
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

Chapter 20

Irvene's point of view

After the classes for today, we went back to the castle. The four of us remained silent, which isn't our usual routine. Sid and Meryll's verbal fights couldn't be heard, neither all of us in sharing information about the recent incidents. The utmost reason is because of what happened earlier. Apart from it, we went straight to the Ruler's throne room.

We needed to gather immediately at the Ruler's place, but we are not given any possible reason by Vaughn. He simply led us there and then, the wide empty space of the room welcomed us. There's not many furniture and ornaments around the throne room but it emanated a dark and chilling aura.

We walked on the red carpet at the center, leading to where Brother Mavien is located. Sister Adelaine and Brother Maven is standing beside him on the opposite sides.

They turned their attention towards us. "Finally, you're here," Brother Mavien said. He's clad in an elegant white suit today, yet it didn't hide his seriousness and authoritative appearance.

"What's this all about?" I asked and looked at Brother Mavien. Something crazy is definitely running on my brother's mind.

"Hmm, you'll know later," Brother Mavien said. I stayed quiet and didn't ask any further questions after I saw his creased forehead and knitted eyebrows.

"Brother Mavien decided to announce that he will be the official Ruler, next to our father. The councilors had always been eager for him to do that because someone might steal the throne beforehand. Apart from that, he'll have more authority and power than being a temporary Ruler," Sister Adelaine explained.

I'm surprised about this sudden news. Finally, he decided to become an official Ruler!

"Also, the real reason why we called you here is about the incident in Soul'e Magic High. We wanted to know the progress about that," Brother Maven said.

"We suddenly found out that the mystery of the sudden missing students is because someone did abduct them. The reason for that is still unknown and also, as I said that, Irvene, Sid and Meryll already knew that I had hidden the information from them," Vaughn said.

I looked at him with confusion, but immediately turned my head to another direction when our eyes met. Hmp.

"I told him to keep it a secret until I made sure that you'll be safe," Brother Mavien explained.

Why did I even be shocked? Until now, they see me as a fragile woman who would fall ill once I used my magic.

I rarely even experience coughing blood because I trained myself carefully when I was still on Lan province and prevented from exhausting my body too much.

"Brother Mavien, could you please have trust in me? I would prove to you that this time, I could be as strong as you are," I said.

I couldn't help but to clench my fists and looked at him straight in the eyes. "Brother Mavien, Brother Maven and Sister Adelaine, I won't fail you all," I continued.

Brother Mavien squinted his eyes while looking at me. He stood up from his seat and walked towards me. His hand touched my shoulder while I almost jumped out in my position when I saw Brother Maven on my other side. They both looked at me in utter seriousness.

"Irvene, no," they said in unison.

"What?" I couldn't believe this!

"We know you are strong, Irvene. You are already proving yourself by helping in Soul'e Magic High, but don't do impulsive actions. Follow Vaughn's orders and after this, we'll have some good news for you and those three," Brother Mavien said.

I nodded and didn't ask any further about that good news, because I knew that they won't be saying anything.

They came to their old position while Sid stepped forward.

"Ruler Mavien, why did you also hid it from us?" Sid asked.

Brother Mavien looked at him. "I know that you two are always fighting. I'm afraid that you would accidentally blurt it out," he said.

"A-ah, okay, " Sid uttered.

"Is it the Headmaster who looked for our help?" I heard Meryll said.

"Yes, Headmaster Waltz was suspicious of some instructors' actions," Brother Maven said.

That made me realize something. The reason why we were easily enrolled in Soul'e Magic High was because of the Headmaster!

"That's all, you can now have a rest. I knew you're tired already," Sister Adelaine said.

Afterward, we went out of the throne's room. I quickly walked to my room and passed them. I jumped to my bed and closed my eyes.

"What a tiring day."

I am comfortably lying into my bed when I heard a knock on the door.

Great! What nice timing.

I lazily stood up and opened the door. "What?"

"Oh, it seems you're sleeping. I'm just checking you out. I don't want my best friend to be sad. Cheer up!" Sid uttered joyfully.

I couldn't help but smile at him. "Okay!"

"That's how I like it! You can rest now ha ha, " he said.

Then, we saw Vaughn and Meryll in the hallway. They're still not in their rooms and not resting? I guess that I'm the only one who is tired.

Meryll looked at us and suddenly turned towards Vaughn.

"Vaughn, are you going outside the castle? Let's go together 'cause I'm going outside too," Meryll said.

"But I'm not going outside. I'm here to talk to Irvene," Vaughn said.

"Oh, they will be having an important talk. Let's go Meryll, I'll join you outside," Sid said. He grinned at me and walked towards Meryll and lead her away.

"Hey! Who said that I'll go with you?" Meryll asked him

"I am!" Sid uttered.

Sid Salford! He won't really stop making a fuss about me.

Now, I'm left with Vaughn. I looked up at him. He's too tall!

"What is it?" I asked him.

His face showed seriousness. "Don't slip away like you did earlier at the school. I know you can fight them but like what you said, we are a team. You don't have to fight alone, okay?" Vaughn said.

I clenched my fist.

"Irvene! It doesn't mean that you are weak so you need us at your back. A team works better than being alone, remember that," he continued.

That made me stopped what's running on my mind. Vaughn is always saying the right words, didn't he?

"That's all, rest for now," he said. Then, he pulled me inside my room.

"That's enough. Get outside now," I said. I ended up leading him outside and closed the door.