Disclaimer: I do not own the novel my vampire system. Full credit to JKSManga. I'm just wording my imagination into words. What happens when someone gets reincarnated in the story "my vampire system" with its knowledge? Follow Abraham as he begins his journey to become a superpower on his own. What time period is he in, which family does he belong and most importantly, will he follow the main plot? 3 chapters/week
A few days after Abraham started his evolution, the humans were preparing their final refinement for the battle against the dalki. The Green has told the military the number of dalki on the planet. The information was relayed to them by Abraham.
All the humans were preparing to leave. Most of them had an ability level of less than 4. Such ability level was mediocre against a one-spike dalki but the humans were planning to win the battle from sheer number.
In the crowd, all three of Abraham's recent acquaintances were present. Gwen and Robert were together and just behind them was Malia. After the event of Abraham turning Robert into a vampire subclass, she went on her way. It was now that the three met again. Gwen had on her side kept it a secret about her turning from Malia.
Even though the humans were going into a battle, their morals were extremely high. The reason was due to a single entity. The commander of the military, one of the heroes of the war; Julius was present.
He in collaboration with other military sergeants came up with the idea of attacking from two sides.
While a group will be walking to the dalki, Julius and a few military personnel got into a plane and make their way around. That was the reason why the 50 travelers that came for the mission were waiting for much time.
While traveling, the 50 travelers have gotten into smaller groups and walked in a diamond formation. This was to prevent any unexpected attack from beasts from all sides.
As a hero of war and a level 8 ability user, Malia was given the role to protect the left side. In her groups were Gwen, Robert, and two other persons.
At various moments, a beast would come in their direction and a small battle would begin.
When they arrived less than 1km from the dalki settlement, the diamond formation was disbanded. Two small groups merged together forming a team of 10 people. As they approached, the dalki settlement came into their sight.
Many of them could not help but feel fear deep down their heart. The tension building up during the whole journey was finally erupting.
As soon as the leader of the group got the confirmation message from Julius, the army of humans charged toward the enemy base. The noise from so many people running had alerted the dalki and upon seeing the humans, they decided to confront them.
An all-out battle began.
At the same time on the other side of the settlement, a plane was approaching. Then an object was seen falling from it. On hitting the ground a loud noise was heard creating a cloud of dust. After a few seconds, a person could be seen in the middle of the crater created by the fall. The commander of the human army, Julius has arrived. Except for his face, every part of his body was covered in beast armour. All of them were at the demi-god level.
As the battle began, the dalki charged toward the humans with ferocity. They were not going to give up their territory without a fight. The humans stood their ground and fought back. Some of them had fire and earth abilities that they used to keep the dalki at bay. Others had the ability to transform their bodies into stronger forms, making them better equipped for close combat.
Malia used her ice ability to create a shield that protected her from the dalki's attacks. Gwen fought with her axe, slicing through the dalki with ease. Robert was making use of his new strength. Due to his losing the telekinesis ability after being turned, it was the first time he was facing a real enemy face to face. But with the continuous training inside the VR game, enormous strength, and natural healing abilities, he was not worried.
During the fight, Robert and Gwen were making sure not to expose too much of their strength to avoid any future problems. They were thankful no one among the travelers knew Robert else someone could see the difference between the ability he was using.
The dalki were not easy opponents. They were fast and strong, and even a one-spike dalki was a formidable enemy. However, humans had the advantage of numbers. They had 50 people fighting against just 8 dalki. But at the same time, they knew they had to kill them fast to avoid anyone among the dalki to evolve.
The battle was fierce and brutal but they did not falter. The humans continued to fight with all their might. Julius had already killed a dalki from his side. Now he was coming from the back to help the other humans. With a single war cry, he boosted the army's morale and the battle ending phase started. With his armor protecting him from the dalki's attacks, Julius used his earth's ability to create fissures in the ground, making it difficult for the dalki to get close.
As the battle raged on, the humans began to gain the upper hand. They had managed to take out a few of the dalki but in the process, few casualties from the human side were impossible to avoid. It was due to a dalki evolving into a two-spike. Julius came just in time to put an end to further danger.
In the end, the human side emerged victorious. They had managed to defeat the dalki and take back the territory. The humans celebrated their victory, but they knew that the war was not over yet. The dalki were still out there, waiting for their next chance to strike. But for now, the humans could rest easy, knowing that they had won the battle.
There was only one person that was having a different feeling and that was Malia. During the fight, she was keeping an eye on Robert to see the change that happened to him. But then, she noticed Gwen, the way the latter was fighting was totally different from the past. Together, they had fought many times, and Malia was quite familiar with the way Gwen fought with her level 5 strength.
But it looked like she was holding her punch during the battle. On top of that, unlike every other traveler, both Gwen and Robert were not tired. Malia was starting to suspect that maybe Gwen has also gone through the turning process.