
My Undercover Lover

Cherry, a young billionaire heiress who has lived a life of privilege and comfort. Cherry has never had to work a day in her life, and she is surrounded by people who cater to her every need. From maids for almost everything including basic tasks like brushing the teeth and bathing. But underneath her perfect exterior, Cherry is feeling restless and unfulfilled. She wants more from life, but she doesn't know what it is or how to find it. After an unexpected faithful encounter with a man whom lacked all the things she has. Cherry had made up her mind to do the unexpected by approaching him with a fake identity. Will she find love? Or will she chase love away from her when the truth about her identity is revealed?

Grim_Thred · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

What do you take it for?

Fiona's point of view"

I was sitting in my chair with a cup of iced Americano in my hands while checking through the company's stock market.

"Where's she?" I muttered, looking at the time. I had been expecting Nadia since but she was running late and it was already past 9pm, was she still going to come? She wasn't picking up her calls either and I was beginning to get inpatient.

An empty box of pizza lay littered on my table, that was literally the only thing I had eaten since morning, I had no strength to order food in the afternoon so I decided to leave it till night time when I would order chicken wings and drinks.

Oh God, was this how I was going to live my life? On chicken wings?! I rarely ate junk food, I was always conscious of my weight and shape.

I had a quote ㅡ A lady was never to go above 50kg and I was currently at 46kg which was slender enough for me.

Mum nags me all the time to eat more and gain a little weight but of course not! I went to the gym every weekend to burn off non-existent fat. I was that conscious of my weight.

The doorbell rang and I sprang up and opened the door thinking it was Nadia. The smile on my face slowly dissolved into a frown as I saw that it was just the delivery boy.

"Miss Fiona?" He asked for confirmation.

I nodded, drawing my shirt over my bare shoulders properly because I could feel his eyes burning into my body.

"Thank you" I muttered, collecting the food from him and jamming the door in his face.

Ugh, pervert! I went back to my seat and sat cross legged, picking out the chicken and tearing into it while dipping it in sauce occasionally. I was still at it when the door bell rang again. Now what?!

I groaned, stood up and opened the door to see Nadia, a worn out but mischievous look on her face.

"You bitch! I thought you had hung me out to dry!" I accused pulling her inside and jamming the door.

She laughed, kicked off her shoes and looked round the house in amusement.

"Welcome to my humble abode" I said gleefully.

"It's cozy but…" She began to say. Oh no, Nadia was a housing agent so she always had stuff to say about the ideal house arrangements and that wasn't what I wanted to hear.

"No! Don't please! I don't want to hear about how my chair is supposed to be inclined in this angle or stuff like that…I like it like this" I said to her before she could get her words out.

She laughed Merrily, raised her hands in surrender and sat down on the couch.

"Oh, chicken!" She squealed, stretching out her hand to pick a piece of meat when I swiped her hand away.

"Hands off the merchandise, sweetie" I warned. I wasn't going to let her take my dinner away.

"Stingy much?" She asked with an amused grin.

I widened my eyes at her and sat down beside her.

"That's my dinner. I told you that I almost committed arson when I tried to cook in the morning so I've been ordering food" i said, relaxing on the sofa.

Nadia laughed again, remembering the incident.

"You really need cooking lessons. Why didn't you just go to your knight in shining armor and ask him to make some dinner for you?" She asked teasingly.

I rolled my eyes at her and blushed slightly.

"He's a total hottie," I said dreamily.

Nadia nodded and from the look on her face, I knew that she was about to start asking me questions about him.

"Red flag or green flag?" she asked

"Both but mostly red flag"

"Cute or hot?"

"A fine mix of both"

"Ripped or normal"

"Ripped as fuck"

"Do you like him…like romantically?" She suddenly asked.

I paused there.

"Well, no. I don't want to go about chasing the men in the neighborhood. He's nice for my imagination but I'm only here for a month, it's best to keep such things like dating off my mind" I said shrugging.

She let out a silent sigh and I knew she probably saw deep through me.

"So is Isabelle still visiting you and grooving here tomorrow?" Nadia asked, pulling out her phone from her bag.

"Eh… the little brat changed her mind after hearing what happened in the morning, she said she has so many things to do in this lifetime and she would rather not have her brains fried out or be buried six feet deep before she did all that" I said, rolling my eyes.

Nadia burst into delirious laughter, kicking up her legs in a flurry of Amusement.

"Oh my goodness. She's so real, you know I'm beginning to have second thoughts about being here. Are you going to burn me to death?" She asked, her eyes wide with sarcasm.

I hit her playfully.

"Alright! Alright! I get it! I'm a terrible cook! I'm not trying that shit again. I'll spend the rest of my days here eating out" I said with an eye roll.

She pouted and she hugged me tightly.

"It's not like that babe, you can literally do everything…except cook" She said before bursting into laughter again.

I stood up, a frustrated look in my eyes. Just how long were they going to tease me for this?

"Alright, get up drama queen. It's time for you to leave. I'm pissed off at you" I said, pulling her up.

She groaned.

"Why???? I want to stay a bit longer" she whined.

I looked at her with a deadly expression.

"If you don't get your ass of my couch and out of my house in 10 mins, I will go to my kitchen, cook something and I can assure you that neither of us will survive it" I said in a threat.

It got to her, she stood up in a hurry and grabbed her bag.

"I'm leaving, sheesh" she said, adjusting her permed straight hair.

I shook my head and escorted her outside.

"Ohh, it's chilly," I said, wrapping my shirt around me tighter. I was wearing a see through shirt over my singlet and a pair of shorts and fluffy footwear. This was my idea of comfort.

"It's winter, doofus. What do you expect?" Nadia retorted as we stepped unto my porch.

We were strolling away from the house when I noticed that Sam's door creaked open and he walked out with someone.

I quickly nudged Nadia and discreetly pointed to him. He seemed to notice us too because he paused before coming closer to us and that's when I saw the person beside him.

It was a lady. Why was she in his house? Who was she? His girlfriend?

It didn't seem unlikely because someone that hot must probably be the object of every girl's attention.

Either way, it felt awkward.

"Well, if it isn't our little chef" He said with a smirk, his hands in his pockets as he and the lady came to stand before us.

I laughed and my eyes darted to the lady beside him and I couldn't help but note how beautiful she was.

Bummer! At least I was still prettier than her. That was all my selfish mind could think of.

"Nice to meet you" she said with an infectious smile. I smiled back at her and Nadia also gave her a warm smile.

Sam scratched his neck.

"Umm, Jane, this is Fiona…she's the new neighbor and Fiona, this is Jane…my friend" He said smiling down at Jane who hit his shoulder playfully, a smile on her lips.


She liked him, I knew that and he was beyond comfortable with her, he probably liked her too.

I cleared my throat and pointed to Nadia whose eyes were trained on Sam, probably realizing that I had a good eye when it came to men.

"This is my best friend, Nadia," I Introduced.

We all exchanged pleasantries and I licked my dry lips after a while.

"So you came for a visit?" I asked Jane who tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Well, yes. We're literally like soulmates, we cannot stay a whole day without each other, I was going to stay the night but this party popper here refused" She said laughing at what I didn't find funny.

But not to look weird, I let out a slightly loud awkward laugh that mirrored what I felt deep down

"I'll leave you both now. Good night" I said, hurrying away with Nadia before my stupid mouth would say something I would regret.

"What do you think about that? Still going after him?" Nadia whispered as we walked away.

"What do you take me for?" I whispered back bitterly.

I wasn't that type of girl, I always respected my boundaries and I would do the same with this one too. I wouldn't go after Sam, he was off limits.