
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

The Game

I turned on my heel and I bolted. Knowing that even if I managed to make it to the road I will willingly go back to them excited me, so I made my legs move faster as I hit the treeline, knowing there should be some trouble for them through the brushes. In the distance, I could hear the sound of a bike revving up, and I realized they were close, and that I didn't get as far as I wished, to win the game I backtracked, stepping in the same place before climbing one of the trees. After a few minutes, I saw three of the guys going through on horse, and then four more on bikes. I was shaking with anticipation until I could no longer hear anything, I quietly climbed down, before turning and running in another direction. I ran as fast as I could until I started to get tired, so I walked for a bit, gasping trying to get as much air as I could. When I decided to backtrack some steps and climb a tree, and relaxed to try and regain some stamina. As I sat there looking down I saw two of the men on horseback looking around.

"This one is sneaky," Billy said.

"She may just make it to the road," the other one said. I held my breath and held as still as I could as they walked right under me.

"She definitely put some thought into her strategy, because we've lost her trail again," Billy said, their voices fading as they trotted off. I stayed in the tree until I was feeling more energetic, I branched off from where I was going in case they turned back I didn't want to be on them.

Luckily, I was very athletic growing up, so I built stamina and speed through the years, and as I ran I could see a break in the tree line, so I ran for the clearing, and just before I broke out I took steps back and climbed a tree, to scout for movement from any of the men and to see what the clearing was, just to make sure it wasn't a trap, and that it was the road and not just a circle. I grabbed a hold of one trunk before reaching for the nearest tree and taking a leap clinging on to the other, I went over a few trees and climbed higher to scout. I saw three men on horseback, in a circle talking to one another, and another on a bike. The opening was just a circle, no road yet. I did not move as they talked, I hugged the tree as tightly as I could trying to get as close in case they looked in my direction I hoped they wouldn't spot me, the bark scratching my chest and my feet were bloody. I ignored the pain I was in and stayed still not moving a muscle. When finally the four of them dispersed into the trees once more, I listened carefully before moving from tree to tree trying to get a fair bit away from where I was, in case they saw my footsteps. When I was confident I was far enough away and I couldn't hear anything, I slowly made my way to the ground and continued running.

I was careful not to step on any sticks as I ran, but it didn't stop me from stepping on rocks and acorns, cutting my feet open, until I could hear the sound of a vehicle driving down a road and once I could no longer hear the vehicle I broke the tree line and sat at the edge of the road waiting for them to find me. I lay down in the long grass in the ditch, exhausted and breathing deeply. I was glad I made it to the road and that theoretically I could leave and be free, but I no longer wanted that, sure if we played yesterday I would've taken it to be free and turned in Brandon for what he did, to try and get back at him for selling me. The sun was starting to set so I spent most of today running and I was hungry, when I heard the sounds of hoofs I sat up from the grass and saw Master looking around until he saw me peeking up at him from the grass. When he came over to me and got off his horse. "So you made it to the road slave," Master said, and I nodded. "The first slave in the history of us playing the game, and we've played it with most slaves over the course of seventy years," Master said, I felt pride wash over me, knowing that I was the first one to make it to the road in over the seventy years they've been playing. "Tell me how did you do it?" Master asked.

"Doubling back whenever I heard you guys, I climbed the trees, and waited or whenever I needed a break, but I always made sure to double back a few steps so it would be near impossible to track me. My father was in the military and was strict with training, he taught us how to shoot, hide, and breath control. We made a game out of it, hide and seek but we would have paintball guns and if we were spotted we were shot, I got good at it because the paintballs hurt so it motivated me to hide better to listen for any sounds and then climb the trees, people don't tend to look up so as long as I kept quiet I was relatively sure I could stay hidden, and even if I was spotted they'd have to get me down, which meant they'd have to get off their ride and climb up, but I'd move to a different tree until they either managed to get me down or I got to the road" I said.

"You played smart slave," Master said.

"Thank you, Master," I said.

"Well it was nice knowing you, you've earned your freedom," Master said as he started to walk away and I panicked. I grew attached to him, and now that he's leaving me I couldn't deal with it, so I did the only thing I could do.

"Please don't free me, Master, please I beg of you Master please keep me enslaved, I don't want to be free please don't leave me, Master. I can't live not to submit, that is no way for a slave to live Master, please a slave is begging to be owned, I beg to be owned Master" I begged, I was pleading for him to keep me, not to free me, I was desperate to stay a slave.

"Are you sure slave?" Master asked, turning back to me.

"The surest I've ever been Master," I said.

"Then start to run back to the warehouse, I'll track you and tackle you as if you're still running for your freedom," Master said.

"Thank you, Master," I said, before standing up and running back to the warehouse, I didn't double back or climb any trees because I wasn't trying to get anywhere, I wanted to be tackled and enslaved. I only got so far before I felt the rope around my body, I could feel the arousal and my sex became slick knowing what's coming, Master quickly jumped off his horse, and pinned me to the ground, before tying each arm to one of my feet, I couldn't move but I didn't want to, I won the game and I got to stay a slave, this is the best prize I could've gotten.

"You're aroused slave" Master stated as he started to touch me.

"Yes Master" I whimpered.

"Tell me what you want, slave," Master said, pulling his hand back.

"I want, no need, you to fuck me, Master, please fuck me, Master, please a slave begs to be used, please use me Master I beg you" I begged.

"Such a helpless little slut" Master said.

"Master please fuck your slave, show her who's in charge, show her who she belongs to, please Master" I pleaded.

"I like hearing you beg slave, especially in third person" Master whispered in my ear and he held himself between my legs.

"Please Master your slave is begging to be taken, to be dominated, and controlled" I whimpered, when I felt him enter, I screamed out in ecstasy as he started to thrust. "Thank you, Master, your slave thanks you for taking her Master" I whimpered.

"Your welcome slave," Master said, his voice husky with lust and I shivered. His dominance and control he managed to gain over me was intoxicating and I needed more, I needed a Master to survive this world, I could never be free again. I was writhing underneath him as he thrust, all that managed to leave me were small whimpers of need. I needed him, and when I felt a bite on my neck breaking skin I screamed out, in pleasure and pain, I felt my belly spasm as I squirted over his cock as he started to twitch releasing his cum deep in my belly. He didn't untie me but picked me up and threw me over the back of his horse.

"Master, may I sleep?" I asked as he started walking back to the warehouse.

"You may slave," Master said, so I closed my eyes, I wasn't able to sleep, but I acted as if I was too tired to keep my eyes open. "I'm heading back with the slave, she made it to the road but wished to stay," Master said.

"Roger that, we'll head back and meet you there," Jorge said, I got the impression that Jorge was his second in command, I'll ask Master later. I was thankful that Master just walked back, but I knew that the others would see me naked, bound over the back of the horse, and I didn't care. So much has changed in the last thirty-six hours, and honestly, the only thing I would change is how I acted to both Brandon and Jorge. They were only doing their job and I acted out and hurt both of them.

When I could hear the ground difference as Master started to walk on the pavement leading into the warehouse. "Must be exhausted," Billy said.

"She is, I'm just gonna go put her in the room for the night and then we can talk," Master said.

"Sounds good boss," Jorge said, when I felt my body being removed from the horse, I was still bound and had a strong inkling that I'll be bound the whole night.

When he entered the room I heard whispers going through the six remaining girls but I ignored them, he placed me on the ground and I relaxed. "Good night girls and leave her alone for tonight she needs her sleep," Master said, before I heard the door close and the locks lock us in the room, I did some deep breathing to slow my heart rate, keeping my eyes closed and allowed sleep to take me.

When I woke up I was sore from being tied and not able to move, as I waited for Master to come unbind me I noticed the other girls watching me "so you got caught" Vanessa stated as I manoeuvred myself to sit up.

"Yes and no," I said.

"What do you mean?" Sarah asked.

"Well I made it to the road, but I made the decision to come back, I knew before even running that if I made it to the road I'd come back, but I didn't want to allow them to catch me where's the fun in that, they wanted to play a game and so did I. I played just to play, to see if I could make it to the road or if like every slave before me, get caught. It was a game that had a definite ending so I had no trouble playing, now if Master said I wouldn't be able to come back if I made it to the road I would've allowed myself to get caught, at the treeline for the road, so they'd know I could've left if I wanted to but that I chose to stay. The ending was set in stone no matter how it ended" I said.

"So may we have your name?" Neveah asked.

"Jessica," I said.

"It's nice to meet you," Hope said.

"You too," I said, when the door opened and seven men came in, unlocking their slave from the wall, while Master took the ropes off me.

"We're going to shower, clean the cuts and you'll wear flats until your feet heal," Master said once the rope was off. When we left the room, I kept my head down as we walked into a room, an open shower, "shower, I'll be back in ten minutes, towels are there and if you aren't finished you'll be punished" Master said.

"Yes Master," I said and he left, I quickly went to the shower and washed my body, the cuts stinging as the soap and water touched them. When I was clean I went and grabbed a towel and dried off, as I was drying my hair Master came back, and he put some black flats on the floor.

"Put these on slave," Master said, so I put the shoes on.

"Master, I have a question," I said.

"What is it, slave?" Master asked.

"May I be punished, Master?" I asked.

"Why slave?" Master asked.

"For hurting Sir, please Master, I should've been punished yesterday. I hate that I screwed up. There's only two things I would change is how I reacted to Brandon and Sir. Master please" I pleaded.

"You get what you asked for slave," Master said, as he pulled me by my hair I whimpered, as I bent over and tried to keep up with him so I wouldn't fall.

"Jesus boss, what are you doing?" Billy asked.

"Shut up Billy" Master snapped, when I was thrown onto the floor. "Ass up slave," Master said, so I did as he said I put my chest to the ground and lifted my ass into the air, the perfect target for punishment when I felt the crop against my ass. I whimpered in pain as the burning pain erupted across my ass, with each strike of the crop I was filled with forgiveness, I was able to forgive myself for fighting with the two men, the two Masters. "Kneel slave," Master said, so I knelt as instructed, it hurt but it was the consequence of my actions. "Are you okay, slave?" Master asked.

"Yeah I think I am Master, thank you," I said.