
Chapter 237: The world moves.

Current location, somewhere outside of Nightingale, in an unknown location.

Step, Step.

Hearing footsteps approaching, a man turned and looked at the man who had just arrived:

"You did well to back off, Niklaus. You lost your Count title, and that will be something hard to get back, but that's the least of our current problems right now." The man walked over to Niklaus and looked to where he was looking before.

"The project is a failure, huh?" For a few seconds, the man's expression became annoyed, but it quickly disappeared,

"It seems that ever since we found that man, fate has been a bitch to us."

"...Theo, we have a problem." Despite appearing neutral, Niklaus didn't seem to be in the mood for conversation. In fact, his mood was at its worst.

"..." Theo was silent and didn't answer anything. He just stared at the image in front of him with a serious look that was bored and, at the same time, calculating.