
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · Fantasy
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43 Chs


Much to my disappointment, I woke up, and I just wished to go back to the darkness, to not wake up knowing I won't be able to hold or care for my son. I stood up and took a few steps. The window was open, it was calling my name so I walked over to it and stood on the ledge. "Step down slave," Master said, I turned around and there he stood holding his hand out for me to take.

"What's the point?" I snapped.

"Do not talk like that to me, slave" Master growled.

"Why not? It's not like I'll be here for long anyways" I growled.

"Do not make me regret reversing my punishment slave," Master said.

"Why? You'll hold it over my head anyways? Taunting me that you have all the power, that you could easily give him to anyone and I'm powerless to stop you" I said.

"Please just step off the ledge, I'm sorry," Master said, he sounded so broken and as mad as I was at him, I stepped off the ledge.

I went over to him and hugged him, "I'm sorry, just please don't take him from me I can't watch him grow up and not be there for him" I whispered, as I felt the contractions, I took a sharp breath in, not expecting it.

"I won't slave, we can raise him together, we can be happy," Master said.

"May I ask, why the hell am I still pregnant? They should've done a c-section" I said, looking up at him.

"Well you ended up only taking a few sleeping pills, they were able to neutralize it before it had any harm on you or our son, they asked if I wished to go ahead with a c-section or wait for you to wake up, I opted to wait," Master said.

"Well, I wish you went for the c-section. Fuck! It hurts" I whimpered, as another contraction washed over me, I doubled over, and held Master's arm.

"You're doing so good," Master said, rubbing my back and I winced.

"Promise me whatever happens you won't take him from me, or any of our kids. Please promise me you'll allow me to be in their lives until they are adults. You haven't broken a promise that affects the both of us in a major way so I need you to promise me please" I pleaded.

"I promise you can raise and care for any and all of our kids," Master said.

"Thank you" I whispered, when a doctor came in.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"Much better, please tell me I didn't harm our son? I wasn't thinking straight and I don't know if a moment slip could harm him" I said, looking over at her.

"He seems okay, but it was an incredibly stupid thing to do," she said.

"I know, and I have no idea what came over me, I don't even know why I did it, we've been nothing but excited for him to get here," I said.

"The reality of it suddenly happening could've scared you," she said.

"When can I fly with him?" I asked.

"About three months," she said.

"Fuck! Ok, that just means I'm stuck in this country a little longer" I panted.

"Can you get up on the bed, so I can see how you're doing?" She asked, I nodded and waddled my way to the bed, and got on it. "So where are you moving to?" She asked, as she did her thing.

"We're moving to Natria," Master said.

"Never heard of it," she said.

"It's a new country, I'm actually the king there, it's been my family's dream to have our own country and we have finally been able to separate from the states, but we want our son to have dual citizenship," Master said.

"So that makes you queen," she said.

"Nope, makes me his slave," I said.

"Slave? You're joking, right? Funny joke" she said.

"Nope not joking, slavery in our country is legal, she is my slave, I own her, and since it's legal where our citizenship is we are able to practise in any country, as long as we pay for that right, the president already gave us the okay to have both Master and slave in the states as long as we are respectful," Master said.

"It's something he's been working on for a while, and it's been his family's goal to have a country where slavery is legal, it's why it's called Natria, it means natural, we follow the natural order of life. Our son will be king one day and will have a son of his own to pass down the lineage. I'm not the only slave that will be occupying Natria, we are used to bargaining with other countries for goods. Slaves are valuable, we love our Masters and our place in the world. It's not a bad thing really, we've got permission from most countries and the ones we didn't we won't go to them. But we are permitted to be ourselves in the States so legally you can't discriminate just because I'm a slave and he is a Master, because it could end with you in jail, I am legally a slave in 157 countries, so we won't go to the 39 where we could get in trouble with the law, unless we hide it, which we no longer wish to do" I said, taking some deep breaths as another contraction came.

"Yes, we will pay for our rights to be accepted, in our country we accept humans' natural needs and pay other countries to be accepted," Master said.

"Can I talk with you alone Jessica?" She asked.

"No, you can speak to both of us," Master said.

"Jessica?" She asked.

"No, whatever you want to say you can say in front of my husband," I said.

"You're married to him?" She asked.

"Of course, I love him and he loves me," I said.

"If you're not okay, with us we will ask for a different physician," Master said.

"I just think it's wrong," she said.

"Why? We both wanted this it's not wrong, it's the most natural thing in the world" I snapped.

"Careful slave," Master said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just, I'm in a lot of pain, and I hate when people try to tell me that my life is wrong, I hate it," I said.

"Hey, hey it's okay there's nothing wrong with you," Master said, cupping my face, smiling down at me.

"I know that Master, I just hate when people tell me that there is," I said, when I felt a pressure and need to push.

"Okay with the next contraction push Jessica," she said.

"Master, may I ask a question?" I asked.

"Seriously?" She asked.

"It's a rule, don't be so rude about our relationship" I snapped.

"But yes slave," Master said.

"Do you have a plan for his name?" I asked.

"Yes, his name will be MJ Green King" Master said.

"Lovely name Master," I said.

"Ok now push," she said, and as the contraction happened, I screamed out as I pushed. "May I ask you a question?" She asked.

"Of course," I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"May I?" I asked, looking up at Master, and he nodded. "It's simple because I feel at home, I feel like I am seen, I've met someone I can be myself with. He is anything and everything I need in my life, during the seven years I've known him, I was free for one year, but I couldn't function, in fact about four months ago he set me free, I went catatonic for five weeks, creating a world in my head where I was still a slave with our son. I can't be freed, I can't survive, so Master promised me that he won't set me free again, he has complete control over my body, my mind and my emotions. My first pregnancy, I was terrified, so I asked if he could make me excited for it, to replace the fear which he allowed and ordered, so my body dispelled the fear for that pregnancy. We're very well cared for, we need the other to be truly happy, and we hope that in a few generations, our life will be more widely accepted. I broke a few slaves myself because I felt like it got them to accept they are happier as slaves like the rest of us. Deep down a-" I said.

"That's enough slave, she doesn't need to know that," Master said.

"Know what?" She asked.

"Don't worry about it," I said.

"Tell me" she ordered, and Master stared at her, and I saw her lower her eyes. "Please," She added.

"Tell her," Master said.

"Deep down all females want to submit, some accept it faster than others, it all depends on how high the barrier is," I said.

"I do not want to submit, it's not right, not when females have tried so hard to be looked at as equal" she snapped.

"How sure are you about that? Just the last five minutes alone you have submitted, you may not have realized it because it's natural but you did, we are happier submitting to them, ask any of the slaves that will live in Natria, we are all happier than if we were equal," I said, panting as I pushed through another contraction.

"You're wrong," she said.

"Wanna bet?" I asked.

"What are you thinking slave?" Master asked.

"Two weeks, at our warehouse, as a full slave, if at the end you wish to be freed and go back to life as you know it you can and you will also get a substantial amount of cash, but if you wish to stay a slave you admit you were wrong and come to our island when we move there," I said.

"Seems like a fair deal, if you're willing to agree with it that is," Master said.

"How much money?" She asked as she considered.

"Let's say 10, 000," Master said.

"You have that much just sitting around?" She asked.

"Of course I do, I could raise it if it's not enough," Master said.

"15000, and it's a deal," she said.

"Deal," Master said, shaking her hand. Not knowing what she's just agreed to.

"Okay one more big push," she said, I screamed out and pushed once more and the pressure was gone. All I felt was instant relief I relaxed back on the bed as I heard him crying and I started crying.

"Why are you crying, slave?" Master asked.

"I can finally hear him cry, Master, it's such an amazing sound," I said, looking up at him.

"Would you like to hold him?" She asked, and I nodded my head, and she passed him to me, he was covered in mucus and blood, but I just held him close.

"Can we have the room for a bit, just so they can bond?" Master asked, she nodded and left. "Take the dress off slave," Master said and I did, I took the dress off and just held MJ in my arms against my chest and I gently cleaned him.

"I don't think she'll put up as much of a fight as she thinks she will," I said as I started to feed MJ.

"I know she won't, she's already showing signs as it is, it just needs to be honed," Master said.

"I'm sorry for bringing the idea of the deal up, with the money as a reward," I said.

"Hey, it's okay, we both know she won't want to leave at the end, it's why I didn't stop you," Master said.

"Master, I'm truly happy, I no longer have to hide what I am, I can call you Master and let everyone know I am owned, it's the best day of my life," I said, smiling up at him.

"I'm glad you are happy, my little slave," Master said, kissing my forehead.

"Would you like to hold him, Master?" I asked, Master nodded and gently took MJ from me, Master was smiling down at our son and I took a mental picture of them.

"Okay we need to run some tests," she said, coming back in the room as Master was passing MJ back to me, a low growl emanated from my chest, my lips going over my teeth in a snarl.

"Slave," Master warned.

"He's not leaving this room" I growled, standing up and going to the corner of the room, holding MJ securely and I watched them preparing for anything.

"Why are you naked? Put some clothes on" she said.

"She's naked to have skin-on-skin contact, to help them bond," Master said.

"I do need him so I can run some tests," she said.

"Give him to me slave," Master said, a small whine left my mouth, I lowered my head but walked over to him, silently pleading to allow me to keep him. "Pass him, slave," Master said, so gently I passed MJ to Master.

"Master, can you go with them? Just to make sure nothing happens to him" I said, Master nodded.

"Of course, I don't trust others and I certainly don't trust others with the next king," Master said, then he kissed me.

"I'll see you soon," I said, laying back in the bed as I grew tired.

"Ok, just get some sleep," Master said, I nodded and closed my eyes. I didn't care I was laying in the amniotic fluid and blood. I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to take me.


The two weeks went by fast, and after the fourth day, Kelcey fell into a routine as a slave, while I cared for MJ. It was tiring to care for a newborn but I had help from the other slaves. I was carrying MJ around as I worked on cleaning, he was held to my chest as I cleaned, just to have him touching my skin, it calmed both of us down and I found he cried less.

"Hey Jess, do you mind if I ask you something?" Kelcey asked.

"Sure," I said.

"Why do females wish to submit, while males wish to dominate? Why do people push it down?" Kelcey asked.

"Well it's in our nature, it's hardwired into our DNA. You pushed it down, we're told to push it down because it's 'wrong' they don't realize how freeing it truly is to submit, to accept you are less than men. It's something I accepted pretty fast because I felt happy, I knew there would be nowhere else I could be happy like this. I knew I was a slave and I didn't wish to push it down anymore, most slaves don't want to push it down, they enjoy being a slave. I'm no different than any other females, because all females have a need to submit, and some lucky ones realize it, we realize it, we are happier than those free females because we understand our nature, we accept it's natural" I said.

"Yeah I understand that, I put up such a fight in the beginning because I was scared of what other people would think, that I was a slave, but it's what I am, and I enjoy it so screw what other people think I am happy," Kelcey said.

"Yes, being a slave is what we are, and we should be happy, we accept nature, and the natural order that humans have, I just hope that with time everyone else will accept it, it will make life much simpler and happier for everyone," I said.

"So slave, will you stay or do you want the 15000 and go back to life before we ever came along?" Master asked.

"I desire to stay Master, please allow me to stay, please allow me to submit," Kelcey said.

"Of course, I'll allow you to stay slave, we always knew you were going to stay just wanted to be sure," Master said.

"Yes Master, thank you for showing me the ways of being a female," Kelcey said.

"Your welcome slave," Master said, he smiled at her. "Now how is MJ doing slave?" Master asked.

"He's doing good, he's just sleeping, and I am cleaning," I said.

"Well continue cleaning slave," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, and continued cleaning with MJ on my chest.