
The Red Split

Xander was nervously pacing back and forth. It hadn't been long since Layla had left, and Vincent was in his shadow space, but then again, it wasn't really his shadow space. Anyone who had access to the crystal he was using would also be able to use the shadow space, as long as they knew how to operate it, and quite a few people in the Red Vampires knew how to handle it.

'Will Layla have trouble? Should I have gone with her?' Xander thought. 'I know she's strong and shouldn't have any problems getting into the facility. Of course, no one would stop her from walking in there, but I feel like once the nest crystal is gone, everyone will notice it, right? How will she escape after that?'

Several thoughts went back and forth through Xander's head since too much time seemed to have passed for such a simple task. So now he was debating whether to leave or not.