

Born with an unrivaled tribrid bloodlines inherited from her witch mother and human father, Evelyn stands at the crossroads of light and darkness. She holds the key to both the salvation and annihilation of Zitherland. However, her bloodline powers were sealed from birth by her mother. As a result, she grew up among humans without any knowledge of her dormant powers and abilities. A weak and mediocre human mage. But as Evelyn faced life-threatening encounters and uncovered secrets about her identity through the voice in her amulet, her dormant powers started to awaken. What's more, the balance of power in the realms of Zitherland was beginning to teeter as well. With demons lurking and darkness closing in, can she rise above her own shadows and internal demons to save her world? Will Evelyn's destiny shatter the realm or bring forth its ultimate redemption? Embark on an odyssey of power, passion, and sacrifice that will leave you breathless. ————— Even though, this novel has a female MC... You should try it out because it is unique and full-packrd with action... My esteemed readers and fans should join my discord server let's connect together. There will be spoilers of the novel climax here in that community https://discord.gg/SdzyYgTa

De_Prodigy · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

09: The Magic Prowess Test (2)

For a fleeting moment, Evelyn stood frozen, her gaze locked with the girl of the same age who exuded an air of grace and power. As Evelyn met each icy blue eye, a chill ran down her spine. It was evident from the girl's chilly demeanor that her elemental affinity was ice, and she possessed a high level of mastery over it.

"Is this your room?" "The girl asked, her voice as frigid as her gaze. Evelyn snapped back to reality, realizing that she had come to keep her amulet safe.

She stumbled over her words, and her voice trembled.

"Y-Yeah, it looks like you're my roommate. I came to leave something inside." Evelyn hurried into the room, trying to shield the amulet from the girl's prying eyes. She tucked it under her bed to keep it safe.

As she stepped out of the room, the girl lingered at the door, observing Evelyn intently. "I'm leaving immediately. The test has already started. I thought you would have headed to the Grand Hall," Evelyn explained. Her words were met with the sound of the door slamming shut behind her.

"I was waiting for you. I just arrived and didn't know my way to the testing area," the new girl responded. Her gaze was intense as if she was trying to gauge Evelyn's power.

"Okay," replied Evelyn simply, relieved that she wasn't in any trouble. "I hope you don't mind running to the Grand Hall because I wouldn't want to miss the test." With those words, she set off towards the test location, the icy girl following closely behind her.

Upon arriving at the designated area for aspiring students, they were fortunate to find that some groups were still waiting to be assigned to a teacher. They joined one of the groups led by a middle-aged man who would serve as their guide throughout the test. Together with approximately thirty other students, they made their way towards a pulsating circular formation array, crackling with energy.

The teacher began to explain the test to the students.

The Magical Prowess Test was divided into three phases: testing for magical potential, assessing mastery of elemental or variant abilities, and examining mana cores. These three phases will determine the students' ranks within the school's hierarchy.

The first test aimed to identify students with magical potential and separate them from those lacking any affinity for magic. Students had to step into the circular formation array, which only allowed passage for those with spiritual energy. Those who lack such energy will be disqualified from the subsequent tests.

The second test assessed the students' affinity and skill with their unique magical abilities. They were required to channel their spiritual energy into a large, transparent crystal orb that was the size of a room. As the students connected with the orb, colors radiated from its center. The larger the color extended from the center of the transparent orb, the higher their elemental or variant affinity. On the other hand, their elemental or variant magic is displayed for the onlookers to see. This test served as a crucial evaluation of the students' magical abilities and was instrumental in ranking them.

Finally, the last test aimed to distinguish human mages from witches and demons. All the students were assembled in a unique formation, a fusion of advanced technology and magical formations. Once inside, waves of energy would scan their mana cores, making them visible to the crowd. Witches can be easily identified because they lack cores. They are naturally blessed by the universe with the ability to control mana and other dimensional energies, which is why they do not have cores. Demons, on the other hand, possess a black crystal enveloped by a dark, lingering aura.

This final test enabled the academy to identify and expose witches and demons who had infiltrated as spies. However, there was an exception for high-level demon mages who could conceal their dark aura and manipulate their crystals to resemble human cores. These advanced techniques made it challenging for them to be detected by the specialized technological array.

After completing the tests, students will receive their student ID and a watch from the machines stationed in the testing hall. The ID contained their name, as well as their elemental or variant affinity, symbolizing their official status as academy students. The watch displayed their student ranking and the points they had accumulated throughout their time at the school, which served as a currency within the academy.

Evelyn was thrilled when the teacher assigned to their group finished explaining the test to them.

They could see other groups of thirty students taking their tests with their assigned teachers in various sections of the testing hall.

As she scanned her surroundings, she noticed that Elvis was also there with his roommate, Cedric in their group. She wasn't bothered about Elvis, whom she was sure would get himself a good rank since he had a strong affinity for lightning.

She also saw the boy whom she had met at the library in their group.

The teacher, Mr. Zim, led his group of students towards the formation array for the first test. They began to enter the formation array. All of them passed the test because they were all able to enter the array. Now the time for the main test has come.

She was only worried about the second test because it is the main determinant of whether she will live peacefully at the academy or become a target for others to prey upon.

But she had never wondered if she could pass the final test. If only she knew who she truly was...

The first student was called to be tested. He placed his hand on the transparent, huge crystal orb and channeled his spiritual energy into it. From the center of the orb, a green light began to expand. After a few seconds, the movement ceased, and water began to swirl around his other hand. He was certainly a water elemental user.

The testing continued, with many students exhibiting various elemental and variant magical abilities. Some examples include earth, lightning, ice, water, metal, fire, wind, and more. The extent of the green color emanating from the center of the orb varies from student to student. Those who have a high level of mastery over their magical abilities will exhibit a greater range of colors, while those with lower mastery will have a more limited range.

Next, the new girl whom Evelyn had met earlier was called onto the stage. She gracefully walked towards the orb, while exuding a chilling aura. She reached out her hand and touched the crystal orb. Instantly, the colors violently spread, covering the orb and almost reaching its circumference. As she stomped her foot on the ground, ice spread across the surrounding floor, reaching even the other students standing nearby. The sheer chill running down their spines caused them to shudder.

The crowd let out a huge gasp. She was truly a high-level user of ice elemental magic. Even Mr. Zim was truly amazed by her display of magical talent. Walking back, she stood beside Evelyn, grinning from ear to ear. It was evident that she was happy to have passed the test with relative ease. Evelyn glanced at her with a mixture of admiration and envy.

The next name called was Elvis, and he stepped forward to display his own magical abilities. Just like his peers, he displayed his amazing lightning ability, crackling and sizzling all around his body. Making him appear to have a body made of lightning. The crowds were astonished once again.

One of the special effects of the crystal orb is its ability to amplify one's magical abilities to a very high level, allowing teachers and attendees to witness their display of magical potential.

"Evelyn, it is your turn to show us your magical abilities. Please step forward," Mr. Zim announced.

—— — ——

In the Castle of Wiccaland:

Seated upon a majestic throne, a regal woman exuded an air of grandeur, her head adorned with a gleaming golden crown. Before her, a man knelt, bowing in deference.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!" The male witch addressed the Queen of Wiccaland. "I am reporting that our coven has successfully arranged for the infiltration of five witches into the five academies of Humaldor. They will be searching for Leviathan's daughter."

"Excellent," replied the queen with a touch of satisfaction. "Werney, for the past eight years, I have entrusted you with this crucial mission. You must capture her without delay. After scouring every corner of Wiccaland and Zithran, I have concluded that she can only be found within the human settlement. Infiltrating the academies, especially with the Inter-Academy Competition approaching soon, presents the best opportunity to apprehend her. We cannot afford to waste any more time, so that our lord may finally be released."

Engaged in further discussion, they deliberated on various matters. Subsequently, the male witch known as Werney departed from the throne chamber and set his course towards the Devil Coven's cave.

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