
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Cat and Mouse

When we were outside I went over to Jasmine and Tiana.

"Why did you do this?" Jasmine asked, her voice breaking.

"Because my husband wanted me to, because I wanted to, a bit of both," I said.

"But you knew what he did to me," Jasmine whispered.

"It's no different than me," I said.

"You lied on the stand," Tiana growled.

"No, I didn't, not once have I not been able to leave, I can leave whenever I wish, but this collar and this brand marks me as his," I said, showing them my brand. "This is all I wish for in my life, is to stand by my husband's side, I'm sure you remember the game, I could've left after because I made it to the road, but I wanted to stay with him. So not once have I been held captive where I was forced to stay, I could leave whenever I wish. I just twisted the truth for what I needed, and got the jury to see it my way" I said.

"You're a monster," Tiana growled.

"Don't you dare insult my wife" Master growled, getting in between me and her.

I went over to Jasmine and hugged her, "I suggest you run, and run far because we will come for you, you belong to Master and we will find you wherever you go, or we will take your loved one" I whispered, pulling back.

"Don't you dare touch them," Jasmine growled.

"You can always come with us Jasmine, we can help you or you can try to outrun us, we'll give you a day, see you at the hotel, you should know the room if you want a deal," I said.

"I'll come, just please leave them alone" Jasmine whispered.

"What are you doing Jasmine?" Tiana asked.

"She's deciding it's better for her to come home where she belongs," I said.

"No more cat and mouse than little pet," Master said.

"Sadly not, or we could still play it," I said, my eyes flashing to Tiana and then back to Master.

"Are you sure?" Master asked.

"She knows too much, and tracking is fun," I said.

"What?" Tiana asked.

"Well since our mouse doesn't wish to run, you'll take her place," Master said.

"We suggest you run, disappear, and make sure we don't know where you are, you're our prey," I said, hiding the tracker on my hand before going over and grabbing her by her neck, implanting the tracker. "Run fast and run far Tiana, but when we find you and wrap your beautiful body up you will be ours we will own you and there will be nothing you can do to stop it, you won't wish to stop it" I whispered in her ear, I could feel her shaking underneath me.

"Now run, we'll give you an hour," Master said, taking my hand in his and we guided Jasmine to the car, I opened the back door for her and she got in. "You're in trouble slave," Master said, looking back at her, I saw her shaking and crying in the back seat.

"I know Master," Jasmine whimpered.

"Being a slave ain't all bad, if you're good you can do fun things and it's natural for females to submit to men, all females want that deep down, you just need a little time to see it" I said.

"So the reason you stopped coming to the trial?" Jasmine asked.

"Was because Master had me, I did make it to the road, and Master did let me free but I pleaded with him to keep me, I couldn't be free, I couldn't go back and defend you knowing what I did, all females deep down wish to submit, it's what they yearn for they just need to be shown it, while men need to dominate, it's what makes males and females such compatible creatures look at wolves, there are a dominant species, the females willingly submit to their Alpha or lions, the males eat first because they need to care for his pride. Humans are animals and they are no different, the females willingly submit to their lover hoping they can protect and care for them, in return the female submits to her mate and allows him to dominate her to make the best decision for her" I said.

"Since you won your trial I suppose I should give you the good news I promised," Master said, and I grew giddy, wondering what it could be. "They have started construction on our island six months ago and it's almost completed, so we should be able to move by the end of the year," Master said.

"Master, that's great," I said.

"How did you know his name? We weren't allowed to call them by their names" Jasmine said.

"I don't, all I know is that it starts with an M," I said.

"Don't continue with that slave, I'm warning you if you tell her I will kill you, I've made her forget, I can play with her memories and emotions as I please so she doesn't know my name" Master growled.

"Do you seriously not know it?" Jasmine asked.

"Nope, and I don't wish to, apparently I did know it which is confusing but Master can tell me anything and I'll do it. So I suspect he told me to forget his name and as the good slave I am I did. Master, may I ask a question?" I asked, and he nodded. "Is that the only thing you've made me forget?" I asked.

"Yes slave, you weren't even supposed to know it but an idiotic slave said it in your presence before she knew not to, even when she was told not to say it," Master said.

"Langley said it in front of me?" I asked confused.

"Yes, with the first pregnancy," Master said.

"You were pregnant?" Jasmine asked.

"Yes four times, I had three abortions and a miscarriage," I said, when my phone beeped, I took it out and looked at it. "Looks like she just left town, Master," I said.

"Who?" Jasmine asked.

"Tiana, I put a tracker in her neck, I'm sure she just thought it was a bug bite, she won't be free for long," I said.

"Give her a few days, run after her, allow her to see us, then let fear set in, let her run some more before we catch her," Master said.

"That is cruel," Jasmine snarked.

"Then be happy you decided to come," I said.

"I wouldn't have gotten far would I?" Jasmine asked.

"Nope, you would've seen us a few times, allowed the fear to set in that when we caught you you would practically beg us to take you, to submit," Master said.

"And we plan to do that with her once Cain gets back to the warehouse," I said.

"Please no please he'll kill me Master please I beg of you please" Jasmine begged.

"Then you should've thought about your actions then, you knew if you were caught again you would be punished, and he won't kill you, not without my permission," Master said.

"Is there anything I can do not to have him as my trainer?" Jasmine asked.

"No slave," Master said.

The drive was quiet the rest of the drive besides Jasmine's whimpers but we paid her no mind, when Master pulled up to the hotel, we all got out and went to a room. "What are we doing here?" Jasmine asked.

"Go shower slave," Master said once we were inside. Jasmine lowered her head but went to the shower, "leave the door unlocked" Master said, when Jasmine closed the door.

"What're we doing here?" I asked.

"Making sure she isn't wearing a wire or tracker," Master said, I nodded. Master came over and swiftly took my dress off, before taking his clothes off, my eyes roamed his body, when he tossed me onto the bed, and crawled off the top of me, kissing his way up my body, I arched my back as a small moan left my mouth at the pleasure he was giving me.

"M-master, we h-have to be careful" I moaned out, tossing my head back as his mouth encompassed my nipple.

"I know what I'm doing, slave," Master growled.

"Yes Master, please breed me Master please put a baby in your slave Master please she begs to be bred" I gasped out. My brain was going haywire as his hands travelled between my parted thighs and started to circle my clit. "Please Master, she begs to be taken by her Master please take her Master" I pleaded, he left my nipple leaving sloppy kisses until he reached my neck where he suckled and nipped at the skin. "Master please your slave begs you to take her Master please fuck your slave Master she begs you" I whimpered, I grinded my hips against his hand trying to get more friction.

"Such a needy slut" Master said.

"Please Master please help your slave Master please help her she begs to be used Master, it's what she needs please Master please help her Master your slave is begging her Master to take her, to breed her, to do whatever he wishes with her Master please" I begged, I didn't care if anyone saw me, or if Jasmine walked in or heard us. I just needed my Master to take me as his slave.

"Do you think you deserve me, slave?" Master asked.

"No Master, no one deserves a God such as yourself, we can just hope and pray that you give us the attention we crave, your slave is hoping her Master thinks she's earned his touch," I said.

"You have my perfect little slave" Master whispered as he started to thrust. I cried out in pleasure as Master grabbed my thigh and brought it to my chest.

"Thank you Master oh thank you so much" I cried out, when Master captured my lips cutting me off, I stopped talking and focused on kissing him with all the passion and pleasure he was kissing me with. When Master hit a spot I whined out and tried to move. "Master" I whined, as he held me in place while continuing to hit the exact same spot.

"Focus on the feeling slave, don't try to block anything" Master whispered in my ear. So I focused, and each time he hit that spot, it sent electricity through my body, I couldn't focus on anything besides the feeling. I was writhing underneath him grasping at the bed sheets, my belly tightened with each thrust Master did.

"Too much Master" I whimpered.

"Shh just focus on the feeling slave, welcome it, you're safe, you're loved. Focus on me and the pleasure I'm giving you my little slave" Master said cupping my face, I'm sure I looked feral, but knowing he's here, that he's causing the pleasure, that he loves me, it sent a warm feeling right through me.

When my whole body started to spasm, as I screamed out, the pleasure was too much to hold in, I couldn't focus on anything, I felt teeth bite through my neck, and his speed increased. But I was shaking, not able to hold still, I pulsated and came over his cock, in the six years I had never had such a strong orgasm. When he pulled out and got dressed, I was shaking. After a few seconds, I was able to calm down enough to stop shaking. "Too much Master" I breathed out. I was gasping for air, not having enough as I was lightheaded.

"You're okay little slave," Master said.

"Yes Master, but please never again, it's too much I can't handle it" I whimpered.

"And whose decision is it if I want to please you as much as I can?" Master asked.

"Yours Master," I said.

"That it is slave, now put your dress on, Jasmine come here I need to inspect you to make sure you're clean," Master said, I put the dress on, my legs shaking while Master inspected Jasmine. When he deemed her good enough he gave her a dress to put on as well. "Now you have lost all privileges to leave the warehouse until we know you can be trusted, and when we create our country you will renounce your citizenship here and become a citizen of our country," Master said.

"Yes, Master" Jasmine said, she tried to hide her emotions but I could tell she was sad. We left the hotel room, leaving her clothes and phone, and got in our car.

Master passed her back a blindfold, "put it on slave and make sure you can't see, I'll test it when we get home and if you can see you won't eat food for the next two weeks" Master said. She quickly tied it around her head, Master watched her and when she put her arms down, started driving, every few minutes he looked in the mirror to check on her. When we pulled up to the warehouse, I saw a new car, one I never saw before and it made me nervous.

"Master, may I ask a question?" I asked as he parked the car, he nodded. "Why didn't you tell me you already bought the island?" I asked.

"I didn't want to slave and I didn't have to," Master said.

"I know Master, I wasn't saying you had, I was just curious," I said.

"It's okay, slave. Now let's get out" Master said, and we got out, I opened the door for Jasmine and she slowly got out. When Master came in front of us, took his gun from his waistband and held it to her face. Before moving it just over her shoulder and shooting it, Jasmine squeaked, flinching back at the sound. She was shaking as she stood there, when Master slapped her across her face, she cried out in pain as her head moved to the side. "Your good slave, you can take it off," Master said, Jasmine slowly brought her hands up and took the blindfold off, I could read the fear in her eyes.

"You know if you didn't run you'd be happy by now," I said.

"No, I wouldn't, I'd be just as miserable," Jasmine said, when Cain came out of the warehouse.

"Good to see you again boss," Cain said, coming over and shaking Master's hand.

"You too, I hope my slave was respectful while working with you," Master said.

"She was such a delight to work with, definitely knows what she's doing and is good at planning, but she did have a hard time sitting in the chair, and keeping eye contact," Cain said.

"That's just because she's a slave," Master said, I smiled.

"Come along slave, I oughta show you you never should've ran" Cain growled.

"Please trainer please I'm sorry" Jasmine cried out.

"If you aren't following me I'll up your punishment" Cain snapped, turning and walking away, Jasmine scrambled after him.

"I feel bad for her, but she never should've ran," I said.

"Let's go slave," Master said, getting back in the car. "Where to?" Master asked once I got in.

"Looks like she's in Denver Colorado," I said, Master nodded and started our way to Denver.