated and moved, the wheels attached shifting smoothly over the floor, her darkening blush told him she realized the slabs were designed to spread her legs, raise her bottom and tilt her in ways that would allow him to do things to her body quite easily.

It cost him a pretty penny but was worth every cent.

It wasn't the one he wanted though. The permanent one he had his eye on would have to wait until he had an actual basement set up, this was certainly better than nothing.

"Pretty cool, huh?" clone One asked, having finished his task of moving their coffee table against the wall.

"You like it, baby?" clone Two questioned, straighting and closing their toolbox.

She bumped her fingers, looking from one image of him to another and another, "i-it's very…c-creative."

"You have no idea," Two chuckled, sidling up behind the bashful woman, filling his hands with the heavy weight of her pert tits.

"I owe you a spanking," he rumbled, abdominals clenching as he indulged his screaming cock a slow pump of his hand, "bring that ass, baby."

Two gave her nipples a last long pinch, slapped her buttocks and sent her to the table. Her walk of shame was cute, but held an undercurrent of eagerness, her thick thighs shiny on the inside.

He lowered the table with a thought, double checking it was set to room temperature, "on your stomach."

She climbed on, lying prone, arms folded beneath her head, perfect fit. He had been a bit concerned when they were putting it together, wondering if it was long enough for her considering how short it looked but clearly he hadn't fully understood how little she was. He loved her tiny stature, even more so seeing it displayed and emphasized.

"I'm gonna watch you," he explained, taking a seat on the couch, "and you're gonna watch me."

She flushed, eyes already glued to his splayed legs, her little pink tongue moistening her lips as he wrapped his hand around his meat. He stroked lazily, pleasure hitting his bloodstream like a shot.

"Keep your eyes on me, don't close your 'em, don't look away, pay attention to me. Understand?"

She nodded.

"Hand or paddle?" this from Two, his tall form bent, lips near her ear, "ladies choice tonight."

She jumped a bit, startled anew by his clone. Before she could turn and answer, One gripped her bun hard enough to draw tonight's first grimace, holding her head in place.

"What did I tell you?" Two growled, "eyes. On. Me."

"Apologize," One prompted.

He waited, swirling his thumb around his swollen head, stroking lazily as she whispered her apology to him, "I-I'm sorry…"

"You gonna follow directions, or am I gonna have to punish you first?" he asked.

She seemed excited by the idea, biting her lip, that impish glint he'd only seen once before lighting her eyes.

He laughed, "I promise you, you're not gonna like it, so get that look off your face," though he would absolutely love to dole out discipline, he'd only given her a taste before and in turn, whet his appetite, "If I have to punish you I'm not gonna stop until I think it's enough, I don't care how much you cry. First time was a warning, it was your first time saying 'fuck', so I was being nice," his smile was all canine, "I'm not gonna be nice about it this time. Feel free to test me though, I really wanna hear you beg for mercy, 'ttebayo."

She swallowed, apprehension eclipsing her curiosity.

"That's what I thought," he chuckled, "don't worry, you'll earn it soon I'm sure."

"You didn't answer me," Two reminded them both, "so I guess it's gentlemen's choice."

He looked beyond her lax body to clone Two holding up a crop and paddle, his silent question audible to the original. Naruto gesture to the paddle, then gave Two a nod.


He ate the left over curry Hinata made for dinner last night, savoring the delicate flavors that had marinated over the hours since it was cooked. He lay in darkness hours later, his muscles lax from a much needed soak, soft mattress soothing stress from his body.

Not all of it…not enough of it.

Tension remained in his limbs and shoulders, he didn't want to deforest a forest, or spar until he was too exhausted to think, his normal go to for restless nights. He was married, naked in their bed, contrary though she may be at times, frustrating as she was, it was her comfort he needed right now. Her listening ear about his fucked up assignment, and a relief of his ails between her thighs. That's what he needed right now, what he wanted in these lonely hours.

Sasuke wanted her sleek body plastered to his, her gentle curves in his hand.

Arousal stirred.

He wanted her mouth to make him forget everything wrong in his world for a while.

Bringing forth his fiery wife's image with sharp clarity, he slowly worked his aching cock.

He pictured her mouth, thin but curved cutely, her lower lip plumper than the top, puckering ever so slightly as it formed his name.

He replayed their last intimate memory, the one where his monotony had been banished and for a brief moment, he'd gotten a taste of the hard fucking he needed. Those intense fleeting minutes where their groins smacked messily, their bed started a pulse racing creak, and her lithe form had shuddered from the force of his pounding. Skirting the failure it had turned out to be, he re-imagined her spine bowing beneath his driving thrusts, her sweaty palms pulling him close rather than pushing him away.

He groaned, straining as heat lashed his insides.

He imagined threading his fingers through her soft bubblegum locks, fisting hard enough to draw gasped surprise from her throat.

He fucked her in time with his masturbating hand, tightening his grip the way he wanted her pussy to. Harsh breathing, slapping flesh filled the room, fueling his fantasy.

"Lift your legs," he commanded his wife, "bend your knees, hold them up and open,"

Lust glazed green held his as she complied, raising her knees just below her small breast, the move parting her puffy wet sex. He lunged into each thrust, unrestrained and unchained, free to to slate his brutal lust at long last. He reached for the delicate curve of her neck, wrapping hard fingers around the column. Her pulse beat wild in his palm, her lips separating on a exhale. He glutted himself on her vulnerability, gorging his starving inner sadist on a high he had never experience.

She wanted it, this dream woman that wore his wife's face.

She was wet, and tight, squeezing his cock hard enough to knock him senseless, moaning and begging for his rough lovemaking through the hitched breaths his merciless grip allowed.

She was arching, and gushing, taking his violent hammering

Moaning and whispering, "more, Sasuke-kun…"

He wasn't sure when it happened…

Couldn't pinpoint when his mind strayed, at what point had his pain loving Sakura became someone else.

When short pink hair darkened and lengthened, cascading over pale flesh…

When cherry tipped a-cups ballooned well beyond what two hands could hold, let alone his single one. He squeezed one then the other, tracing a coral colored areola before tugging it's point. He imagined her grimace, her parting plump lips, her delicious pain made even more savory by the ecstasy that bloomed when he gave her sensitive bud a smack. A sharp breath left his lungs, his own face contorting as he imagined her blissed out milky eyes, pleading for another sting.

He didn't acknowledge the change, didn't assign recognition to the new female he was beating his dick to, didn't dare solidify the reality that it wasn't his wife he was thinking about. That his cock was throbbing so damn bad because he didn't have to pretend she liked hard fuckings, he knew she did and that knowledge had his dick so hard it felt like steel in his hand.

His pace quickened, hips lifting.

He didn't have to make shit up, he didn't have to lie to his damn self, not about her, not when he knew the truth about her. He hissed through clenched teeth, rolling what he knew about her around in his head.

She liked her ass spanked…he heard it last night, her whimpering moans, her whispered pleasure between those unmistakable claps of hand to buttocks. She wanted her ass fucked…he saw her books out in the forest, had picked them up and hand them to her.

He didn't know if she went through with it, if she had actually gotten her ass fucked the way she wanted…how she had looked and sounded when she did.

On her back, legs bunched to her chest?

Up on hands and knees presenting her tiny rosebud.

His abdominals clenched, teeth catching his lower lip as he polished his knob, smearing wet desire twice before returning to his frantic jerking.

He bet she liked it, loved it.

She liked pain, she got off on it…

Climax screamed in his balls.

He held his breath, sweating and pumping, remembering that deep red scrap of lace framing her succulent tits, that steep curve from tiny waist to flared hips, those sinful hips natural handle bars for a rough ride, those thick thighs begging to wrap around a man's hips.


What drove him crazy was the glimpse he'd gotten, the ass cheek he'd seen as she was carted away, a fading bruise in the shape of a man sized bare hand.

Orgasm roared.

She wore her submission on her skin like a badge of honor, enticing and taunting him like her barely there silken teddy, giving him a sneak peek into the true wanton masochistic female he had heard last night. The kinky woman that was shy by day and fuckin filthy by night.

His hips arched, wet fist frantically pumping, his body shuddering as hot jets of semen erupted, painting his stomach and chest in forbidden lust.