
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Kidnapped Her

The last five years have been amazing, I ended up giving birth to a little girl three years ago and we have been living in our country happily since MJ was three months old, everyone who wished to own slaves came over as well, we even had some willing females come over in hopes of being enslaved, and they were. A few other countries even legalized slavery after finding out how happy the females on our island are. I've gone to the States a few times a week, to continue working with gangs and getting their men out of trouble. "How are you doing slave?" Master asked, as he came in.

"Good, how about you Master?" I asked.

"I'm doing good, where's Kaitlyn?" Master asked.

"She is with Kennedy Master, I just needed some peace and quiet to clean without her running around and tracking dirt through the house," I said.

"I just saw Kennedy, she said Kaitlyn was with you," Master said, and I could feel the blood drain from my face.

"No, I've been here all day, I haven't seen them since Kennedy offered to take her for two hours, ninety minutes ago," I said and Master's face went pale.

He grabbed his radio "whoever finds Kennedy bring her to me now, and whoever finds Kaitlyn bring her as well" Master said, over the radio. I heard a chorus of yes king.

"Nothing better happen to her," I said, as I put the duster down, I couldn't clean now.

"It won't no one would dare think of harming her, she's just a baby," Master said.

"If anything happens to her, I'm blaming you," I said as I left the house.

"Why me? I didn't do anything" Master said, following after me.

"If whoever took her, enslaves her it's on you, so I will blame you. I'll probably do some things I'll regret but she is just a child there is no right for anyone to enslave her" I said.

"You will do nothing, slave," Master said.

"I won't mean it Master, and you can punish how you wish, but I won't be able to help myself," I said, as I got on Hunter. I looked for Kaitlyn, I scanned the crowd, listening for her voice, but I came up empty. Until I got between Capital and Serioa.

"Please, I want my mommy" I heard Kaitlyn scream.

"Shut up slave," a male said, and my blood boiled.

"Please, I want my mommy, they can give you anything you want" Kaitly cried.

"I want you" he snapped, and hit her, and she started crying.

I jumped off Hunter and went over to them, "what do you think you're doing?" I snapped.

"She's my slave," he said.

"She's three, why her?" I asked.

"I want payback, he took my son's life," he said.

"Then take me, let her go," I said.

"Why you're just a slave, she's his daughter," he said.

"I'm her mother, I'm his wife, and I'm his slave. If you want to get back at him, take someone that means the world to him, take me, I won't fight, I won't scream or call for help, just please let her go" I pleaded.

"How about I take the both of you," he said.

"Then I'll fight back, I'll draw attention to us, and it'll end in your death. It's me for her," I said, he looked to be in thought.

"Deal," he said.

"Can I say goodbye to my daughter, then we can leave" I said.

"Make it quick" he snapped, I flinched, he let go of Kaitlyn and she ran over to me.

"Mommy" she cried as she fell into my arms, I held her tightly.

"Hey princess, listen closely okay?" I said, looking at her, she nodded and looked up at me, and I hugged her. "I'm gonna put you up on Hunter, hold tightly, and he'll take you home. Tell Master, that the person who has me is 5'9" brown hair, green eyes, and olive skin," I whispered.

"Okay mommy," Kaitlyn said.

"I need you to remember it. I love you princess" I said.

"I will, I love you too," Kaitlyn said.

"Times up" he hissed, I stood up and put Kaitlyn on Hunter.

"Go home," I said, petting Hunter, before he started walking off, Kaitlyn holding on for dear life.

"Come here" he snapped, I kept my head down but walked over to him. "What can you do?" He asked.

"Anything that's not sexual, I can't do anything sexual," I said, keeping my head down.

"Look at me," he said, and slowly I lifted my head up to face him, I had tears falling down my face, I was terrified. "You will do anything I tell you to do" he snapped, I flinched but nodded my head. "Then kneel down and please me," he said. I backed away from him, shaking my head.

"Please I can't" I whimpered.

"Did I stutter?" He snapped, I flinched and closed my eyes.

"No" I whimpered.

"Then do it" he growled. I backed away shaking my head, I was hoping to stall him as much as I could hoping Master would find us.

"Nothing sexual, anything else is fair play," I said.

"I don't believe I asked" he snapped, pulling out a gun and pointing it at me, a small whimper left my mouth.

"Please don't shoot," I whispered, as my legs fell underneath me and I looked up at him, I was terrified. I felt as if I was going to faint, as my breath quickened, I had tears fall down my face. "Please put the gun away" I whimpered.

"Then do as I ordered, and I'll put it away," he said, grabbing my chin and making me look up at him.

"Can you put it away first, please. When I get scared I faint, and I don't wish to faint" I said.

"Give me your submission and then I'll put it away," he said.

I closed my eyes, but I took a breath. I prayed Master wouldn't get mad at me, I decided to do something stupid knowing if he caught me I would pay the price and most likely with my life, I crossed my fingers under me, hoping he didn't see it. "I Jessica King am a slave, a slave who wishes to submit to you Sir," I said, my voice breaking.

"Good, now do as I said," he said, putting the gun away. I felt better as my breathing evened out as I managed to calm myself down.

I knelt down on my heels and unbuttoned his jeans, allowing his cock to spring free. He wasn't as big as Master. When I felt my neck vibrate, Master was calling for me, and I pushed down the instinct to stand up and try to find him. I took him in my mouth and started to pleasure him. He was more bitter than Master, and I realized that I don't want to be anyone else's slave.

"Such a good little slut" he groaned out, as he held my head to his hips. I felt him start to pulse in the back of my throat, I swallowed it and hated his taste. Master touched the buzzer again, the shock this time was more powerful, that I seized up. I heard a scream, then felt a hard hit across my face, and I realized I could taste blood in my mouth. "What did you do slave?" He snapped, as he withdrew his gun.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident I swear. I was shocked, and it caused me to seize" I said.

"How?" He asked, not pointing the gun away from me.

"Her collar," Master said, and I went pale.

"Not another step closer," he said, holding the gun to my neck, my eyes went to Master.

"I sent a warning slave, yet you kept on," Master said, and then knowing he saw me pleasuring someone else hurt me.

"Of course, she submitted herself to me," he said, and Masters' eyes widened.

"She can't have two Masters," Master said.

"She doesn't, she has me, right slave?" He asked, I just looked down, when I felt the gun move, and his other hand pulled my hair up, to see the gun pointed at Master. "I said, isn't that right slave?" He asked.

"Yes, yes it's right, please don't hurt him" I cried out.

"Very well," he said, lowering his gun, I was shaking as I cried. Master looked so broken, and I wanted nothing more than to go over and comfort him.

I sensed someone behind me, and I looked to Master, cocked my head to the side, silently asking what's going on, he smiled at me and gave me a wink, I gave a small nod. When I heard something hit another thing and saw him fall to the ground. "Come here" Master ordered so I went over to him. He hugged me and I melted in his arms, "these trackers are the best thing in the world" Master whispered in my ear.

"Yes, I agree," I said.

"Now why didn't you listen to the first buzz?" Master asked.

"Well one, I didn't know where you were, and two he had a gun," I said, pulling back from him, as the anger started to build. I ran my hand through my hair as I faced Jorge, tying up the male. Jorge could see that I was going to do something I'd likely regret.

"I wouldn't slave," Jorge said.

"Trust me I know," I said as I started to pace.

"What slave?" Master asked, as he touched my shoulder stopping me.

"Don't touch me" I growled, shaking him off and continuing to pace around.

"I touch you however I wish slave" Master hissed, stopping me again, and I glared at him.

"Let me go" I hissed, glaring at him.

"Why should I? I am in charge slave" Master snapped.

"I'm trying to stop from doing something stupid, so let. Me. Go" I growled, I was getting angrier, the longer he touched me, but he didn't let go of me and I snapped. I punched him in his face, his head turned and an audible gasp left him. "It's your fault, Kaitlyn was enslaved, she was terrified, I told you to put it in, but no, Master knows best. Some people are just sick, and we need to protect the kids, there is no need for kids to be slaves," I growled, I was angry. I continued pacing but I could feel two sets of eyes on me as I paced the forest floor. When I stopped and walked up to Master, "you will put it into the constitution that kids under the age of 18 will remain free, I am not requesting it either" I said, poking his chest.

"And if I don't?" Master asked.

"I will never forgive you, our three-year-old daughter was enslaved, she's three she should be free during her childhood," I said.

"And if I order you to forgive me?" Master asked.

"I'll fight it, I fight it with everything in me. I won't submit until you do, and nothing will make me submit until it's there" I said.

"You will do no such thing" Master hissed.

"Watch me" I growled, turning away from him, I had tears falling down my face which Jorge saw.

"Come here slave" Master ordered, and I fought everything not to turn around and go to him. I continued walking and as much as it hurt to walk away from my Master, I couldn't let this go, it needs to be put into the constitution to protect all the kids.

I reached home and the weight of freeing myself came crashing down. I let out a deep pain filled scream. I fell to my knees and cried, I have no idea how long I was at the doorway into our house, but I heard Master come up. "Are you over your tantrum yet?" Master asked.

"It's not a tantrum because it's not something I plan to let go. I mean it, I will not submit until it's in the constitution that until age eighteen females will remain free" I said.

"You're seriously not going to let it go?" Master asked.

"Let it go?" I asked, standing up in front of him. "Our daughter was enslaved, she was slapped across her face, so no I won't let it go, who knows what would've happened to her if I wasn't able to get him to take me instead. You should be just as furious at your own stupidity for not putting it in the first place when I suggested it. I trusted them because you did, I'm not making that mistake again so I will die on this hill" I hissed.

"You're being very disrespectful slave," Master growled.

"I don't care. My daughter comes first, she was slapped and I have no idea what else he did to her and I don't want to think about it. So until you get your shit together and realize the seriousness of what happened to her, and can happen to any child until you make it illegal, I will fight back, I will fight everything in me telling me to listen," I snapped. When the anger took over and a memory came forward, his name, the day in court. "Why is it so hard to put it down?" I asked.

"Because it tells me I could've prevented what happened to her," Master said.

"It's not your fault, but you can prevent it in the future, please just put it down so we can go back to normal. I hate fighting with you" I said.

"Because you are a slave, your only desire is to submit to listen and behave," Master said.

"But I have other desires, such as protecting our kids. Please Matthew please just write it down, you can announce it whenever. We just need to protect the kids" I said.

"What did you just call me?" Master asked.

"Matthew, it is your name. I still think it's the prettiest name I've heard" I said.

"How do you know it?" Master growled.

"Please just do it, so I can forget it. It hurts to remember it, but the anger pushed the memory forward. I won't be able to forget it until I give in completely and I won't until it's in the constitution" I said.

"Fine, but I will punish you slave" Master hissed.

"Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less," I said.

"Respect slave" Master growled, and as hard as I fought the instinct to submit, in the end, I lost, I lowered my head. Master chuckled, "you couldn't fight it much could you?" Master asked, I didn't reply but still didn't look up. "Answer me slave" Master hissed as he grabbed my hair, pulling my head back and making me look up at him.

"No Master, no I couldn't" I cried out.

"Follow me slave now," Master said, letting go of my head and walking into the house, I followed after him. I was nervous, wondering what he had planned. We went to the punishment room, "to the cross ties slave" Master said, I went to it, and held my arms out so he could bind me.

Once I couldn't move Master went over and grabbed the serrated whip. "Master please not that one please" I cried out, as I struggled against the binds.

"Slave you can beg all you want, but you will be punished with this whip," Master said, when I felt the first kiss of the whip against my back, I screamed out in pain.

"Master please, I beg you, please use a different tool" I screamed out.

"Who is I, slave?" Master asked.

"Jessica, your slave Master, please she begs for forgiveness, she begs for a different tool, she begs for mercy" I cried out.

"You will not address yourself with I anymore slave, and if you do you don't even want to know what I'll do to you," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, I knew one day he'd make me not address myself with I. "Master, please show mercy" I pleaded as he whipped me.

"Give me one good reason to slave. You punched me so why should I?" Master asked.

"She doesn't know Master, my emotions got the better of me but she is sorry Master. Please Master your slave begs to have mercy shown, it hurts Master please please show this slave mercy Master please she is sorry it will never happen again she promises Master please just show mercy, your slave will be forever grateful" I begged.

"You should be grateful I'm even taking you back slave," Master said.

"She is Master, she is grateful, truly grateful, do not think she isn't because she is, she is very grateful to be your slave, Master, you believe me, right Master?" I asked.

"No first-person slave, that includes me and my" Master hissed.

"Sorry Master, you just said not to address with I, nothing about me and my," I said, hanging my head in shame, screaming out each time the whip struck my back. "Do you believe that this slave is grateful to be owned by you Master?" I asked.

"You haven't done anything to prove it slave," Master said.

"How do you wish for her to prove it, she'll do anything, she just wants you to know that she is grateful you took her back," I said, when I no longer felt the strikes of the whip on my back, a small break, which I was thankful for.

"Stay quiet, no sound leaves your mouth no matter what," Master said, I nodded my head. When I felt another strike of the whip, it took everything to hold in the scream that rose in my throat. It took all the self-control I had not to make any sound as he whipped me when I lost consciousness and everything went dark, but I could still feel the pain of the whip on my back.