
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


The last two years have been heaven, Master has been the best thing that's happened to me, I never have to leave our territory so I don't run into other gang members other than my father's gang, and the other gangs in the area knows this one is protected by my fathers' gang and they don't wish themselves a death wish. I was pacing the room I was in since Master was in a meeting and I cleaned both the warehouse and Master's house, but there was one thing that's been bugging me for the last five weeks and I was nervous to bring it up to Master. So I paced the warehouse waiting for Master to come back. When I heard the door open, I looked over and Master was walking towards me, I smiled at him. "How was the meeting Master?" I asked, after he gave me a kiss.

"It went well, slave, but is there anything you need to tell me?" Master asked, and I fidgeted with my hands looking down.

"We may have miscalculated ovulation last month, I haven't had my period yet Master," I said, biting my lip, nervous about his reaction.

"We will get a test and maybe go to the hospital, I don't know how I feel about having a child slave," Master said.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," Master said before leaving again when Jethro came in.

"Hello slave, how was your day?" Jethro asked.

"Hello Sir, it's been good, how about yours?" I asked, being polite, knowing that he could punish me if I wasn't.

"Mine was good, did Kinley make supper yet?" Jethro asked.

"I believe I saw them setting the table so it should be done relatively soon Sir," I said, he nodded before leaving, I continued pacing the room not able to stay still, when Master came back in, he passed me the pregnancy test and I went to the bathroom and took it, as I waited for the result I started to bite my nails. After two minutes I looked at the test, and as I feared it came back positive, I could feel the blood drain from my face.

"Times up slave, what's the result?" Master asked, coming into the bathroom.

"Positive Master," I said, Master let out a sigh.

"Honestly slave, do you want this child?" Master asked.

"Honestly no, I'm terrified. I never wanted kids, and since becoming a slave that feeling only grew" I said.

"But if I say we are keeping it what do you reply with?" Master asked.

"It's your decision, Master, you're in charge. If you wish to have this child we will, if you wish not to then we will abort it. I am just a slave, that only desire is to do what her Master says" I said.

"Good slave, so what if I tell you to love the child?" Master asked.

"Then I will love it, Master," I said, he nodded.

"Go put your dress on slave and we will head to the hospital," Master said, I nodded and grabbed my dress from the slaves' room, I put it on and headed back upstairs. I walked over to Master and took his hand and we left the warehouse. We got in the car and Master started driving.

It was silent as Master drove to the hospital and all I felt was fear "Master may I ask a question?" I asked, he nodded, focusing on the road as he held my hand. "May I request an order to be given?" I asked.

"It depends slave," Master said.

"I wish to be ordered to be happy, to replace the fear because the fear is all I feel and I wish to feel another feeling Master," I said.

"You'll pay for it, slave," Master said.

"I know Master, and I'll accept anything you wish for me to pay for this request," I said.

"You will not feel any fear for this pregnancy, you will feel hope, happiness and excitement," Master said, and the fear I felt dissipated being replaced by hope, happiness and excitement.

"Thank you, Master," I said.

"Your welcome slave, I love that I can tell you to do anything literally and you will do it," Master said.

"Years of training Master, and my willingness to not fight back and allow it to happen. I love it as well Master, because it shows you have complete and utter control over me" I said, Master smiled and nodded. "What do you think it'll be Master?" I asked.

"I don't know slave and I don't know if we will even find out," Master said.

"I have hope Master, I have hope that we will be able to raise it, to give it a good life. I think it'll be a boy, he'll turn after his father, and when he is ready, take over the business" I said, imagining his future.

"Be careful, slave, I haven't decided if we're even going to keep it," Master said.

"I understand Master, but I can't help it, I imagine what our future looks like and I see the three of us, us showing him how to ride, how to shoot, how to command a room. I see bright things for him and I hope he has the best life we can give him" I said.

"Quiet until we get to the hospital slave," Master said, so the rest of the ride was quiet.

When he pulled up to the hospital we got out, "Master we haven't been here since your accident" I said, as I looked up at the hospital, the brown looked dreary, it had some of the worst memories since being enslaved.

"I'm fine slave, and call me M" Master said.

"May I ask a question?" I asked, he let out a sigh but nodded. "I hate talking and calling you by your name, it feels so wrong so may I just keep quiet and only answer direct questions or not even say your name?" I asked.

"It depends, you'll have to do some talking, but you don't have to refer to me, but you can say I'm your husband," Master said.

"Thank you, Master," I said, he smiled and we headed inside. I held his hand and walked slightly behind him. Until we were in a room, I wasn't paying attention but I knew I was sitting on the bed, waiting for someone to come in. I was nervous but I couldn't push down the feelings Master ordered me to feel.

When a doctor came in, she came in front of us. "Hello, I'm Doctor Langley," Langley said.

"Hello, I'm Jessica and this is my husband," I said.

"Do I get his name?" Langley asked.

"Call me M, that's what my wife calls me," Master said.

"Well it's nice to meet you, so you found out that you are expecting?" Langley asked.

"Yes, she missed her period last month, and we took a test earlier today," Master said.

"Is it okay if we do an ultrasound?" Langley asked, I looked up to Master.

"Of course," Master said.

"I would like it if Jessica answers the questions, it's her having the baby," Langley said.

"I would actually prefer if he does, I have a fear of talking to strangers," I said, Master rubbed circles on my hand as he smiled down at me.

"Well I'd like for you to pull your dress up," Langley said, so I did, she noticed I wasn't wearing any underwear but didn't comment as she put the gel on me and moved the doppler around as she looked at the ultrasound. I could hear the heartbeat of our child and I looked up at Master and he was watching the screen intensely, I smiled at how focused he looked. "So it seems you're at six weeks and four days, the heart is fast so that's good, and hopefully in a few weeks we can find out the gender of the baby," Langley said.

"What about abortion? When will we no longer be able to have an abortion?" I asked.

"Twenty-four weeks, after that it's only when it's a medical emergency and the mother's life is at risk," Langley said.

"So we have less than eighteen weeks to decide if we want an abortion?" Master asked.

"That's correct, oh hey John, come take M to fill out some paperwork while I clean Jessica up," Langley said, waving down John.

Master leaned into my ear "you better behave little slave" Master whispered.

"I love you too M, I'll see you in a few minutes," I said, Master nodded before following John.

"So tell me about this mark on your thigh?" Langley asked as she wiped the gel off me.

"It was a wedding gift, M wanted to mark me as his, it's beautiful and I love it. I knew it was coming, and it came out better than I could've imagined" I said.

"Tell me about him, what's he like? How old is he? How long have you known him? How long have you been married?" Langley asked.

"Well he treats me how I wish to be treated, he tells me he loves me multiple times a day and is everything I wished for in my future husband when I was younger. I've known him for almost five years since I was twenty-three, we've been married for two years, engaged for nine months, and dating for one year, friends for one year. We wished to move fast because we met each other so late. He's twenty-nine now, I'm twenty-seven, we wanted to be settled down by the time I turned thirty but it may be too soon right now, so we have some decisions to make in the next couple of weeks" I said.

"What about no underwear?" Langley asked.

"I find it uncomfortable, and he is ever understanding and allows me just to wear a dress or loose shirt and skirt. Also makes having sex much easier" I said, and I could see a small hint of blush on her cheeks. "Don't worry about me seriously, M is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I love him as he loves me and I'm sure if we decide to keep it we will love them just as much. We're both mature adults and we both know our relationship the best, so I suggest you stay in your lane because we are perfectly fine" I said, when Master walked in, and I could tell he wasn't pleased.

"I think it's time we head home, I'm sure the dog has to be let out," Master said.

"She'll be in her place M, but we should go, we don't want her to get in trouble," I said, getting off the bed, my dress falling back into place. I knew Master was talking about me, I was the dog, and he was going to punish me. I took his hand and smiled at Langley before we left. We didn't speak as we walked but his hand was tightening around mine and a small whimper left my mouth.

"Please you're hurting me" I whispered, but he didn't let up, if anything he held tighter but I didn't say anything else.

"I thought I told you to behave?" Master hissed as we entered the elevator.

"I'm sorry, she was asking all these questions about us, she must think I'm being trafficked, I don't know, I had to put her in her place not to question us," I said.

"You knew better slave," Master snapped.

"Yes Master, I'm sorry. I should've done better, please forgive me" I said, looking down, not making eye contact.

"I will not forgive you, slave," Master said, I felt the tears fall down my face.

"Please Master, please forgive me, I'm sorry" I whimpered.

"Quiet slave," Master said, I didn't speak, the tears fell down my face knowing he's not pleased with me.

We didn't speak the entire ride home and he knew what that did to me, knowing I was not pleasing, not being talked to hurt the most out of any punishment he could ever give me. When we pulled up to the warehouse we got out, but until I was given permission I would not speak, I didn't want to be found even more unpleasing than he already finds me. I went to our room and put my dress in my corner, while Master went to the punishment room. When I put the dress back in its place I went to the punishment room. He just pointed to the wall, not talking but I followed the order, I went to the wall and held my arms to the clasps. "You disappointed me, slave," Master said as he clasped my arms to the wall, and a choked sob left my mouth. The way he looked at me with disappointment had me feeling even worse than I already was. I wanted to speak, to beg for forgiveness but my lips stayed sealed. He walked away and then I heard the crack of the whip, the pain came shortly after. I could feel the blood running down my back with each strike of the whip but I did not speak and plead for him to stop.

When he did stop he just walked out of the room leaving me bound to the wall, I rested my forehead against the wall and cried. "Jesus, what did you do to earn this bad of a punishment?" Frank asked, as he came into the room, I just shook my head when he came over. "Can't talk can ya?" Frank asked and I nodded my head. "How long have you been here for?" Frank asked and I shrugged my shoulders because I had no idea, all I knew was that my arms were tired. "Well maybe I should let you down," Frank said and immediately I shook my head telling him no. But he ignored me and unclasped one arm and it fell by my side as he walked around and unclasped my other one that fell to my side. "There now you're free, you can leave the room," Frank said. I shook my head and I attempted to move my arm back to the clasp, and with a few tries, I was able to clasp one arm back to the wall. Since Frank already left, I could only have one arm bound, but I put my other one and the clasp to stay in the position Master left me in. I just hoped that when Master came to free me he wouldn't blame me.

I have no idea how long it's been since Frank left but it took everything in me to stay awake and keep the position. "What did you do slave?" Master asked as he came back.

"Please I didn't want it. I even kept my hand at the clasp because I couldn't reclasp the other one to my wrist" I said as he walked over to me.

"I'll see to it if you're telling the truth and if you aren't you will stay here until I decide to let you free," Master said and I nodded my head, he clasped my other hand back to the wall and left. I was nervous about what he'll find out but whatever he finds out is the truth. After a short break Master was back, and I noticed blood spatter on his shirt. He unclasped my wrists from the wall and they fell to my side. "Go to bed, slave," Master said coldly before leaving. I felt horrible but didn't say anything since he never did give permission to speak, but I went to the room and locked the clasps to my wrist, the other slaves were already asleep and I went to sleep.