
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

Chapter 18

Irvene's point of view

One week had passed, and we're still not done with revealing the school's darkest side. The recent days made it harder to do our plans than the first week because we accidentally caught the attention of the fifth and sixth level students based on the rumors that are quickly spreading throughout the school.

Thankfully, we're still not known as the members of an elite family because we are hidden away from the people's eyes from many years and no one has found out about it yet. They knew that the Elvina family only has three siblings although I'm the fourth one and the rest of us are like that, except Meryll.

Ah. She has a pretty complicated past compared to us.

Currently, we're just known as an average persons and our surnames are just coincidences to the well-known families of Soul'e. There are many cases like that, although I don't know how they made the administration believed that excuses.

Once we reached the school, a group of students approached us.

How would we do our secret plans if these students are following us like they are our shadows? We wanted to catch some of their attention to get closer to the truth and not let it become the utmost reason to hinder our plans.

In a short span of one week, most of the students already knew our existence because of this fifth and sixth level students.

A male student at the center pointed his sword towards us. His face showed so much arrogance. "I heard from my class about you, four, and it irritates me when someone from lower level is rumored to be a strong, gifted students! I'll fight you and prove them wrong," he said.

"I had enough of this. We don't have time for your childish attitude so please, stay away from us," Vaughn said. His words showed a displeased reaction.

"I won't!" The male student said and insisted on challenging us into a fight.

"You won't, huh? Then find a suitable weapon to fight me first," Vaughn said. I didn't expect him to summon his silver sword that glew in a golden light and swiftly slashed that male's student weapon.

"Tsk," Vaughn said in annoyance.

He summoned his favorite weapon!

The three of us stared at him and stayed quiet. Vaughn didn't like entertaining that kind of persons but when someone interfered his work, he would lose patience to that pitiful person. His weapon disappeared after he broke that man's weapon.

The other students that are passing by immediately stopped their tracks when they saw how that fifth level male student's weapon became easily broken especially from a lower level than him.

"H-how did it happen?" He said and stared at the broken weapon he held on his hand.

"Attention students, get inside in your respective classrooms immediately! Classes is about to start," someone said.

A seemingly familiar voice. The Student Council President, Ingrid Welsey.

"Fifth level student, Mister Rize Enamel, you always cause trouble within the school's vicinity. Go back to your classroom before you receive another punishment and it will not be from the Student Disciplinary Committee anymore. The school's Higher Administration would deal with you when you create another trouble. How would you like it?" Ingrid said with an annoying tone on his last words towards that troublesome man named Rize Enamel. He also didn't forget his infamous smirk, that I suppose, annoys a lot of people.

"I won't let you get away with this!" Rize said while looking at us in a sharp gaze and also towards Ingrid. He stormed out with heavy steps after that while Ingrid shrugged his shoulders.

"What a unique weapon you've got there, fourth level student, Vaughn Estrama. Sadly, you kept it away quickly. Anyways, I warned you already. Trouble came towards you and once you get into one, there's no turning back," he said.

Did he happen to memorize everyone's name and levels?

Ingrid turned his body and walked away, but he stopped suddenly. "Don't forget to attend your classes!" He shouted and waved his hands timidly.

I'm really confused about his actions but there is one thing I'm very sure of, he knew something about the secrets of this school.

The morning classes ended up, and we went outside the classroom. As usual, there were students that welcomed us once we stepped outside. It would be a total waste of time, so I slipped away silently from them and walked towards the hallway.

I reached the south part easily without catching the attention of everyone. I didn't have an idea why this part of the school wasn't used and the students I saw here were lesser than the recent weeks until there are no students anymore in this area. It's so quite that only my footsteps could be heard.

The hidden room is in front of me. A strong defense barrier is protecting that room so nobody could see it, but I could feel that strong dark aura surrounding that hidden room.

I'm entering that room when my body suddenly stopped. Why can't I move? I tried moving my body but I just couldn't.

I heard some footsteps and a chain enveloped my body. The person behind me pulled the chains and my feet walked on its own. Why did this happen? He brought me inside the hidden room where I saw the huge cylindrical tubes but there's also a few students, lying on the floor and unconscious.

"It's a pity that students that are going around this area becomes rare," he said.

I came into a sudden realization when I heard him. The reason why the students around the south part area became none was because they're abducted by this man.

I already found out about it but there's something wrong. If the students are missing then why did others weren't alarmed by their sudden disappearance?

There were many reasons that was running through my mind that I didn't know which was the truth but firstly, I needed to gain control of my body.

I was like those students that didn't move but my eyes are open and I'm conscious.

Unexpectedly, a sudden flow of magic ran through my veins.

Could I use magic without moving?