
A Changing world

There were a series of events that had led up to Sach becoming the next Supreme Commander. One of them on the Bertha ship with Oscar's remains. The parts of his body floated about in the container, and standing outside was none other than Samantha.

"Is it true father, that there really is no chance of bringing you back?" Samantha asked, seemingly hoping for an answer. The girl was aware of the futility of this action, as this wasn't the first time she had done so, after recovering.

Although recovered seemed too generous of a term. The Head General was awake, and was eating without anyone else forcing her to, but the bags under her eyes were heavy and dark, telling tales of her struggles to get some rest.

Jane, Oscar's top assistant, had informed Sach as soon as Samantha had woken up again, who in turn had explained everything that had happened during the Cursed faction's visit.