
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · Fantasy
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43 Chs


"Do I have to wear this Master? I hate wearing the dress, this is even worse" I said, when Master showed me the suit he wished for me to wear to court.

"Slave, you could get in trouble for wearing the dress," Master said.

"I got the judge to sign off on the dress Master, please allow your slave to wear her dress" I pleaded.

"Okay slave, but be careful, I don't want anyone without my permission seeing what's mine" Master growled.

"I will Master, will you be there?" I asked.

"Of course, I wanna see how my little slave does on her first trial," Master said, as he took my hand and led me out of the house to the car.

We didn't speak the whole drive to the courthouse, where I had to leave Master to go to my client. When I saw Tiana, trying to comfort Jasmine. "Jessica, good you're here, maybe you can help us out," Tiana said.

"I'm sorry I don't think I can, I'm here on business. Good luck but my client needs to see me" I said, walking past them to where my client would be.

"Good to see you again Jessica, as beautiful as ever," Cain said.

"You're such a flirt Cain, are you ready for today?" I asked.

"Yes, are you sure this is going to work?" Cain asked.

"Trust me, they don't have a case, I saw them when I came in and Jasmine was having a breakdown, she won't be able to talk," I said.

"Thanks for doing this," Cain said.

"Of course, M means everything to me so of course I would take care of his men," I said, he nodded.

When an officer came in, "let's go" he said, Cain stood up and we walked with the officer to the courtroom. We entered and waited, as Jasmine and Tiana came in, when they saw me I could see a look of shock flit through their faces.

"You were right," Cain whispered.

"Of course, I wouldn't risk taking it if I didn't think I'd win, not that if I fail I'll get punished" I whispered back.

"Guess he hasn't lost his edge even if he did marry you," Cain said.

"If anything he expects more now than he did before," I said.

"All rise for the honorary Judge Henry," the court clerk said, I stood up as Henry came in, I smiled as he went and sat down. "You may be seated," she said, so we sat down.

"We are here to retry Mr. Cain Link on one count of kidnapping and one count of attempted human trafficking," Henry said.

"Your honour we request a brief recess to talk with the plaintiff," Tiana said.

"Request denied Ms. Smith, now let's start," Henry said, I smiled.

"My client was wrongly accused of kidnapping by Ms. French, she has made herself the victim, when in reality she is the instigator. She contacted my client with wishes to meet up at hotel leblanc and when he went she got scared and ran, there were no signs of her being abused, and she failed the rape kit" I said bringing out the documents, which were brought to both the judge and Tiana so she could see. "I just wish for my client to be freed, as all evidence they have is circumstantial, he said she said. I can call upon two former employers that worked with Mr. Link and they can tell you how hard-working, reliable, and law-abiding he has been" I said.

"Very good Ms. King, Ms. Smith, would you care to say something?" Henry asked.

"Of course, your honour, Mr. Link was found guilty because he is, he kidnapped Ms. French and planned to sell her. He not only tried to sell her but also prostituted her out to try and raise her price" Tiana said.

"Objection hearsay, there is no evidence that there was a third party involved," I said.

"Sustained, you'll disregard that remark," Henry said, Tiana glared at me.

"He raped her, forced her to do sexual acts, and was planning to sell her," Tiana said.

"She failed the rape kit, Ms. Smith. Shall we move on to calling upon the witnesses?" Henry asked.

"Our first witness we call upon is the victim Ms. French" Tiana said. Jasmine stood up shaking, as she walked forward to the witness box, I wasn't paying much attention.

When Tiana sat down I smiled, stood up and walked towards her "hello, Jasmine, tell me, when did you meet my client?" I asked.

"June 12 2018," Jasmine said.

"But in your messages, you were talking to him since April 2017, did you forget the dates?" I asked passing her the messages between her and Cain.

"N-no, this wasn't him," Jasmine said.

"Tell me, please read the messages you sent and I'll read what my client sent," I said.

"Please don't make me do this" Jasmine whimpered.

"Hey my little jazz bear, how are you, baby girl?" I asked.

"I'm g-good, I w-wish you c-could come take m-me away" Jasmine stuttered.

"Give me a time and place baby and I'll come to you," I said.

"Okay m-meet m-me at our h-hotel Leblanc, w-we c-can run and n-never look back," Jasmine said.

"Be there in an hour, see you soon my love" I said. "As you heard, they met at this hotel frequently, how many times have you met Mr. Link at this hotel Ms. French?" I asked.

"Four times before he kidnapped me," Jasmine said.

"You told him to take you away Jasmine, you wanted to disappear, so he brought you with him to his home where he housed you, fed you, and helped you until you decided he wasn't giving you what you wanted so you turned it around saying he kidnapped you," I said. "So tell me while under oath, how were you treated at his place? Were you cherished? Loved? Cared for?" I asked.

"Yes, but if I wasn't good he'd whip me," Jasmine said.

"If you were whipped, why would you feel loved and cared for if you were held captive as you said you were, most captives die within the first month of being taken, yet you were with Mr. Link for four months, four times the normal times, if you really were held captive, not able to leave, why would he risk taking you into town where you could run?" I asked.

"He wanted me to have sex with a potential client," Jasmine said.

"Yet there is no evidence of this so call client, I think you were angry that he wasn't taking you out to dinner, instead took you to a hotel you were at before many times, but it was a special place to him, it's where you first met, so he wanted to make it special for you, he was planning to propose that night," I said.

"Objection hearsay," Tiana said.

"I have a receipt that shows he had a ring bought and paid for, he got the same room as the first time, but asked for rose petals to be placed on the bed as well as wine to be brought to the room for the celebration of her saying hopefully yes," I said, walking back and giving them photos and the receipt.

"Overruled, evidence proves that it was a romantic place with a special meaning to Mr. Link," Henry said, I smiled.

"That's all your honour," I said, walking back to Cain and sitting in my seat.

"We request a brief recess, your honour," Tiana said.

"Thirty minutes," Henry said, hitting his gavel and walking away.

"Told you we could get it," I said, smiling at him.

"Thanks, you're smart, should've had someone like you the first time," Cain said.

"Well now you have me, and we will get in our way," I said, he nodded when he was led away.

"Why are you doing this?" Tiana asked.

"I'm defending my client, I'm doing what any good lawyer will do, getting my client off the hook," I said, packing up my things.

"But you know he's guilty," Jasmine said.

"I suggest you rescind your complaint and be thankful we don't sue you for slandering him," I said.

"You were so good," Master said as I walked over to him.

"Thanks, M, just hope it works," I said.

"You'll be fine," Master said, I smiled, taking his hand as we left the room. We went to chairs where he sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

"Do you think she recognized you?" I asked.

"I don't think so, slave" Master whispered when he started to nibble my ear.

"What if she did?" I asked.

"I don't know, but if I ever nod to you in the courtroom you will remember anything I've made you forget just in case okay slave?" Master whispered.

"Okay, but what did you make me forget?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter right now, but if she did remember me, and call you to ask questions and you may not be able to answer, look for me and I'll try to help if I can," Master said.

"Okay, I trust you M," I said.

"Good, now be a good slave and get back to the courtroom, I'll be in soon" Master whispered, and kissed me, I kissed him back before pulling apart and heading back to the courtroom. I was waiting for the judge to come back. Cain was led back in and sat down.

"So boss is here," Cain said.

"Yes, he came to see how I do, wants me to do well," I said.

"So it seems you both care about each other," Cain said.

"Of course, we love each other, and I wouldn't wish to be with anyone else," I said.

"All rise for Judge Henry," the court clerk said, I stood up as Henry came in, I smiled as he went and sat down. "You may be seated," she said, so we sat down.

"We would like to call upon our next witness, Mrs. Jessica King," Tiana said.

"Is that even legal, your honour?" I asked.

"It's a gray area, but come up," Henry said. I sighed but stood up and walked to the witness booth. "Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God?" Henry asked.

"I do," I said.

"You have now been sworn in," Henry said.

"So tell me how do you know Mr. Link?" Tiana asked.

"About seven years ago, I was working on a case with Ms. French on her accusation of being kidnapped," I said.

"And did you believe her, encourage her to come forward?" Tiana asked.

"I did because at that time I thought he was guilty, but the longer I dug into her story the more plot holes I found so I took myself off the case after meeting someone," I said.

"Who did you meet?" Tiana asked.

"My husband, we've been married three years this summer," I said.

"What does he do for work?" Tiana asked.

"He owns his own farm, we raise and breed horses for show," I said.

"How did you meet him?" Tiana asked.

"My ex-boyfriend introduced us, we hit it off, became fast friends and started dating a year into our friendship," I said.

"Nice necklace who gave it to you?" Tiana asked.

"My husband gave it to me when he asked me to be his girlfriend, it shows my commitment to him," I said.

"Can it come off?" Tiana asked.

"He has the key to remove it, shall we ever divorce," I said.

"What do you call him?" Tiana asked.

"His nickname I have for him is M, it's the first letter of his name," I said.

"What is his name?" Tiana asked, and I started to panic, Tiana smirked. "If you married him you should know his name," Tiana said, and I looked toward Master, wondering what to do, he nodded at me, and I felt a space of information that I was made to forget. "Do you not know his name because he never told you because he owns you?" Tiana asked.

"He owns my heart, and I do know his name, if you want me to say it so bad his name is Matthew King, and as I said I call him M the first letter of his name," I said.

"Have you ever been whipped, Mrs. King?" Tiana asked.

"Objection, my personal sex life has nothing to do with this," I said.

"Sustained, watch your questions, Ms. Smith," Henry said.

"Were you ever held captive by your husband?" Tiana asked.

"Of course not, it's absurd you'd even ask that, I can come and go as I please, and after six years my husband encouraged me to finish my degree. We took a few breaks in the beginning of the relationship where I saw other men or just stayed with my father, but I went back to him because I love him, not once was I told I couldn't do what I wished, he not only encouraged me to continue school, but also my love of horses, so I am insulted that you would suggest my husband would do such a thing as keep humans captive, he is an honourable man Ms. Smith and I will not allow you to dig his name through the dirt like you did with Mr. Link. Who has spent the last six years behind bars for a crime he never committed," I said, it took all my control not to snap and lunge for her.

"That's a low blow Ms. Smith" Henry said.

"Leave my relationship out of this, Tiana, I know more now than I did then, I know the truth, my client is innocent, and should be able to be free. He's lost six years for something he never did, six years of his life wasted, and he won't ever get them back, I move for a directed verdict of not guilty, I've made my case, and I doubt Tiana has anything else to add" I said, getting out of the witness chair.

"Allow the jury to deliberate, go over everything they heard and come to a verdict," Henry said, and the jury left, I immediately went to Master and hugged him. I was crying as my head hurt, from being forced to forget and then remember it.

"You're doing so good little one, I want you to forget what you remembered again, okay? Can you do that for me, my pretty little wife?" Master asked, making me look up at him.

"Tell me we almost have enough for our place?" I asked.

"We do, and then we can start building the things we will need, and file for independence," Master said.

"What are you talking about?" Tiana asked, coming over to us.

"We're looking to buy our own island, make it a country separate from the states, it's something that my family for generations have been working on and we are almost able to complete it," Master said.

"Why?" Tiana asked.

"Because we don't see the states as a way for us to continue our life, it's filled with danger for everyone, people can make crazy accusations and ruin someone's life, these accusations won't be possible in our country, because there will be repercussions for false accusations, we will care about our people and our beliefs will be accepted, in fact, we will encourage it," Master said.

"What are your beliefs?" Tiana asked.

"It's none of your business," Master said.

"M may I suggest something?" I asked, he nodded, I stood on my toes and he bent down some. "I have a tracker, give it to Jasmine, and bring her home" I whispered.

"Such a devious little one I have," Master said, I smiled.

"Of course, what else would you expect from someone who loves a game of cat and mouse," I said.

"Nothing less than that," Master said, when the Jury came back I went back to Cain's side while Tiana went back to Jasmine's.

"Have the jury reached a verdict?" Henry asked.

"Yes your honour," the main jury person said.

"On count one, kidnapping in the first degree, how do you find the defendant?" Henry asked the spokesman.

"We the jury in the case of The State of Florida versus Cain Link find the defendant not guilty of the charge of kidnapping in the first degree," the main spokesman said.

"And on count two, human trafficking in the second degree?" Henry asked.

"Not guilty, your honour," the main spokesman said.

"We are sorry for your unfair arrest Mr. Link and spending six years in jail for no reason other than an ex who got mad," Henry said.

"Your honour, I'm just glad the truth came out, I can go back to my life and live more of it being free," Cain said, as they then unshackled him, I saw Jasmine trembling, as she and Tiana left. "Thank you," Cain said to me.

"You're welcome, I have to go talk to a friend," I said, Cain nodded, and I left with Master behind me.