
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · Fantasy
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43 Chs


I was the first one to wake up, and I started to try and break free, I was pulling, trying to snag the rope against the nail that was on the floor. "What are you doing, slave?" Jorge asked, I stopped frozen in fear, when the other girls woke up. When seven men came in and took the girls out of the room. When I felt a hand at the base of my neck before he walked around me to make me look at him, I was shaking and I'm sure he could read the fear on my face. He reached around taking the gag off, "tell me slave what were you doing?" Jorge asked.

"Nothing, just stretching," I said, he hummed as he watched me.

"Then why are you so scared?" Jorge asked, caressing my face and I flinched back.

"Who wouldn't be scared? I have no idea where I am or why I'm here or what's going to happen" I snapped.

"Don't run, you won't get far" Jorge said, as he unclasped my hands. I didn't move as he walked towards the door. "Come along," Jorge said, turning back towards me, but I didn't move towards him, he huffed out but walked towards me, when he grabbed my elbow, and I lost it. I started swinging using the metal they locked around my wrist and hit him as hard as I could. He fell to the ground and I got on top of him and repeatedly punched him.

When I felt a gun to my head and I froze "kneel at my feet or I'll shoot" he said, I was scared and I started to question whether dying is better than being a slave.

I stood up and backed away, "you wouldn't" I gasped.

"Are you really willing to take that risk?" He asked.

"It would be a waste of money," I said, as I backed away from him, when Heather came in and I heard a gunshot and she fell to the ground, I screamed out and ran over, trying to stop the bleeding and I saw the light in her eyes die out.

"I paid fifty grand for her, her auction was next week so I'll ask again, are you willing to take the risk that I won't shoot you?" He asked, I closed Heather's eyes, and I both envied and despised what happened to her, she is free now, and I wanted that but I didn't want to die. "If you don't want me to shoot you like I did her, kneel at my feet," he said. I scrambled to my feet and went to him, I knelt down at his feet, and I could feel the tears fall down my face, accepting that, at least for now, I was a slave and I was terrified. "Now follow me, we're going to the loft and you will behave properly," he said, I nodded my head, and he turned around and left the room, I stood up and followed him. We went up three flights of stairs until we were in his office. I didn't run or try anything stupid.

"What do you want?" I asked as he sat down.

"Quiet, I didn't give you permission to speak slave" he snapped, I bit my lip to stop it from quivering. "Kneel down slave," he said, so I knelt down before him. "Spread your knees, farther slave, now put your arms behind your back. Very good, whenever you are ever told to kneel this is the position you will hold, you will not hide your body from us because it doesn't belong to you, not anymore" he said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Do you want to be punished?" He snapped and I furiously shook my head. "Then do not speak, my name doesn't matter, you will address all the males with Sir but myself with Master, that's all you need to know," Master said, I nodded my head. "Now since you knocked out your trainer, I'm taking it upon myself to train you and I will expect perfection or I will encourage you to do better," Master said, grabbing a crop from his drawer. I gulped, remembering when Brandon used it on me as discipline, I ended up calling red our safeword and getting him to stop because it hurt. "Ah I see Brandon used this on you, didn't he?" Master asked.

"Y-yes Master" I stuttered.

"Then you know I will use it on you if you aren't pleasing," Master said and I nodded my head. "Crawl over here slave," Master said.

I kept my head down as I crawled over to him, tears streaming down my face. When I got in front of him I stopped "please Master please tell me what you plan to do with me" I pleaded, not able to look up.

"Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about slave, and do you think you've been good enough to know of your future?" Master asked.

"No Master, I'm sorry for asking, I'll be good," I said.

"Kneel slave," Master said and I quickly got into the position he ordered. He wiped the tears from my face "no more tears slave there is no need to cry. It'll work out as it should as you'll get someone who will pay a lot of money for you if you do well and they'll take care of you as long as you take care of them" Master said.

"Can I ask you something, Master?" I asked, and he nodded. "Have you done business with Brandon before?" I asked, it's something that's been playing in my head since yesterday.

"I have, he's one of my business partners, he finds new slaves, young females willing to do anything to be loved, trains them, prices them and sells them to me and then the cycle repeats," Master said.

"And I was just one of those stupid females" I muttered under my breath.

"Speak up, slave, don't mutter. Now tell me what did you say?" Master asked and I gulped, I was terrified.

"I said that I was just another one of those stupid females. Master, can I ask one more question?" I asked.

"Do you think you deserve the ability to ask another question, slave?" Master asked.

"Please Master, I'll do anything to earn the ability to ask another question," I said.

"But you already have to do anything anyway slave, what else can you offer?" Master asked.

"Anything you wish Master, I'll be good, and I'll do the best I can do with everything," I said.

"Then repeat after me slave," Master said and I nodded. "I will do anything and everything my Master wishes me to do because I am a slave and I will obey no matter what. Master owns me so he can do whatever he wishes with his slave" Master said. I knew that if I said it then it'll be game over, I won't ever have any chance of getting free if I wish to live because I'll be giving him the ability to kill me if he wishes "I'm waiting slave" Master said.

"If I do, will you allow me to ask my question?" I asked, trying to get clarification.

"You can ask, but I may not answer slave. Now say it, I'm getting impatient" Master said.

"I'm sorry Master. I will do anything and everything my Master wishes me to do because I am a slave and I will obey no matter what. Master owns me so he can do whatever he wishes with his slave" I said, he nodded with a smile, it sent my belly into somersaults as he looked down at me. "Did he ever love me Master or was it all a lie?" I asked, I saw a flash of pity flicker in his eyes but as soon as I saw it, it was gone.

"No slave," Master said, and all I could do was nod, I knew the answer but I just needed to hear it, but hearing it didn't make it any easier. I felt a tear fall down my face, when Master wiped it away.

"I'm sorry for crying, Master," I said.

He smiled down at me, "we don't love our slaves because you're property. No Master has ever loved their slave but that doesn't mean we don't cherish them. Without slaves Masters are nothing and without Masters slaves are nothing. We are two halves of a whole because without the other there is nothing. Tell me, slave, did you feel cherished when you were with Brandon?" Master asked.

"I did Master," I said.

"And as long as you're pleasing I will cherish you until it's your time to move on to the next Master, and he will cherish you as well," Master said.

"Can I speak my mind freely Master without the worry of being punished?" I asked.

"You can speak freely but if it deserves a punishment you will be punished slaves do not have the ability to decide if they are to be punished or not," Master said.

"Yes Master I'm sorry for asking not to be punished, but I was just going to say that, in the Masters' own way they do love their slaves, it may not be the way two free people express their love because both are equal while the slave is less than their Master, because as you said we're two halves of a hole you can't have one without the other," I said.

"Tell me Jessica Green, who is in control?" Master asked it felt wrong hearing my name and instinctively I jerked back repulsed, which he noticed. "What's wrong?" Master asked.

"You called me by my name Master, it feels wrong. I don't like it, it makes me feel equal" I said.

"Are you equal?" Master asked.

"No Master, I am just a slave. I'm less than you are and I should be regarded as such" I said.

"Stand slave," Master said, I stood up in front of him, I was done questioning him I would just follow anything he said because he held all the power. He stood up, and I'm sure could see the acceptance in my eyes and the way I held my body, I held my body with pride. "You've accepted it haven't you slave? Knowing you will only be a slave from here until your death isn't that right slave?" Master asked.

"Yes Master, I can only be a slave, there's this desire I have to give up all control and I won't fight it, I can't. I'm tired of fighting it, I fought it growing up and even with Brandon, that now I don't want to, there's no other future for me than being a slave" I said.

"That's right, slave," Master said, grabbing a blindfold, I held perfectly still as he placed it over my eyes, making my world black as he tied it in the back. "Jethro number 4," Master said, when he led me somewhere, I could feel the railing of the loft. "Climb over and fall slave," Master said, and immediately I started to do it, I wouldn't question it. As my feet were on the other side of the railing, I let go and my body fell. I only fell for a second before my body hit something soft instead of the concrete floor, I was shaking, as the adrenaline pumped through my veins knowing I could've seriously injured myself. When I felt hands at my waist, starting to guide me off whatever I landed on.

"I'm surprised she went for it," Jorge said when my blindfold was removed.

"You did good slave, there was no hesitation and you didn't even know if you'd survive the fall," Master said.

"You told me to Master, I just wish to be good," I said.

"How'd you get her so well trained when she attacked me just an hour ago?" Jorge asked.

"She asked two questions, and for permission to ask the second I made her enslave herself, and her natural need to submit came forward soon after. I told you all females have the need to submit to us, you just need to know which button to push to get the right response. You were to forceful with her that she lashed out in fear, but I made her fear the punishments she'll receive if she is ever disobedient, she is only to obey me for now while she's in the early stages of being trained, then when I feel confident she'll obey everyone else and then when she's doesn't question any order she'll be auctioned" Master said.

"Are you going to play the game with her?" Billy asked, I looked from Billy to Master in curiosity.

"I don't know, I don't think she'll really try hard enough," Master said, I was insulted that he'd think I wouldn't try hard to please him.

"You insulted the poor slave boss," Jorge said.

"She's just a slave, her feelings don't matter," Master said, and for some inexplicable reason, knowing my feelings meant nothing to him aroused me, I shivered as the arousal grew.

"Why not see if she wants to play?" Billy asked.

"Fine, slave this game is a game of freedom, you run as fast and far as you can and we hunt you down if you manage to get to the road you'll be free, we will be on horseback and bikes hunting you down so you'll have a five-minute head start. You will run and you will try to get to the road, got it slave?" Master said.

"And whoever catches you gets the prize of being your first as a full slave," Billy said.

"If I do manage to get to the road, could I still come back?" I asked.

"If it's what you wish you can, but we never had a slave make it to the road without one of us finding and capturing them," Master said.

"The game ends in one of two ways, you make it to the road, or we tie you up and take you however we please," Jorge said.

"Do you understand the game slave?" Master asked.

"Yes Master," I said, I could hear the warehouse doors being opened.

"Your timer starts now, run slave," Master said.