
Intermediate beast

A few hours had passed since Vorden had first arrived on the planet and it seemed like it was still night outside. It was troublesome for him and made it harder for him to spot beasts. Especially in the rundown shelter where they could easily hide between buildings.

There was no lights source anywhere since nearly everything seemed like it had been destroyed years ago and the only thing that was giving off light where the two moons in the sky.

Meaning while they were inside, it was even harder for him to see.

"Do you know when the sun will rise?" Vorden asked, "Maybe it will be best if we travel once the sunlight comes out, then we can spot beasts easier."

"You really don't know where we are, do you?" Ian replied, "This Planet spin cycle last an entire year and right now, we are only six months in. I'm afraid we won't be seeing light for a very long time. but if you want to wait six months, you go ahead."