
You're a what?

It was already night, but there was still some time left for the group to talk, before their curfew would start. Therefore they all decided to head to the boys' room to discuss what on earth had happened during the fight with the Dalki.

At this point, the tears had stopped falling from Erin's anxious eyes, but none the less Layla continued to comfort and reassure her along the way. Quinn didn't know when it happened, but it seemed like the two of them were now closer than ever. It was strange seeing Layla being the one helping Erin.

When he first arrived at the academy this was a scene that he'd never imagined he would see. The entire walk through the hallway going towards the boy's room, everybody kept silent, it was eerie. None of them knew exactly how to explain what had happened. Peter was especially curious about what had happened after he jumped between Quinn and the Dalki.