
Mysterious Prodigy

My own version of Kuroko no basket

MostRealAsItGets · กีฬา
1 Chs

The Arrival

The autumn leaves rustled softly as the wind whispered through the trees, gently nudging them to dance. In the quiet suburb of Kanagawa, the students of Seirin High School were going about their day, the bustling sounds of their animated conversations filling the corridors. Among them, a figure clad in a nondescript black uniform walked with purpose, his gait steady, and his expression unreadable.

Takumi Kaito had just transferred to Seirin High School, leaving behind the shadow of his past. His piercing steel-gray eyes scanned the unfamiliar surroundings, absorbing every detail as he navigated the bustling hallway. Murmurs trailed in his wake, whispers hinting at the rumors that had begun to circulate about the enigmatic newcomer. Nobody knew anything about him, and that was just the way Kaito preferred it.

Unfazed by the curious glances and hushed conversations, Kaito made his way to the principal's office, his footsteps echoing through the empty corridor. The door creaked open, and he stepped inside, greeted by the warm smile of the middle-aged principal, Mr. Takahashi.

"Welcome to Seirin High School, Takumi Kaito," the principal said, his voice laced with genuine warmth. "We're thrilled to have you here. I know nothing about your past, but I've heard you're an excellent student and athlete."

Kaito nodded silently, his eyes fixed on the principal, assessing the sincerity in his words. He had grown accustomed to the veiled intentions of those around him, an ability honed through years of navigating the treacherous world of competitive sports.

"The transfer formalities are all in order," the principal continued, shuffling through the paperwork on his desk. "I don't know what your previous school was like, but we have a respectable basketball team here at Seirin. Perhaps you could join us for practice today?"

Kaito's lips twitched imperceptibly, a fraction of a smile concealed beneath his stoic exterior. "I'll consider it," he replied, his voice calm and composed.

With a nod of acknowledgment, the principal handed Kaito his schedule and ushered him out of the office. As he stepped back into the hallway, the chatter resumed, the whispers growing in intensity as his presence attracted more attention. Ignoring the prying eyes, Kaito made his way to his first class, finding an empty seat near the window. He gazed outside, his mind drifting to the memories he had left behind and the future that lay ahead.

Throughout the day, Kaito remained detached, his aloof demeanor shielding him from the attempts of his classmates to strike up conversations. He answered questions with curt precision, revealing nothing about his past, his aspirations, or the true extent of his abilities. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Kaito collected his belongings and headed to the basketball court, guided by an inexplicable impulse to observe the team in action.

The sound of squeaking sneakers and bouncing basketballs grew louder as he approached the court, the exhilarating energy of the players drawing him in. Nobody knew who he was, and that was exactly how Kaito wanted it. His presence on the court was as much a mystery as the rest of his life.