People usually take their life for granted. Not caring about where it all began. Is there some secret behind the world? Some hidden facts burried away in the endless sea of time. And then there are those who search for clues. They dig deep into the already known facts, just to extract even deeper truths. But no matter what they do, though, there is always the mystery of the fourth dimension. A dimension where the only way to prove its existence or the truth behind it is by diving into the dimension itself. A/N: My first work, if there are any problems please notify me. For the people who are confused, the protagonist's name is read as (Fa ~ re ~ s)
"Finally! I proved it! I did it!" Fares said as he jumped up and down with joy.
He was an extremely smart kid; he graduated from school early at the age of 12, that was when he got accepted into MIT. He took a double major in physics and mathematics, and even a minor degree in human biology, just to satisfy his undying thirst for knowledge of the world.
At the age of 16, he graduated from his university with flying colors. But he was asked by his professor to apply for a master's degree, so that he could work with him in a world-changing research. This was enough to have Fares' full attention.
It's been 2 years since then, even his professor gave up on his research, but Fares didn't. He continued the research all alone for almost a year now; until finally, the day has come.
Fares wasn't even 18 years old, yet he theoretically proved the presence of the soul in another dimension, that specific dimension is what everyone knows as (The Fourth Dimension) or 4D for short.
As he finished shouting in excitement, he remembered that he was still sitting in the library. When Fares looked around he was only met with glares from everyone around him.
"Sorry about that." Fares apologized politely before collecting the papers he has been working on, and clearing the table. Then he returned his research books to their respective shelf, and left quietly.
As he was leaving he heard the young librarian saying "Hmph, kids these days." but Farea chose to ignore it. He knew that every word coming out of his mouth is too cringe that it makes the atmosphere awkward in every conversation.
As he was making his way through the humongous campus towards his professor's office, his phone rang.
Fares checked out the caller ID, and after finding out it's from his mother, Samira, he answered without hesitation.
He was so focused on his research for the past year that he barely talked with his friends, let alone his family.
As the video call connected his mother's face appeared on the screen. She was a woman in her mid-forties, with smooth dark brown hair, beautifully tanned skin, honey-colored eyes, and a slightly pointed chin.
The time barely had any effect on her beauty. Aside from a few wrinkles, one could never guess that she aged past thirty.
However, right now there was only a frown on her face that made Fares as worried as a child would be when he knew he was in for a world-class scolding.
With a sheepish smile on his face Fares said, "If it isn't the most beautiful mother in the world!"
"Oh stop with the flattering, young man" Samira said as her face softened a little.
"Do you know how many times we've tried to contact you? We were so worried that something might have happened to you. If it wasn't for professor Hank reassuring us that you're alright, we would've come to America and dragged you back here." She continued with her usual scolding.
"I'm sorry, mother. I know I haven't been answering anyone for a while now but I have been close to a breakthrough in my research, and I couldn't be interrupted." Fares replied.
Samira couldn't help but give a long sigh as she rubbed her temples and said "'Fine, I will forget about it just this one time. So, did you finally make your breakthrough? Will I finally see my baby boy standing on the big stage with a Nobel Prize in his hand? You won't forget to give your thanks to your mother, will you?"
"Of course! When have I ever let you down!" Fares said with a smug smile on his face, as he patted his chest.
Before he realized, his research papers fell to the ground before he could even react, he then cursed silently before bending over to pick it up.
"What's the matter, sweety? What happened ?" Samira said with a slight hint of worry on her face, as she noticed the change in his expression.
"Oh, uh, nothing." Fares said awkwardly, not wanting to appear like a dork in front of his expectant mother.
As he was picking up his last research papers it got blown away by the wind. When he noticed that it was the paper containing the key to answering the topic of research, his face turned unsightly as he chased after it.
"I'll call you later mother, something have come up." Fares said, ending the call not giving Samira any chance to answer.
After a few seconds of chasing after the paper, he finally caught it.
When he looked at his surroundings, he realized he went to the opposite side of campus from where his professor's office was.
Facepalming, he started to make his way back to his professor's office, when he was suddenly stopped by someone.
"Hey kid, whatcha holding there?" A tall handsome guy with slightly dark blonde hair and deep blue eyes, said
This guy's name is Zachary, or Zack for short. He was a rising star when he entered the institute, but he ended up with a dead-end in his research.
A few other bad turns had led him to an inevitable fate of bullying students with potential, hoping he would stumble upon a ground breaking discovery before it had been released to the world in its rightful owner's name.
"Nothing much, just some paperwork I was getting for professor Hank." Fares lied as he stepped aside and quickening his pace.
"Then why would you be in that much of a hurry to get away from me?" said Zack with a creepy smile on his face as he blocked Fares' path again.
Zack then extended his hand to snatch the paper out of Fares' hand.
However, before he could Fares caught him by surprise, and pushed him to the ground before running as far away as he possibly could.
After waking up from his daze, Zack got back up to his feet and started running after Fares shouting all the profanities he could muster.
After a dozen seconds of the cat and mouse game Fares was out of breath, he couldn't even outrun a child when he barely left his chair for a whole 2 years.
As he slowed down to catch his breath, he saw the staff building in front of him. With hopeful eyes, he pushed himself to go forward.
When he heard footsteps closing in, he panicked but still moved forward to the staff building.
As he was about to push open the door, a hand grasped onto his shoulder, forcing him to halt his steps.
Clutching the research papers tighter in his hands, he turned around to see the person behind him.
When he saw the person behind him, he sighed in relief as his body relaxed.
"Hey professor, long time no see." Fares said as his eyes gleamed brightly out of happiness.
"Kid, what are you doing here at this time of the day. Even us professors barely arrive at this unsightly hour." Professor Hank said with an annoyed expression as if he was forced to be here against his will.
Professor Hank was a tall old man in his sixtieth with a bushy unkempt short slightly gray beard, messy gray hair, dull blue eyes, and rosy pink cheeks. He has wide shoulders and a slightly muscular body, showing how hard he used to train in his younger days.
According to him, the secret to a working brain is a healthy body. Though nobody took him seriously as his research never progressed much.
"Hehe, check it out professor I did it. I finally did it!" said Fares as he beaming in happiness, like a puppy reuniting with his owner returning after a long day of work.
Looking at him with a little doubt on his face, professor Hank asked "Kid, I doubt you've got anything useful at this hour."
But after noticing the sad turn of expression of his student , Hank sighed, opening the door and gesturing for Fares to follow him.
"Follow me for now let me have a cup of coffee first, before listening to what you have to say."
A smile returned to Fares' face as he followed behind his mentor and idol.