
My Zombie Tech System

Arness wake up one day only to have forgotten is memory, and he seems to have been granted superpowers, during that time there was a virus spreading around through earth, turning people to what the government called zombie. Fortunately a planet that can be inhabit by human was discovered, so an evacuation was order through the whole world that people should leave their home to be taken to the planet but some people are left behind because of some reasons, so they have to survive. Arness was involved in a fight with a strange zombie which weirdly led him to have a special thing called the System which really helped him a lot then a secret was discovered, a secret which can decided their fate, a secret to their way out of the endless zombies. join me as we journey to other world of action, leveling up, mutation and more.

AM_AMOD · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


I let out a groan of pain as I wake up from my uncomfortable sleeping position. I open my eyes only to see my head twisted in a backward position, I was freaked out! This is inhuman, I thought, how can my head be backward and am still alive or am I dreaming! I thought as I lift my hand to turn my head to the front, I suddenly let out a scream! My arms are also twisted then like a robot I roll my head to the front to check my legs, aha! I let out a sign of relief but still, I'm worried, my body seems elastic, I thought as I turn my arms back to normal. I begin to worry more, when I can't remember anything, including my name! How did I become this? Many questions flood my mind, when I tried to remember something all I feel is pain and I see blurry pictures. I think I've suffered a memory loss! I will just have to start afresh, I thought as I look around only to see a mass of human parts! I almost cough out blood, where on earth is this! I screamed to myself when I raise my head forward all I see is an endless ocean of human parts and skeleton is going to be a long journey, I thought as I took off with a great speed of lighting, " am really inhuman" I said as I ran.


A teenager covered in a black hood can be seen walking on the quiet street almost scarcity with people with his hand pocket in his trouser. He stopped beside a man smoking cigar. In front of the man is a bundle of newspapers line up in a glass.

"One newspaper please" the man quickly throw away his almost finished cigar as he hand over a newspaper over the teenager "One dollar, boy!" the man said in a husky voice, "sure" the boy answered as he hand over a note to the man "this will get me another pack of cigar" the man grumbled as he fold the money into his pocket.

GBAM!!! The teenager slam the door as he walk into his apartment, then he uncover is hoodie, he let out a deep breath as he sit down on the couch. His mind suddenly flash back to when he woke up in the middle of human parts and skeleton, he could not help but burst into a laughter at his twisted head and arm. He brushes His and through his brown curled hair then opens the first page of the newspaper and he read: EARTH IN DISASTER; virus begin to spread around as people begin to transform into a flesh-eating creature! We hereby warned you to stay at home and isolate yourselves including your families, on till a solution is found…..

After reading a few sentences, I close the newspaper. After thinking about the news, I felt the earth is in a serious danger, I reach out for the remote, and then I turn on the television, holy shit! I scream, "This is insane" I thought as I look at the scene, filled with the said scary creatures biting and eating human flesh. I quickly turn off the television and lay down on the cough with my leg crossed to sleep. 'Is this the end of the world?" I thought as the scary scene keeps flashing through my mind. "Holy father...." I prayed as I slept off.


In an office, a man can be seen sitting on a black leather high backed swivel chair centrally located on a Persian rug. An aquarium was located about 2.5meters away from his super luxurious set of visitors chairs neatly arrange at the west end of the office. Not long a soft knock came in

"KO ko"

"Come in" the man said in a gentle voice.

The door opened and a man clad in a lab coat walked in carrying a black suitcase.

"You know the virus is spreading and all you have to do is to sit down here all day without looking for a solution" the man in a lab coat said with a frown, clearly he was upset. The man sited take off his glass then he clean it with his handkerchief then he put it back on.

"What's your suggestion? Noah" he asked

"The atmosphere has been contaminated with this deadly virus" Noah sighed,

"I think we should evacuate to the safe zone or the human race will be no more" he suggested,

"Then do it" the man said, clearly unfazed.

Noah could not help but stand there looking surprised. "

"So you aren't going to do something about this" Noah said, obviously he was upset

The man kept silent.

"I hope you won't regret what you are planning" Noah stormed off as he slams the door

"I have nothing to regret of" the man said as he lift his head up.


Far away in a city which happens to be one of those place that have been greatly affected by the virus then turned into a dwelling-place for the flesh-eating creatures, they seem to roam around, growling, because of the effect of the virus which turned them to what the government named Zombie. Suddenly a family of three burst out of a street, behind them was a horde of zombies chasing them, which then attracted the other zombies around there as they suddenly start snarling loud walking zigzag as they join the pursuit. All of a sudden one of the creature suddenly leaped an grip the man clearly the head of the family, with force he swing the rod he recently pick up with force, the zombie instantly drop dead with a broken skull and blood oozing out, but that small attack was enough for the other zombies to surround the family, the man kept swinging the rod as he tried to protect his family but the more he kill the more they kept coming until they were backed into a corner, the man swing until his hand begin to wear out which caused an opening enough for a to zombie to leap and claw at the face of the woman behind the man, she let out a scream has her face begin to bleed, despite the weak state he still manage to fling the zombie away with his rod to the horde of zombies with most of them falling down due to the impact, suddenly a car horn sounded which drew the attention of the zombies then without a warning it slam into the zombies, "Hey, get inside quick!" a man in the car yell out as he open the rear door of the vehicle, to their credit, they did not hesitate to sprint to the vehicle and get inside, the door automatically close the moment they get inside, the man reverse the car then make a sharp turn to a corner slamming and crushing down zombies as they drive, turning to another corner making sure he avoid places with a huge number of zombies, strangely the family remained silent throughout the ride maybe because of the horror they have seen, their savior as well remain mute as he focus on his driving not even bothering to bring up a topic. Not long they reach a warehouse with some few zombies roaming around; they are so few that they can be counted within a minute, the instant they entered the warehouse, they run to the vehicle growling, without hesitating the man open the door as he bring out his pistol then he shoot them at their head gaining an instant death for the zombies, after killing them all, he called out to the people inside his vehicle, "It safe here you can come outside"

Not long the rear door open as the family came outside, the wife and the child was shaking which caused the man to smirk, "Hey you! Was your name?" The man asked as the other man help his wife off the car.

"I'm Charlie Tyler; this is my wife Annie and my kid Matthew" he said as he introduce himself and his family "Thanks for helping us, am really grateful and we owe you one" he added has he put his hand together and bow.

The man shrugged "My name his Luke, follow me, we have to catch up with some people" Luke said as he close the door of the warehouse then move to a dark corner with a wooden shelf, then he move it away with force which uncovered a door, Charlie and his family were surprised, clearly the door is well hidden to even be notice, who could imagine a door behind an empty shelf! "Get in" Luke said as he opened the door, they didn't hesitate to go in, then Luke draw the shelf enough to keep the door hidden they he close the door and lock it from inside. Where they appear to shock the family, they never thought they will see a place occupied with normal human again but there it was, kids were playing around, dogs barking, and soldiers on patrol, everything looked so peaceful. "Welcome to the safe zone"

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