
Mythical adventures

Madison_Mcquilin · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2


"Sister why did you break up with Jace? I thought you liked him."

"Sometimes things aren't meant to be."


After a few minutes Heather sat down and Juliette went to go pick some flowers.

All of a sudden Heather felt like someone was staring at her,but when she turned around nobody was there. When she went to turn around she saw some tree leaves move. Looking up she saw nothing. Her attention was drawn to her little sister.

"Look at the pretty flowers." She said holding them up.

"Yeah there very pretty. Come on we should be headed home."

Up in a tree a person watched them closely. Not for a single second taking their eyes off of them.

"Bell." Clara said in an exasperated tone.

"What all I'm saying is that your brother look more grown up." Bellame said defending herself.

"Though we dominated the other team." Clara said happily.


Bellame and Clara were at Clara's house working on a school project. Heather had declined hanging with them saying that she needed alone time.

"Omph." Clara said as her cat jumped on her back then Bellame's.

"Missy." Bellame said scolding the cat.

Missy meowed at her and went to go lay on a pillow to sleep. Missy had started acting strange. Missy was a white and grey cat with grey eyes.

"Hey do want to go get milkshakes?" Clara asked.

"Sure, we'll take my car."

"We'll be expecting guest soon." A lady said.

The man nodded and left. He had sent one of his best minions to spy some people. He had also sent another one to make sure one of his many pest enimies wouldn't get in the way.

"Reznor." A female said walking in.

"Darla." He responded.

"How ha....."

"Just tell me what I want to know." he demanded.

"Fine. All three of them are best friends. 2 of them are 16 one's 15."

"That's not what I wanted. Is he there yet!" He yelled.

"No." She responded quietly.


She started shifting uncomfortably not knowing wether or not to tell him. After a while she spoke up,"There is another thing."

"Yes." He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Alistair will be attending the school Monday."

"So I'm thinking about Queen Cleopatra." Clara said sipping on her milkshake.

"I thought you'd be angel." Heather said.

"I changed my mind."

Heather had joined them for a milkshake.

"I felt like someone was watching me when I was out in the woods earlier." Heather said.

"Did you see anyone?" Bellame asked.

"No. I just felt like someone was watching me."

"That's weird. Who would go out into the woods just to watch someone." Clara wondered.

"I have no idea.Though I left immediately."

"Monday is when the new guy comes. I wonder if he has black hair." Clara wondered aloud.

"Seriously Clara." Bellame said.

"Yes seriously." She responded.

"We'll just have to wait and see what he looks like on Monday." Heather said.

They continued to chat talking about school. A guy had been watching them from afar. He then saw Darla walk up to the girls and tell them something. He then disappeared.


"So class,who can tell me about Atlantis?" Mr.Hale asked his class.

"Atlantis is a mythical place claimed to have disappeared." The new kid answered.

"That's something. Anything else someone can tell me about Atlantis?"

Every since the new kid had walked in Bellame had been getting some off feelings. She couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was,but all she knew was that it didn't settle right.

"Miss.Greene?" Mr.Hale asked.

Jumping out of a daze she said,"What?"

"What can you tell me about Atlantis?"

"Well Atlantis was said to have more advanced technology than others at the time."

Mr.Hale nodded in response. The bell rang.

"So Alistair,he's so hot." Clara gushed.

"I don't know. I just get this weird vibe when he comes around."

"Ugh we have a partner project in science." Heather said.

"What about?" Bellame asked.

"About the solar system."

"I have no classes with Alistair." Clara whined.

"I have about 3." Heather said,"I'm not to sure."

The look of annoyance on Clara's face was incredible. Clara was about to open her mouth,but the bell rang signaling class. Each one of the girls left to their classes.

"So Alistair how was your first day of school?" A women's voice asked.


"Do I not get a hug?"

She stood up and hugged Alistair. Stepping back she said,"I missed you," and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Mind telling me what your doing here?" He asked.

"Like I said I missed you." She said walking off and looking around.

She kept walking around the house Alistair following. She stopped and turned towards him.

"You came to protect them from the prophecy." She said smiling while raising a eyebrow.

He nodded in response.

"It's inevitable." She told him seriously.

"Maybe not."

"Is it true though that one of them has the blood of...."


"And then I'm guessing that the other one is here to?"

"Yep. Along with the descendant."

Layla stopped and looked at Alistair dead in the eyes,"The descendant is here with the rest?!"

"Yeah it surprised me to."

Layla started laughing,"And you think you can protect them from the prophecy with them all in the same place?!"

"Yes and I will."

"Good luck to you."