
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

Chapter 21

Irvene's point of view

It's another day at Soul'e Magic High and I didn't know what's going on, but Vaughn kept his eye on me. That made me overly uncomfortable. Anyone would feel like that when anyone's staring at yourself, hasn't it?

I guess that I won't be able to slip away from them this time. He's only a year older than the three of us yet his looks didn't fail to intimidate my entire existence.

The news about the missing students didn't spread like a wildfire. The family members of those students are warned that they shouldn't share what had really happened to their sons and daughters because it's a serious issue. It has said to be kept a secret because the enemy might bring more trouble and the school might be in total chaos.

It happened only yesterday and there are still students in the school's clinic, waiting for their parents to pick them up. We visited them first and I thought of asking them about what happened but their current situation prevented me from doing so.

Some of them are still recovering from what happened and would be transferred from a nearby hospital.

When we're about to leave, I noticed a tall man in a light-weighted armor and in red inner clothes with intricate golden lines. He's wearing our country's military uniform. Once his eyes gazed upon us, he immediately walked towards our direction.

"Sir Vaughn Estrama," he said. He handed out a small black envelope with the military's golden sign in front of it. That sign meant the validity of the letter is true and it came from Soul'e Military.

Vaughn accepted it and placed in his coat's pocket. The man saluted at him and bowed a little after walking away as nothing happened.

"What did just happened? Why is a military man needed to personally send a letter to you?" Sid asked with his furrowed eyebrows and looked at Vaughn. I could feel that Sid's filled with questions in his head.

"I didn't know either," Vaughn simply answered.

"Let's go, morning classes are about to start," he said. Vaughn diverted the topic. I looked at him, trying to read his facial expressions, but he didn't even falter.

Vaughn is only the one who knows whether he said the truth or not. I ended up shrugging my shoulders.

"I wonder what did the Soul'e Military needed from you," Meryll said.

He looked at us. "I'll tell you then after I read the content of this letter," he said.

That seemed to satisfy Sid and Meryll's curiosity about the letter and even me. It's indeed quite intriguing.

We went to our classroom after we visited the school's clinic. The hallway is in peace and I'm thankful about that. No interruptions about students who eagerly wanted to pick up a fight among us. That's disturbing for me.

Lianna's piercing glare always welcomed me whenever I entered our classroom. I got used to it eventually, but it didn't mean that I would ignore her completely. We spent long hours inside this room, so I took the chance to observe every person here every day whom might be an accomplice of our enemy.

So far, only Lianna's anger towards me is different. If ever there are students inside here whose involved, they had done a great job concealing their identities.

I noticed Lianna turned her head at our seat since she sat in front. My elbow is placed on the table and I rested my head on my palm. I widely smiled at her that made her mad.


After the morning classes, Ms. Lynnwick entered our room with her usual frilly dress and loosely braided hair. We stood up and greeted her.

"Good morning too, students. I'm here to announce that the school's magic battle competition would be held earlier this year than the recent years we are used to. Headmaster Waltz wanted you to be prepared and practice your skills daily. There's no exact date given so you'll be called at your rooms at an unexpected date," Ms. Lynnwick said.

Lianna raised her hand and Ms. Lynnwick gave her permission to talk. She stood up from her seat. "I'm confused, Ms. Lynnwick. Why would it suddenly be held at an early date? That battle would determine whether a student has enough skills to pass a year or remain at his or her level. That is like a final examination of all students every year," Lianna said.

"I understand your confusion but Headmaster Waltz is the one who suggested it while I don't know about the details because only the higher-ups knew this, and it will not be simply a magic battle competition," she paused.

All of us are in silence, waiting for her next words. I didn't fail to saw how her lips formed into a grin.

"It became a tradition in Soul'e Magic High about how the administration selects a very few students in sixth level students depending on their performance to become part of the seventh level students. It's hard to become part of it right? Only the gifted ones are able to take that privilege chance," Ms. Lynnwick said.

She stopped her words once again. I could see the interested looks of my classmates while the four of us are in confusion.

It's because we weren't informed about seventh level students!

We only knew a few details about Soul'e Magic High since we didn't really study here, and also I didn't remember reading about seventh level students in a book that my father gave me. He said it contained information about the school where children normally went and study which is different from us.

Ah. It's an old book from my father. Changes do occur as time goes by. I should have read again another latest book.

"That school president didn't tell us that!" I heard Sid whispered among us.

"I knew it, he really couldn't be trusted," Meryll said.

They stayed quite before Ms. Lynnwick would take notice of us. That school president, Ingrid Welsey didn't tell us about seventh level students. I didn't know if he forgot or intended to do, but we would know it sooner even if he didn't tell us just like today's situation so why didn't he mentioned it?

Anyways, we would deal with him later.

"As becoming the seventh level is indeed rare, Headmaster Waltz said that a few students from first to fifth levels would be chosen if you would show a spectacular battle. They are giving you all a chance, but they made it earlier so it will give you the challenge to prepare in a short period. That's all and good luck first section of fourth level students! I knew there are many potential ones from your class, so I'm looking forward to your performances," Ms. Lynnwick said.

Ms. Lynnwick bid goodbye after her long speech, while my classmates still cannot move on from what they had heard. It seemed that the students here dream of becoming a seventh level student.

I wonder what's so special about it aside from being a higher number than six.

"Something thrilling is about to happen. I'm looking forward to the magic battle competition," Meryll said.

Her inner self started to show up as she is thinking about what would she do for the upcoming event.

"Seventh level is a pretty rare one. Want to level up?" Vaughn suddenly said. We looked at him.

"Of course!" The three of us answered in unison.

We would have to quit going to school after this so why don't we enjoy ourselves at the magic battle competition?