
My Twin and I (WAR OF THE TWINS)

Angelic, social, lovely, adorable, sweet, young twins who make the third leg of every young man rise like a dragon head. They make the young maidens of their age gasp for air and jelousy, you can't possibly ask for more when you have this outstanding twins.Talk of beauty, talk of intelligence and all, but one flaw. Abel is a kindhearted young woman, full of love and ambition, but slightly stupid {Lol}. She went through a lot of life threatening issues both in love and agony. Abel became a Viper just within a night, because of the death sentence she received from her twin. She went through a lot of heart breaks from the one she love due to her twin. Ana has already been a devil right from time, she found out that her twin is the only obstacle for her star to shine to the world without any support or without anybody sharing part of her happiness, Abel is her obstacle, Abel is the only blockade... without Abel no one can stop her. Micheal is the sole Heir to the Luis international group of companies. He is a devil in disguise, the only man that can kill all the living things in the world in other to have the woman he desires, the only man that gets bloody to revenge the woman of his life... he went through so many temptations in the hands of Abel twin sister. Chan is the biological junior brother of Micheal, he could do anything to have his missing rib even if it meant eliminating his elder brother. He worked hand in hand with Ana most times just to have Abel for himself. Michelle is a Russian lady Abel's true confidante. Ben: Ana's driver. Mother Theresa Micheal and Chan's biological mother. Ronald: Ana's secret lover.

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Who Is Home? {Chapter 19}.

"Aaaaarrrrrggghhh, Dave you motherfucker" Ana cried, Bernard saw all the incidents but never interfered...

{A/N: Why didn't he?}.

"Sssshhh, I am here, forget it, let's get you home first Hun..." Bernard walked her down to the car getting Dave's jacket along with them.

Ana slept off in the car, Bernard had to lift her upstairs to her room and placed her on her bed, he left after throwing the jacket in the washing machine.


"Hey man that was too much on her"

"Really? Are you in love with her?

"No, but she is my friend still"

"After betraying her?"


"Because you know she isn't worth the post she has today isn't that why you are back stabbing her?".

"Yeah man but you were too harsh, you still have grudges on her but I am pretty sure the person you are doing all this for is still alive Hale and hearty".

"Bernard we both know she died a long time ago, how is she alive? how is Ana?".

"Okay, she is asleep....please be lenient next time".

"It's Okay man".

"Thanks, hope you got home safely".

"You I did, bye". Dave ended the call.


"Micheal called Dave",

"How was it?"

"Excellent, you will get the clip soon...haha

"Really? looking forward to that soon".

"Okay man, bye best"



Dave got home late at night, Angel wasn't home, he called her number severally but she did not pick up,

"Where is Angel?"

"She left the house saying she would be back briefly sir, I never dared asking her where she was going sir, you told me not to query her moves".

"Fuck", Dave rushed downstairs he checked the garden and saw her swinging and smiled out of relieve.


"Baby I am home" Angel stopped swinging and ran to kiss him....Angel looked bright and stunning like an Angel indeed. Dave smiled at how lucky he was to have her by his side always,

"Boyfriend, where is your jacket? Why are you on a different wear?

"Oh, boyfriend spilled the drink he bought on his way, so he had to change it."

"Boyfriend is forgiven, I miss you".

"I miss you more love".

"How did you know I was here?" Dave smiled,

"This is not our first time of living together love, my Angel only comes to the garden or goes to the pool anytime she misses me",

"Hmmm, boyfriend knows so much".

"Angel I will be going to work tomorrow but I will only come back the next day you cool?" Angel felt sad.

"Okay, I will miss you, come home early love."

"Me too, let's go to bed love" He escorted Angel back in they had berries for dinner and went to sleep.


Dave woke up without disrupting Angels sleep and prepared for work and left a note on the side table for Angel.

Micheal woke up to call Dave his number wasn't reachable he tried severally... all to no response... he chosed to call Angel instead.


Ana woke up prepared for work and left without saying any word to her cooks.


Angel woke up and saw the brightening little tube beside her, she opened it and saw a letter, she read the content with a smile.

"My shining star, my heart beat, you are the reason why my existence in this world is noticeable, without you I am nothing, I never intended to fall in love once more in my life but God broke my words and gave me an Angel to watch over me every now and then, It's a pity I couldn't get a good morning kiss from girlfriend to make my day at work brighter but thanks to you sleeping beside you have given me your blessings with that, sleep early at night and eat enough meal till tomorrow while awaiting my arrival, Xavier will assist you if you need an extra hand, stay healthy for boyfriend and our future little pumpkin. I love you".


Angel got off from bed to go meet Xavier in the kitchen when got a call from Micheal.

"Hi miss Angel "


"I called Dave's cell severally but not reachable, please kindly send me your home address as a message to me after the call"

"Okay I will sire"

"Thanks, I will come over soon".


"Hmmm, hello your friend isn't home tod...hello???" the call had already gone off, Angel sighted, ®well he could keep me company though boyfriend's friend is also my friend®. Angel texted their home address to Micheal..

Micheal got the text and drove off the Dave's house.. ®Am I being followed?, Fuck!!® ®change the direction I am being trailed, now!!.. he changed his route... ®My God who are this fucks that keeps on trailing me??? Tired man..' He called Rey, his cell was switched off... shit!! he blowed the starring.

Micheal got to Dave's house successful without any qualms after changing his route.

He parked in the yard and went on to the building, he pressed the bell but no one answered, he found out the door wasn't locked, he went on into the magnificent secret home of Dave and Angel.

"Hello, who is home??" ®What seems like No one is home®... Micheal saw a photo album on the floor... he picked it up and sat down to go through it. First page was that of Abel at the grand opening of Micheal Luis... Next was Abel at the conference hall...he was about opening the fourth when Angel came in... Micheal was so shocked to see the look alike in Angel, Abel and Ana, according to the legal report Abel has be long dead for five years, her body and autopsy read it all...but who is this look alike of Ana he is seeing right in front of him??? Angel??? Abel??? he was stunned to see the lovely smile Angel bloomed to him that looks so familiar to him, his head started hurting him now, he was thinking hard as if his nightmares were coming back.... he stood up in a hurry and held Angel on her two shoulders the album fell of his hand

"Who are you? Angel was scared, Micheal looked scary.... she tried pulling him off her,

"Hey let go off me... I am Angel Milton...Ah you hurting me" Micheal released her and took the Album from the floor to should her...

"Here who is this?

"It is not me.

"You yes, How can that be??? she is the dead twin sister of Ana David... She is Abel David, it's not you, you just look like them..." Angel was feeling uncomfortable now..

"Hey look, Micheal turned on the TV... see???" The incident that encountered between Ana and Dave was being showed on the Tv, it showed how disrespectful Ana was towards Dave.

"Waow..bitch how dare you do that to my man???.she is Ana David, boyfriend told me about, he told me she killed her twin in other to succeed their father's company, Hmmm we look alike too though, ain't wanna look like a killer".

"Do you know who that twin is..she is Abel David in the picture".

"Boyfriend lied to me."


"The bitch spilled his jacket and then he lied he spilled it by himself". Micheal is in no good mood for Angels stupidity."

"Dave told me you got into an accident 5 years ago he said your families left you he was the only one who stood by you till today, is there anything to it?"

"Why are you suddenly interested in mine and Dave's personal life? Micheal held her two hand.."

"Is there anything you are hiding from me? who are you? Angel pulled her hand out."

"I don't know what you talking about, I and Dave are living our life peacefully, we don't need intruders."

"You aren't Abel are you? No you Angel right?

"I am not Abel, the Abel you talking about is dead, I am Angel Milton".


"Okay"..Angel looked at the TV and saw the woman named Ana David, now that I think about it they both looked familia. ®They look familiar, who are they???®