
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Gender Reveal

After twelve weeks Master still hadn't said anything about an abortion and as we were on the way to find out the gender of our child I was nervous, and what scared me is that I started to love this child, and I was scared that he'd decide to abort it and my reaction to that decision. When he pulled up we got out and headed inside, he caressed my brand when he got out and I joined him in front of the car, he smiled before we headed inside.

We went straight to the room and waited for Langley to come in. "Master, may I ask a question?" I asked, and he nodded. "Have you decided if we will be having an abortion?" I asked.

"Not yet slave" Master said, I nodded.

"Master, I'm nervous," I said.

"Why?" Master asked.

"I'm nervous, because I'm starting to love him, and I know that it's not my decision if we keep him," I said, biting my lip and looking down.

"We'll see," Master said when Langley came in.

"Nice to see you again, how are you doing?" Langley asked.

"She's been good, has had a really hard time sleeping, her morning sickness has gone down and she has now started to show about three weeks ago," Master said, Langley wrote down on her board.

"Okay now lift your dress up and let's see how your baby is doing," Langley said, so I brought the dress up over the small bump that has formed. She put the gel on and did her thing, I was holding Master's hand as I heard his heart. "So it looks like you are having a little girl," Langley said.

"So we should've said this earlier, but we have decided to have an abortion," Master said, I grew sad, but I knew it wasn't up to me.

"Well, we can schedule an appointment for tomorrow if it's what you wish," Langley said, as she removed the doppler, and I could no longer hear her heart, and I grew sad, I could feel the tears well in my eyes.

"Sounds good, we will see you tomorrow," Master said, Langley cleaned the gel off when she looked me in the face.

"Are you okay Jessica?" Langley asked.

"Yeah, it's just a tough decision but we aren't ready for a child," I said, she nodded.

"Most aren't but it's your decision, when you're ready you can come out the front desk and we can go ahead and schedule the appointment," Langley said before leaving.

"Master, is there any way to change your mind?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"You broke a rule, slave" Master hissed.

"I'm sorry Master, but is there?" I asked.

"No slave I have decided and you will obey," Master said, I nodded and I felt the tears start to fall down my face. I've been avoiding my father recently because I started showing, but right now I wish I could see him and have some support.

"What if we put her up for adoption? That way she could have a life and she won't need to know anything of us" I said, trying to find a way to have her live.

"Drop it, slave, you are having this abortion and that is final" Master hissed.

When I felt her move and I broke down knowing tomorrow I will no longer feel her I got on my knees and looked up at him trying one last attempt even if it'll end with me getting punished I had to try. "Please Master, please I'll do anything to keep her Master, please I am begging you, Master, please allow me to keep her" I begged, I had tears streaming down my face as I looked at him. He harshly gripped my hair pulling my head back to the point I had trouble breathing as my collar pressed into my neck.

"I said it was final slave," Master growled.

"I'm sorry Master" I whimpered out.

"You will be the one to talk, I'll grip your hand for the time and when we get home you will be punished for breaking two rules," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said when he let go of my hair and walked out I wiped my face and followed after him I kept my head down. I didn't want to do this but I didn't have a choice. I wish he would've decided earlier before she started moving. When we got to the front desk Master took my hand.

"So what time will you like to come in tomorrow?" Langley asked.

"What times are available?" I asked.

"Well we have an opening at 9:00, 10:45, or 2:15," Langley said when I felt Master squeeze my hand.

"2:15 works," I said.

"Great I'll see you then," Langley said, I nodded.

"See you tomorrow," Master said before slightly pulling me to the elevator. "You knew there was a chance I'd say to have an abortion slave," Master said.

"I know Master but I had hope that we could give her a good life, I feel her move a lot and I've grown to love her. I just wish you decided before she started moving" I said.

"It was my decision slave and I've decided," Master said.

"I know Master," I said. "May I ask you something?" I asked and the doors opened.

"Sure," Master said.

"Well it's two questions, did you decide because she's a girl? And do you want kids in the future?" I asked.

"Yes and I don't know," Master said, I nodded my head as we got in his car. I knew not to ask questions if you don't want to know the answer but it hurt that he would get rid of her because she's not a boy.

"Master, may I request something?" I asked.

"You're pushing your luck slave but go ahead," Master said.

"It's a huge request and I know it is Master, and I'm willing to pay any price for it. But before we go home can I go to dad's place alone?" I asked.

"That's a huge ask slave," Master said.

"I know it is Master, it's why I'm willing to pay any price for it Master on top of the punishment I earned myself, please Master. I don't request much and the last time I requested anything was to stop the fear of the pregnancy" I said, pleading with him to allow it.

"Fine, but you'll pay for it slave and pay heavily," Master said.

"Yes Master, thank you," I said, he nodded and made his way to dad's house. I didn't know what the price would be but I knew I wouldn't like it.