
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 33

Irvene's point of view

We walked towards Soul'e Magic High. This would be the last time that we'll enter this school as students. The Headmaster told us to make an official leave to our classmates and teachers before disappearing. He explained to us on how we would effectively believe the students of a fake reason of our leave.

I thought that's enough. They would know the truth behind it soon anyway.

The crowd of students welcomed us again. Some couldn't help to talk about the recent Magic Battle Competition. I'm certain that they're pertaining about the chosen seventh level students and why we're not chosen.

Nonetheless, we walked straight to our classroom and sat on our designated chairs.

"Finally, this would be the last time that I would listen to every morning's lengthy discussion," Meryll uttered.

Sid agreed to her and I ended up shaking my head.

When the room started to be crowded by our classmates, I'm surprised that some of them congratulated us.

"But it's still not enough to be promoted from seventh level," Lianna said.

"Said by the person who don't even passed the last round," Meryll followed.

That made her stop. It's a good choice though, 'cause it would be hard to prevent Meryll from picking up a fight.

The class instantly became quite when an instructor entered our room. She's Miss Dani Alster, the adviser of first section of fourth-level students.

"Good morning students, before we start our lessons, I want to say that you did well on the recent Magic Battle Competition. It showed your potentials and I hope for all of you to continue doing your best!" Miss Dani said.

She's a gentle person and the model of many students especially women. Being a teacher didn't hide her nobility. The name Alster, is one of the twelve most well-known family of Soul'e country. The families that could prosper Soul'e country and at the same time, may bring downfall to its countrymen.

"And another news I want to announce is that our newly transferred students would be bidding goodbye to us so early. Could you stand up in front?" Miss Dani continued.

The four of us stood up and faced our classmates.

"Our stay in Soul'e Magic High has been great, but sadly, we have to leave," Meryll said.

"We could only say that a certain unfortunate event happened, and we have to go back in our hometown for a long time. It's still a part of Soul'e but is very far, thus the need to leave this school," Sid followed.

"Their last stay here would be today and I announce it, so no one would be shocked when they stopped attending classes," she said.

As it's a sudden news, our classmates talked to each other and some are looking upon us.

"That's enough, there's nothing to announce anymore, so we will continue our lessons," Miss Dani said.

Our instructor let us sit before she continued the lesson.

Not long after, morning classes ended up already. The first instructor for the afternoon classes, Ms. Lynnwick, let us skip classes because she said that Headmaster Waltz were looking for us.

We made our way to the Headmasters office. The same huge room with minimal ornaments in some areas welcomed us. The Headmaster sat on a black chair with his desk in front.

"Good morning, Headmaster Waltz," we greeted in unison.

"Good morning too, students," Headmaster Waltz greeted back.

"We called you here today to discuss the recent incident regarding the lost students. Those intruders who infiltrate Soul'e Magic High are still not caught, but we have clues who might be those persons," the young man behind the Headmaster said.

"Will the Headmaster need our help?" Vaughn said.

"That's not it, we know that you're skilled students, but we'll not burden you upon this. The Headmaster only want to ask if you find any hidden rooms except for the ones you already find. Our people will do a wide search in the school every night and your information would considerably help us," he continued.

"When we searched for the area, there's no suspicious rooms we found anymore except those rooms. I think that only one we haven't searched for were the place that's prohibited to students," I said.

"That's still an important information. We would focus more on the instructor and administration's area. I hope that there would be no traitors among the teachers. They shouldn't be the one who will bring harm to our students," Headmaster Waltz said.

"And also, I once heard that there're missing students on the eastern part of the school, but the students were only found on the southern part. I think that they only managed to infiltrate a very limited part of the school," Sid explained.

"I won't forget that many people were locked in that hidden room of the western part, however we only found a woman," Meryll followed.

"A woman?" It caught the Headmaster's attention.

"The woman was dead however, we weren't able to bring her body because it suddenly disappeared into thin air," Vaughn said.

"Disappeared?" Headmaster Waltz and the young man said in unison. They even looked at each other.

"Is that all?" Headmaster Waltz said.

"Yes, Headmaster," Vaughn replied.

"The information you gave is a help to us, and your mission at Soul'e Magic High would end here," Headmaster Waltz said.

"Before that, we knew that being a seventh level student would not be enough for your potentials," he continued.

Although, I don't quiet understand what the Headmaster meant.

Afterward, Headmaster Waltz said that we could leave anytime, so we chose to head to the castle early.

We're near the exit which is also the entrance of Soul'e Magic High when someone called us.

"Seniors!" They called to us.

The voices were familiar to me, and I was right.

Dianne, Rose and Henry were running towards us. They were catching their breaths before they started speaking.

"We have heard that you'll be leaving Soul'e Magic High," Dianne said.

"That fast?," Sid uttered.

"We heard it after the morning classes. The fourth level students were talking about that and then suddenly, the news about that spread to every corner of our school," Rose explained.

"They have that much time to gossip about us huh?" Meryll said.

"But before you all leave, we wanted to say something," Rose said.

"If it weren't for you, being in a team and guiding us, we might have lost the battle and the chance to be promoted to seventh class," Henry followed.

The three of them sincerely thanked us.

"We might be the one who helped you, it's still yourselves that chose to put your trust and cooperate into us even if you didn't even know us that time," I said.

"Still, thank you for guiding us that time, and we hope to see you, seniors in the future again," Henry said.

"With your talents, we would definitely see each other soon," Vaughn said.

After saying goodbye to us, they hurriedly came back to their classes.

While we headed to Soul'e Castle. We just came back when Brother Mavien called for us.

"Your mission to Soul'e Magic High had already finished. I think that the next responsibility I'll bestow upon you will be successful, won't it?" Brother Mavien said.

We bowed and said,

"Yes, your majesty."