

The year is 2018 and Geisenburg Empire is currently at civil war. A rebel group inside Geisenburg has been formed and is led by none other than the great great grandson of an elf dictator from Limheim Domain who slaughtered 14 million beastmen back in 1941. Adrian, a boy born from nobility is gifted by an ability he calls a "curse". This ability is still unknown but his father fears it, so he puts him in way too much training as a child. Though weak in magic and fighting, his wits and intelligence are his best partners. Adrian would then train, and get accepted to the prestigious school known as Mahika Academy. There, he continues to train. Will he ever be able to master his curse? Will he be able to control his magic? Let us all find out.

Natsuki_Kurosawa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 8: Tag Team

Everyone gets in the carriages and went to the forest where they're all headed.

"So uhhh is this your first time doing this or?" Adrian asked them "Oh nah, it ain't our first time mate! We do this like once a week I guess yah!" Dez told him and Adrian nodded "I somehow understood that, I don't know how." Adrian told to himself.

"Oh yeah this is his first time going on a tag team right?" Jackson said "Well kinda, I had some experiences back then." Adrian told them and they asked with whom

"Well just some guards in my place. They help me train and all that. It wasn't that bad, I had worse." He tilted his head.

"Alright guys, get your gears ready, we're almost there." Jackson told them. Adrian checked his weapon and other things like herbs and potions. Once he knows he's ready he makes a thumbs up to Jackson

"I'm ready here as well Jack!" Emily told Jack "I'm ready here as well hehe!" Dez makes a big smile. Once they arrived at the forest, they get out of the carriages and they were then were gathered in groups by Ms. Edwards

"Alright students, you all know already the drill but for Adrian here, he doesn't so let me do a short briefing here, as you all know, every once a week we do an expedition here in the forest to teach you what real fights are. It's probably one of the reasons why you entered a military school. Basically, what I'm trying to tell, is that you'll have to kill, goblins, some raging wolves, snakes, skeletons and any other low level monsters that tries to attack the nearby villages." Ms. Edwards said. She then gave them bracelets that let's them communicate to Ms. Edwards and call her whenever they got into a very huge trouble.

They were then dispersed.

As they walk around the forest, they encountered different enemies. Of course, they defeated them with ease. Although Adrian had some troubles catching up to them since they know magic and he knows how to in theory only. Adrian knows that you need to chant and a magic circle will appear.

"Adrian, you ok? You look tired?" Emily asked "Yeah... I'm ok" Adrian replied and they continued walking "Are you sure, you look so down Adrian. Might wanna talk about it?" Adrian looks at Emily after she said it. He was dumbfounded "Oh uhh yeah sure sure..." he nodded his head.

Emily started by saying "So, why do you look so down right now?" with that, Adrian answered

"Well... All of you know already magic. I on the other still can't. It just felt like I'm a bother to all of you. I can't even fight like you guys. I bet all of you can solo those monsters." Adrian then sighs in disappointment. Emily then goes in front of Adrian. She smiled softly at him. She would then say

"Adrian, that's the purpose why we're here, why we're all enrolled in this school, to learn how to. Cheer up buddy~" Emily then turned her back "Hey guys wait up!" Adrian blushed only a little as he looks at her walking back to their teammates. Adrian was speechless, so he just decided to walk back to them.

On the other hand, the general went back to Geisenburg Empire to report to Saeros

"So, I see you have returned, now report." Saeros ordered

"I have already sent the assassins to the child sir. He'll be gone right away as soon as they find him." The general said. Saeros smiled and began to nod his head slowly

"Good good... Without that kid our plans will be inevitable." The general looks at Saeros and asked "M-my lord, if I may ask, what's so special about this child that you wanted to... End him! Can't we just do it ourselves? He's just a kid!" Saeros looks at his general

"You see, he isn't just an ordinary child. Let's say that me and his father have some history." he then exits the room to manipulate more elves into joining his cause.

Back at the forest, the class killed tons of monsters, Adrian tried to catch up with his teammates but now more positive thinking. He was having fun with them as well

"Oh yeah!" Adrian yelled. Minutes later they all sat down and took some rest

"Haagh... I'm so tired!" Jackson complained "Yeah me too dude..." Dez agreed. Meanwhile Emily drank some stamina potions while Adrian sat beside them. Jackson noticed Emily and said "Heyy! No fair!" Emily laughed and gave some to Jackson. Adrian chuckles and stands up to look around for some fruits.

".... Hmm... I wonder, how do I train myself?" he asked as he picks up some apples. He continued to think about it until he ran out of apples to pick "Hey Adrian, there's no more apples." Dez said

"O-oh!" Adrian went back to his senses and laughed it out. He gave one to Dez and to the rest.

An hour later, as they walk deeper into the forest, Adrian's eye activated for a split second and looks at the tree to the right of them.


"Well I'm off to work." The man said as he fixes his sword.

"Oh? Off to do it already?" the girl in pink hair asked "Well he's only a child plus, if we kill him now we get the money early~" the man licks his sword. This disgusted the girl not from what he said but what he did

"Ew! Stop licking your sword!" the girl yelled at him and he just laughs "Now now... Don't under estimate that child, you know who's son is it so be careful." Their boss suddenly appeared "Garlac, you already know what to do." The boss added

"Well, I'll see you all later!" Garlac then went off


Garlac looks at the tree and his eye took over his movements. He readied his body to grab the sword and so does Garlac

"Adrian?" Jackson turned his head to Adrian and asked that question. Dez and Emily walks to him slowly "Hey buddy what's going on?" they asked but Adrian didn't listen. When Adrian grabs the handle and was about to draw the sword, he was stopped by Ms. Edwards

"If I were you I wouldn't do that." She said. Adrian went back to his senses and then Ms. Edwards told them to go back immediately in the rendezvous point.

Arriving at the rendezvous point, they immediately went back to their carriage. Some time later they started to move back to the school. Adrian, Emily, Jackson and Dez were all confused.

Arriving back at the school. Ms. Edwards then dismissed the class and they finally get to rest. Adrian went to his locker room to change into his uniform. He said farewell to Dez, Jackson and Emily. Adrian went back to his dorm room. He opens the room, entered and closes it. He took a deep breath and jumps into his bed

"Aahhh!!! So tired! I just... Wanna sleep~" he slowly closes his eyes and he fell asleep.

-To be continued