
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


I didn't leave for one day for the whole two weeks. The doctors and nurses tried to get me to leave that I screamed and fought back that they decided to just let me be until he wakes up. But they did give me a bed to sleep in, and I put it as close to Master's bed, so I slept as close to him as I could. His cuts from the big cat have healed but he still didn't wake up. As I was getting ready for bed that night, I was laying in the bed, I was tired and I couldn't cry anymore, I had no tears left. I was holding Master's hand as I closed my eyes, I haven't gotten much sleep because the nurses come in every few hours to do what they need to do. When the nurses left, I moved over to his bed and put my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and calmed my breathing.

When I felt a hand touch me, so I opened my eyes confused, and there looking back at me were Masters' beautiful green eyes. "What do you think you're doing slave?" Master croaked, I didn't answer him but I just hugged him.

"I was so scared Master" I mumbled against him. "I'm sorry about that Master," I said, getting off the bed. When he looked around the room and saw the second bed.

"Have you been sleeping here, slave?" Master asked.

"I couldn't leave your side, Master, I should've been there to protect you," I said.

"I'm glad you weren't slave, I can't lose you," Master said.

"I can't lose you, Master, you're everything to me," I said, looking down at him.

"I cherish you," Master said, when the nurse came in, and saw Master awake.

"How are you doing Sir?" She asked.

"Sore, but I'm alive so I can't complain," Master said.

"You have a loyal girlfriend," she said, and Master raised his eyebrows at me.

"Jorge told them, he's been taking care of the house while you've been here. He's here almost as much as I am, when he's not taking care of the business or sleeping" I said.

"So what's your name?" She asked.

"Jessica, go eat, call Jorge and tell him I'm up," Master said.

"Right away," I said, smiling at him before leaving, he really didn't want me to know his name but I didn't care. I went and got a sandwich and ate it, before going to a phone and dialing Jorge's number.

"Hello?" Jorge asked.

"Hello Sir, he's awake and told me to tell you so," I said.

"Great slave, I'll be in soon," Jorge said.

"Okay Sir, see you soon," I said and hung up before heading back to Masters room. The nurse was gone so I went in, "he's on his way Master" I said, he nodded.

"Have you been good slave?" Master asked.

"I screamed at the nurses and doctors whenever they tried to get me to leave, and Sir has promised me a punishment for disobeying an order," I said.

"What order slave?" Master growled.

"To head back that first day, I explained I couldn't leave and he promised when I go back that I will be punished, and I told him I knew that," I said.

"You will go with him slave and you will accept your punishment and when I get out I will punish you, do you understand?" Master growled and went into a coughing fit.

"Please Master, you have to be careful," I said when he stopped.

"Careful slave, before I start to think that you're in love with me," Master said and I looked away. "You're not, are you slave?" Master asked.

"And if I do?" I asked, looking back at him as tears fell down my face.

"Slave, that's a dangerous thing to do," Master said.

"I can't control my feelings, Master. I'm okay with the way things are, I'm fine with never being loved, it's what I expect, I'm a slave, property to be owned. But please do not free me for my feelings," I said.

"Keep them in check slave, if they are acted upon from here on out I may have to consider selling you," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said when Jorge came in.

"Good to see you awake boss," Jorge said.

"Yes, so how's the business?" Master asked.

"It's going good, we lost three men and two girls," Jorge said.

"Okay, call Tarik and Brandon, try to get the girls replaced, and try to find new men to replace them, we need at least twelve of us," Master said.

"Yes boss," Jorge said.

"And don't go easy on her punishment, I'll see you tomorrow," Master said.

"Yes boss," Jorge said and went to leave. "Come along, slave, you'll take Jet back, pass the keys," Jorge said, so I took the keys from my pocket and gave them to him. We left and I was nervous, I was scared that telling him my feelings will change things, but I mustn't do anything to act upon them. "Are you okay? You seem distracted, what are you thinking about?" Jorge asked.

"I'm fine Sir, but please allow my thoughts to stay private. I'll tell you if you wish to know" I said.

"Tell me" Jorge hissed.

"He found out how I feel about him, and if he told me if I acted on those feelings again that he'll sell me, so I was just telling myself not to act upon them that I mustn't but it makes me nervous that if I do something I've done before he takes it as acting upon them and then he'll sell me," I said.

"What are your feelings, slave?" Jorge asked as he brought me to Jet. "Tell me when we get home, one of the slaves will untack Jet and turn him out," Jorge said before turning and leaving, I got up on Jet and made my way home.

I got Jet to run as fast as he could, to get home quicker and to get the punishment over. I saw Jorge turn onto the off-road to the warehouse and I followed after him. Jorge stopped the car on the side of the warehouse as I walked up, I got off Jet and Brandy took him from me, I walked over to Jorge, "Sir when do you think Master will come back?" I asked.

"Soon slave, now undress," Jorge said, and I quickly took the clothes off, I shivered as the cold air touched my skin, I'd have to get used to the air again. "Now follow me," Jorge said and made his way into the warehouse and I followed after him, we went to the basement and to the punishment room, "kneel slave," Jorge said, so I did as was told, I was nervous but I looked up at him. "Now answer the question I asked at the hospital slave," Jorge said.

"I fell in love with him Sir, and I know he will never feel the same, but I'm fine with that. I've grown attached to being owned, and I can't see myself being free again, that attachment if I'm sold to a new Master will undoubtedly turn to love as well. I'm sure I'm not the only slave that has grown to love their Master, we just never say anything in fear of repercussions unless told to say so. A few slaves I've talked to have said they grew attached to their Master, but they knew that they weren't to be their Master for long, it's one of the reasons I chose to come back after making it to the road. I grew attached to Master and the idea of being owned, that when he walked away I felt like I was dying. Even before starting I knew I wouldn't leave, I couldn't and if Master said that I wouldn't have been able to come back I wouldn't have made it to the road, I would've purposely got caught at the treeline, or wouldn't have tried as hard to get there" I said.

"So you would've willingly got caught?" Jorge asked.

"Yes, there were many times that I almost got caught, and I could've easily allowed it to happen, two of those times I was watching a group talking, one was in a clearing and the other was tracking my footsteps. I could've easily ran into the clearing, or not have climbed a tree and allowed whoever to catch me, catch me. I would've happily been captured if getting to the road would automatically set me free and not be able to come back, I was on my own for a month and every day for the two weeks leading up to seeing Master again I laid across the road hoping that a car would hit me. I can't survive being free I've tried for seven months so even if I wasn't able to come back that day I wouldn't have survived being free not when everything in me wanted to submit" I said.

"Punishment position slave," Jorge said, so I did as was told, my hair falling down the shoulders revealing my back. When I felt the lick of the whip against my back, I felt my back burning as another strike happened, I refused to scream with each strike of the whip.

"Please Sir please I beg you to show mercy Sir please I can't take much more Sir please show mercy" I screamed out, tears falling down my face I was shaking as blood ran down my legs and sides.

"Silence slave" Jorge snapped, and continued whipping me, when I started to see black spots in my vision. I wasn't able to warn him as he told me to keep quiet and I didn't want to disobey, when I lost consciousness.

When I came to I was laying in a puddle of my own blood, I looked around and there was no one there, so I stood up feeling the dried blood on my back pull and I winced. I left the room and went to the showers and washed the blood off my body.

When I got out, I dried off and went outside. It was dark but I lay on the grass watching the stars, it's the first night while living at the warehouse where I'm not bound in our room. When I saw a shooting star so I made a wish that Master would come home soon and be okay. I was enjoying the fresh air when I closed my eyes and fell asleep.