
My twilight journey

A man from our world wakes up in the body of a vampire in the Twilight World. Follow as he shapes the world around him, find a place to fit in and find love.

Normal_Dude · ภาพยนตร์
8 Chs

Chapter 2 - Gift

Two weeks had passed since my fateful encounter with Jasper, and our bond had grown stronger. I considered him a true friend in this solitary existence we shared.

Observing two unsuspecting figures, a larger man accompanied by a smaller companion, I turned to Jasper and inquired, "What about those two?"

"They will do," he replied with nonchalance, his eyes fixed on our potential prey.

Preparing myself to succumb to the primal instincts that governed us, I noticed Jasper raise his hand, signaling for me to hold back. His gaze filled with concentration, he approached the men.

"Hey there, fellas!" he greeted them with a friendly smile. "Would you mind hosting us for the night? We're only in the city for today."

I couldn't help but feel skeptical, knowing that not everyone would readily invite strangers into their homes. However, to my surprise, both men welcomed us with open arms, engaging in lighthearted banter as if they were long-lost friends reunited.

"A gift?" I inquired, a knowing glint in my eyes.

"Yes, I can sense and manipulate emotions." Jasper responded curtly.

"That's a pretty neat ability," I complimented him, impressed by his successful dampening of our victims' nerves. With their guard lowered, they willingly led us to their homes, oblivious to the fate that awaited them. Our insatiable thirst demanded another human-sized pint of blood after two weeks, our throats burning with the familiar itch of desperation that only the crimson elixir could quench.

As soon as we entered the house, our instincts took control. I swiftly seized the larger man, effortlessly restraining his 300-pound frame against the nearest wall. In an instant, my lips found his exposed jugular vein, eagerly savoring the tantalizing flow of red liquid.

Jasper mirrored my actions, sinking his teeth into the neck of the slenderer man. As we neared the end of our meals, two females emerged from the depths of the house, drawn by the sound of the opening and closing door. The elder woman, likely the wife, and a younger girl, her daughter, judging by their resemblance.

Without a trace of remorse or hesitation, Jasper and I darted through the room. With a swift sweep of my foot, I sent the younger woman tumbling to the ground before sinking my teeth into her delicate neck. The venom coursed through her veins, numbing her pain and inducing a euphoria that shielded her from the imminent doom she faced.

After ensuring our prey was lifeless and disposing of any evidence, I turned to Jasper with a question burning in my mind. "So, how do you know if you have a gift or not?" I inquired.

Jasper took a moment to contemplate my query, his gaze fixed on some distant point. "You simply will it, like a sixth sense," he replied.

"Mhm..." I murmured, intrigued by the idea. "Let me give it a try," I proposed, closing my eyes and delving into the depths of my being, seeking the presence of any dormant abilities.

Suddenly, a powerful surge of remorse and self-depreciation washed over me, engulfing my senses like a freight train. Confused by its sudden intensity, I opened my eyes and looked at Jasper. "Remorse? Self-depreciation?" I questioned, seeking confirmation.

Jasper's crimson eyes widened, his expression transitioning from its neutral self to astonishment. "What about now?" he asked, his voice slightly shaken.

"Astonishment? Confusion?" I responded, still grappling with the revelation of possessing a similar gift. "Amazing! You have the same gift as me," Jasper remarked, a mix of awe and uncertainty evident in his tone. "What?!" I exclaimed, my confusion growing. "Is that even possible?"

"I have never heard of something like this, but it might be possible," Jasper admitted, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"Let's clean up for now. We'll look into this later," Jasper suggested, attempting to shift our focus. However, I found it challenging to process his words as I was bombarded by a cacophony of emotions, each distinct and overwhelming in its own way. Anger, lust, sadness, happiness—a myriad of feelings assaulted my senses, leaving me momentarily paralyzed.

"How do you deal with it?" I finally managed to ask, my voice laced with a mixture of awe and desperation. "All these emotions at once."

"At first, isolation," Jasper replied, his voice filled with understanding. "After a while, you learn to see them as background noise."

Lost in this trance-like state for a while, I suddenly noticed the flood of emotions receding. The apparent sixth sense that had manifested within me disappeared as quickly as it had come. "I can't feel it anymore," I remarked, surprised by the sudden absence. "I don't know how, but I can sense that it's gone."

Jasper, in the midst of arranging the corpses to mimic a gas leak, froze in his tracks and regarded me with an arched eyebrow. "What do you mean gone?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"It's just not there anymore. I can feel it's gone," I explained, a tinge of confusion marring my features. "Does it happen to you as well?" I asked, seeking reassurance in Jasper's reaction.

"No..." Jasper responded, astonishment evident in his voice, his own gift remaining intact.

As weeks turned into months and months transformed into years, my gift of emotion sensing remained unpredictable. It would occasionally manifest itself, only to disappear at other times. Jasper, always there to support me, tried to assist in honing and controlling this ability. However, I found it to be a challenging task. Nevertheless, our shared burden forged a deep bond between Jasper and me, and we became a sort of makeshift coven.

During our nomadic lifestyle, we encountered other vampires along the way. Some sought confrontation and conflict, while others simply exchanged greetings before continuing on their paths. It was an unpredictable world we navigated.

Throughout our journey, Jasper introduced me to the closest semblance of family he had—Peter and Charlotte. They were a mated pair of vampires, Jasper had spared Peter's life during his time serving under Maria's army. Since then, they had become like brothers to one another, forming a unique and unbreakable bond.

Just like the present moment, we found ourselves gathered around a campfire, the warm glow illuminating our faces. Jasper, Peter, Charlotte, and I were playfully goofing around, sharing stories and laughter. In the midst of our camaraderie, Charlotte's curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't help but ask, "So, have you made any progress with your gift?" Her question hung in the air, capturing everyone's attention.

"No luck so far," I responded, my voice tinged with a tinge of frustration. "And what about you guys? Have you come across any leads or information about gifts like mine?"

Charlotte shook her head, her expression filled with genuine curiosity. "We've asked a few nomads during our travels, even consulted ancient texts, but nothing resembling your intermittent gift has been found. It's truly an enigma."

I let out a heavy sigh, feeling a mix of gratitude for having a gift and frustration at its unreliability. As I pondered my situation, my thoughts were abruptly interrupted when Peter swung a large tree at me playfully, causing me to be launched and perform an agile mid-air maneuver, landing gracefully on my feet.

"Peter, you're really asking for it this time," I muttered, feigning annoyance as I brushed debris from my hair. Just as I finished speaking, Charlotte propelled a large rock in my direction, which I skillfully evaded.

"Charlotte, you too?" I said, amusement lacing my voice. "Well, I guess I'll have to kick your asses then!" I exclaimed playfully, charging after the couple as they ran through the forest, laughter filling the air.