
My Zombie Tech System

Arness wake up one day only to have forgotten is memory, and he seems to have been granted superpowers, during that time there was a virus spreading around through earth, turning people to what the government called zombie. Fortunately a planet that can be inhabit by human was discovered, so an evacuation was order through the whole world that people should leave their home to be taken to the planet but some people are left behind because of some reasons, so they have to survive. Arness was involved in a fight with a strange zombie which weirdly led him to have a special thing called the System which really helped him a lot then a secret was discovered, a secret which can decided their fate, a secret to their way out of the endless zombies. join me as we journey to other world of action, leveling up, mutation and more.

AM_AMOD · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


Arness the teenager, sat down on a mat with different people packed in a moving train to where Arness don't know. He was still trying to take in all from the previous event, he still remembered vividly when somebody knock at the door when he open the door he was surprise to see some set of military force, glaring at him with a hard expression, at first he thought he had make an unknown offence until one of them spoke, "we have been ordered to evacuate people in this place to the safe zone" he said "so get your luggage ready in the next two hours, we don't want anyone left behind" he added as they take their leave. He was mute and shocked at the same time, he had never thought that the virus will affect the public so much that evacuate will be ordered through the whole world, maybe there isn't a cure after all?, he thought, he was snapped back to reality when a voice boom through the speaker talking about reaching their destination after that some people came to ushered them outside, at first he was surprised by what he saw when he came outside but he shrug it off, what do you expect from a safe zone? They can't be the only and first people to be transport here, but it amazing to see normal people moving around because he had seen how the busy street turned into a quiet street like a graveyard because of the virus. Not long their batch were directed to a camp were they have to line up and have a test, everything was peaceful until a lady strangely start to tear off her cloth which frightened Arness because he was at the back of the strange lady, he became more scared when he notice that she wasn't the one tearing off her cloth, it was her bone! which keep snapping, then her finger become longer at first Arness wasn't sure of what his seeing because he only saw this kind of thing on TV, out of instinct he moved out of the line as the lady start screaming then it turn into snarling which caused a commotion as the crowd form a circle around her, the soldiers around didn't hesitate to tie her up and take her away despite the struggling after that the soldiers make sure to calm down the crowd down but that didn't stop the people to be wary of each other, nobody want to be bitten by a zombie! What a scary thought. After so long it was Arness turn to be tested but he was surprise when the nurse told him to wait, "But–", Arness tried to protest still the nurse replied him with a more harsh voice "I said wait, do you think I will ask you to wait for nothing, it's an order so you have to answer to it"!

Arness decide to stay quiet, since he was in, he can't be cast out or else they discovered his secret which is almost impossible because he have been living a normal life to the extent of him forgetting about his super strength which led him into breaking his door and then later fixing it and he didn't reveal the secret of his superpower to anyone which left him puzzle, so why will she treat him differently? He decided to take a rest, after all everything will soon be sort-out. Time give away an hour or two before Arness was requested by the nurse to meet a person called Tony, at first he was annoyed then he decided to exercise patient until he recall she didn't give him an address which almost cause him to curse at her. After minutes of asking of a man called Tony he finally found him, he was little surprised to see that he wasn't the only one sent there to see him, there were more than thirty people there. He went straight to the man ignoring the eyes looking at him. "Hi, am Arness" he said "A person told me see you, is there any problem" he asked.

"Of course, there is" Tony replied grinning, which Arness find strange.

"I don't understand, can you explain" Arness said as he begin to feel… well he don't know cause everything just seem confusing. Tony cleared his voice then he said, "Everybody pay attention, I know it might be hard for all of you, but we don't need your presences here anymore, so we have been ordered to–"

"Hey stop there!" a voice cut in "you can't just throw us out there with a reason or not, it's dangerous outside" a man said clearly he was Luke the man who saves the family, "and am also a member of the military force, you can't just throw me out like that.

"YES" the people agreed.

"Am sorry, it is an order, I have no right to not abide to it"

"Soldiers!" he called out, armed soldiers poured out from the corners of the camp and quickly round them up.

"Now if you don't comply, I won't hesitate to tell them to blow your heads up" he said, Arness wanted to do something so badly but he paused when he saw the armed soldiers, he don't believe he can't fight them all beside they will only keep coming, all they do was to watch as there shipped off towards there end.


Arness couldn't help but be angry at the cruelty of the government not only him all the people with him in the warehouse also feel the same, worst of all the possibility of surviving is small, they might never even survive, which frighten the people. "We can't just sit here all day" a man which Arness learn his name his Luke said, "besides there is no more food to eat, you all might be afraid of the zombies but am not, I will rather go out there to kill and search for food than to starve!" he said, clearly he was the most angriest of all because he was betrayed by the same people he was loyal to. " I agreed with you, I rather survive than to kill myself by starving and that his the same as committing suicide" a person called John said standing up then he was followed by Arness and 13 others, the others can't be blamed because they seem too scared to speak and face the zombies. They watched as Arness and the others were led by Luke thinking they are steered to their death. It was a bold move and also fascinating one for Arness to stand up and decide to survive and he knows that it will change his life. Arness was surprise when Luke hand them a handgun each, he had never shoot a gun before but now he know that he will soon learn to shoot either by someone or himself, they take a sit in the vehicle then Luke rode out of the warehouse to survive.


Arness shove the gun inside a zombie mouth then he pull the trigger, blood spilled on his face as he blow off the zombie, he have been doing this for more than ten minutes at the front of a shop which sells snacks before, he stood at the front of the entrance with five people with the name Alexander, Paul, Stephen, Andy, taking down zombies as they guard the entrance for the others to ransack the shop,

"Be fast! Am running out of ammo" Arness called out to those inside but there was no reply, he sight a zombie staggering towards Andy expose back, he target the zombie and pull the trigger but nothing happen then it dawn on him that he have run out of ammo and the zombie is getting closer just one step away to leap and bit his neck, with his super strength he punched off a head of a zombie trying to attack him then he took off with a great speed everything slow down as he run to the zombie then he punch off the head then went back to his former position, everything was unnoticed by his colleagues.

"Retreat to the shop" Arness called already foreseeing that they will soon be dead because of the overwhelming number of the zombies. Without hesitating they begin to fall back as they fight off the zombies, when the last one of them entered Arness closed the door, which will only give them some time to regroup with the others because soon they will break the door and storm in. when they turned to question the others what they see get them to instantly put up their guards, before them was their colleagues with two missing, probably dead or turned into zombies, they were fighting another batch of zombies, they have to change their plan and group with the others to fight them off or to escape. "help me" a voice scream out, Arness turn to see it was john, his was surround by zombies, when he fight one, another will scratch at him, almost all is body has been injured from the countless scratch if care is not taking he will be dead in a few minutes, he looked around almost everyone his in the same predicament. Then Arness realized that, only he can turn the situation to their favor, it was a call of duty, no more secret! He has to save his colleagues.