
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 19

Irvene's point of view

I felt the magic that slowly flows from within. I think I could use magic now but what kind of spell would get back the control of my body?

Ice and water attacks weren't suitable. An inverse spell is all I could think of. Unfortunately, it needed a lot of magic.

My magic continued to flow and I saved up a lot of it through my hands to chant the inverse spell. It's working good and if nothing goes wrong, I would be able to move freely.

Everything goes according to my plan until I heard the creaking sound of the door. I supposed it is the man earlier who bravely abducted someone like me. He stepped towards me and sat on the floor. His grinning face went near me and ran his fingers through my shoulder.

Wait for me to kill you to death!

"I pity you, a pretty woman will become an experiment," he said. His loud laughter echoed through the room. He's crazy!

"Black and White, Yin and Yang, inverse thy curse and shall undo this great suffer!" I chanted the spell in my mind. My lack of movements includes the inability to speak so the only way to chant a spell is to speak through my mind, which I have never done before.

I suddenly remembered a part of my past. A memory with my father. He once said that a sincere feeling and the willingness to connect through magic would overcome any boundaries that hinder a person from using it.

He often spoke words that I ddin't understand its meanings but today, I realized that there are instances which could only be learnt and understand through your experiences. Simply reading a book and studying would only give a glimpse of magic and life, but if someone created experiences together with it, he would be able to obtain a deeper understanding of it.

The spell worked and I could move now but first, I saved a lot of magic through my hands. A hundred ice blades floated to the air and I attacked this crazy man's back.

"Ahh!!" He shouted because of the painful slices of ice blades from his body.

I stood up and distanced myself from him. His body is lying on the floor and attempted to tie me again by his iron chains.

"Binding spell!" I shouted before he could make a move. Now, feel how it's hard to not be able to move freely.

"H-how can she still move?" I heard him murmured and tried to release himself from my binding spell, but he didn't succeed.

There's still some ice blades left in midair, so I released it to the cylindrical tubes and it ended up broken. I carefully manipulated the ice blades because there are students lying in the floor that might get hurt.

This room changed a lot in just a few weeks. It wasn't made of glass walls anymore. I think they felt threatened because I intruded this room and escaped despite their smoke trap.

This room turned into a mess. I made sure that they would not be able to repair it.

"Release me here!" I heard him shouted loudly.

I pretended that I didn't notice him. After a minute, the sound of quick footsteps that I think came from a few persons reached my ears, and also him.

"Hahaha! You think you can escape from us? I'll make you suffer once I'm released from this annoying chains!" I ignored his senseless talking because I already saw who is running through our way.

"Irvene!" Sid shouted and they looked inside the room.

"You shouldn't have left us, we are worried about you," Vaughn said. Meryll agreed to what he said.

"But there's so many interruptions and I'm eager to know what I saw that day," I explained.

Vaughn sighed. "What about those unconscious people and that one?" He asked and pointed his fingers at that crazy man.

"That man abducted me and it looks like he brought every student that walked through this hallway in this hidden room," I explained.

That man continued to shout, but Meryll got annoyed, so she used her gun at him. "Sleep, you noisy man," she said.

"So, they're right. There are cases of lost persons and I found out that they're students of Soul'e Magic High but it's known that they had gone missing on other places and not in the school that I found really odd," Vaughn explained.

"Why don't you said that to us?" I suddenly asked Vaughn. I remembered that Vaughn said there's something wrong about this school, but he didn't thoroughly explain it to us before.

"Vaughn, if you want our team to work out, don't just plan on your own," I said.

They looked at me and just stayed quiet.

"She's somewhat right. If you told us about that, I shouldn't just ignored the news about a lost student on the west part," Sid answered.

Vaughn stared at me. I don't know what's running on his mind. "I'll explain it you, three, later. For now, we should bring these students to a safe place," he said.

He opened his portal, and we brought each person to the school's clinic. After that, we came back to the hidden room.

"Sid, carry this man," Vaughn said. Sid carried that crazy man like a sack.

Vaughn once again opened his portal. "Follow me," he simply said.

The portal brought us to a huge white office. This room showed simplicity. There's not much expensive decorations around yet it looked presentable and an authoritative aura is domineering inside this room.

An old man is sitting on a chair and there is a table in front of him. He is the one that brings authority in this place and a younger man stood beside him.

My eyes widen when I saw his name. He's the headmaster of Soul'e Magic High! I glared at Vaughn after I saw this. He knew the headmaster and didn't even bother to tell us.

We greeted him and he also greeted us in return.

"Headmaster, we found where the other lost students is and caught an enemy. My assumptions are correct, there's a traitor in the school," Vaughn said.

Sid placed that man on the floor and stretched his arms.

"I wouldn't have known about this cruel things inside the school if not for you, students. They had been reporting that the school is in peace and I believed them. If I just can observe the entire school but as a headmaster, there's already lot of things in my hands, so I'll trust you, four, in eliminating those traitors," the headmaster said.

"We'll do our best, Headmaster Waltz," he said.

"You've proven that you're right about the school's conflicts so the headmaster will support you in your future actions inside the school," the man behind the headmaster said.

"We'll deal with this man ourselves," he continued.

We left that crazy man to them. Good luck on facing the wrath of the headmaster!

Afterwards, we left the office and attended our afternoon classes. I would not forget that Vaughn has a lot of explanation to do!