
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


I woke up and I felt empty, there were no movements and it certainly felt weird. I was a little hazy, I couldn't focus on anything, but I felt someone squeeze my hand and I turned my head, and blinked a few times until everything started to clear up, "Master?" I asked.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Master asked.

"Sore, empty, it's weird," I said, squinting as a headache set in.

"It'll get better, just give it some time, the hospital wants to keep you overnight and they're allowing me to stay as well," Master said.

"I'm glad Master, I don't want to stay somewhere unfamiliar without you," I said, Master nodded and kissed my forehead.

"I'm gonna go get you some food, you relax," Master said standing up and leaving the room. I felt the tears fall down my face, knowing I won't feel her move anymore, no more kicks, waking up in the middle of the night needing to pee, or having weird cravings. I knew it would be weird not to be pregnant anymore, to suddenly lose her and not hear her cry would be weird. When Master came back with some pudding. "Are you okay?" Master asked.

"Yeah, I just miss her Master, she would always get excited when I was hungry I found she would move more around meal times, and I won't feel that anymore. But I'll get used to it like I got used to her movements, I just need a little time" I said.

"I'm freeing you for the next month to heal, to grieve, and to get back into condition to submit," Master said.

"Please don't Master, where will I stay? What will I do? How will I survive?" I asked.

"You're still my wife Jessica, you'll stay at the small cottage until you're ready to move in with me, you will still be expected to be a housewife, clean, cook, and take care of me. But you won't have to follow orders, or have as high of expectations as they are now, you can do what you wish without asking permission and talk freely, but I do expect you to be respectful and during this month you will call me M" Master said.

"Please may I continue to call you Master, it's what's natural please?" I asked.

"Whatever you wish," Master said, I nodded as Master passed me the pudding, slowly I started to eat it, but it was a little weird. "I love you, Master," I said.

"I love you too Jess," Master said, I scrunched my nose up.

"I hate when you call me by my name, it makes me feel like I did bad," I said softly, not wanting to seem like I was telling him what to do.

"Would you wish I continued calling you slave?" Master asked.

"Yes please Master, it's what I am, and hearing you call me different is weird," I said.

"Are you trying to manipulate me, slave?" Master asked.

"No Master, you said I could talk freely which I did, it wasn't my intention to manipulate you, Master, even being quote on quote free, I am still a slave, and manipulating a Master is just wrong, I was just stating my feelings I'm sorry that it came across that way," I said, he nodded, and I yawned.

"Go to sleep slave, it's been a long day," Master said, I nodded.

"Can you cuddle me, Master?" I asked, he smiled, put the spoon and cup in the garbage before climbing into the bed and pulling me into his chest, I snuggled close enjoying his touch and closed my eyes and allowed sleep to take me.

I felt pressure on my belly, and I hissed out in pain, my eyes shooting open in pain and a small whimper left my mouth. "Hey it's okay, she's just making sure everything is healing as it should" Master whispered.

"You should be able to be discharged in an hour," Langley said, I nodded and she left.

"Master, you said a while ago that all females are slaves, do you think Langley is?" I asked.

"I do because all females are made to submit to men," Master said.

"May I suggest enslaving her? She knows too much, what if she goes to the police?" I asked.

"I was thinking about it, slave, then she'll know fully what you're capable of, and having a free doctor on set will be nice for when you are able to provide me with a son," Master said, I smiled at him.

"Yes, Master," I said. "Wanna know what I think? I think people should just accept the natural order, why fight it when it's natural for a reason. I wish it was more accepted so that I could be who I am out in society, but no, humans have to be difficult and tell us it's wrong to be lower, I hate it, I hate how we are forced by society to be equal" I ranted.

"I know my little slave, one day we hope for everyone to accept it, but I doubt it, honestly when me and my men can get enough money, we plan to buy our own island, become our own country and make it legal, where men can come to be who they are, where women can come to submit and slaves are out for all to see," Master said.

"It sounds lovely Master, I hope you can do it one day," I said, he smiled.

"I hope so too slave, we have been saving the money for a few decades as it is, and we hope that my generation will be able to pay for the island and separate from the states," Master said.

"So we will be able to be public with our relationship?" I asked.

"Yes," Master said, and a smile spread across my face.

"Then I hope it happens, if not our son will continue with it," I said.

"Yes, he will," Master said.

"Is there any way I can help Master?" I asked.

"You've helped plenty slave," Master said.

"I have a suggestion, and I don't know if you'll like it but it could help," I said, making the bed to be more inclined so I could sit up and face him better.

"What is it, slave?" Master asked.

"Hear me out, and I know it may be hard to, but what if we auction me off, for a period of time, let's say a week, then after that week I can come back if each time we get a decent amount it'll add up quickly, they'll know it's only temporary, but I feel like since I'm well-trained it will raise the amount," I said.

"Would you be okay with different men having sex with you for a week?" Master asked.

"I'll do anything to help you reach the goal Master, but it's your decision, it's a suggestion but I think it's a quick way to get some money, make them sign a contract if you wish, let them know what is and isn't on the table. We can have collateral for if they break the contract which could be 60% of the total purchase price" I said.

"You've thought about this for a while haven't you?" Master asked.

"No Master, I went to law school before everything, funny enough I wanted to help people who were abducted get justice, I was in the middle of a case when I met Brandon, man I feel bad for that kid I abandoned, I never found out the outcome," I said.

"Who was the kid and the person who kidnapped them?" Master asked.

"The girl's name was Jasmine French, and her abductor went by the name Cain Link," I said.

"You were the person who got my man in jail" Master sneered.

"I'm sorry Master, I didn't know, please forgive me, but there may be a way to get him out, it's been six years Master. I know of a way to get my status as a lawyer confirmed, Jasmine, the first time I saw her took a lot of convincing to tell her story, if we refile I doubt she could go back on the stand, and we can get him off if you'll allow me to Master" I said, he nodded. "My only question is how did she get free?" I asked.

"She ran when Cain brought her into town to meet a potential buyer who didn't feel comfortable coming to the warehouse, she said she had to use the bathroom and ran when Cain wasn't looking, luckily she was blindfolded whenever she left the warehouse so they weren't able to find us," Master said.

"With your permission, I'd like to finish my last work term with the school and file to graduate, I'll have to take the bar, and then I'll be able to fix my mistake," I said, when Langley came in.

"What mistake?" Langley asked.

"Something I did a number of years ago, that at the time I thought was good, but found out recently it affected my husband and I want to fix it," I said.

"Care to elaborate?" Langley asked.

"No, not really, it's personal business," I said.

"You're free to go," Langley said, I nodded and stood up, wincing and Master passed me my dress. "It'll be common to bleed for the next few days but it should let up," Langley said, I nodded.

"See you again real soon doctor" Master said, smiling at her and then knelt down and kissed me. I took off their gown, threw it in the garbage and put my dress back on. "But you may contact the school and continue your education, but if you start to slack on your responsibilities I will take it back and be harder on you," Master said.

"Yes Master, thank you," I said, smiling up at him. He nodded and took my hand leading me to the door. I had a smile on my face as we left the hospital, I was excited to continue helping Master with what he needs. "I should be able to have him out by the end of the year, I just need to go over the files his old attorney had, meet him and work on the school, while also being your slave, it's gonna be a lot of work, but I know I can do it," I said.

"I hope you can slave," Master said. We got in the car and Master drove home.


"Congratulations to Mrs. Jessica King," the Dean Jenson said, I walked across the stage and grabbed my diploma, before walking off the stage and going straight to Master, I hugged him.

"Congrats baby," Master said.

"Thanks, M, now I think it's time to meet my client," I said, Master shook his head with a smile.

"I'll drop you off, you better behave, now go take the cap and gown off before we get in the car," Master said, I nodded and took it off, putting it in the back seat of the car and got in, Master brought me to the prison they are holding Cain.

"I'll file the release papers tonight after I get my things finished," I said, Master nodded.

"If you win slave, I'll let you have some good news if not, I will punish you," Master said.

"Yes, Master," I said.

We didn't talk until Master pulled up to the prison "call me when you're finished and behave little slave" Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, he gave me a quick kiss and then I got out. I was nervous, but I headed inside, I was wearing my dress, which is the only thing I have to wear in public.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She asked.

"Hello, I'm here to see my client Cain Link," I said.

"Do you know what he's been charged with?" She asked.

"Of course I do, he's my client and I wish to see him unless you're keeping his lawyer from him," I said, her eyes widened before opening the door and leading me to a room after talking to get him to a room. When we got to a room, she left and I was nervous. I opened the door and headed inside, there sat Cain in cuffs at the table.

"What are you doing here?" Cain sneered.

"I'm here to get you out if you want my help," I said sitting down, it felt weird.

"Who are you?" Cain asked.

"Jessica King," I said.

"King, as in Ma-" Cain asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry for cutting you off but I'm not permitted to know his first name," I said.

"You're a slave aren't you?" Cain asked.

"Yes," I said.

"How long?" Cain asked.

"Six years, I just graduated today," I said.

"So he let his slave finish school" Cain mused.

"Of course, it'll help him in the long run," I said.

"If you can win that is" Cain sneered, it took everything not to look down. "So tell me how did you, little miss women should be free, become a slave?" Cain asked.

"I was dating this boy, he brought the idea of roleplay into our sex life, I just thought of it as a game, well until I found myself drugged and bound in the back of a car. Long story short, I was freed by the one who bought me, M found me and took me in as his own. I could've easily left the second day, I made it to the road but begged M to keep me. Fighting nature is pointless, I didn't want to fight it so I gave in" I said, touching my collar for comfort, since I was getting scared.

"So how is boss? I heard he got himself a wife. What's she like?" Cain asked.

"He's good, almost ready to buy the island, he has, we've been married for three years now and have been pregnant four times, but no kid yet," I said.

"Your his wife?" Cain asked, surprised.

"Yes, and we wouldn't have it any other way, it was my request nothing changes because I can't live like I once was, he understands that, and everyone near knows we are protected by Jerome Green since he's my father and has given his blessing to us. So we haven't had any issues and M will hopefully be able to create our country soon" I said.

"So you grew up in our life" Cain assumed.

"No, my father always told me he was in the military, I had no idea of what he did, you never did answer my question, do you want my help?" I asked.

"Yes, if you can get me out of here I'll owe you," Cain said.

"You'll owe M, but I should be able to get a court date in a few months, Jasmine was barely able to testify last time, without me to support her as I did, she'll break down, and when she sees me she'll hopefully backtrack and make her testimony unreliable without any other witnesses we should be able to get you out," I said.

"I look forward to seeing what you can do," Cain said.

"Here's my number, I'll have a phone near me at all times, call if anything happens or if you need me, but I have to go M soon needs me and I have things I have to get done. It was good seeing you" I said standing up.

"You too, see you soon Jessica" Cain said, before police opened the door. "Tell boss, he's got himself a good one," Cain said as he was led away.

I grabbed my phone and called Master. When he picked up "I'm done and ready to come home," I said.

"On the way slave and I better hear that you were good," Master said and hung up, I smiled. I really love him, as I left the jail I kept a hold of my collar, enjoying the cold touch it had. The feeling it weighed on my neck brought comfort knowing how final it is. Knowing nothing will set me free. When I saw Tiana, the lead attorney that was on Jasmine's case.

"Jessica?" Tiana asked.

"Hey Tiana," I said, smiling politely.

"Where did you disappear off to?" Tiana asked.

"I met a boy, we got married so I was spending time with him, I didn't mean to just drop off the face of the world," I said, when Master pulled up. "I have to go, it was nice seeing you," I said, getting in the car before she could say anything else.

"Who was that?" Master asked as he drove away.

"That was Tiana, she was the lead on Jasmine's case. I didn't expect to see her" I said.

"So did you behave slave?" Master asked.

"Yes Master, he had a few questions because the last time he saw me was when I was free saying no one should be enslaved, so naturally he was confused, and he told me to tell you that and I quote 'he's got himself a good one'" I said.

"I know I do," Master said, taking my hand in his.

"Master, I have an idea if you'll allow me to present it," I said, and he nodded. "So you know how we do the auction once a month, we could also offer my legal services to people who need it, assuming we win it's another avenue for more money," I said.

"If you can prove yourself with this trial I'll think about it," Master said, I nodded with a smile on my face.