

The year is 2018 and Geisenburg Empire is currently at civil war. A rebel group inside Geisenburg has been formed and is led by none other than the great great grandson of an elf dictator from Limheim Domain who slaughtered 14 million beastmen back in 1941. Adrian, a boy born from nobility is gifted by an ability he calls a "curse". This ability is still unknown but his father fears it, so he puts him in way too much training as a child. Though weak in magic and fighting, his wits and intelligence are his best partners. Adrian would then train, and get accepted to the prestigious school known as Mahika Academy. There, he continues to train. Will he ever be able to master his curse? Will he be able to control his magic? Let us all find out.

Natsuki_Kurosawa · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 9: Training

Bea walks to Adrian's door and knocks

"Hello, Adrian? You there?" she kept waiting for Adrian to open the door but there was no response. She got tired and opens the door with a spare key. Beatrice saw sleeping Adrian

"Ugghh…" she walked towards Adrian and tried waking him up "Hey wake up." but it didn't wake him up "Mnnm 5 minutes…" Adrian just kept sleeping. This just annoyed her so she decided to fill a bucket of water and put ice in it once it's cold she splashed it to a sleeping Adrian

"WAAAAHH!!!" Adrian of course immediately woke up "Hey!" Bea lightly smacks him with his pillow. Adrian looks at her and apologized. He immediately went to his table, grabbed some bread and peanut butter. Beatrice sighed and was disappointed. Like a Jinxiang or Asakumo parent. Bea began to undress herself and this shocked Adrian

"Owah!! Hey what are you doing?!" he asked. Beatrice said that she's taking off her uniform since she's wearing her workout outfit under it. Adrian then calmed down and went to the bathroom to wash his face. After washing his face he changed into his workout outfit and followed Bea to the school's oval.

"Now, follow me alright?" Bea told Adrian and she does some basic stretches first. Adrian of course to not get scolded follows her. After doing stretches they then jogged around for 5 turns. Adrian of course isn't used to heavy exercises. He then sat down

"Can we please take a break?? Hoohh my god…." He kept panting and breathing heavily.

"C'mon Adrian, you're only half way there you can do it." Beatrice stands up in front of Adrian and offered to help him stand up. Adrian grabs her hand and stood up. As soon as he got up, Bea went back to jogging and so did Adrian but he's much slower than he first started.

They had a 5 minute break then got bark to working. Beatrice did some lightweight exercises for now in order for Adrian to get used to the feeling. But still, Adrian can't compete with her.

"The secret to it Adrian is to keep breathing." Beatrice told to Adrian. Adrian just kept panting and panting

"You do this everyday?!" Adrian laid down in the grass and asked that question to her. To Adrian's surprise she said yes. Adrian well he gave up after learning what she said. After that they took the recess. Adrian went to the canteen to buy some snacks and went back to Bea.

"So, what's are next training chief?" Adrian asked. Beatrice then told her to finish what he's eating first. Adrian agreed. Once he was finished, Bea told him to grab any weapon he desires. Of course all of them are wooden. Adrian was drawn to the weapon that has curved blade.

"A katana?" Bea said "Y-yeah… always wanted to hold one." Adrian replied to her "Huh, most students here chose the rapier, claymore or the longsword, some chose the bo staff, a bow, crossbow, heck even a gun as far as I know. Never really tried to dive deep into it." Bea said as she picks up her rapier. She then attacked Adrian

"Owaah!"Adrian tried to block her attacks

"Hey! Wait a second! Can you please just warn me next time?!" Adrian told her. Bea would then reply

"None of your enemies will warn you when they attack!" Bea kept thrusting her rapier to Adrian until he trip and fell

"O-owww…. Haaghh… " Adrian sat up immediately and massaged his head. He sighed and said that he isn't good enough. Bea then analyzed his situation

"Hmm… it might seem that the katana is too advanced for you. For now use s normal sword." Aiden nodded and took a normal wooden sword. Bea then taught him how to use a sword from guarding to attacking.

"Make sure you're in range. Make sure you can hit your enemy." Bea told Adrian. As Adrian attacks, Bea kept blocking it occasionally landing some hits on him. The bell rang and it was lunch time. Adrian sat down to rest for a bit and drank some water

"Aaghhh… so tired…" Adrian whined and laid down the grass. He then looks up the sky

"…. Why…. Why am I given this power I don't even know?" He asked himself. He then stood up to get lunch. Once he's at the cafeteria he bought some lunch. Dez waved at him. He smiled and went to him.

"Oh hey- Ahh dude you stink!" Jackson complained

"I know. I haven't taken a bath since last night so just live with it." Adrian told Jackson. After that Emily arrived "Oh hey guys! Hey Adrian, so wassup?" Adrian looked at Emily

"Oh just tired and hungry." He took a spoonful of rice and ate

"After all I did a ton of practice and exercise." He added. Emily then patted his head "It's ok Adrian, you've been doing great!" this made Adrian blush and choke on his food. Jackson and Dez laughed before giving him some water

"You guys are assholes haha!"Adrian cussed at them. They then talked about what happened in the class. Of course Adrian laughed with them.

"Oh my God dude! Dude you gotta join the school's Great Mystic Tournament!" Dez told Adrian

"Well…. I don't think I could. I mean I still don't know how to use magic." Adrian said to them. Jackson then started talking about how it's going to be in 2 months so he probably has enough time to at least learn some basic spells

"Even if that's the case people would laugh at him and maybe bully him for even joining." Emily said worryingly.

"It's ok Emily, thanks but let's see if I'll join or not. I'll leave that future problem to future me." Adrian smiled and ate with them.

Once he's done eating he bid farewell and went back to the oval. There he rested for 30 minutes before doing some stretches and practiced swinging a sword again.

Beatrice saw him and went to him

"Practicing?" she asked. Adrian turns his head and saw her and saod "Oh yeah… I wanna catch up to my fellas as soon as possible.". Bea raised her left eyebrow, she then said "Or is it because you wanna join the tournament?" and boom, it hits Adrian

"Well yeah but… you know… I.. Umm… well… ugh fine you got me." Adrian then sat down "I just… wanna join. I don't wanna feel left out." Beatrice sighed to what he said

"Fine… I'll teach you, only if you're ready to accept that fact that I'll double our time." She told Adrian.

Adrian nodded and stood up and asked what's the first thing to learn magic. Bea then gave him a grimoire for beginners. Adrian opened his palms and tried a fire spell but nothing happened. Beatrice told him to close his eyes and try feel the hotness on your palm, the spark, the ignition of a fire." She said. Adrian would try again, this time trying to apply what Bea told him to do.

Then suddenly, a magic circle appeared but it was dying out.

Adrian smiled and cheered

"Woo!! I can do magic! Yes!!!" Bea smiles at him and told that they're going to do more until dismissal. With new found inspiration, Adrian did what Bea told him.

After their training, Bea told Adrian to rest early. Adrian said yes and did just that. Although Adrian had other plans. That evening, Adrian decided to go out to train his eye. He tried to meditate and his eye ability activated again. He was sent back to the void. There he trained and trained. He kept failing but determined to catch up he kept standing up to prove himself to his own. That he, Adrian, can do it.

-To be continued