
Mythical adventures

Madison_Mcquilin · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 1

"So Heather did you here about the hot new guy that'll be coming to our school Monday?" Clara asked her brunette friend.

"Yes, and I'm not at all interested in him." Heather told her shutting her locker door.

Clara rolled her eyes.

"Hey Bellame." Heather greeted.

She waved a hello.

"Bathroom check." Clara said pulling the girls along.

Clara stood there in the mirror starring back at her reflection. She had curly pearl blonde hair with electric blue eyes.

"Yeah I just didn't feel that spark anymore with Jace." Heather told Bellame.

"Well like my Nana says that some people aren't just meant to be."

"Yeah,but we had good memories though. I just hope we can still be friends. I don't want to loose him."

Clara then said,"Belle we have volleyball practice in 15."


Bellame just got done braiding her hair.

"So what are you going to do after practice?" Bellame asked Clara.

"Go home, hope my mom isn't to held up in the divorce with my dad. After 15 years of being split up they're just now getting a divorce." She said putting on her shoe.

Over at Heathers house a surprise waited for her.

"Mom! I'm home!" She called out

"Hey sissy." A child greeted.

"Hey Juliette. Where's mom?"

Before the child could answer a loud 'CRASH' came from the kitchen.

"Oh my,Heather you look absolutely gorgeous!" A women in her late 20's greeted.

"Hello Aunt Lidia." Heather greeted.

The women pulled back and smiled.

"Umm where's my mom?"

"She's getting some stuff from the store."

She nodded her head in response,and went to her room.

"Hey Nana." Bellame greeted her grandmother.

"How was school?"

"It was good, volleyball practice was eh." She responded.

They had made there way to the kitchen and sat at the table. The back door opened to reveal her Welo.

"Good afternoon Bell."

"Good afternoon Welo."

Her grandmother set a plate of brownies on the table. Everything was silent for a while until Bellame spoke up.

"I have homework."

"Okay supper will be done at 8." Her Nana told her.

she nodded and made her way to her room. Sitting down on her bed she grabbed her laptop and logged in. Checking her email to see it was empty she sighed. She had sent a letter to her Mom and Dad. All that was there was an old email sent to her 5 months ago from her mom.

She grabbed her bag and took out her homework.

"Sooo have any of you seen the new Reading and Mythology teacher?" Heather asked.

"Nope I don't have reading until 5th,and history till 6th," Clara told her. "Any idea where Bell is?"

"No I haven't seen her at all. I texted her she just didn't respond."

"Weird." Clara said with a confused look on her face.

The bell rang and they went their separate ways. Heather to reading and Clara to math.

The new reading teacher was a female. She was about 5'5, pin straight red hair and dark brown eyes.

"Hello class my name is Miss.Halloway. I am your new reading teacher. Everyone take out your text books and turn to page 476. We will be learning about Shakespeare and his work 'Three Kings Night'."

"Miss.Halloway were not supposed to learn that until next month." a boy said.

She hummed in response while writing on the board,"well.. What's your name child?" She turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"My name is Marco." He answered.

"Well Marco, thats what your old reading teacher wanted. We will be learning about Shakespeare alot sooner. Now class can anyone tell me what Shakespeare is well known for?" She asked pacing back and forth on front of her desk.

The classes hands went up.

"You,the strawberry blonde one wearing the pink shirt."

"He's a well known British writer." She responded.

"Correct. What is your name?"


"Now your homework today children is to read the first half of 'Three Kings Night'. At the end of this week we will have a a pop quiz on it."

The bell rang signaling the end of class.

Clara and Heather arrived at Bellame's grandparents house. Heather carefully knocked on the door on the door.

The door opened up to reveal her grandmother,"Hello girls." She greeted with a warm smile.

"Hello Gina is Bell home?" Clara asked.

"Yes,but she's very busy at the moment. I'll tell her to call you later."She smiled.

"Okay thank you." They said and left.

Bellame was in the garden trying to focus on growing a flower. She sighed and tried again.

"Your trying to hard,relax your mind and body." Her grandmother told her.

"I'm trying." She said.

"Come sit. cross your legs and straighten your back and breath in through your nose and out through your mouth." Her grandmother instructed.

After a few minutes Bellame asked, "So what type of witches are we?"


"Well aren't there different types?"

"Yes, but magic is in our blood. Our ancestors came from Turnin, Piedmont."

"I thought witches came from Salem?"

"Well some do, but there are other places where witches came from."

"Now try again with the flower."

Bellame walked over the flower breathed in deeply and focused. After a few minutes a Cala Lily flower blossomed.

"Nana! I did it!" Bellame exclaimed.

Gina smiled at her granddaughter.


"Yes mom!" She called out from her room.

She had just got done doing her reading homework. When her mom didn't respond she got up and went to the living room.

"What did you need?"

"Oh I meant to ask you what you wanted for dinner."

"It doesn't matter."

She was about to leave the room when she stopped,turned towards her mother and asked,"Are you still coming to my game?"

"I'm sorry sweetie I have a case that I'll be working late on." Her mother said giving her an apologetic smile.

"Okay I'll see if dad can make it. I won't be home until 6 tomorrow. I have cheer practice."

Her mother nodded not really paying attention to her daughter. Clara took out her phone and called her dad.

"Hey dad are you coming to my game?"

"Of course, I'm bringing your brother also."

"Okay sounds good."

It was after midnight and Clara's mom was fast asleep. Clara had trouble sleeping so she decided to see if Heather was awake.

Clara: hey I awake?

heather: yes. I need to rant to someone.

Clara: about

bell: hey C

Clara:OMG hey!

bell:sorry I didn't contact you.

Clara:it's completely fine don't worry about it

bell:okay thanks

Clara:are you going to school tomorrow?

bell: yes. I'm going to bed goodnight

Clara: goodnight

heather: okay so out of nowhere my Aunt Lidia was at my house,and she was blabbing on about a new job. My dad came home exhausted and wasn't in a great mood. My parents were discussing something. Something about a society and something else. My aunt did everything to distract me from what they were talking about. scince then they've been hush hush. And apparently Jace wants to meet up for some reason.

Clara: that's weird.


She put her phone down on the nightstand nightstand and stared up at the ceiling. Heather had been constantly going on about how her parents weren't getting along and stuff and saying how hard it was. She eventually drifted on to sleep.

"Please leave them alone." A young women pleaded.

"No." A young man said.

"What do you even want with her!" A man screamed.

"Your daughter and that other girl are the key to getting what I want. Now tell me where I can find the Crystal and it will all be over." He demanded.


The man smirked,"I tried to to do this the easy way,but I guess not."

"Now now. My apologies for my brothers the lack of manners." A tall black haired man said.

"What are you doing here?" The man demanded.

"I've come to help, courtesy of well me," he turned his attention back to the two tied up. "Now kindly tell us where they are."

"Burn in hell." The women spat.

"I'm afraid that's impossible." The curly haired man chuckled.

"I will ask only one more time. Where are they?" The dark haired man asked again.

He could make out the terrified faces of the two. Though could barely see the two who were trying to get out information,scince the room was dimly lit. They knew who it was.

"Alright I've had enough." The other man said aloud annoyed.

"I guess your right. The easy way it is."

He took a step before stopping and looking at his brother.

"They're clean."


"Yes please."

The curly haired man and the dark haired man stood at a balcony looking upon a City.

"Shadow woods here we come." He smirked.

"What do you plan on doing with the man and woman in the cellar?"

"Kill them. I realese them and they'll simply go warn them."

"More killing?"

"Don't give me that tone Jaxtyn. You've killed countless just as well."