
My Twin and I (WAR OF THE TWINS)

Angelic, social, lovely, adorable, sweet, young twins who make the third leg of every young man rise like a dragon head. They make the young maidens of their age gasp for air and jelousy, you can't possibly ask for more when you have this outstanding twins.Talk of beauty, talk of intelligence and all, but one flaw. Abel is a kindhearted young woman, full of love and ambition, but slightly stupid {Lol}. She went through a lot of life threatening issues both in love and agony. Abel became a Viper just within a night, because of the death sentence she received from her twin. She went through a lot of heart breaks from the one she love due to her twin. Ana has already been a devil right from time, she found out that her twin is the only obstacle for her star to shine to the world without any support or without anybody sharing part of her happiness, Abel is her obstacle, Abel is the only blockade... without Abel no one can stop her. Micheal is the sole Heir to the Luis international group of companies. He is a devil in disguise, the only man that can kill all the living things in the world in other to have the woman he desires, the only man that gets bloody to revenge the woman of his life... he went through so many temptations in the hands of Abel twin sister. Chan is the biological junior brother of Micheal, he could do anything to have his missing rib even if it meant eliminating his elder brother. He worked hand in hand with Ana most times just to have Abel for himself. Michelle is a Russian lady Abel's true confidante. Ben: Ana's driver. Mother Theresa Micheal and Chan's biological mother. Ronald: Ana's secret lover.

Misstosin · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
36 Chs

My loyalty remains the same {Chapter 20}.

Ana saw the press release on her meeting with Dave, but their words were muted, ®Why would he do this? did he purposely provoked me for me to react in a negative way for others to look down on me or see me as an incompetent CEO??? arrrgggghh Charles and Dave your acquaintance is so great® Ana pressed the secretary bell...she came in few minutes... Jenny was wondering what her boss was up to now.

"I would like to visit Mr Charles Luis at his office now make it a secret.."

"Yes ma'am".

"Get me some berries as a gift for him". Jenny raised her brows

"Berries... Ah, Okay ma'am"..she left and came back within half an hour, Ana thanked her and left the office building with her Range, it took her 1hr 45min to get to Luis group of companies... she parked at the available car space and showed her ID to the security before going in.

"Your ID please"


"Do you have an appointment with the boss?"

"No I don't, I only came for a brief talk"

"We aren't allowed to take you to Mr Charles only if you have an arranged meeting with him."

"Oh No"

"Okay Ma'am, remember if you cause a commotion you would be bundled out of our building and it could tarnish your image, 7th floor please"

"Yes I know." She went on in and took the lift to the seventh floor, on getting there the secretary stopped her from going in.

"Miss my boss isn't around"

"When will he get back?"

"I am not so sure because he went to a far distance and he would spend at least half a day before getting here"

"You sure or you avoiding me?"

"No madam...."Ana tried going through but the secretary blocked her path.

"I can't let you in without my boss permission, he is out on a business meeting."

"Okay, tell him I dropped by Oh!! this is for him a tip of my gratitude."

"Yes Ma'am"...

...Ana left for her office, on getting there she met a shocker. She wasn't allowed to enter her own company... Jenny was already feeling worried while standing, she wasn't allowed to call her boss beforehand.

"Are you Miss Ana David?".

"Yes I am"

"Miss Ana David you are under arrest for the public assault of Mr Dave Ronald".

"What? I only met with him for a business transaction officer."

"Madam please be silent and follow us on a good terms only if you want a handcuff"

"Pardon??? then how about me calling my lawyer???"

"No please, you have been banned from making or receiving any call from this moment onward."

"Jenny call my company lawyer ASAP!!!" Jenny could only nod her head...now her pictures is being taken by the reporters and interviews has been demanded from the journalist but they where all turned down by Bernard.

Ana was taken to the new street police station, but because of her personality she was only put behind bar... awaiting her lawyer.

Micheal got the news of Ana's arrest and called Dave.


"Yes bestie"

"Is this your way of sorting out things? "

"Yeah, you have got problems with that?"

"Dave ain't know you to be a vicious someone, you can't press charges on a trivial matter."

Micheal did you call me to defend her or called to tell me to drop the charges against her? don't worry my loyalty remains the same."

"Why are you so mad at her? What has she done to you to deserve that treatment from you? you guys only went on a meeting since it didn't workout you guys go on your separate way..."

"Best I was assaulted you ain't talking of those....besides I am helping you out too, she is about to outreach your company, you need this chance."

"Dave!!! please withdraw the charges against her we never agreed on that man..."

"Micheal, it not like there were false charges, she deserves rotting in there but for our old time sake I would make her spend just one night behind the bar, hahahaha Dave laugh sarcastically."

"Okay, just one night nothing more."

"Trust me pal, you know Dave never goes back on his word."

"Yeah, later, Thanks".

"It's nothing bro."

Micheal hanged up and looked at Angel but she looked the other way... "Why does Dave behave so indifferent towards Ana, you should know better, he does hide things from his lover, it's looks like he has gotten some hidden grudges against Ana David."

"Do you love poke nosing into two lovers issue?"

"Miss Angel don't get me wrong I am only concerned about my friend's safety, the person he is dealing with isn't an easy opponent."

"Boyfriend thinks before he acts he must have had his reason before doing this"...Micheal got a call he was needed in the office.

"I will take my leave now."

"Okay Thanks for coming Over."

"It's nothing"...Micheal left for the office.

"Waow the witch has been put her in her place...hahahaha, grandfather Ana David was arrested this afternoon for public assault on David Ronald."

"My grandson is really happy, you shouldn't be happy on other people's downfall."

"She can't be easily brought down grandfather, she is smarter than you can imagine, but I guess Dave Ronald was No match for her this time around...hahahaha"

"When are my two grandsons getting me a daughter in-law each??"...

Chan cleared his throat.... "uhmm grandfather do not worry we are bringing them over to you soon."

"What??? Grandpa Luis coughed hard... "you aren't planning on spending your whole life as a bachelor and working in my company without me having my grand children around, you mopets should better get your head straight!!!."

"Ahhhh Yes grandfather".... Chan dashed out of the room immediately.


"I am the private lawyer of Miss Ana David"

"Yes how may we help you?"

"I am here for her bail"

"Did you not get the report No bail charge accepted today? It's written on the notice board Over there". The police man pointed his finger Over to the left... Ana heard that and stood up immediately..

"What??I can't possibly sleep overnight here"

"Your bail charges can't be accepted until tomorrow."

"Who gave those rules?"

"It's I"... a familiar male voice could be heard from a close distance...Ana almost fainted.

{A/N: I am scared, Chapter 21}.