
Chapter 791: The journey.

Chapter 791: The journey.


Hassan was looking at a group of women in front of him with an indifferent expression.

After a long and endless period of thorough investigation by two frightening women [Agnes and Natashia], he was finally allowed to approach the group to teach his students.

But not in his wildest dreams did he expect this sight in front of him.

"So, who is he?" Pepper asked curiously.

"Our new teacher that our Husband arranged," Lacus replied boredly.

"Ugh, do we really have to train?" Siena complained.

"Don't be lazy, or do you want to fall behind and grow weaker? You know what will happen if Darling or my mother deems you weak," Ruby spoke.

Siena shuddered. "...Fine, I'll train," she mumbled.

"Hmm... Why am I here again?" Victoria raised her hand.

"For what else, My Little Sister? It's for you to train, of course," Natashia nodded.