
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

Chapter 32

Irvene's point of view

Ingrid's other teammates started to show at his back. I supposed that they're from fourth to sixth levels. None of his group would be lower than that, I thought.

This random groupings among us weren't reliable at all!

I summoned my staff and started to restore my magic. I felt comfortable after resting for a while and this would make me create more ice spikes than when I'm fighting recently.

Two of Ingrid's teammate whose holding identical spears ran at a fast pace on our sides.

"Meryll, you'll handle those two and prevent them from targeting our lower level teammates," Vaughn said.

Meryll nodded and swiftly ran towards those persons while I took my attention to the moves of the rest of them.

"Irvene, how about enhancing a skill you didn't use these days? It would be a good thing to try it out," Vaughn said.

I suddenly furrowed my eyebrows but shock came across my face and look at him when I understand that he's possibly implying to my healing skills. As a mage, I should learn a bit of healing magic and also, a mage should have more up my sleeves than my enemy.

There's a book called Secret Book of Healing Skills for Mages which was created by my late father, Timothy Elvina. That was the one I exclusively studied and learned the ways of healing efficiently and easily.

To utterly surprise them, I studied it to the next level than normal mages. The only reason that I didn't use that skill is it needed concentration and high amount of magic to heal others or myself. Since I'm mostly engaging in a fight alone or with Elis for one whole year, I don't have the time to use it.

Dealing with an enemy with ice spikes was easier and would take a short amount of time. That way, I could just rest when it ended.

Vaughn and Ingrid started clashing with their swords. Ingrid's other two teammates went towards Sid. The other one sat on the ground and a light and comfortable aura could be faintly sensed in my distance.

There's also a healer on their team too and she's Elliza Montliez! It's no wonder how she's still able to stand up and fight despite attacking her with my small ice spikes.

I now understand why did Vaughn want me to use my healing powers again. He would show a healing battle in front of our enemy.

Of course, I couldn't lose to her! I stayed standing and used the magic that I restored. With a focused mind, I carefully chanted a healing skill.

"Hidden Healing Prowess, 1st Level, " I chanted.

I felt my body lighter and a faint presence of wings at my back. I sent the wing's feathers toward my teammates. This first spell couldn't just heal their stamina and bit of magic but it also calms one's mind and temporarily increase defense.

Once I healed them, I started restoring my magic again and kept an eye on them while waiting. I could see the Student Council President's non-composed state for a moment.

Elliza seemed to notice my healing skills and showed more talent in healing her subordinates. Her cold temperament was also mixed with hatred towards me, I suppose. She possessed some talent in this area, huh? Too bad, her attitude's the opposite of it.

"Hidden Healing Stamina regeneration, 1st Level," I chanted.

Once again, feathers flew to my teammates and it made their bodies entirely restored just like it was from the beginning. Since they don't have any serious injuries, that spell was able to bring them back into their best state.

Overcoming our enemy wasn't the hardest thing that we're currently facing. It's controlling our strength and skills to their level without racing doubts on others especially those cruel persons lurking inside the Academy.

Although, this Magic Battle Competition made us increase our strength that's too astonishing for a fourth level student. Anyway, our mission is near to its end, so it wasn't bad to have fun sometimes. We wouldn't know if there's a hiding enemy behind this game.

After their skillful battle, Vaughn successfully stole the flag from Ingrid. He raised the flag and Meryll did the same. It was the end of the competition.

"W-we have the winner!" An instructor shouted.

Countless voices could be heard throughout the area. Some of them cheered us while the others seemed shocked. It's because their respected Student Council President Ingrid Welsey lose the game.

After a while, a stage appeared at the center of the Magic Battle Arena. Twelve of the instructor came towards us. They told us to rest on our own seats first.

"Students! You have performed really well in this competition for this week. The Magic Battle Competition had just come to an end and it's time to award the students who performed excellently and advanced all the rounds!"

The instructor began to award the students who excelled for this competition. They also awarded the students who were able to advance to the 3rd rounds of each student level with bronze medals while silver for those who advanced to the 2nd rounds.

The gold medal and a special potion were handed to us and the other winners of the Magic Battle Competition. Another extraordinary prize was handed out to the six of us who won the mixed level Magic Battle Competition.

"The Awarding Ceremony was finished however, that's still not the final end of the competition!" The instructor said with excitement which caught the student's attention.

All of the awardees including us were instructed to get down on the stage and stay beside it. After a while, Headmaster Waltz who has been silently watching the entire scene today stood up and walked in the center of the stage.

He's together with the man we saw with him at his office the last time we met him at his Headmaster's office.

"Good day, students of Soul'e Magic High. I'm very glad to saw your outstanding performances and of course, the best of you have been granted special opportunities. As we all know, the last part of the Magic Battle Competition would be promoting excellent sixth level students to the seventh level students. On this last day of the competition, we will announce the name of students from different levels who would be promoted to the seventh level," Headmaster Waltz said.

After that, Headmaster Waltz gave a piece of paper on an instructor and started announcing the names. All of them came from the awardees including our teammate, Dianne, Rose, and Henry.

I knew that they would have a great future ahead of them. Those three might look weak to the higher level of students today, but the people would surely feel helpless of their powers when the time comes.

Ingrid Welsey and Elliza Montliez were included to the list too. It wasn't too shocking because the two of them showed incredible skills. They only need to work with their personalities, I thought.

A few of the non-gold awardees managed to be promoted too however I noticed that Lianna wasn't among them. I really didn't know if she could still be promoted but I guess that as a non-gold awardee, it was hard to be promoted. Only one fourth level student and both two sixth level student were promoted among them.

That wasn't all, our names weren't mentioned at all!

We looked at each other. I remembered that we were excited to become a seventh level student but that didn't happen at all. It felt like our effort during the Magic Battle Competition were all for naught.

The instructor announced that the Magic Battle Competition for this year officially ended. I could also see the different expressions of the students and instructors.

The chosen students were decided by Headmaster Waltz and I could feel the gazes of the people towards the instructor who announced it.

Well, the Headmaster clarified that the instructor said the right names after seeing the confused gazes of some students. Even Ingrid Welsey who should be boasting of his promotion only stayed expressionless.

"Don't mind it. That promotion wasn't important for us. All that matters is our mission. I think that our time here at the academy would end for today," Vaughn whispered to us.

"We had fun during this short time," Sid followed.

Meryll and I both agreed. We had our time spent on a school which we hadn't been able to when we were younger. It's another experience for us. I only hope that we would finally solve the problem in this school before officially leaving.

It's been two weeks since I haven't updated a chapter. I normally publish one chapter per week during this school days (I publish 5-7 chapters a week during last month of vacation) but I'm not feeling well these days so I apologize for the super late update T_T

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