

The year is 2018 and Geisenburg Empire is currently at civil war. A rebel group inside Geisenburg has been formed and is led by none other than the great great grandson of an elf dictator from Limheim Domain who slaughtered 14 million beastmen back in 1941. Adrian, a boy born from nobility is gifted by an ability he calls a "curse". This ability is still unknown but his father fears it, so he puts him in way too much training as a child. Though weak in magic and fighting, his wits and intelligence are his best partners. Adrian would then train, and get accepted to the prestigious school known as Mahika Academy. There, he continues to train. Will he ever be able to master his curse? Will he be able to control his magic? Let us all find out.

Natsuki_Kurosawa · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 7: Meeting The Class

2 days after that incident.

Adrian was woken up by the sudden appearance of a large mana pool. He thought it was an enemy but it was just Beatrice looking at him.

"Ah, you're finally awake, get up you're gonna get late again." She said as she watches him panic. She would just sit there while she prepares some toast for him.

Once Adrian was done changing into his uniform, he thank Bea for making him breakfast. He took and ate it while fixing his bag.

"Ummm w-we should go." He told Beatrice. Beatrice agreed, she stood up and waits for Adrian outside his door. When Adrian got out, he locks the door and looks at Bea with a smile

"Let's go?" he asked her. Bea nodded and helps Adrian on his way to his room.

Upon arrival, his class was noisy but not that noisy. The class got quiet when he and Beatrice arrived.

"H-hi!" Adrian said nervously while he closes his eyes and raised a hand to wave at them though his hands didn't really waved. Beatrice said his goodbye to Adrian and goes to her class.

Adrian sat down at the middle not knowing what to do since this is first time meeting new people. Adrian was used to seeing the same people everyday of his life.

Adrian would be approached by his classmate

"Heyy new guy! My name is Jackson Lee, you can call me Jackson, Lee, Jackie, or Jack! So… what's up?" He asked Adrian

"Oh I'm… I'm fine yeah hahah." Nervously said by Adrian. Jackson told Adrian to just chill. Like that's ever gonna happen.

"Alright? Just chill dude, everything will be fine~" he said trying to make an "UwU" face at him. This made the nervous Adrian smile. Jack would sit to the left of Adrian since that's where he sits. Of course Jack would be talkative, he'll tell stories about the school, rumors and such and all that.

When the homeroom teacher arrived, his classmates would stand up straight and greeted her "Good morning, Ms. Edwards!" the class said uh unison as well as being energetic. Unlike elementary where it's all lousy.

"It seems that our new classmate has arrived, make sure you all introduce yourself to him and of course, help him familiarize himself to this school." Ms. Edwards said to him "Welcome, Mr. Beaumont, I'm Ms. Pearl Edwards your homeroom teacher, welcome to my class." She added and then started to discus her last week's lesson to them.

Teachers after teachers would introduce themselves to him. Adrian would try his best to familiarize them, he does have quite the intellect so it wasn't that hard for him.

Lunch came by and Adrian doesn't know what to do. Mostly because he has lunch prepared for him that he brings to school, but now? He doesn't have any. That is until our savior Jackson Lee arrived

"Wassup my dude, wanna eat lunch with me?" Jack asked Adrian, seemingly eager to eat lunch with his new friend. Adrian nodded and smiled. Jack would lead Adrian to the cafeteria while of course guiding him on his way to familiarize the place. Some time later they have arrived at the canteen. Adrian isn't sure what to do so, just like earlier he followed Jack.

Jack taught him that he just has to get a tray, and he just has to line up and pick his order

"Of course you gotta pay for it you know." Jack told Adrian

"Ahhh… I see… mhm." Adrian nodded. He lines up in the counter and picks the food that he thinks tastes good. He would then pay his meal and looks for Jackson who already is on their table. When he found him, he went their and ate with him.

While eating, Jackson asked "Hey, what's it feel like being you know, son of a rich man?" Adrian looks at him, his mouth is still full and is covered with some food. Jack told him using signals that his mouth is dirty. Adrian took some napkins and wipes his mouth. He chewed the food in his mouth and answered

"Well… It's pretty hard or I don't know, never really had a good relationship with dad" he grits his teeth and shrugs his shoulders and continued eating. Of course Jackson would just nod and ate as well.

After eating, Jackson would introduce Adrian to some of his friends. They were friendly to him and some were kinda friendly. He would also roam him around the school so Adrian can familiarize himself more with the school.

"Woah, I can't believe Mahika is THAT big!" Adrian said in awe and was left speechless "Well get used to it buddy." Said by Jackson. The bell would rang and lunch is over. Adrian went to their classroom and when he arrived, not even one of his classmates arrived.

When the teacher, Ms. Edwards came in because she forgot something, she looks at Adrian and said

"Hey Adrian, you're not coming?" Adrian tilts his head "To where?" he asked Ms. Edwards. She replied that every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, their class is going out in the forest to fight some monsters to experience combat. Adrian widened his eyes while he nods. He stood up and followed Ms. Edwards to the locker room, though he realized that he doesn't have an armor to put on.

"Worry not Adrian, we already got that covered." She winks at Adrian. Adrian awkwardly smiled while nodding his head.

Once they have entered the boy's locker room, Ms. Edwards gave him his key for his armor. He took and used it to open his locker, there he found an iron breastplate, a pair of leather boots, as well as some one handed longsword, a pair of gloves, and clothing armor. Ms. Edwards left Adrian alone for him to get ready. It took some tries but Adrian is now fully suited.

Ms. Edwards led Adrian to his classmates and their they were partnered up

"Hey! Looks like we're partners huh?" Jackson wraps his arms around Adrian's shoulders "I-I guess so yeah…" Adrian replied to Jackson.

"Hey~ you're the new guy right? I'm Emily." Emily introduced herself and wants to shake hands with Adrian. Of course Adrian shook her hand "I'm Adrian." He smiled at her.

Jackson also greeted Emily.

"So it's not a duo but a trio huh?" Jackson said and then another girl approached them

"Hey there new guy!" a boy said "H-hey???" Adrian waved his hands in confusion

"I'm in your group, my name is Dee Z. Nutes. Or you can just call me Dez!" Emily, Jackson and Adrian are all confused "What??". Ms. Edwards told them to go inside the bus since they're about to leave. Before doing so they checked their items and equipments first

"All good in your side?" Adrian asked Emily "Yup!" she replied to Adrian. Jackson and Dez would let Adrian know that they're also ready.

"Are you sure it's safe to let Adrian go out there without proper training? I'm worried about my brother here!" Amara told Beatrice

"It's fine, after all, I did heard that he had some training." Bea replied to Amara as she looks at Adrian's files "Tell me Mr. Beaumont, what makes you so special?"

-To be continued